15 letter word starting with d

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
daguerreotyping present participle & vb. noun of Daguerreotype
daguerreotypist noun One who takes daguerreotypes.
dare-deviltries plural of Dare-deviltry
daughter-in-law noun The wife of one’s son.
decalcification noun The removal of calcareous matter.
decarbonization noun The action or process of depriving a substance of carbon.
decarburization noun The act, process, or result of decarburizing.
dechristianized imp. & past participle of Dechristianize
deconcentration noun Act of deconcentrating.
degenerationist noun A believer in the theory of degeneration, or hereditary degradation of type; as, the degenerationists hold that savagery is the result of degeneration from a superior state.
dehydrogenation noun The act or process of freeing from hydrogen; also, the condition resulting from the removal of hydrogen.
demonstrability noun The quality of being demonstrable; demonstrableness.
demonstratively adverb In a manner fitted to demonstrate; clearly; convincingly; forcibly.
denationalizing present participle & vb. noun of Denationalize
denitrification noun The act or process of freeing from nitrogen; also, the condition resulting from the removal of nitrogen.
dentate-ciliate adjective Having the margin dentate and also ciliate or fringed with hairs.
dentate-sinuate adjective Having a form intermediate between dentate and sinuate.
deprovincialize verb t. To divest of provincial quality or characteristics.
derbyshire spar A massive variety of fluor spar, found in Derbyshire, England, and wrought into vases and other ornamental work.
dermobranchiata noun pl. A group of nudibranch mollusks without special gills.
dermobranchiate adjective Having the skin modified to serve as a gill.
desilverization noun The act or the process of freeing from silver; also, the condition resulting from the removal of silver.
destructibility noun The quality of being capable of destruction; destructibleness.
destructiveness noun The quality of destroying or ruining., The faculty supposed to impel to the commission of acts of destruction; propensity to destroy.
determinability noun The quality of being determinable; determinableness.
determinateness noun State of being determinate.
detrimentalness noun The quality of being detrimental; injuriousness.
deutohydroguret noun A compound containing in the molecule two atoms of hydrogen united with some other element or radical.
devitrification noun The act or process of devitrifying, or the state of being devitrified. Specifically, the conversion of molten glassy matter into a stony mass by slow cooling, the result being the formation of crystallites, microbites, etc., in the glassy base, which are then called devitrification products.
dezincification noun The act or process of freeing from zinc; also, the condition resulting from the removal of zinc.
diaheliotropism noun A tendency of leaves or other organs of plants to have their dorsal surface faced towards the rays of light.
diamagnetically adverb In the manner of, or according to, diamagnetism.
differentiation noun The act of differentiating., The act of distinguishing or describing a thing, by giving its different, or specific difference; exact definition or determination., The gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development, as when the seed develops the root and the stem, the initial stem develops the leaf, branches, and flower buds; or in animal life, when the germ evolves the digestive and other organs and members, or when the animals as they advance in organization acquire special organs for specific purposes., The supposed act or tendency in being of every kind, whether organic or inorganic, to assume or produce a more complex structure or functions.
disacknowledged imp. & past participle of Disacknowledge
disacquaintance noun Neglect of disuse of familiarity, or familiar acquaintance.
disadvantageous adjective Attended with disadvantage; unfavorable to success or prosperity; inconvenient; prejudicial; — opposed to advantageous; as, the situation of an army is disadvantageous for attack or defense.
disaffectionate adjective Not disposed to affection; unfriendly; disaffected.
disassimilation noun The decomposition of complex substances, within the organism, into simpler ones suitable only for excretion, with evolution of energy, — a normal nutritional process the reverse of assimilation; downward metabolism.
disassimilative adjective Having power to disassimilate; of the nature of disassimilation.
discernibleness noun The quality of being discernible.
discerptibility noun Capability or liableness to be discerped.
discommendation noun Blame; censure; reproach.
discontentation noun Discontent.
discontinuation noun Breach or interruption of continuity; separation of parts in a connected series; discontinuance.
discountenanced imp. & past participle of Discountenance
discountenancer noun One who discountenances; one who disfavors.
discoverability noun The quality of being discoverable.
discretionarily adverb At discretion; according to one’s discretion or judgment.
disembarrassing present participle & vb. noun of Disembarrass
disentanglement noun The act of disentangling or clearing from difficulties.
disenthrallment noun Liberation from bondage; emancipation; disinthrallment.
disillusionment noun The act of freeing from an illusion, or the state of being freed therefrom.
disincorporated imp. & past participle of Disincorporate
disinteressment noun Disinterestedness; impartiality; fairness.
disinterestedly adverb In a disinterested manner; without bias or prejudice.
disinthrallment noun A releasing from thralldom or slavery; disenthrallment.
disorganization verb t. The act of disorganizing; destruction of system., The state of being disorganized; as, the disorganization of the body, or of government.
dispensableness noun Quality of being dispensable.
disproportioned imp. & past participle of Disproportion
disproportional adjective Not having due proportion to something else; not having proportion or symmetry of parts; unsuitable in form, quantity or value; inadequate; unequal; as, a disproportional limb constitutes deformity in the body; the studies of youth should not be disproportional to their understanding.
disquisitionary adjective Pertaining to disquisition; disquisitional.
disreputability noun The state of being disreputable.
dissatisfaction noun The state of being dissatisfied, unsatisfied, or discontented; uneasiness proceeding from the want of gratification, or from disappointed wishes and expectations.
dissatisfactory adjective Causing dissatisfaction; unable to give content; unsatisfactory; displeasing.
dissertationist noun A writer of dissertations.
distinctiveness noun State of being distinctive.
distinguishable adjective Capable of being distinguished; separable; divisible; discernible; capable of recognition; as, a tree at a distance is distinguishable from a shrub., Worthy of note or special regard.
distinguishably adverb So as to be distinguished.
distinguishedly adverb In a distinguished manner.
distinguishment noun Observation of difference; distinction.
distributionist noun A distributer.
diversification noun The act of making various, or of changing form or quality., State of diversity or variation; variegation; modification; change; alternation.
doctrinarianism noun The principles or practices of the Doctrinaires.
dolichocephalic adjective Alt. of Dolichocephalous
dorsibranchiata noun pl. A division of chaetopod annelids in which the branchiae are along the back, on each side, or on the parapodia. [See Illusts. under Annelida and Chaetopoda.]
dorsibranchiate adjective Having branchiae along the back; belonging to the Dorsibranchiata., One of the Dorsibranchiata.
double-barreled adjective Alt. of -barrelled
double-breasted adjective Folding or lapping over on the breast, with a row of buttons and buttonholes on each side; as, a double-breasted coat.
double-entendre noun A word or expression admitting of a double interpretation, one of which is often obscure or indelicate.
double-tonguing noun A peculiar action of the tongue by flute players in articulating staccato notes; also, the rapid repetition of notes in cornet playing.
draughtsmanship noun The office, art, or work of a draughtsman.
dromaeognathous adjective Having the structure of the palate like that of the ostrich and emu.
dynamo-electric adjective Pertaining to the development of electricity, especially electrical currents, by power; producing electricity or electrical currents by mechanical power.