15 letter word starting with n

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nationalization noun The act of nationalizing, or the state of being nationalized.
nearsightedness noun See Myopic, and Myopia.
neuro-epidermal adjective Pertaining to, or giving rise to, the central nervous system and epiderms; as, the neuroepidermal, or epiblastic, layer of the blastoderm.
noematachograph noun An instrument for determining and registering the duration of more or less complex operations of the mind.
noli-me-tangere noun Any plant of a genus of herbs (Impatiens) having capsules which, if touched when ripe, discharge their seeds. — See Impatiens., The squirting cucumber. See under Cucumber., A name formerly applied to several varieties of ulcerous cutaneous diseases, but now restricted to Lupus exedens, an ulcerative affection of the nose.
nolo contendere A plea, by the defendant, in a criminal prosecution, which, without admitting guilt, subjects him to all the consequences of a plea of quilty.
nonacquaintance noun Want of acquaintance; the state of being unacquainted.
nonacquiescence noun Refusal of acquiescence; failure to yield or comply.
noncommissioned adjective Not having a commission.
noncontributing adjective Alt. of Noncontributory
noncontributory adjective Not contributing.
noninflectional adjective Not admitting of, or characterized by, inflection.
nonintervention noun The state or habit of not intervening or interfering; as, the nonintervention of one state in the affairs of another.
nonpresentation noun Neglect or failure to present; state of not being presented.
nonprofessional adjective Not belonging to a profession; not done by, or proceeding from, professional men; contrary to professional usage.
non prosequitur A judgment entered against the plaintiff in a suit where he does not appear to prosecute. See Nolle prosequi.
nonslaveholding adjective Not possessing or holding slaves; as, a nonslaveholding State.
northeastwardly adverb Toward the northeast.
northwestwardly adverb Toward the northwest.
notwithstanding preposition Without prevention, or obstruction from or by; in spite of., Nevertheless; however; although; as, I shall go, notwithstanding it rains.
numismatography noun A treatise on, or description of, coins and medals.
numismatologist noun One versed in numismatology.