15 letter word starting with i

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ichthyodorulite noun One of the spiny plates foundon the back and tail of certain skates.
ichthyomorphous adjective Fish-shaped; as, the ichthyomorphic idols of ancient Assyria.
ichthyopterygia noun pl. See Ichthyosauria.
idiosyncratical adjective Of peculiar temper or disposition; belonging to one’s peculiar and individual character.
illustriousness noun The state or quality of being eminent; greatness; grandeur; glory; fame.
immaterialities plural of Immateriality
immeasurability noun The quality of being immeasurable; immensurability.
immensurability noun The quality of being immensurable.
immortalization noun The act of immortalizing, or state of being immortalized.
immortification noun Failure to mortify the passions.
impatronization noun Absolute seignory or possession; the act of investing with such possession.
impenetrability noun Quality of being impenetrable., That property in virtue of which two portions of matter can not at the same time occupy the same portion of space., Insusceptibility of intellectual or emotional impression; obtuseness; stupidity; coldness.
imperishability noun The quality of being imperishable: indstructibility.
imponderability noun The quality or state of being imponderable; imponderableness.
impossibilities plural of Impossibility
imprescriptible adjective Not capable of being lost or impaired by neglect, by disuse, or by the claims of another founded on prescription., Not derived from, or dependent on, external authority; self-evidencing; obvious.
imprescriptibly adverb In an imprescriptible manner; obviously.
impressionistic adjective Pertaining to, or characterized by, impressionism.
improbabilities plural of Improbability
improportionate adjective Not proportionate.
improvisatorial adjective Alt. of Improvisatory
improvvisatrici plural of Improvvisatrice
improvvisatrice noun A female improvvisatore.
inaccessibility noun The quality or state of being inaccessible; inaccessibleness.
inadmissibility noun The state or quality of being inadmissible, or not to be received.
inalienableness noun The quality or state of being inalienable; inalienability.
inappellability noun The quality of being inappellable; finality.
inapplicability noun The quality of being inapplicable; unfitness; inapplicableness.
inapprehensible adjective Not apprehensible; unintelligible; inconceivable.
inauthoritative adjective Without authority; not authoritative.
incalculability noun The quality or state of being incalculable.
incarnification noun The act of assuming, or state of being clothed with, flesh; incarnation.
inchangeability noun Unchangeableness.
incommensurable adjective Not commensurable; having no common measure or standard of comparison; as, quantities are incommensurable when no third quantity can be found that is an aliquot part of both; the side and diagonal of a square are incommensurable with each other; the diameter and circumference of a circle are incommensurable., One of two or more quantities which have no common measure.
incommunicating adjective Having no communion or intercourse with each other.
incommunicative adjective Not communicative; not free or apt to impart to others in conversation; reserved; silent; as, the messenger was incommunicative; hence, not disposed to hold fellowship or intercourse with others; exclusive.
incommutability noun The quality or state of being incommutable.
incompassionate adjective Not compassionate; void of pity or of tenderness; remorseless.
incompatibility noun The quality or state of being incompatible; inconsistency; irreconcilableness.
incompetibility noun See Incompatibility.
incomprehension noun Want of comprehension or understanding.
incomprehensive adjective Not comprehensive; not capable of including or of understanding; not extensive; limited.
inconsequential adjective Not regularly following from the premises; hence, irrelevant; unimportant; of no consequence.
inconsiderately adverb In an inconsiderate manner.
inconsideration noun Want of due consideration; inattention to consequences; inconsiderateness.
inconsistencies plural of Inconsistency
incorresponding adjective Not corresponding; disagreeing.
incorrigibility noun The state or quality of being incorrigible.
incredulousness noun Incredulity.
indefeasibility noun The quality of being undefeasible.
indefectibility noun The quality of being indefectible.
indefensibility noun The quality or state of not being defensible.
indemnification noun The act or process of indemnifying, preserving, or securing against loss, damage, or penalty; reimbursement of loss, damage, or penalty; the state of being indemnified., That which indemnifies.
indeprehensible adjective Incapable of being found out.
indetermination noun Want of determination; an unsettled or wavering state, as of the mind., Want of fixed or stated direction.
indigestibility noun The state or quality of being indigestible; indigestibleness.
