15 letter word starting with c

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
calamander wood A valuable furniture wood from India and Ceylon, of a hazel-brown color, with black stripes, very hard in texture. It is a species of ebony, and is obtained from the Diospyros quaesita. Called also Coromandel wood.
campylospermous adjective Having seeds grooved lengthwise on the inner face, as in sweet cicely.
caprifoliaceous adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the Honeysuckle family of plants (Caprifoliacae.
cardigan jacket A warm jacket of knit worsted with or without sleeves.
carline thistle A prickly plant of the genus Carlina (C. vulgaris), found in Europe and Asia.
carte de visite A visiting card., A photographic picture of the size formerly in use for a visiting card.
cascara sagrada Holy bark; the bark of the California buckthorn (Rhamnus Purshianus), used as a mild cathartic or laxative.
cassinian ovals See under Oval.
categoricalness noun The quality of being categorical, positive, or absolute.
catelectrotonic adjective Relating to, or characterized by, catelectrotonus.
catelectrotonus noun The condition of increased irritability of a nerve in the region of the cathode or negative electrode, on the passage of a current of electricity through it.
catharine wheel See catherine wheel.
catherine wheel Same as Rose window and Wheel window. Called also Catherine-wheel window., A revolving piece of fireworks resembling in form the window of the same name.
catheterization noun The operation of introducing a catheter.
catskill period The closing subdivision of the Devonian age in America. The rocks of this period are well developed in the Catskill mountains, and extend south and west under the Carboniferous formation. See the Diagram under Geology.
ceratobranchial adjective Pertaining to the bone, or cartilage, below the epibranchial in a branchial arch., A ceratobranchial bone, or cartilage.
ceremoniousness noun The quality, or practice, of being ceremonious.
chamberlainship noun Office of a chamberlain.
cheiropterygium noun The typical pentadactyloid limb of the higher vertebrates.
cheval-de-frise noun A piece of timber or an iron barrel traversed with iron-pointed spikes or spears, five or six feet long, used to defend a passage, stop a breach, or impede the advance of cavalry, etc.
chichling vetch noun A leguminous plant (Lathyrus sativus), with broad flattened seeds which are sometimes used for food.
chicken-hearted adjective Timid; fearful; cowardly.
chondrification noun Formation of, or conversion into, cartilage.
chondroganoidea noun An order of ganoid fishes, including the sturgeons; — so called on account of their cartilaginous skeleton.
chondropterygii noun pl. A group of fishes, characterized by cartilaginous fins and skeleton. It includes both ganoids (sturgeons, etc.) and selachians (sharks), but is now often restricted to the latter.
christcross-row The alphabet; — formerly so called, either from the cross usually set before it, or from a superstitious custom, sometimes practiced, of writing it in the form of a cross, by way of a charm.
chronogrammatic adjective Alt. of Chronogrammatical
circumcursation noun The act of running about; also, rambling language.
circumesophagal adjective Surrounding the esophagus; — in Zool. said of the nerve commissures and ganglia of arthropods and mollusks.
circumferential adjective Pertaining to the circumference; encompassing; encircling; circuitous.
circumforaneous adjective Going about or abroad; walking or wandering from house to house.
circumgestation noun The act or process of carrying about.
circumincession noun The reciprocal existence in each other of the three persons of the Trinity.
circumnavigable adjective Capable of being sailed round.
circumnavigated imp. & past participle of Circumnavigate
circumnavigator noun One who sails round.
circumscribable adjective Capable of being circumscribed.
circumscription noun An inscription written around anything., The exterior line which determines the form or magnitude of a body; outline; periphery., The act of limiting, or the state of being limited, by conditions or restraints; bound; confinement; limit.
circumscriptive adjective Circumscribing or tending to circumscribe; marcing the limits or form of.
circumspectness noun Vigilance in guarding against evil from every quarter; caution.
circumstantiate verb t. To place in particular circumstances; to invest with particular accidents or adjuncts., To prove or confirm by circumstances; to enter into details concerning.
circumvallation noun The act of surrounding with a wall or rampart., A line of field works made around a besieged place and the besieging army, to protect the camp of the besiegers against the attack of an enemy from without.
cirrobranchiata noun pl. A division of Mollusca having slender, cirriform appendages near the mouth; the Scaphopoda.
