3 letter word starting with c

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cab noun A kind of close carriage with two or four wheels, usually a public vehicle., The covered part of a locomotive, in which the engineer has his station., A Hebrew dry measure, containing a little over two (2.37) pints.
cad noun A person who stands at the door of an omnibus to open and shut it, and to receive fares; an idle hanger-on about innyards., A lowbred, presuming person; a mean, vulgar fellow.
cag noun See Keg.
cal noun Wolfram, an ore of tungsten.
cam noun A turning or sliding piece which, by the shape of its periphery or face, or a groove in its surface, imparts variable or intermittent motion to, or receives such motion from, a rod, lever, or block brought into sliding or rolling contact with it., A curved wedge, movable about an axis, used for forcing or clamping two pieces together., A projecting part of a wheel or other moving piece so shaped as to give alternate or variable motion to another piece against which it acts., A ridge or mound of earth., Crooked.
can an obs. form of began, imp. & p. p. of Begin, sometimes used in old poetry. [See Gan.], A drinking cup; a vessel for holding liquids., A vessel or case of tinned iron or of sheet metal, of various forms, but usually cylindrical; as, a can of tomatoes; an oil can; a milk can., To preserve by putting in sealed cans, To know; to understand., To be able to do; to have power or influence., To be able; — followed by an infinitive without to; as, I can go, but do not wish to.
cap noun A covering for the head, One usually with a visor but without a brim, for men and boys, One of lace, muslin, etc., for women, or infants, One used as the mark or ensign of some rank, office, or dignity, as that of a cardinal., The top, or uppermost part; the chief., A respectful uncovering of the head., The whole top of the head of a bird from the base of the bill to the nape of the neck., Anything resembling a cap in form, position, or use, The uppermost of any assemblage of parts; as, the cap of column, door, etc.; a capital, coping, cornice, lintel, or plate., Something covering the top or end of a thing for protection or ornament., A collar of iron or wood used in joining spars, as the mast and the topmast, the bowsprit and the jib boom; also, a covering of tarred canvas at the end of a rope., A percussion cap. See under Percussion., The removable cover of a journal box., A portion of a spherical or other convex surface., A large size of writing paper; as, flat cap; foolscap; legal cap., To cover with a cap, or as with a cap; to provide with a cap or cover; to cover the top or end of; to place a cap upon the proper part of; as, to cap a post; to cap a gun., To deprive of cap., To complete; to crown; to bring to the highest point or consummation; as, to cap the climax of absurdity., To salute by removing the cap., To match; to mate in contest; to furnish a complement to; as, to cap text; to cap proverbs., To uncover the head respectfully.
car noun A small vehicle moved on wheels; usually, one having but two wheels and drawn by one horse; a cart., A vehicle adapted to the rails of a railroad., A chariot of war or of triumph; a vehicle of splendor, dignity, or solemnity., The stars also called Charles’s Wain, the Great Bear, or the Dipper., The cage of a lift or elevator., The basket, box, or cage suspended from a balloon to contain passengers, ballast, etc., A floating perforated box for living fish.
cat noun An animal of various species of the genera Felis and Lynx. The domestic cat is Felis domestica. The European wild cat (Felis catus) is much larger than the domestic cat. In the United States the name wild cat is commonly applied to the bay lynx (Lynx rufus) See Wild cat, and Tiger cat., A strong vessel with a narrow stern, projecting quarters, and deep waist. It is employed in the coal and timber trade., A strong tackle used to draw an anchor up to the cathead of a ship., A double tripod (for holding a plate, etc.), having six feet, of which three rest on the ground, in whatever position in is placed., An old game; (a) The game of tipcat and the implement with which it is played. See Tipcat. (c) A game of ball, called, according to the number of batters, one old cat, two old cat, etc., A cat o’ nine tails. See below., To bring to the cathead; as, to cat an anchor. See Anchor.
caw verb i. To cry like a crow, rook, or raven., The cry made by the crow, rook, or raven.
cay noun See Key, a ledge.
cid noun Chief or commander; in Spanish literature, a title of Ruy Diaz, Count of Bivar, a champion of Christianity and of the old Spanish royalty, in the 11th century., An epic poem, which celebrates the exploits of the Spanish national hero, Ruy Diaz.
cit noun A citizen; an inhabitant of a city; a pert townsman; — used contemptuously.
co- A form of the prefix com-, signifying with, together, in conjunction, joint. It is used before vowels and some consonants. See Com-.
