3 letter word starting with t

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tab noun The flap or latchet of a shoe fastened with a string or a buckle., A tag. See Tag, 2., A loop for pulling or lifting something., A border of lace or other material, worn on the inner front edge of ladies’ bonnets., A loose pendent part of a lady’s garment; esp., one of a series of pendent squares forming an edge or border.
tac noun A kind of customary payment by a tenant; — a word used in old records.
tag noun Any slight appendage, as to an article of dress; something slight hanging loosely; specifically, a direction card, or label., A metallic binding, tube, or point, at the end of a string, or lace, to stiffen it., The end, or catchword, of an actor’s speech; cue., Something mean and paltry; the rabble., A sheep of the first year., A sale of usually used items (such as furniture, clothing, household items or bric-a-brac), conducted by one or a small group of individuals, at a location which is not a normal retail establishment., To fit with, or as with, a tag or tags., To join; to fasten; to attach., To follow closely after; esp., to follow and touch in the game of tag. See Tag, a play., To follow closely, as it were an appendage; — often with after; as, to tag after a person., A child’s play in which one runs after and touches another, and then runs away to avoid being touched.
tan noun See Picul., The bark of the oak, and some other trees, bruised and broken by a mill, for tanning hides; — so called both before and after it has been used. Called also tan bark., A yellowish-brown color, like that of tan., A brown color imparted to the skin by exposure to the sun; as, hands covered with tan., Of the color of tan; yellowish-brown., To convert (the skin of an animal) into leather, as by usual process of steeping it in an infusion of oak or some other bark, whereby it is impregnated with tannin, or tannic acid (which exists in several species of bark), and is thus rendered firm, durable, and in some degree impervious to water., To make brown; to imbrown, as by exposure to the rays of the sun; as, to tan the skin., To get or become tanned.
tap verb t. To strike with a slight or gentle blow; to touch gently; to rap lightly; to pat; as, to tap one with the hand or a cane., To put a new sole or heel on; as, to tap shoes., A gentle or slight blow; a light rap; a pat., A piece of leather fastened upon the bottom of a boot or shoe in repairing or renewing the sole or heel., A signal, by drum or trumpet, for extinguishing all lights in soldiers’ quarters and retiring to bed, — usually given about a quarter of an hour after tattoo., To strike a gentle blow., A hole or pipe through which liquor is drawn., A plug or spile for stopping a hole pierced in a cask, or the like; a faucet., Liquor drawn through a tap; hence, a certain kind or quality of liquor; as, a liquor of the same tap., A place where liquor is drawn for drinking; a taproom; a bar., A tool for forming an internal screw, as in a nut, consisting of a hardened steel male screw grooved longitudinally so as to have cutting edges., To pierce so as to let out, or draw off, a fluid; as, to tap a cask, a tree, a tumor, etc., Hence, to draw from (anything) in any analogous way; as, to tap telegraph wires for the purpose of intercepting information; to tap the treasury., To draw, or cause to flow, by piercing., To form an internal screw in (anything) by means of a tool called a tap; as, to tap a nut.
tar noun A sailor; a seaman., A thick, black, viscous liquid obtained by the distillation of wood, coal, etc., and having a varied composition according to the temperature and material employed in obtaining it., To smear with tar, or as with tar; as, to tar ropes; to tar cloth.
tas noun A heap., To tassel.
tat noun Gunny cloth made from the fiber of the Corchorus olitorius, or jute., A pony.
tau noun The common American toadfish; — so called from a marking resembling the Greek letter tau (/).
taw noun Tow., To push; to tug; to tow., To prepare or dress, as hemp, by beating; to tew; hence, to beat; to scourge., To dress and prepare, as the skins of sheep, lambs, goats, and kids, for gloves, and the like, by imbuing them with alum, salt, and other agents, for softening and bleaching them., A large marble to be played with; also, a game at marbles., A line or mark from which the players begin a game of marbles.
tax noun A charge, especially a pecuniary burden which is imposed by authority., A charge or burden laid upon persons or property for the support of a government., Especially, the sum laid upon specific things, as upon polls, lands, houses, income, etc.; as, a land tax; a window tax; a tax on carriages, and the like., A sum imposed or levied upon the members of a society to defray its expenses., A task exacted from one who is under control; a contribution or service, the rendering of which is imposed upon a subject., A disagreeable or burdensome duty or charge; as, a heavy tax on time or health., Charge; censure., A lesson to be learned; a task., To subject to the payment of a tax or taxes; to impose a tax upon; to lay a burden upon; especially, to exact money from for the support of government., To assess, fix, or determine judicially, the amount of; as, to tax the cost of an action in court., To charge; to accuse; also, to censure; — often followed by with, rarely by of before an indirect object; as, to tax a man with pride.