indisciplinable adjective Not disciplinable; undisciplinable.
indisputability noun Indisputableness.
indisdolubility noun The quality or state of being indissoluble.
indistinguished adjective Indistinct.
individualistic adjective Of or pertaining to the individual or individualism.
individualities plural of Individuality
individualizing present participle & vb. noun of Individualize
indivisibleness noun The state of being indivisible; indivisibility.
indubitableness noun The state or quality of being indubitable.
ineffectiveness noun Quality of being ineffective.
ineffectualness noun Want of effect, or of power to produce it; inefficacy.
ineffervescence noun Want of effervescence.
ineffervescible adjective Not capable or susceptible of effervescence.
inefficaciously adverb without efficacy or effect.
inexcusableness noun The quality of being inexcusable; enormity forgiveness.
inexplicability noun The quality or state of being inexplicable.
inferobranchian noun One of the Inferobranchiata.
infinitesimally adverb By infinitesimals; in infinitely small quantities; in an infinitesimal degree.
inflammableness noun The quality or state of being inflammable; inflammability.
infraclavicular adjective Below the clavicle; as, the infraclavicular fossa.
infrangibleness noun The state or quality of being infrangible; infrangibility.
infundibuliform adjective Having the form of a funnel or cone; funnel-shaped., Same as Funnelform.
injudiciousness noun The quality of being injudicious; want of sound judgment; indiscretion.
inquisitiveness noun The quality or state of being inquisitive; the disposition to seek explanation and information; curiosity to learn what is unknown; esp., uncontrolled and impertinent curiosity.
inquisitorially adverb In an inquisitorial manner.
inscribableness noun Quality of being inscribable.
inscrutableness noun The quality or state of being inscrutable; inscrutability.
inseparableness noun The quality or state of being inseparable; inseparability.
insignificantly adverb without significance, importance, or effect; to no purpose.
insignificative adjective Not expressing meaning; not significant.
instrumentalist noun One who plays upon an instrument of music, as distinguished from a vocalist.
instrumentality noun The quality or condition of being instrumental; that which is instrumental; anything used as a means; medium; agency.
instrumentation noun The act of using or adapting as an instrument; a series or combination of instruments; means; agency., The arrangement of a musical composition for performance by a number of different instruments; orchestration; instrumental composition; composition for an orchestra or military band., The act or manner of playing upon musical instruments; performance; as, his instrumentation is perfect.
insubordination noun The quality of being insubordinate; disobedience to lawful authority.
insurrectionary adjective Pertaining to, or characterized by, insurrection; rebellious; seditious.
insurrectionist noun One who favors, or takes part in, insurrection; an insurgent.
intangibilities plural of Intangibility
integumentation noun The act or process of covering with integuments; the state or manner of being thus covered.
intellectualism noun Intellectual power; intellectuality., The doctrine that knowledge is derived from pure reason.
intellectualist noun One who overrates the importance of the understanding., One who accepts the doctrine of intellectualism.
intellectuality noun Intellectual powers; possession of intellect; quality of being intellectual.
intellectualize verb t. To treat in an intellectual manner; to discuss intellectually; to reduce to intellectual form; to express intellectually; to idealize., To endow with intellect; to bestow intellectual qualities upon; to cause to become intellectual.
intelligentiary noun One who gives information; an intelligencer.
intelligibility The quality or state of being intelligible; clearness; perspicuity; definiteness.
intemperateness noun The state of being intemperate; excessive indulgence of any appetite or passion; as, intemperateness in eating or drinking., Severity of weather; inclemency.
intensification noun The act or process of intensifying, or of making more intense.
interambulacral adjective Of or pertaining to the interambulacra.
interambulacrum noun In echinoderms, one of the areas or zones intervening between two ambulacra. See Illust. of Ambulacrum.
interarboration noun The interweaving of branches of trees.
intercessionate verb t. To entreat.
interchangeable adjective Admitting of exchange or mutual substitution., Following each other in alternate succession; as, the four interchangeable seasons.
interchangement noun Mutual transfer; exchange.
interclavicular adjective Between the clavicles; as, the interclavicular notch of the sternum., Of or pertaining to the interclavicle.
intercollegiate adjective Existing or carried on between colleges or universities; as, intercollegiate relations, rivalry, games, etc.
