14 letter word starting with s

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sabbatarianism noun The tenets of Sabbatarians.
sacchariferous adjective Producing sugar; as, sacchariferous canes.
sacramentalism noun The doctrine and use of sacraments; attachment of excessive importance to sacraments.
sacramentalist noun One who holds the doctrine of the real objective presence of Christ’s body and blood in the holy eucharist.
sacramentarian noun A name given in the sixteenth century to those German reformers who rejected both the Roman and the Lutheran doctrine of the holy eucharist., One who holds extreme opinions regarding the efficacy of sacraments., Of or pertaining a sacrament, or to the sacramentals; sacramental., Of or pertaining to the Sacramentarians.
sacrovertebral adjective Of or pertaining to the sacrum and that part of the vertebral column immediately anterior to it; as, the sacrovertebral angle.
saint-simonian noun A follower of the Count de St. Simon, who died in 1825, and who maintained that the principle of property held in common, and the just division of the fruits of common labor among the members of society, are the true remedy for the social evils which exist.
salamandroidea noun pl. A division of Amphibia including the Salamanders and allied groups; the Urodela.
salutiferously adverb Salutarily.
sanctification noun The act of sanctifying or making holy; the state of being sanctified or made holy;, the act of God’s grace by which the affections of men are purified, or alienated from sin and the world, and exalted to a supreme love to God; also, the state of being thus purified or sanctified., The act of consecrating, or of setting apart for a sacred purpose; consecration.
sandemanianism noun The faith or system of the Sandemanians.
sanguification noun The production of blood; the conversion of the products of digestion into blood; hematosis.
sanguinariness noun The quality or state of being sanguinary.
sanguinivorous adjective Subsisting on blood.
sans-culottism noun Extreme republican principles; the principles or practice of the sans-culottes.
saponification noun The act, process, or result, of soap making; conversion into soap; specifically (Chem.), the decomposition of fats and other ethereal salts by alkalies; as, the saponification of ethyl acetate.
saturnicentric adjective Appearing as if seen from the center of the planet Saturn; relating or referred to Saturn as a center.
saurobatrachia noun pl. The Urodela.
sauroidichnite noun The fossil track of a saurian.
saxifragaceous adjective Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Saxifragaceae) of which saxifrage is the type. The order includes also the alum root, the hydrangeas, the mock orange, currants and gooseberries, and many other plants.
scabbard plane See Scaleboard plane, under Scaleboard.
scandalousness noun Quality of being scandalous.
scaphocephalic adjective Of, pertaining to, or affected with, scaphocephaly.
scaphognathite noun A thin leafike appendage (the exopodite) of the second maxilla of decapod crustaceans. It serves as a pumping organ to draw the water through the gill cavity.
scenographical adjective Of or pertaining to scenography; drawn in perspective.
schilerization noun The act or process of producing schiller in a mineral mass.
schizognathism noun The condition of having a schizognathous palate.
schizognathous adjective Having the maxillo-palatine bones separate from each other and from the vomer, which is pointed in front, as in the gulls, snipes, grouse, and many other birds.
schizonemertea noun pl. A group of nemerteans comprising those having a deep slit along each side of the head. See Illust. in Appendix.
schoharie grit The formation belonging to the middle of the three subdivisions of the Corniferous period in the American Devonian system; — so called from Schoharie, in New York, where it occurs. See the Chart of Geology.
scholastically adverb In a scholastic manner.
schoolmistress noun A woman who governs and teaches a school; a female school-teacher.
school-teacher noun One who teaches or instructs a school.
schweitzerkase noun Gruyere cheese.
schwenkfeldian noun A member of a religious sect founded by Kaspar von Schwenkfeld, a Silesian reformer who disagreed with Luther, especially on the deification of the body of Christ.
scientifically adverb In a scientific manner; according to the rules or principles of science.
scleroskeleton noun That part of the skeleton which is developed in tendons, ligaments, and aponeuroses.
scripturalness noun Quality of being scriptural.