tea noun The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree (Thea, / Camellia, Chinensis). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some other countries., A decoction or infusion of tea leaves in boiling water; as, tea is a common beverage., Any infusion or decoction, especially when made of the dried leaves of plants; as, sage tea; chamomile tea; catnip tea., The evening meal, at which tea is usually served; supper., To take or drink tea.
ted verb t. To spread, or turn from the swath, and scatter for drying, as new-mowed grass; — chiefly used in the past participle.
tee noun The mark aimed at in curling and in quoits., The nodule of earth from which the ball is struck in golf., A short piece of pipe having a lateral outlet, used to connect a line of pipe with a pipe at a right angle with the line; — so called because it resembles the letter T in shape.
teg noun A sheep in its second year; also, a doe in its second year.
tek noun A Siberian ibex.
ten adjective One more than nine; twice five., The number greater by one than nine; the sum of five and five; ten units of objects., A symbol representing ten units, as 10, x, or X.
tew verb To prepare by beating or working, as leather or hemp; to taw., Hence, to beat; to scourge; also, to pull about; to maul; to tease; to vex., To work hard; to strive; to fuse., To tow along, as a vessel., A rope or chain for towing a boat; also, a cord; a string.
the verb i. See Thee., A word placed before nouns to limit or individualize their meaning., By that; by how much; by so much; on that account; — used before comparatives; as, the longer we continue in sin, the more difficult it is to reform.
tho def. art. The., Those., Then., Though.
thy pronoun Of thee, or belonging to thee; the more common form of thine, possessive case of thou; — used always attributively, and chiefly in the solemn or grave style, and in poetry. Thine is used in the predicate; as, the knife is thine. See Thine.
tic noun A local and habitual convulsive motion of certain muscles; especially, such a motion of some of the muscles of the face; twitching; velication; — called also spasmodic tic.
tid adjective Tender; soft; nice; — now only used in tidbit.
tie verb t. A knot; a fastening., A bond; an obligation, moral or legal; as, the sacred ties of friendship or of duty; the ties of allegiance., A knot of hair, as at the back of a wig., An equality in numbers, as of votes, scores, etc., which prevents either party from being victorious; equality in any contest, as a race., A beam or rod for holding two parts together; in railways, one of the transverse timbers which support the track and keep it in place., A line, usually straight, drawn across the stems of notes, or a curved line written over or under the notes, signifying that they are to be slurred, or closely united in the performance, or that two notes of the same pitch are to be sounded as one; a bind; a ligature., Low shoes fastened with lacings., To fasten with a band or cord and knot; to bind., To form, as a knot, by interlacing or complicating a cord; also, to interlace, or form a knot in; as, to tie a cord to a tree; to knit; to knot., To unite firmly; to fasten; to hold., To hold or constrain by authority or moral influence, as by knotted cords; to oblige; to constrain; to restrain; to confine., To unite, as notes, by a cross line, or by a curved line, or slur, drawn over or under them., To make an equal score with, in a contest; to be even with., To make a tie; to make an equal score.
tig noun A game among children. See Tag., A capacious, flat-bottomed drinking cup, generally with four handles, formerly used for passing around the table at convivial entertainment.
til preposition & conj. See Till.
tin noun An elementary substance found as an oxide in the mineral cassiterite, and reduced as a soft white crystalline metal, malleable at ordinary temperatures, but brittle when heated. It is not easily oxidized in the air, and is used chiefly to coat iron to protect it from rusting, in the form of tin foil with mercury to form the reflective surface of mirrors, and in solder, bronze, speculum metal, and other alloys. Its compounds are designated as stannous, or stannic. Symbol Sn (Stannum). Atomic weight 117.4., Thin plates of iron covered with tin; tin plate., Money., To cover with tin or tinned iron, or to overlay with tin foil.
