3 letter word starting with go

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
got imp. of Get, of Get, imp. & p. p. of Get. See Get.
gon of Gin, imp. & p. p. of Go.
goa noun A species of antelope (Procapra picticauda), inhabiting Thibet.
gob noun Same as Goaf., A little mass or collection; a small quantity; a mouthful., The mouth.
god adjective & noun Good., A being conceived of as possessing supernatural power, and to be propitiated by sacrifice, worship, etc.; a divinity; a deity; an object of worship; an idol., The Supreme Being; the eternal and infinite Spirit, the Creator, and the Sovereign of the universe; Jehovah., A person or thing deified and honored as the chief good; an object of supreme regard., Figuratively applied to one who wields great or despotic power., To treat as a god; to idolize.
gog noun Haste; ardent desire to go.