scroddled ware Mottled pottery made from scraps of differently colored clays.
scutibranchian noun One of the Scutibranchiata.
scyphobranchii noun pl. An order of fishes including the blennioid and gobioid fishes, and other related families.
sea pincushion A sea purse., A pentagonal starfish.
searchableness noun Quality of being searchable.
sea wood louse A sea slater.
second-sighted adjective Having the power of second-sight.
secrete-metory adjective Causing secretion; — said of nerves which go to glands and influence secretion.
secularization noun The act of rendering secular, or the state of being rendered secular; conversion from regular or monastic to secular; conversion from religious to lay or secular possession and uses; as, the secularization of church property.
selenographist noun A selenographer.
self-abasement noun Degradation of one’s self by one’s own act., Humiliation or abasement proceeding from consciousness of inferiority, guilt, or shame.
self-adjusting adjective Capable of assuming a desired position or condition with relation to other parts, under varying circumstances, without requiring to be adjusted by hand; — said of a piece in machinery.
self-approving adjective Approving one’s own action or character by one’s own judgment.
self-asserting adjective asserting one’s self, or one’s own rights or claims; hence, putting one’s self forward in a confident or assuming manner.
self-assertion noun The act of asserting one’s self, or one’s own rights or claims; the quality of being self-asserting.
self-assertive adjective Disposed to self-assertion; self-asserting.
self-centering adjective Alt. of Self-centring
self-communion noun Communion with one’s self; thoughts about one’s self.
self-conceited adjective Having an overweening opinion of one’s own powers, attainments; vain; conceited.
self-confident adjective Confident of one’s own strength or powers; relying on one’s judgment or ability; self-reliant.
self-conjugate adjective Having the two things that are conjugate parts of the same figure; as, self-conjugate triangles.
self-conscious adjective Conscious of one’s acts or state as belonging to, or originating in, one’s self., Conscious of one’s self as an object of the observation of others; as, the speaker was too self-conscious.
self-consuming adjective Consuming one’s self or itself.
self-contained adjective Having self-control; reserved; uncommunicative; wholly engrossed in one’s self., Having all the essential working parts connected by a bedplate or framework, or contained in a case, etc., so that mutual relations of the parts do not depend upon fastening outside of the machine itself.
self-convicted adjective Convicted by one’s own consciousness, knowledge, avowal, or acts.
self-deception noun Self-deceit.
self-defensive adjective Defending, or tending to defend, one’s own person, property, or reputation.
self-dependent adjective Dependent on one’s self; self-depending; self-reliant.
self-depending adjective Depending on one’s self.
self-destroyer noun One who destroys himself; a suicide.
self-devouring adjective Devouring one’s self or itself.
self-diffusive adjective Having power to diffuse itself; diffusing itself.
self-enjoyment noun Enjoyment of one’s self; self-satisfaction.
self-evolution noun Evolution of one’s self; development by inherent quality or power.
self-examinant noun One who examines himself; one given to self-examination.
self-existence noun Inherent existence; existence possessed by virtue of a being’s own nature, and independent of any other being or cause; — an attribute peculiar to God.
self-ignorance noun Ignorance of one’s own character, powers, and limitations.
self-imparting adjective Imparting by one’s own, or by its own, powers and will.
self-important adjective Having or manifesting an exaggerated idea of one’s own importance or merit.
self-imposture noun Imposture practiced on one’s self; self-deceit.
self-indulgent adjective Indulging one’s appetites, desires, etc., freely.
self-justifier noun One who excuses or justifies himself.
self-knowledge noun Knowledge of one’s self, or of one’s own character, powers, limitations, etc.
self-opinioned adjective Having a high opinion of one’s self; opinionated; conceited.
self-perplexed adjective Perplexed by doubts originating in one’s own mind.
self-possessed adjective Composed or tranquill in mind, manner, etc.; undisturbed.
self-regulated adjective Regulated by one’s self or by itself.
self-repelling adjective Made up of parts, as molecules or atoms, which mutually repel each other; as, gases are self-repelling.
