3 letter word starting with to

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
to- preposition An obsolete intensive prefix used in the formation of compound verbs; as in to-beat, to-break, to-hew, to-rend, to-tear. See these words in the Vocabulary. See the Note on All to, or All-to, under All, adv.
tod noun A bush; a thick shrub; a bushy clump., An old weight used in weighing wool, being usually twenty-eight pounds., A fox; — probably so named from its bushy tail., To weigh; to yield in tods.
toe noun One of the terminal members, or digits, of the foot of a man or an animal., The fore part of the hoof or foot of an animal., Anything, or any part, corresponding to the toe of the foot; as, the toe of a boot; the toe of a skate., The journal, or pivot, at the lower end of a revolving shaft or spindle, which rests in a step., A lateral projection at one end, or between the ends, of a piece, as a rod or bolt, by means of which it is moved., A projection from the periphery of a revolving piece, acting as a cam to lift another piece., To touch or reach with the toes; to come fully up to; as, to toe the mark., To hold or carry the toes (in a certain way).
tol verb t. To take away. See Toll.
tom noun The knave of trumps at gleek.
ton pl. of Toe., The common tunny, or house mackerel., The prevailing fashion or mode; vogue; as, things of ton., A measure of weight or quantity., The weight of twenty hundredweight., Forty cubic feet of space, being the unit of measurement of the burden, or carrying capacity, of a vessel; as a vessel of 300 tons burden., A certain weight or quantity of merchandise, with reference to transportation as freight; as, six hundred weight of ship bread in casks, seven hundred weight in bags, eight hundred weight in bulk; ten bushels of potatoes; eight sacks, or ten barrels, of flour; forty cubic feet of rough, or fifty cubic feet of hewn, timber, etc.
too adverb Over; more than enough; — noting excess; as, a thing is too long, too short, or too wide; too high; too many; too much., Likewise; also; in addition.
top noun A child’s toy, commonly in the form of a conoid or pear, made to spin on its point, usually by drawing off a string wound round its surface or stem, the motion being sometimes continued by means of a whip., A plug, or conical block of wood, with longitudital grooves on its surface, in which the strands of the rope slide in the process of twisting., The highest part of anything; the upper end, edge, or extremity; the upper side or surface; summit; apex; vertex; cover; lid; as, the top of a spire; the top of a house; the top of a mountain; the top of the ground., The utmost degree; the acme; the summit., The highest rank; the most honorable position; the utmost attainable place; as, to be at the top of one’s class, or at the top of the school., The chief person; the most prominent one., The crown of the head, or the hair upon it; the head., The head, or upper part, of a plant., A platform surrounding the head of the lower mast and projecting on all sudes. It serves to spead the topmast rigging, thus strengheningthe mast, and also furnishes a convenient standing place for the men aloft., A bundle or ball of slivers of comkbed wool, from which the noils, or dust, have been taken out., Eve; verge; point., The part of a cut gem between the girdle, or circumference, and the table, or flat upper surface., Top-boots., To rise aloft; to be eminent; to tower; as, lofty ridges and topping mountains., To predominate; as, topping passions., To excel; to rise above others., To cover on the top; to tip; to cap; — chiefly used in the past participle., To rise above; to excel; to outgo; to surpass., To rise to the top of; to go over the top of., To take off the or upper part of; to crop., To perform eminently, or better than before., To raise one end of, as a yard, so that that end becomes higher than the other.
tor noun A tower; a turret., High-pointed hill; a rocky pinnacle.
tot noun Anything small; — frequently applied as a term of endearment to a little child., A drinking cup of small size, holding about half a pint., A foolish fellow.
tow noun The coarse and broken part of flax or hemp, separated from the finer part by the hatchel or swingle., To draw or pull through the water, as a vessel of any kind, by means of a rope., A rope by which anything is towed; a towline, or towrope., The act of towing, or the state of being towed; –chiefly used in the phrase, to take in tow, that is to tow., That which is towed, or drawn by a towline, as a barge, raft, collection of boats, ect.
toy verb t. A plaything for children; a bawble., A thing for amusement, but of no real value; an article of trade of little value; a trifle., A wild fancy; an odd conceit; idle sport; folly; trifling opinion., Amorous dalliance; play; sport; pastime., An old story; a silly tale., A headdress of linen or woolen, that hangs down over the shoulders, worn by old women of the lower classes; — called also toy mutch., To dally amorously; to trifle; to play., To treat foolishly.