tip noun The point or extremity of anything; a pointed or somewhat sharply rounded end; the end; as, the tip of the finger; the tip of a spear., An end piece or part; a piece, as a cap, nozzle, ferrule, or point, applied to the extreme end of anything; as, a tip for an umbrella, a shoe, a gas burner, etc., A piece of stiffened lining pasted on the inside of a hat crown., A thin, boarded brush made of camel’s hair, used by gilders in lifting gold leaf., Rubbish thrown from a quarry., To form a point upon; to cover the tip, top, or end of; as, to tip anything with gold or silver., To strike slightly; to tap., To bestow a gift, or douceur, upon; to give a present to; as, to tip a servant., To lower one end of, or to throw upon the end; to tilt; as, to tip a cask; to tip a cart., To fall on, or incline to, one side., A light touch or blow; a tap., A gift; a douceur; a fee., A hint, or secret intimation, as to the chances in a horse race, or the like.
tit noun A small horse., A woman; — used in contempt., A morsel; a bit., Any one of numerous species of small singing birds belonging to the families Paridae and Leiotrichidae; a titmouse., The European meadow pipit; a titlark.
to- preposition An obsolete intensive prefix used in the formation of compound verbs; as in to-beat, to-break, to-hew, to-rend, to-tear. See these words in the Vocabulary. See the Note on All to, or All-to, under All, adv.
tod noun A bush; a thick shrub; a bushy clump., An old weight used in weighing wool, being usually twenty-eight pounds., A fox; — probably so named from its bushy tail., To weigh; to yield in tods.
toe noun One of the terminal members, or digits, of the foot of a man or an animal., The fore part of the hoof or foot of an animal., Anything, or any part, corresponding to the toe of the foot; as, the toe of a boot; the toe of a skate., The journal, or pivot, at the lower end of a revolving shaft or spindle, which rests in a step., A lateral projection at one end, or between the ends, of a piece, as a rod or bolt, by means of which it is moved., A projection from the periphery of a revolving piece, acting as a cam to lift another piece., To touch or reach with the toes; to come fully up to; as, to toe the mark., To hold or carry the toes (in a certain way).
tol verb t. To take away. See Toll.
tom noun The knave of trumps at gleek.
ton pl. of Toe., The common tunny, or house mackerel., The prevailing fashion or mode; vogue; as, things of ton., A measure of weight or quantity., The weight of twenty hundredweight., Forty cubic feet of space, being the unit of measurement of the burden, or carrying capacity, of a vessel; as a vessel of 300 tons burden., A certain weight or quantity of merchandise, with reference to transportation as freight; as, six hundred weight of ship bread in casks, seven hundred weight in bags, eight hundred weight in bulk; ten bushels of potatoes; eight sacks, or ten barrels, of flour; forty cubic feet of rough, or fifty cubic feet of hewn, timber, etc.
too adverb Over; more than enough; — noting excess; as, a thing is too long, too short, or too wide; too high; too many; too much., Likewise; also; in addition.
top noun A child’s toy, commonly in the form of a conoid or pear, made to spin on its point, usually by drawing off a string wound round its surface or stem, the motion being sometimes continued by means of a whip., A plug, or conical block of wood, with longitudital grooves on its surface, in which the strands of the rope slide in the process of twisting., The highest part of anything; the upper end, edge, or extremity; the upper side or surface; summit; apex; vertex; cover; lid; as, the top of a spire; the top of a house; the top of a mountain; the top of the ground., The utmost degree; the acme; the summit., The highest rank; the most honorable position; the utmost attainable place; as, to be at the top of one’s class, or at the top of the school., The chief person; the most prominent one., The crown of the head, or the hair upon it; the head., The head, or upper part, of a plant., A platform surrounding the head of the lower mast and projecting on all sudes. It serves to spead the topmast rigging, thus strengheningthe mast, and also furnishes a convenient standing place for the men aloft., A bundle or ball of slivers of comkbed wool, from which the noils, or dust, have been taken out., Eve; verge; point., The part of a cut gem between the girdle, or circumference, and the table, or flat upper surface., Top-boots., To rise aloft; to be eminent; to tower; as, lofty ridges and topping mountains., To predominate; as, topping passions., To excel; to rise above others., To cover on the top; to tip; to cap; — chiefly used in the past participle., To rise above; to excel; to outgo; to surpass., To rise to the top of; to go over the top of., To take off the or upper part of; to crop., To perform eminently, or better than before., To raise one end of, as a yard, so that that end becomes higher than the other.
tor noun A tower; a turret., High-pointed hill; a rocky pinnacle.
tot noun Anything small; — frequently applied as a term of endearment to a little child., A drinking cup of small size, holding about half a pint., A foolish fellow.