self-reproving adjective Reproving one’s self; reproving by consciousness of guilt.
self-repugnant adjective Self-contradictory; inconsistent.
self-repulsive adjective Self-repelling.
self-restraint noun Restraint over one’s self; self-control; self-command.
self-reverence noun A reverent respect for one’s self.
self-righteous adjective Righteous in one’s own esteem; pharisaic.
self-sacrifice noun The act of sacrificing one’s self, or one’s interest, for others; self-devotion.
self-satisfied adjective Satisfied with one’s self or one’s actions; self-complacent.
self-slaughter noun Suicide.
self-sufficing adjective Sufficing for one’s self or for itself, without needing external aid; self-sufficient.
self-suspended adjective Suspended by one’s self or by itself; balanced.
self-tormentor noun One who torments himself.
semaphorically adverb By means of a semaphore.
semicalcareous adjective Half or partially calcareous; as, a semicalcareous plant.
semicentennial adjective Of or pertaining to half of a century, or a period of fifty years; as, a semicentennial commemoration., A fiftieth anniversary.
semidemiquaver noun A demisemiquaver; a thirty-second note.
semidiaphanous adjective Half or imperfectly transparent; translucent.
semiflosculous adjective Having all the florets ligulate, as in the dandelion.
semihistorical adjective Half or party historical.
semilapidified adjective Imperfectly changed into stone.
semilenticular adjective Half lenticular or convex; imperfectly resembling a lens.
seminification noun Propagation from seed.
semioxygenated adjective Combined with oxygen only in part.
semispheroidal adjective Formed like a half spheroid.
senatusconsult noun A decree of the Roman senate.
sensationalism noun The doctrine held by Condillac, and by some ascribed to Locke, that our ideas originate solely in sensation, and consist of sensations transformed; sensualism; — opposed to intuitionalism, and rationalism., The practice or methods of sensational writing or speaking; as, the sensationalism of a novel.
sensationalist noun An advocate of, or believer in, philosophical sensationalism., One who practices sensational writing or speaking.
sensualization noun The act of sensualizing, or the state of being sensualized.
sentimentalism noun The quality of being sentimental; the character or behavior of a sentimentalist; sentimentality.
sentimentalist noun One who has, or affects, sentiment or fine feeling.
sentimentality noun The quality or state of being sentimental.
sentimentalize verb t. To regard in a sentimental manner; as, to sentimentalize a subject., To think or act in a sentimental manner, or like a sentimentalist; to affect exquisite sensibility.
septentrionate verb i. To tend or point toward the north; to north.
septomaxillary adjective Of or pertaining to the nasal septum and the maxilla; situated in the region of these parts., A small bone between the nasal septum and the maxilla in many reptiles and amphibians.
septuagenarian noun A person who is seventy years of age; a septuagenary.
sequaciousness noun Quality of being sequacious.
serpentigenous adjective Bred of a serpent.
serratirostral adjective Having a toothed bill, like that of a toucan.
sesquialterate adjective Once and a half times as great as another; having the ratio of one and a half to one.
sesquialterous adjective Sesquialteral.
sesquipedalian adjective Measuring or containing a foot and a half; as, a sesquipedalian pygmy; — sometimes humorously applied to long words.
sesquipedalism noun Sesquipedality.
sesqyipedality noun The quality or condition of being sesquipedal., The use of sesquipedalian words; style characterized by the use of long words; sesquipedalism.
sesquisulphide noun A sulphide, analogous to a sesquioxide, containing three atoms of sulphur to two of the other ingredient; — formerly called also sesquisulphuret; as, orpiment, As2S3 is arsenic sesquisulphide.
seven-thirties noun pl. A name given to three several issues of United States Treasury notes, made during the Civil War, in denominations of $50 and over, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three tenths (thirty hundredths) per cent annually. Within a few years they were all redeemed or funded.
shallow-bodied adjective Having a moderate depth of hold; — said of a vessel.
sheep-shearing noun Act of shearing sheep., A feast at the time of sheep-shearing.
