14 letter word starting with n

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
naphthoquinone noun A yellow crystalline substance, C10H6O2, analogous to quinone, obtained by oxidizing naphthalene with chromic acid.
napier’s bones Alt. of Napier’s rods
nasopharyngeal adjective Of or pertaining to both throat and nose; as, a nasopharyngeal polypus.
naturalization noun The act or process of naturalizing, esp. of investing an alien with the rights and privileges of a native or citizen; also, the state of being naturalized.
necessarianism noun The doctrine of philosophical necessity; necessitarianism.
necessitattion noun The act of making necessary, or the state of being made necessary; compulsion.
needle-pointed adjective Pointed as needles.
neighborliness noun The quality or state of being neighborly.
nemthelminthes noun pl. Alt. of Nematelminthes
nematelminthes noun pl. An ordr of helminths, including the Nematoidea and Gordiacea; the roundworms.
neoplatonician noun A neoplatonist.
nephelodometer noun An instrument for reckoning the distances or velocities of clouds.
neptunicentric adjective As seen from Neptune, or having Neptune as a center; as, Neptunicentric longitude or force.
neurapophysial adjective Of or pertaining to a neurapophysis.
neutralization noun The act or process of neutralizing, or the state of being neutralized., The act or process by which an acid and a base are combined in such proportions that the resulting compound is neutral. See Neutral, a., 4.
newfangledness noun Affectation of, or fondness for, novelty; vain or affected fashion or form.
new year’s day the first day of a calendar year; the first day of January. Often colloquially abbreviated to New year’s or new year.
niagara period A subdivision or the American Upper Silurian system, embracing the Medina, Clinton, and Niagara epoch. The rocks of the Niagara epoch, mostly limestones, are extensively distributed, and at Niagara Falls consist of about eighty feet of shale supporting a greater thickness of limestone, which is gradually undermined by the removal of the shale. See Chart of Geology.
nicaragua wood Brazil wood.
night-blooming adjective Blooming in the night.
nitrocellulose noun See Gun cotton, under Gun.
nitromagnesite noun Nitrate of magnesium, a saline efflorescence closely resembling nitrate of calcium.
niteosaccharin noun An explosive nitro derivative of certain sugars, analogous to nitroglycerin, gun cotton, etc.
nitrosalicylic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, a nitro derivative of salicylic acid, called also anilic acid.
noctambulation noun Somnambulism; walking in sleep.
nolle prosequi Will not prosecute; — an entry on the record, denoting that a plaintiff discontinues his suit, or the attorney for the public a prosecution; either wholly, or as to some count, or as to some of several defendants.
nonappointment noun Neglect of making appointment; failure to receive an appointment.
noncoincidence noun Lack of coincidence.
nonconcurrence noun Refusal to concur.
noncondensible adjective Not condensible; incapable of being liquefied; — said of gases.
nondevelopment noun Failure or lack of development.
non est factum The plea of the general issue in an action of debt on bond.
nonexportation noun A failure of exportation; a not exporting of commodities.
nonfulfillment noun Neglect or failure to fulfill.
nonimportation noun Want or failure of importation; a not importing of commodities.
nonperformance noun Neglect or failure to perform.
nonphotobiotic adjective Capable of living without light; as, nonphotobiotic plant cells, or cells which habitually live in darkness.
nonpreparation noun Neglect or failure to prepare; want of preparation.
nonproficiency noun Want of proficiency; failure to make progress.
nonresemblance noun Want of resemblance; unlikeness; dissimilarity.
notobranchiata noun pl. A division of nudibranchiate mollusks having gills upon the back., The Dorsibranchiata.
notobranchiate adjective Of or pertaining to the Notobranchiata.
nucamentaceous adjective Like a nut either in structure or in being indehiscent; bearing one-seeded nutlike fruits.
nucumentaceous adjective See Nucamentaceous.
nudibranchiata noun pl. A division of opisthobranchiate mollusks, having no shell except while very young. The gills are naked and situated upon the back or sides. See Ceratobranchia.
nudibranchiate adjective & noun Same as Nudibranch.