intercomparison noun Mutual comparison of corresponding parts.
interconnection noun Connection between; mutual connection.
interdependence noun Mutual dependence.
interdependency noun Mutual dependence; as, interdependency of interests.
interdigitation noun The state of interdigitating; interdigital space.
interestingness noun The condition or quality of being interesting.
interfascicular adjective Between fascicles or bundles; as, the interfascicular spaces of connective tissue.
interfoliaceous adjective At the same node with opposite or whorled leaves, but occupying a position between their places of attachment.
interfollicular adjective Between follicles; as, the interfollicular septa in a lymphatic gland.
interganglionic adjective Between and uniting the nervous ganglions; as, interganglionic cords.
interjectionary adjective Interjectional.
interlamination noun The state of being interlaminated.
intermandibular adjective Between the mandibles; interramal; as, the intermandibular space.
intermeddlesome adjective Inclined or disposed to intermeddle.
intermembranous adjective Within or beneath a membrane; as, intermembranous ossification.
intermesenteric adjective Within the mesentery; as, the intermesenteric, or aortic, plexus.
intermetacarpal adjective Between the metacarpal bones.
intermetatarsal adjective Between the metatarsal bones.
internationally adverb In an international manner; from an international point of view.
internuncioship noun The office or function of an internuncio.
interpedencular adjective Between peduncles; esp., between the peduncles, or crura, of the cerebrum.
interphalangeal adjective Between phalanges; as, interphalangeal articulations.
interrogatively adverb In the form of, or by means of, a question; in an interrogative manner.
interrogatories plural of Interrogatory
interstratified adjective Stratified among or between other bodies; as, interstratified rocks.
intertransverse adjective Between the transverse processes of the vertebrae.
intertwistingly adverb By intertwisting, or being intertwisted.
intoxicatedness noun The state of being intoxicated; intoxication; drunkenness.
intrafoliaceous adjective Growing immediately above, or in front of, a leaf; as, intrafoliaceous stipules.
intransmissible adjective Not capable of being transmitted.
intrinsicalness noun The quality of being intrinsical; intrinsicality.
introsusception noun The act or process of receiving within., Same as Intussusception.
intussusception noun The reception of one part within another., The abnormal reception or slipping of a part of a tube, by inversion and descent, within a contiguous part of it; specifically, the reception or slipping of the upper part of the small intestine into the lower; introsusception; invagination., The interposition of new particles of formative material among those already existing, as in a cell wall, or in a starch grain., The act of taking foreign matter, as food, into a living body; the process of nutrition, by which dead matter is absorbed by the living organism, and ultimately converted into the organized substance of its various tissues and organs.
inunderstanding adjective Void of understanding.
involuntariness noun The quality or state of being involuntary; unwillingness; automatism.
invulnerability noun Quality or state of being invulnerable.
irreconcilement noun The state or quality of being unreconciled; disagreement.
irredeemability noun The state or quality of being irredeemable; irredeemableness.
irrefragability noun The quality or state of being irrefragable; incapability of being refuted.
irreligiousness noun The state or quality of being irreligious; ungodliness.
irreparableness noun Quality of being irreparable.
irrepealability noun The quality or state of being irrepealable.
irreprehensible adjective Not reprehensible; blameless; innocent.
irrepresentable adjective Not capable of being represented or portrayed.
irresistibility noun The quality or state of being irrestible, irresistibleness.
irresolubleness noun The state or quality of being irresoluble; insolubility.
irresolvability noun The quality of being irresolvable; irresolvableness.
irreversibility noun The state or quality of being irreversible; irreversibleness.
isobathythermic adjective Of or pertaining to an isobathytherm; possessing or indicating the same temperature at the same depth.
isomeromorphism noun Isomorphism between substances that are isomeric.
isoperimetrical adjective Having equal perimeters of circumferences; as, isoperimetrical figures or bodies.
isosulphocyanic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid, HNCS, isomeric with sulphocyanic acid.
isothermobathic adjective Of or pertaining to an isothermobath; possessing or indicating equal temperatures in a vertical section, as of the ocean.
ivan ivanovitch An ideal personification of the typical Russian or of the Russian people; — used as “John Bull” is used for the typical Englishman.