short-breathed adjective Having short-breath, or quick respiration., Having short life.
shrill-tongued adjective Having a shrill voice.
siderographist noun One skilled in siderography.
silicatization noun Silicification.
silicification noun Thae act or process of combining or impregnating with silicon or silica; the state of being so combined or impregnated; as, the silicification of wood.
silicispongiae noun pl. Same as Silicoidea.
silicofluoride noun A fluosilicate; a salt of silicofluoric acid.
silicotungstic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, any one of a series of double acids of silicon and tungsten, known in the free state, and also in their salts (called silicotungstates).
similitudinary adjective Involving or expressing similitude.
simple-hearted adjective Sincere; inguenuous; guileless.
simplification noun The act of simplifying.
single-hearted adjective Having an honest heart; free from duplicity.
siphonostomata noun pl. A tribe of parasitic copepod Crustacea including a large number of species that are parasites of fishes, as the lerneans. They have a mouth adapted to suck blood., An artificial division of gastropods including those that have siphonostomatous shells.
sisters-in-law plural of Sister-in-law
slatternliness noun The quality or state of being slatternly; slovenliness; untidiness.
slaughterhouse noun A house where beasts are butchered for the market.
smolderingness noun Alt. of Smoulderingness
smooth-chinned adjective Having a smooth chin; beardless.
smooth-tongued adjective Having a smooth tongue; plausible; flattering.
snake’s-tongue noun Same as Adder’s-tongue.
snipper-snaper noun A small, insignificant fellow.
soapberry tree Any tree of the genus Sapindus, esp. Sapindus saponaria, the fleshy part of whose fruit is used instead of soap in washing linen; — also called soap tree.
solecistically adverb In a solecistic manner.
solertiousness noun The quality or state of being solert.
solidification noun Act of solidifying, or state of being solidified.
somnambulation noun The act of walking in sleep.
somnambulistic adjective Of or pertaining to a somnambulist or somnambulism; affected by somnambulism; appropriate to the state of a somnambulist.
sophisticating present participle & vb. noun of Sophisticate
sophistication noun The act of sophisticating; adulteration; as, the sophistication of drugs.
sounding-board noun A thin board which propagates the sound in a piano, in a violin, and in some other musical instruments., A board or structure placed behind or over a pulpit or rostrum to give distinctness to a speaker’s voice., See Sound boarding, under Sound, a noise.
southernliness noun Southerliness.
spalding knife A spalting knife.
spalting knife A knife used in splitting codfish.
specialization noun The act of specializing, or the state of being spezialized., The setting apart of a particular organ for the performance of a particular function.
specificalness noun The quality of being specific.
speckled-belly noun The gadwall.
spectrological adjective Of or pertaining to spectrology; as, spectrological studies or experiments.
spectroscopist noun One who investigates by means of a spectroscope; one skilled in the use of the spectroscope.
spermatogenous adjective Sperm-producing.
spermatogonium noun A primitive seminal cell, occuring in masses in the seminal tubules. It divides into a mass (spermosphere) of small cells (spermoblast), which in turn give rise to spermatozoids.
spermatorrhoea noun Abnormally frequent involuntary emission of the semen without copulation.
sphenethmoidal adjective Relating to the sphenoethmoid bone; sphenoethmoid.
sphenographist noun A sphenographer.
spherobacteria noun pl. See the Note under Microbacteria.
spherosiderite noun Siderite occuring in spheroidal masses.
sphygmographic adjective Relating to, or produced by, a sphygmograph; as, a sphygmographic tracing.
spindle-legged adjective Having long, slender legs.
spindle-shaped adjective Having the shape of a spindle., Thickest in the middle, and tapering to both ends; fusiform; — applied chiefly to roots.
spiritualistic adjective Relating to, or connected with, spiritualism.
spiritualities plural of Spirituality
spiritualizing present participle & vb. noun of Spiritualize
spirituousness noun The quality or state of being spirituous.
