3 letter word starting with en

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
en- A prefix signifying in or into, used in many English words, chiefly those borrowed from the French. Some English words are written indifferently with en-or in-. For ease of pronunciation it is commonly changed to em-before p, b, and m, as in employ, embody, emmew. It is sometimes used to give a causal force, as in enable, enfeeble, to cause to be, or to make, able, or feeble; and sometimes merely gives an intensive force, as in enchasten. See In-., A prefix from Gr. / in, meaning in; as, encephalon, entomology. See In-.
end noun The extreme or last point or part of any material thing considered lengthwise (the extremity of breadth being side); hence, extremity, in general; the concluding part; termination; close; limit; as, the end of a field, line, pole, road; the end of a year, of a discourse; put an end to pain; — opposed to beginning, when used of anything having a first part., Point beyond which no procession can be made; conclusion; issue; result, whether successful or otherwise; conclusive event; consequence., Termination of being; death; destruction; extermination; also, cause of death or destruction., The object aimed at in any effort considered as the close and effect of exertion; ppurpose; intention; aim; as, to labor for private or public ends., That which is left; a remnant; a fragment; a scrap; as, odds and ends., One of the yarns of the worsted warp in a Brussels carpet., To bring to an end or conclusion; to finish; to close; to terminate; as, to end a speech., To form or be at the end of; as, the letter k ends the word back., To destroy; to put to death., To come to the ultimate point; to be finished; to come to a close; to cease; to terminate; as, a voyage ends; life ends; winter ends.
ens noun Entity, being, or existence; an actually existing being; also, God, as the Being of Beings., Something supposed to condense within itself all the virtues and qualities of a substance from which it is extracted; essence.