15 letter word starting with t

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tarsometatarsal adjective Of or pertaining to both the tarsus and metatarsus; as, the tarsometatarsal articulations., Of or pertaining to the tarsometatarsus.
tarsometatarsus noun The large bone next the foot in the leg of a bird. It is formed by the union of the distal part of the tarsus with the metatarsus.
tartini’s tones See the Note under Tone.
technicological adjective Technological; technical.
tectibranchiata noun pl. An order, or suborder, of gastropod Mollusca in which the gills are usually situated on one side of the back, and protected by a fold of the mantle. When there is a shell, it is usually thin and delicate and often rudimentary. The aplysias and the bubble shells are examples.
tectibranchiate adjective Having the gills covered by the mantle; of or pertaining to the Tectibranchiata., A tectibranchiate mollusk.
telepolariscope noun A polariscope arranged to be attached to a telescope.
telestereoscope noun A stereoscope adapted to view distant natural objects or landscapes; a telescopic stereoscope.
telethermometer noun An apparatus for determining the temperature of a distant point, as by a thermoelectric circuit or otherwise.
tentaculiferous adjective Producing or bearing tentacles.
terebratuliform adjective Having the general form of a terebratula shell.
territorialized imp. & past participle of Territorialize
tetrabranchiata noun pl. An order of Cephalopoda having four gills. Among living species it includes only the pearly nautilus. Numerous genera and species are found in the fossil state, such as Ammonites, Baculites, Orthoceras, etc.
tetrabranchiate adjective Of or pertaining to the Tetrabranchiata., One of the Tetrabranchiata.
tetractinellida noun pl. A division of Spongiae in which the spicules are siliceous and have four branches diverging at right angles. Called also Tetractinellinae.
tetrahexahedral adjective Pertaining to a tetrahexahedron.
tetrahexahedron noun A solid in the isometric system, bounded by twenty-four equal triangular faces, four corresponding to each face of the cube.
tetrapnuemonian noun One of the Tetrapneumona.
tetrasyllabical adjective Consisting of, or having, four syllables; quadrisyllabic.
thankworthiness noun The quality or state of being thankworthy.
theophilosophic adjective Combining theism and philosophy, or pertaining to the combination of theism and philosophy.
theosophistical adjective Of or pertaining to theosophy; theosophical.
thermobarometer noun An instrument for determining altitudes by the boiling point of water.
thermochemistry noun That branch of chemical science which includes the investigation of the various relations existing between chemical action and that manifestation of force termed heat, or the determination of the heat evolved by, or employed in, chemical actions.
thermomagnetism noun Magnetism as affected or caused by the action of heat; the relation of heat to magnetism.
thermosystaltic adjective Influenced in its contraction by heat or cold; — said of a muscle.
thunderstriking present participle & vb. noun of Thunderstrike
tittle-tattling noun The act or habit of parting idly or gossiping.
toreumatography noun A description of sculpture such as bas-relief in metal.
trachelorrhaphy noun The operation of sewing up a laceration of the neck of the uterus.
tracheobranchia noun One of the gill-like breathing organs of certain aquatic insect larvae. They contain tracheal tubes somewhat similar to those of other insects.
trades-unionist noun Alt. of Trade-unionist
tranquilization noun Alt. of Tranquillization
trancscendental adjective Supereminent; surpassing others; as, transcendental being or qualities., In the Kantian system, of or pertaining to that which can be determined a priori in regard to the fundamental principles of all human knowledge. What is transcendental, therefore, transcends empiricism; but is does not transcend all human knowledge, or become transcendent. It simply signifies the a priori or necessary conditions of experience which, though affording the conditions of experience, transcend the sphere of that contingent knowledge which is acquired by experience., Vaguely and ambitiously extravagant in speculation, imagery, or diction.
transelementate verb t. To change or transpose the elements of; to transubstantiate.
transferability noun The quality or state of being transferable.
transferography noun The act or process of copying inscriptions, or the like, by making transfers.
transfiguratien noun A change of form or appearance; especially, the supernatural change in the personal appearance of our Savior on the mount., A feast held by some branches of the Christian church on the 6th of August, in commemoration of the miraculous change above mentioned.
transgressional adjective Of pertaining to transgression; involving a transgression.
transliteration noun The act or product of transliterating, or of expressing words of a language by means of the characters of another alphabet.
transmutability noun The quality of being transmutable.
transplantation noun The act of transplanting, or the state of being transplanted; also, removal., The removal of tissues from a healthy part, and the insertion of them in another place where there is a lesion; as, the transplantation of tissues in autoplasty., The removal of a bodily organ or of tissues from one person, and the insertion of them into another person to replace a damaged organ or tissue; as, the transplantation of a heart, kidney, or liver.
transpositional adjective Of or pertaining to transposition; involving transposition.
triacontahedral adjective Having thirty sides.
trigonometrical Of or pertaining to trigonometry; performed by the rules of trigonometry.
trumpet-tongued adjective Having a powerful, far-reaching voice or speech.
tuberculization noun The development of tubercles; the condition of one who is affected with tubercles.
tubulibranchian noun One of the Tubulibranchiata.
turnbull’s blue The double cyanide of ferrous and ferric iron, a dark blue amorphous substance having a coppery luster, used in dyeing, calico printing, etc. Cf. Prussian blue, under Prussian.
twittle-twattle noun Tattle; gabble.