sporangiophore noun The axis or receptacle in certain ferns (as Trichomanes), which bears the sporangia.
sprocket wheel Same as Chain wheel.
stadtholderate noun Alt. of Stadtholdership
stag-horn fern See under Stag.
stalactitiform adjective Having the form of a stalactite; stalactiform.
stalking-horse noun A horse, or a figure resembling a horse, behind which a hunter conceals himself from the game he is aiming to kill., Fig.: Something used to cover up a secret project; a mask; a pretense.
stannofluoride noun Any one of a series of double fluorides of tin (stannum) and some other element.
staphylomatous adjective Of or pertaining to staphyloma; affected with staphyloma.
staphyloplasty noun The operation for restoring or replacing the soft palate when it has been lost.
states-general noun In France, before the Revolution, the assembly of the three orders of the kingdom, namely, the clergy, the nobility, and the third estate, or commonalty., In the Netherlands, the legislative body, composed of two chambers.
stationariness noun The quality or state of being stationary; fixity.
steelbow goods Those goods on a farm, such as corn, cattle, implements husbandry, etc., which may not be carried off by a removing tenant, as being the property of the landlord.
steeplechasing noun The act of riding steeple chases.
stenographical adjective Of or pertaining to stenography.
stentorophonic adjective Speaking or sounding very loud; stentorian.
stepping-stone noun A stone to raise the feet above the surface of water or mud in walking., Fig.: A means of progress or advancement.
sterculiaceous adjective Of or pertaining to a natural order (Sterculiaceae) of polypetalous exogenous plants, mostly tropical. The cacao (Theobroma Cacao) is the most useful plant of the order.
stereoelectric adjective Of or pertaining to the generation of electricity by means of solid bodies alone; as, a stereoelectric current is one obtained by means of solids, without any liquid.
stereometrical adjective Of or pertaining to stereometry; performed or obtained by stereometry.
stereoscopical adjective Of or pertaining to the stereoscope; characteristic of, or adapted to, the stereoscope; as, a stereoscopic effect; the stereoscopic function of the eyeglasses; stereoscopic views.
sternocoracoid adjective Of or pertaining to the sternum and the coracoid.
stethoscopical adjective Of or pertaining to a stethoscope; obtained or made by means of a stethoscope.
stichometrical adjective Of or pertaining to stichometry; characterized by stichs, or lines.
stigmatization noun The act of stigmatizing., The production of stigmata upon the body. See Stigma, 8.
stoichiometric adjective Alt. of Stoichiometrical
stomatogastric adjective Of or pertaining to the mouth and the stomach; as, the stomatogastric ganglion of certain Mollusca.
stomatoplastic adjective Of or pertaining to the operation of forming a mouth where the aperture has been contracted, or in any way deformed.
strabismometer noun An instrument for measuring the amount of strabismus.
stradometrical adjective Of, or relating to, the measuring of streets or roads.
straight-joint adjective Having straight joints., Applied to a floor the boards of which are so laid that the joints form a continued line transverse to the length of the boards themselves., In the United States, applied to planking or flooring put together without the tongue and groove, the pieces being laid edge to edge.
straight-lined adjective Having straight lines.
straight-pight adjective Straight in form or upright in position; erect.
stratification noun The act or process of laying in strata, or the state of being laid in the form of strata, or layers., The deposition of material in successive layers in the growth of a cell wall, thus giving rise to a stratified appearance.
strepsipterous adjective Of or pertaining to Strepsiptera.
stultification noun The act of stultifying, or the state of being stultified.
stultiloquence noun Silly talk; babbling.
stylographical adjective Same as Stylographic, 1.
stylomaxillary adjective Of or pertaining to the styloid process and the maxilla.
subalternating adjective Subalternate; successive.
subalternation noun The state of being subalternate; succession of turns; subordination.
subarachnoidal adjective Situated under the arachnoid membrane.
subconformable adjective Partially conformable.
subcrustaceous adjective Occurring beneath a crust or scab; as, a subcrustaceous cicatrization.
