3 letter word starting with du

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
dug imp. & past participle of Dig, A teat, pap, or nipple; — formerly that of a human mother, now that of a cow or other beast., of Dig.
dub verb t. To confer knighthood upon; as, the king dubbed his son Henry a knight., To invest with any dignity or new character; to entitle; to call., To clothe or invest; to ornament; to adorn., To strike, rub, or dress smooth; to dab;, To dress with an adz; as, to dub a stick of timber smooth., To strike cloth with teasels to raise a nap., To rub or dress with grease, as leather in the process of cyrrying it., To prepare for fighting, as a gamecock, by trimming the hackles and cutting off the comb and wattles., To make a noise by brisk drumbeats., A blow., A pool or puddle.
due adjective Owed, as a debt; that ought to be paid or done to or for another; payable; owing and demandable., Justly claimed as a right or property; proper; suitable; becoming; appropriate; fit., Such as (a thing) ought to be; fulfilling obligation; proper; lawful; regular; appointed; sufficient; exact; as, due process of law; due service; in due time., Appointed or required to arrive at a given time; as, the steamer was due yesterday., Owing; ascribable, as to a cause., Directly; exactly; as, a due east course., That which is owed; debt; that which one contracts to pay, or do, to or for another; that which belongs or may be claimed as a right; whatever custom, law, or morality requires to be done; a fee; a toll., Right; just title or claim., To endue.
dun noun A mound or small hill., To cure, as codfish, in a particular manner, by laying them, after salting, in a pile in a dark place, covered with salt grass or some like substance., To ask or beset, as a debtor, for payment; to urge importunately., One who duns; a dunner., An urgent request or demand of payment; as, he sent his debtor a dun., Of a dark color; of a color partaking of a brown and black; of a dull brown color; swarthy.
duo noun A composition for two performers; a duet.
dup verb t. To open; as, to dup the door.
dur adjective Major; in the major mode; as, C dur, that is, C major.
dux noun The scholastic name for the theme or subject of a fugue, the answer being called the comes, or companion.