tow noun The coarse and broken part of flax or hemp, separated from the finer part by the hatchel or swingle., To draw or pull through the water, as a vessel of any kind, by means of a rope., A rope by which anything is towed; a towline, or towrope., The act of towing, or the state of being towed; –chiefly used in the phrase, to take in tow, that is to tow., That which is towed, or drawn by a towline, as a barge, raft, collection of boats, ect.
toy verb t. A plaything for children; a bawble., A thing for amusement, but of no real value; an article of trade of little value; a trifle., A wild fancy; an odd conceit; idle sport; folly; trifling opinion., Amorous dalliance; play; sport; pastime., An old story; a silly tale., A headdress of linen or woolen, that hangs down over the shoulders, worn by old women of the lower classes; — called also toy mutch., To dally amorously; to trifle; to play., To treat foolishly.
try verb t. To divide or separate, as one sort from another; to winnow; to sift; to pick out; — frequently followed by out; as, to try out the wild corn from the good., To purify or refine, as metals; to melt out, and procure in a pure state, as oil, tallow, lard, etc., To prove by experiment; to apply a test to, for the purpose of determining the quality; to examine; to prove; to test; as, to try weights or measures by a standard; to try a man’s opinions., To subject to severe trial; to put to the test; to cause suffering or trouble to., To experiment with; to test by use; as, to try a remedy for disease; to try a horse., To strain; to subject to excessive tests; as, the light tries his eyes; repeated disappointments try one’s patience., To examine or investigate judicially; to examine by witnesses or other judicial evidence and the principles of law; as, to try a cause, or a criminal., To settle; to decide; to determine; specifically, to decide by an appeal to arms; as, to try rival claims by a duel; to try conclusions., To experience; to have or gain knowledge of by experience., To essay; to attempt; to endeavor., To exert strength; to endeavor; to make an effort or an attempt; as, you must try hard if you wish to learn., To do; to fare; as, how do you try!, A screen, or sieve, for grain., Act of trying; attempt; experiment; trial., Refined; select; excellent; choice.
tub noun An open wooden vessel formed with staves, bottom, and hoops; a kind of short cask, half barrel, or firkin, usually with but one head, — used for various purposes., The amount which a tub contains, as a measure of quantity; as, a tub of butter; a tub of camphor, which is about 1 cwt., etc., Any structure shaped like a tub: as, a certain old form of pulpit; a short, broad boat, etc., — often used jocosely or opprobriously., A sweating in a tub; a tub fast., A small cask; as, a tub of gin., A box or bucket in which coal or ore is sent up a shaft; — so called by miners., To plant or set in a tub; as, to tub a plant., To make use of a bathing tub; to lie or be in a bath; to bathe.
tue noun The parson bird.
tug verb t. To pull or draw with great effort; to draw along with continued exertion; to haul along; to tow; as, to tug a loaded cart; to tug a ship into port., To pull; to pluck., To pull with great effort; to strain in labor; as, to tug at the oar; to tug against the stream., To labor; to strive; to struggle., A pull with the utmost effort, as in the athletic contest called tug of war; a supreme effort., A sort of vehicle, used for conveying timber and heavy articles., A small, powerful steamboat used to tow vessels; — called also steam tug, tugboat, and towboat., A trace, or drawing strap, of a harness., An iron hook of a hoisting tub, to which a tackle is affixed.
tun noun A large cask; an oblong vessel bulging in the middle, like a pipe or puncheon, and girt with hoops; a wine cask., A fermenting vat., A certain measure for liquids, as for wine, equal to two pipes, four hogsheads, or 252 gallons. In different countries, the tun differs in quantity., A weight of 2,240 pounds. See Ton., An indefinite large quantity., A drunkard; — so called humorously, or in contempt., Any shell belonging to Dolium and allied genera; — called also tun-shell., To put into tuns, or casks.
tup verb t. & i. To butt, as a ram does., To cover; — said of a ram., A ram.
tur noun The urus.
tut Be still; hush; — an exclamation used for checking or rebuking., An imperial ensign consisting of a golden globe with a cross on it., A hassock.
tuz noun A lock or tuft of hair.
two noun One and one; twice one., The sum of one and one; the number next greater than one, and next less than three; two units or objects., A symbol representing two units, as 2, II., or ii.
tye noun A knot; a tie., A chain or rope, one end of which passes through the mast, and is made fast to the center of a yard; the other end is attached to a tackle, by means of which the yard is hoisted or lowered., A trough for washing ores., See Tie, the proper orthography.