14 letter word starting with super

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
superabundance noun The quality or state of being superabundant; a superabundant quantity; redundancy; excess.
superadvenient adjective Coming upon; coming in addition to, or in assistance of, something.
superannuating present participle & vb. noun of Superannuate
superannuation noun The state of being superannuated, or too old for office or business; the state of being disqualified by old age; decrepitude.
supercarbonate noun A bicarbonate.
supercelestial adjective Situated above the firmament, or great vault of heaven., Higher than celestial; superangelic.
supercrescence noun That which grows upon another growing thing; a parasite.
supererogating present participle & vb. noun of Supererogate
supererogation noun The act of supererogating; performance of more than duty or necessity requires.
supererogative adjective Supererogatory.
supererogatory adjective Performed to an extent not enjoined, or not required, by duty or necessity; as, supererogatory services.
superessential adjective Essential above others, or above the constitution of a thing.
superexcellent adjective Excellent in an uncommon degree; very excellent.
superfecundity noun Superabundant fecundity or multiplication of the species.
superficialist noun One who attends to anything superficially; a superficial or shallow person; a sciolist; a smatterer.
superficiality noun The quality or state of being superficial; also, that which is superficial.
superficialize verb t. To attend to, or to treat, superficially, or in a shallow or slighting way.
superfoetation noun Superfetation.
superfoliation noun Excess of foliation.
superincumbent adjective Lying or resting on something else.
superinduction noun The act of superinducing, or the state of being superinduced.
superinjection noun An injection succeeding another.
superintending present participle & vb. noun of Superintend
superintendent adjective Overseeing; superintending., One who has the oversight and charge of some place, institution, or organization, affairs, etc., with the power of direction; as, the superintendent of an almshouse; the superintendent of public works.
superlucration noun Excessive or extraordinary gain.
supermaxillary adjective Supermaxillary.
supernaturally adverb In a supernatural manner.
superoccipital adjective Supraoccipital.
superphosphate noun An acid phosphate.
superponderate verb t. To wiegh over and above.
superpurgation noun Excessive purgation.
superscription noun The act of superscribing., That which is written or engraved on the surface, outside, or above something else; specifically, an address on a letter, envelope, or the like., That part of a prescription which contains the Latin word recipe (Take) or the sign /.
supersensitive adjective Excessively sensitive; morbidly sensitive.
superstruction noun The act of superstructing, or building upon., That which id superstructed, or built upon some foundation; an edifice; a superstructure.
superstructive adjective Built or erected on something else.
superstructure noun Any material structure or edifice built on something else; that which is raised on a foundation or basis, all that part of a building above the basement. Also used figuratively., The sleepers, and fastenings, in distinction from the roadbed.
superterranean adjective Being above ground.
supervacaneous adjective Serving no purpose; superfluous; needless.