15 letter word starting with l

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
labyrinthodonta noun pl. An extinct order of Amphibia, including the typical genus Labyrinthodon, and many other allied forms, from the Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic formations. By recent writers they are divided into two or more orders. See Stegocephala.
lactodensimeter noun A form of hydrometer, specially graduated, for finding the density of milk, and thus discovering whether it has been mixed with water or some of the cream has been removed.
lady’s bedstraw The common bedstraw (Galium verum); also, a slender-leaved East Indian shrub (Pharnaceum Mollugo), with white flowers in umbels.
ladies’ tresses A name given to several species of the orchidaceous genus Spiranthes, in which the white flowers are set in spirals about a slender axis and remotely resemble braided hair.
lamb’s-quarters noun A name given to several plants of the Goosefoot family, sometimes used as pot herbs, as Chenopodium album and Atriplex patulsa.
lamellibranchia noun pl. Alt. of Lamellibranchiata
laryngotracheal adjective Pertaining to both larynx and trachea; as, the laryngotracheal cartilage in the frog.
left-handedness noun Alt. of Left-handiness
leptomeningitis noun Inflammation of the pia mater or of the arachnoid membrane.
leucophlegmatic adjective Having a dropsical habit of body, with a white bloated skin.
lexicographical adjective Of or pertaining to, or according to, lexicography.
libration point noun any one of five points in the plane of a system of two large astronomical bodies orbiting each other, as the Earth-moon system, where the gravitational pull of the two bodies on an object are approximately equal, and in opposite directions. A solid object moving in the same velocity and direction as such a libration point will remain in gravitational equilibrium with the two bodies of the system and not fall toward either body.
lichenographist noun One who describes lichens; one versed in lichenography.
lithochromatics noun See Lithochromics.
lithophosphoric adjective Pertaining to lithophosphor; becoming phosphoric by heat.
llandeilo group A series of strata in the lower Silurian formations of Great Britain; — so named from Llandeilo in Southern Wales. See Chart of Geology.
logarithmetical adjective See Logarithmic.
logarithmically adverb By the use of logarithms.
long-sufferance noun Forbearance to punish or resent.
lophobranchiate adjective Of or pertaining to the Lophobranchii.
loving-kindness noun Tender regard; mercy; favor.