subcrystalline adjective Imperfectly crystallized.
subcylindrical adjective Alt. of Subcylindric
subderisorious adjective Ridiculing with moderation.
subendocardial adjective Situated under the endocardium.
subhornblendic adjective Containing hornblende in a scattered state; of or relating to rocks containing disseminated hornblende.
subinfeudation noun The granting of lands by inferior lords to their dependents, to be held by themselves by feudal tenure., Subordinate tenancy; undertenancy.
subject-matter noun The matter or thought presented for consideration in some statement or discussion; that which is made the object of thought or study.
subnotochordal adjective Situated on the ventral side of the notochord; as, the subnotochordal rod.
subpedunculate adjective Supported on, or growing from, a very short stem; having a short peduncle.
subpentangular adjective Nearly or approximately pentangular; almost pentangular.
subpericardial adjective Situated under the cardiac pericardium.
substantiality noun The quality or state of being substantial; corporiety; materiality.
substantialize verb t. To make substantial.
substantiating present participle & vb. noun of Substantiate
substantiation noun The act of substantiating or proving; evidence; proof.
substitutional adjective Of or pertaining to substitution; standing in the place of another; substituted.
subtegulaneous adjective Under the roof or eaves; within doors.
subterrestrial adjective Subterranean.
subtranslucent adjective Not perfectly translucent.
subtransparent adjective Not perfectly transparent.
subturriculate adjective Somewhat turriculate.
successiveness noun The quality or state of being successive.
sulphantimonic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid of antimony (called also thioantimonic acid) analogous to sulpharsenic acid.
sulpharsenious adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid (called also thioarsenious acid) analogous to arsenious acid, and known only in its salts.
sulphindigotic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, a sulphonic acid obtained, as a blue solution, by dissolving indigo in sulphuric acid; — formerly called also cerulic sulphuric acid, but properly called indigo-disulphonic acid.
sulphocarbonic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, a sulphacid, H2CSO2 (called also thiocarbonic acid), or an acid, H2CS3, analogous to carbonic acid, obtained as a yellow oily liquid of a pungent odor, and forming salts.
sulphocyanogen noun See Persulphocyanogen.
sulphostannate noun A salt of sulphostannic acid.
sulphotungstic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, hypothetical sulphacid of tungsten (called also sulphowolframic acid), analogous to sulphuric acid, and known in its salts.
sulphur-bottom noun A very large whalebone whale of the genus Sibbaldius, having a yellowish belly; especially, S. sulfureus of the North Pacific, and S. borealis of the North Atlantic; — called also sulphur whale.
superabundance noun The quality or state of being superabundant; a superabundant quantity; redundancy; excess.
superadvenient adjective Coming upon; coming in addition to, or in assistance of, something.
superannuating present participle & vb. noun of Superannuate
superannuation noun The state of being superannuated, or too old for office or business; the state of being disqualified by old age; decrepitude.
supercarbonate noun A bicarbonate.
supercelestial adjective Situated above the firmament, or great vault of heaven., Higher than celestial; superangelic.
supercrescence noun That which grows upon another growing thing; a parasite.
supererogating present participle & vb. noun of Supererogate
supererogation noun The act of supererogating; performance of more than duty or necessity requires.
supererogative adjective Supererogatory.
supererogatory adjective Performed to an extent not enjoined, or not required, by duty or necessity; as, supererogatory services.
superessential adjective Essential above others, or above the constitution of a thing.
superexcellent adjective Excellent in an uncommon degree; very excellent.
superfecundity noun Superabundant fecundity or multiplication of the species.
superficialist noun One who attends to anything superficially; a superficial or shallow person; a sciolist; a smatterer.
superficiality noun The quality or state of being superficial; also, that which is superficial.
superficialize verb t. To attend to, or to treat, superficially, or in a shallow or slighting way.
superfoetation noun Superfetation.
superfoliation noun Excess of foliation.
superincumbent adjective Lying or resting on something else.
superinduction noun The act of superinducing, or the state of being superinduced.