cob noun The top or head of anything., A leader or chief; a conspicuous person, esp. a rich covetous person., The axis on which the kernels of maize or indian corn grow., A spider; perhaps from its shape; it being round like a head., A young herring., A fish; — also called miller’s thumb., A short-legged and stout horse, esp. one used for the saddle., A sea mew or gull; esp., the black-backed gull (Larus marinus)., A lump or piece of anything, usually of a somewhat large size, as of coal, or stone., A cobnut; as, Kentish cobs. See Cobnut., Clay mixed with straw., A punishment consisting of blows inflicted on the buttocks with a strap or a flat piece of wood., A Spanish coin formerly current in Ireland, worth abiut 4s. 6d., To strike, To break into small pieces, as ore, so as to sort out its better portions., To punish by striking on the buttocks with a strap, a flat piece of wood, or the like.
cod noun A husk; a pod; as, a peascod., A small bag or pouch., The scrotum., A pillow or cushion., An important edible fish (Gadus morrhua), taken in immense numbers on the northern coasts of Europe and America. It is especially abundant and large on the Grand Bank of Newfoundland. It is salted and dried in large quantities.
cog verb t. To seduce, or draw away, by adulation, artifice, or falsehood; to wheedle; to cozen; to cheat., To obtrude or thrust in, by falsehood or deception; as, to cog in a word; to palm off., To deceive; to cheat; to play false; to lie; to wheedle; to cajole., A trick or deception; a falsehood., A tooth, cam, or catch for imparting or receiving motion, as on a gear wheel, or a lifter or wiper on a shaft; originally, a separate piece of wood set in a mortise in the face of a wheel., A kind of tenon on the end of a joist, received into a notch in a bearing timber, and resting flush with its upper surface., A tenon in a scarf joint; a coak., One of the rough pillars of stone or coal left to support the roof of a mine., To furnish with a cog or cogs., A small fishing boat.
col noun A short ridge connecting two higher elevations or mountains; the pass over such a ridge.
con adverb Against the affirmative side; in opposition; on the negative side; — The antithesis of pro, and usually in connection with it. See Pro., To know; to understand; to acknowledge., To study in order to know; to peruse; to learn; to commit to memory; to regard studiously., To conduct, or superintend the steering of (a vessel); to watch the course of (a vessel) and direct the helmsman how to steer.
coo verb i. To make a low repeated cry or sound, like the characteristic note of pigeons or doves., To show affection; to act in a loving way. See under Bill, v. i.
cop noun The top of a thing; the head; a crest., A conical or conical-ended mass of coiled thread, yarn, or roving, wound upon a spindle, etc., A tube or quill upon which silk is wound., Same as Merlon., A policeman.
cor noun A Hebrew measure of capacity; a homer.
cot noun A small house; a cottage or hut., A pen, coop, or like shelter for small domestic animals, as for sheep or pigeons; a cote., A cover or sheath; as, a roller cot (the clothing of a drawing roller in a spinning frame); a cot for a sore finger., A small, rudely-formed boat., A sleeping place of limited size; a little bed; a cradle; a piece of canvas extended by a frame, used as a bed.
cow noun A chimney cap; a cowl, The mature female of bovine animals., The female of certain large mammals, as whales, seals, etc., To depress with fear; to daunt the spirits or courage of; to overawe., A wedge, or brake, to check the motion of a machine or car; a chock.
cox noun A coxcomb; a simpleton; a gull.
coy adjective Quiet; still., Shrinking from approach or familiarity; reserved; bashful; shy; modest; — usually applied to women, sometimes with an implication of coquetry., Soft; gentle; hesitating., To allure; to entice; to decoy., To caress with the hand; to stroke., To behave with reserve or coyness; to shrink from approach or familiarity., To make difficulty; to be unwilling.
coz noun A contraction of cousin.
cry verb i. To make a loud call or cry; to call or exclaim vehemently or earnestly; to shout; to vociferate; to proclaim; to pray; to implore., To utter lamentations; to lament audibly; to express pain, grief, or distress, by weeping and sobbing; to shed tears; to bawl, as a child., To utter inarticulate sounds, as animals., To utter loudly; to call out; to shout; to sound abroad; to declare publicly., To cause to do something, or bring to some state, by crying or weeping; as, to cry one’s self to sleep., To make oral and public proclamation of; to declare publicly; to notify or advertise by outcry, especially things lost or found, goods to be sold, ets.; as, to cry goods, etc., to publish the banns of, as for marriage., A loud utterance; especially, the inarticulate sound produced by one of the lower animals; as, the cry of hounds; the cry of wolves., Outcry; clamor; tumult; popular demand., Any expression of grief, distress, etc., accompanied with tears or sobs; a loud sound, uttered in lamentation., Loud expression of triumph or wonder or of popular acclamation or favor., Importunate supplication., Public advertisement by outcry; proclamation, as by hawkers of their wares., Common report; fame., A word or phrase caught up by a party or faction and repeated for effect; as, the party cry of the Tories., A pack of hounds., A pack or company of persons; — in contempt., The crackling noise made by block tin when it is bent back and forth.
