3 letter word starting with k

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
kam noun Crooked; awry.
kan verb t. To know; to ken., See Khan.
kat noun An Arabian shrub Catha edulis) the leaves of which are used as tea by the Arabs.
kaw verb i. & noun See Caw.
kee noun pl. See Kie, Ky, and Kine.
keg noun A small cask or barrel.
ken noun A house; esp., one which is a resort for thieves., To know; to understand; to take cognizance of., To recognize; to descry; to discern., To look around., Cognizance; view; especially, reach of sight or knowledge.
ket noun Carrion; any filth.
kex noun A weed; a kecksy., A dry husk or covering.
key noun An instrument by means of which the bolt of a lock is shot or drawn; usually, a removable metal instrument fitted to the mechanism of a particular lock and operated by turning in its place., An instrument which is turned like a key in fastening or adjusting any mechanism; as, a watch key; a bed key, etc., That part of an instrument or machine which serves as the means of operating it; as, a telegraph key; the keys of a pianoforte, or of a typewriter., A position or condition which affords entrance, control, pr possession, etc.; as, the key of a line of defense; the key of a country; the key of a political situation. Hence, that which serves to unlock, open, discover, or solve something unknown or difficult; as, the key to a riddle; the key to a problem., That part of a mechanism which serves to lock up, make fast, or adjust to position., A piece of wood used as a wedge., The last board of a floor when laid down., A keystone., That part of the plastering which is forced through between the laths and holds the rest in place., A wedge to unite two or more pieces, or adjust their relative position; a cotter; a forelock., A bar, pin or wedge, to secure a crank, pulley, coupling, etc., upon a shaft, and prevent relative turning; sometimes holding by friction alone, but more frequently by its resistance to shearing, being usually embedded partly in the shaft and partly in the crank, pulley, etc., An indehiscent, one-seeded fruit furnished with a wing, as the fruit of the ash and maple; a samara; — called also key fruit., A family of tones whose regular members are called diatonic tones, and named key tone (or tonic) or one (or eight), mediant or three, dominant or five, subdominant or four, submediant or six, supertonic or two, and subtonic or seven. Chromatic tones are temporary members of a key, under such names as ” sharp four,” “flat seven,” etc. Scales and tunes of every variety are made from the tones of a key., The fundamental tone of a movement to which its modulations are referred, and with which it generally begins and ends; keynote., Fig: The general pitch or tone of a sentence or utterance., To fasten or secure firmly; to fasten or tighten with keys or wedges.
kid noun A young goat., A young child or infant; hence, a simple person, easily imposed on., A kind of leather made of the skin of the young goat, or of the skin of rats, etc., Gloves made of kid., A small wooden mess tub; — a name given by sailors to one in which they receive their food., To bring forth a young goat., A fagot; a bundle of heath and furze., of Kythe., See Kiddy, v. t.
kie noun pl. Kine; cows.
kin A diminutive suffix; as, manikin; lambkin., A primitive Chinese instrument of the cittern kind, with from five to twenty-five silken strings., Relationship, consanguinity, or affinity; connection by birth or marriage; kindred; near connection or alliance, as of those having common descent., Relatives; persons of the same family or race., Of the same nature or kind; kinder.
kip noun The hide of a young or small beef creature, or leather made from it; kipskin.
kit verb t. To cut., A kitten., A small violin., A large bottle., A wooden tub or pail, smaller at the top than at the bottom; as, a kit of butter, or of mackerel., straw or rush basket for fish; also, any kind of basket., A box for working implements; hence, a working outfit, as of a workman, a soldier, and the like., A group of separate parts, things, or individuals; — used with whole, and generally contemptuously; as, the whole kit of them.
kob noun Alt. of Koba
kon verb t. To know. See Can, and Con.
kra noun A long-tailed ape (Macacus cynomolgus) of India and Sumatra. It is reddish olive, spotted with black, and has a black tail.
kyd p. p. of Kythe.