cliff limestone A series of limestone strata found in Ohio and farther west, presenting bluffs along the rivers and valleys, formerly supposed to be of one formation, but now known to be partly Silurian and partly Devonian.
cloud-compeller noun Cloud-gatherer; — an epithet applied to Zeus.
coachwhip snake A large, slender, harmless snake of the southern United States (Masticophis flagelliformis).
coestablishment noun Joint establishment.
coinstantaneous adjective Happening at the same instant.
colliquefaction noun A melting together; the reduction of different bodies into one mass by fusion.
colonizationist noun A friend to colonization, esp. (U. S. Hist) to the colonization of Africa by emigrants from the colored population of the United States.
colorado beetle A yellowish beetle (Doryphora decemlineata), with ten longitudinal, black, dorsal stripes. It has migrated eastwards from its original habitat in Colorado, and is very destructive to the potato plant; — called also potato beetle and potato bug. See Potato beetle.
combustibleness noun Combustibility.
comfortableness noun State of being comfortable.
commentatorship noun The office or occupation of a commentator.
commissionnaire noun An agent or factor; a commission merchant., One of a class of attendants, in some European cities, who perform miscellaneous services for travelers.
commonplaceness noun The quality of being commonplace; commonness.
communicability noun The quality of being communicable; capability of being imparted.
compassionating present participle & vb. noun of Compassionate
compassionately adverb In a compassionate manner; mercifully.
compendiousness noun The state or quality of being compendious.
complimentative adjective Complimentary.
comprehensively adverb In a comprehensive manner; with great extent of scope.
compressibility noun The quality of being compressible of being compressible; as, the compressibility of elastic fluids.
compromissorial adjective Relating to compromise.
compunctionless adjective Without compunction.
concavo-concave adjective Concave or hollow on both sides; double concave.
conceptionalist noun A conceptualist.
conchyliologist noun Alt. of Conchyliology
concupiscential adjective Relating to concupiscence.
condescendingly adverb In a condescending manner.
conferruminated adjective Closely united by the coalescence, or sticking together, of contiguous faces, as in the case of the cotyledons of the live-oak acorn.
confessionalism noun An exaggerated estimate of the importance of giving full assent to any particular formula of the Christian faith.
confessionalist noun A priest hearing, or sitting to hear, confession.
conformableness noun The quality of being conformable; conformability.
confraternities plural of Confraternity
congreve rocket See under Rocket.
conjunctiveness noun The state or quality of being conjunctive.
connoisseurship noun State of being a connoisseur.
conscientiously adverb In a conscientious manner; as a matter of conscience; hence; faithfully; accurately; completely.
consecutiveness noun The state or quality of being consecutive.
consequentially adverb With just deduction of consequence; with right connection of ideas; logically., By remote consequence; not immediately; eventually; as, to do a thing consequentially., In a regular series; in the order of cause and effect; with logical concatenation; consecutively; continuously., With assumed importance; pompously.
constitutionist noun One who adheres to the constitution of the country.
constructionist noun One who puts a certain construction upon some writing or instrument, as the Constitutions of the United States; as, a strict constructionist; a broad constructionist.
consubstantiate verb t. To cause to unite, or to regard as united, in one common substance or nature., To profess or belive the doctrine of consubstantion., Partaking of the same substance; united; consubstantial.
consumptiveness noun A state of being consumptive, or a tendency to a consumption.
contemplatively adverb With contemplation; in a contemplative manner.
contemporaneity noun The state of being contemporaneous.
contemporaneous adjective Living, existing, or occurring at the same time; contemporary.
contemptibility noun The quality of being contemptible; contemptibleness.
contortuplicate adjective Plaited lengthwise and twisted in addition, as the bud of the morning-glory.
contractibility noun Capability of being contracted; quality of being contractible; as, the contractibility and dilatability of air.
contradictional adjective Contradictory; inconsistent; opposing.
contradictorily adverb In a contradictory manner.
contradictories plural of Contradictory
contraindicated imp. & past participle of Contraindicate
contrastimulant adjective Counteracting the effects of stimulants; relating to a course of medical treatment based on a theory of contrastimulants., An agent which counteracts the effect of a stimulant.
contravallation noun A trench guarded with a parapet, constructed by besiegers, to secure themselves and check sallies of the besieged.
controllability noun Capability of being controlled; controllableness.
controversially adverb In a controversial manner.