superinjection noun An injection succeeding another.
superintending present participle & vb. noun of Superintend
superintendent adjective Overseeing; superintending., One who has the oversight and charge of some place, institution, or organization, affairs, etc., with the power of direction; as, the superintendent of an almshouse; the superintendent of public works.
superlucration noun Excessive or extraordinary gain.
supermaxillary adjective Supermaxillary.
supernaturally adverb In a supernatural manner.
superoccipital adjective Supraoccipital.
superphosphate noun An acid phosphate.
superponderate verb t. To wiegh over and above.
superpurgation noun Excessive purgation.
superscription noun The act of superscribing., That which is written or engraved on the surface, outside, or above something else; specifically, an address on a letter, envelope, or the like., That part of a prescription which contains the Latin word recipe (Take) or the sign /.
supersensitive adjective Excessively sensitive; morbidly sensitive.
superstruction noun The act of superstructing, or building upon., That which id superstructed, or built upon some foundation; an edifice; a superstructure.
superstructive adjective Built or erected on something else.
superstructure noun Any material structure or edifice built on something else; that which is raised on a foundation or basis, all that part of a building above the basement. Also used figuratively., The sleepers, and fastenings, in distinction from the roadbed.
superterranean adjective Being above ground.
supervacaneous adjective Serving no purpose; superfluous; needless.
supple-chapped adjective Having a limber tongue.
supplicatingly adverb In a supplicating manner.
supposititious adjective Fraudulently substituted for something else; not being what is purports to be; not genuine; spurious; counterfeit; as, a supposititious child; a supposititious writing., Suppositional; hypothetical.
supra-acromial adjective Situated above the acromial process of the scapula.
supra-axillary adjective Growing above the axil; inserted above the axil, as a peduncle. See Suprafoliaceous.
suprabranchial adjective Situated above the branchiae; — applied especially to the upper division of the gill cavity of bivalve mollusks.
suprachoroidal adjective Situated above the choroid; — applied to the layer of the choroid coat of the eyeball next to the sclerotic.
supracondyloid adjective Situated above a condyle or condyles.
supralapsarian noun One of that class of Calvinists who believed that God’s decree of election determined that man should fall, in order that the opportunity might be furnished of securing the redemption of a part of the race, the decree of salvation being conceived of as formed before or beyond, and not after or following, the lapse, or fall. Cf. Infralapsarian., Of or pertaining to the Supralapsarians, or their doctrine.
supramaxillary adjective Situated over the lower jaw; as, the supramaxillary nerve., Of or pertaining to the upper jaw.
supraoccipital adjective Situated over, or in the upper part of, the occiput; of or pertaining to the supraoccipital bone., The supraoccipital bone.
suprascalpular adjective Alt. of Suprascalpulary
suprastapedial adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, that part of the columella of the ear which projects above the connection with the stapes, as in many animals., The suprastapedial part of the columella.
supratrochlear adjective Situated over or above a trochlea or trochlear surface; — applied esp. to one of the subdivisions of the trigeminal nerve.
susceptibility noun The state or quality of being susceptible; the capability of receiving impressions, or of being affected., Specifically, capacity for deep feeling or emotional excitement; sensibility, in its broadest acceptation; impressibility; sensitiveness.
suspensibility noun The quality or state of being suspensible.
swallow-tailed adjective Having a tail like that of a swallow; hence, like a swallow’s tail in form; having narrow and tapering or pointed skirts; as, a swallow-tailed coat., United by dovetailing; dovetailed.
sweet-breasted adjective Having a sweet, musical voice, as the nightingale. Cf. Breast, n., 6.
sylviculturist noun One who cultivates forest trees, especially as a business.
symptomatology noun The doctrine of symptoms; that part of the science of medicine which treats of the symptoms of diseases; semeiology.
synchondrotomy noun Symphyseotomy.
syndesmography noun A description of the ligaments; syndesmology.
syphilitically adverb In a syphilitic manner; with venereal disease.
systematically adverb In a systematic manner; methodically.