cub noun A young animal, esp. the young of the bear., Jocosely or in contempt, a boy or girl, esp. an awkward, rude, ill-mannered boy., To bring forth; — said of animals, or in contempt, of persons., A stall for cattle., A cupboard., To shut up or confine.
cud noun That portion of food which is brought up into the mouth by ruminating animals from their first stomach, to be chewed a second time., A portion of tobacco held in the mouth and chewed; a quid., The first stomach of ruminating beasts.
cue noun The tail; the end of a thing; especially, a tail-like twist of hair worn at the back of the head; a queue., The last words of a play actor’s speech, serving as an intimation for the next succeeding player to speak; any word or words which serve to remind a player to speak or to do something; a catchword., A hint or intimation., The part one has to perform in, or as in, a play., Humor; temper of mind., A straight tapering rod used to impel the balls in playing billiards., To form into a cue; to braid; to twist., A small portion of bread or beer; the quantity bought with a farthing or half farthing.
cun verb t. To con (a ship)., To know. See Con.
cup noun A small vessel, used commonly to drink from; as, a tin cup, a silver cup, a wine cup; especially, in modern times, the pottery or porcelain vessel, commonly with a handle, used with a saucer in drinking tea, coffee, and the like., The contents of such a vessel; a cupful., Repeated potations; social or excessive indulgence in intoxicating drinks; revelry., That which is to be received or indured; that which is allotted to one; a portion., Anything shaped like a cup; as, the cup of an acorn, or of a flower., A cupping glass or other vessel or instrument used to produce the vacuum in cupping., To supply with cups of wine., To apply a cupping apparatus to; to subject to the operation of cupping. See Cupping., To make concave or in the form of a cup; as, to cup the end of a screw.
cur noun A mongrel or inferior dog., A worthless, snarling fellow; — used in contempt.
cut imp. & past participle of Cut, To separate the parts of with, or as with, a sharp instrument; to make an incision in; to gash; to sever; to divide., To sever and cause to fall for the purpose of gathering; to hew; to mow or reap., To sever and remove by cutting; to cut off; to dock; as, to cut the hair; to cut the nails., To castrate or geld; as, to cut a horse., To form or shape by cutting; to make by incision, hewing, etc.; to carve; to hew out., To wound or hurt deeply the sensibilities of; to pierce; to lacerate; as, sarcasm cuts to the quick., To intersect; to cross; as, one line cuts another at right angles., To refuse to recognize; to ignore; as, to cut a person in the street; to cut one’s acquaintance., To absent one’s self from; as, to cut an appointment, a recitation. etc., To do the work of an edged tool; to serve in dividing or gashing; as, a knife cuts well., To admit of incision or severance; to yield to a cutting instrument., To perform the operation of dividing, severing, incising, intersecting, etc.; to use a cutting instrument., To make a stroke with a whip., To interfere, as a horse., To move or make off quickly., To divide a pack of cards into two portion to decide the deal or trump, or to change the order of the cards to be dealt., An opening made with an edged instrument; a cleft; a gash; a slash; a wound made by cutting; as, a sword cut., A stroke or blow or cutting motion with an edged instrument; a stroke or blow with a whip., That which wounds the feelings, as a harsh remark or criticism, or a sarcasm; personal discourtesy, as neglecting to recognize an acquaintance when meeting him; a slight., A notch, passage, or channel made by cutting or digging; a furrow; a groove; as, a cut for a railroad., The surface left by a cut; as, a smooth or clear cut., A portion severed or cut off; a division; as, a cut of beef; a cut of timber., An engraved block or plate; the impression from such an engraving; as, a book illustrated with fine cuts., The act of dividing a pack cards., The right to divide; as, whose cut is it?, Manner in which a thing is cut or formed; shape; style; fashion; as, the cut of a garment., A common work horse; a gelding., The failure of a college officer or student to be present at any appointed exercise., A skein of yarn., Gashed or divided, as by a cutting instrument., Formed or shaped as by cutting; carved., Overcome by liquor; tipsy.