conventionalism noun That which is received or established by convention or arbitrary agreement; that which is in accordance with the fashion, tradition, or usage., The principles or practice of conventionalizing. See Conventionalize, v. t.
conventionalist noun One who adheres to a convention or treaty., One who is governed by conventionalism.
conventionality noun The state of being conventional; adherence to social formalities or usages; that which is established by conventional use; one of the customary usages of social life.
conventionalizw verb t. To make conventional; to bring under the influence of, or cause to conform to, conventional rules; to establish by usage., To represent by selecting the important features and those which are expressible in the medium employed, and omitting the others., To represent according to an established principle, whether religious or traditional, or based upon certain artistic rules of supposed importance.
conventionalize verb i. To make designs in art, according to conventional principles. Cf. Conventionalize, v. t., 2.
conventionalily adverb In a conventional manner.
conversableness noun The quality of being conversable; disposition to converse; sociability.
conversationism noun A word or phrase used in conversation; a colloquialism.
conversationist noun One who converses much, or who excels in conversation.
convertibleness noun The state of being convertible; convertibility.
convexo-concave adjective Convex on one side, and concave on the other. The curves of the convex and concave sides may be alike or may be different. See Meniscus.
convolvulaceous adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the bindweed and the morning-glory are common examples.
copper-bottomed adjective Having a bottom made of copper, as a tin boiler or other vessel, or sheathed with copper, as a ship.
copper-fastened adjective Fastened with copper bolts, as the planks of ships, etc.; as, a copper-fastened ship.
cornet-a-piston noun A brass wind instrument, like the trumpet, furnished with valves moved by small pistons or sliding rods; a cornopean; a cornet.
corpora callosa plural of Corpus
corpora striata plural of Corpus
correlativeness noun Quality of being correlative.
correspondently adverb In a a corresponding manner; conformably; suitably.
correspondingly adverb In a corresponding manner; conformably.
cosignificative adjective Having the same signification.
cosmopolitanism noun The quality of being cosmopolitan; cosmopolitism.
counteractibely adverb By counteraction.
counterbalanced imp. & past participle of Counterbalance
counterchanging present participle & vb. noun of Counterchange
countercharming present participle & vb. noun of Countercharm
counterchecking present participle & vb. noun of Countercheck
counter-compony adjective See Compony.
counter-courant adjective Running in opposite directions; — said of animals borne in a coast of arms.
counterfaisance noun See Counterfesance.
counterirritant noun Alt. of Counterirritation
counterirritate verb t. To produce counter irritation in; to treat with one morbid process for the purpose of curing another.
countermandable adjective Capable of being countermanded; revocable.
countermarching present participle & vb. noun of Countermarch
countermovement A movement in opposition to another.
counterplotting present participle & vb. noun of Counterplot
counter-salient adjective Leaping from each other; — said of two figures on a coast of arms.
countertrippant adjective Trippant in opposite directions. See Trippant.
countertripping adjective Same as Countertrippant.
court-martialed imp. & past participle of Court-martial
cowper’s glands Two small glands discharging into the male urethra.
credit mobilier A joint stock company, formed for general banking business, or for the construction of public works, by means of loans on personal estate, after the manner of the credit foncier on real estate. In practice, however, this distinction has not been strictly observed.
crincum-crancum noun A twist; a whimsey or whim.
cross-examining present participle & vb. noun of Cross-examine
crossopterygian adjective Of or pertaining to the Crossopterygii., One of the Crossopterygii.
crustaceologist noun One versed in crustaceology; a crustalogist.
crustaceousness noun The state or quality of being crustaceous or having a crustlike shell.
cryptographical adjective Relating to cryptography; written in secret characters or in cipher, or with sympathetic ink.
crystallization noun The act or process by which a substance in solidifying assumes the form and structure of a crystal, or becomes crystallized., The body formed by crystallizing; as, silver on precipitation forms arborescent crystallizations.
crystallography noun The doctrine or science of crystallization, teaching the system of forms among crystals, their structure, and their methods of formation., A discourse or treatise on crystallization.
cubo-octahedral adjective Presenting a combination of a cube and an octahedron.
cubo-octahedron noun A combination of a cube and octahedron, esp. one in which the octahedral faces meet at the middle of the cubic edges.
cyclobranchiate adjective Having the gills around the margin of the body, as certain limpets.