3 letter word starting with tu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tub noun An open wooden vessel formed with staves, bottom, and hoops; a kind of short cask, half barrel, or firkin, usually with but one head, — used for various purposes., The amount which a tub contains, as a measure of quantity; as, a tub of butter; a tub of camphor, which is about 1 cwt., etc., Any structure shaped like a tub: as, a certain old form of pulpit; a short, broad boat, etc., — often used jocosely or opprobriously., A sweating in a tub; a tub fast., A small cask; as, a tub of gin., A box or bucket in which coal or ore is sent up a shaft; — so called by miners., To plant or set in a tub; as, to tub a plant., To make use of a bathing tub; to lie or be in a bath; to bathe.
tue noun The parson bird.
tug verb t. To pull or draw with great effort; to draw along with continued exertion; to haul along; to tow; as, to tug a loaded cart; to tug a ship into port., To pull; to pluck., To pull with great effort; to strain in labor; as, to tug at the oar; to tug against the stream., To labor; to strive; to struggle., A pull with the utmost effort, as in the athletic contest called tug of war; a supreme effort., A sort of vehicle, used for conveying timber and heavy articles., A small, powerful steamboat used to tow vessels; — called also steam tug, tugboat, and towboat., A trace, or drawing strap, of a harness., An iron hook of a hoisting tub, to which a tackle is affixed.
tun noun A large cask; an oblong vessel bulging in the middle, like a pipe or puncheon, and girt with hoops; a wine cask., A fermenting vat., A certain measure for liquids, as for wine, equal to two pipes, four hogsheads, or 252 gallons. In different countries, the tun differs in quantity., A weight of 2,240 pounds. See Ton., An indefinite large quantity., A drunkard; — so called humorously, or in contempt., Any shell belonging to Dolium and allied genera; — called also tun-shell., To put into tuns, or casks.
tup verb t. & i. To butt, as a ram does., To cover; — said of a ram., A ram.
tur noun The urus.
tut Be still; hush; — an exclamation used for checking or rebuking., An imperial ensign consisting of a golden globe with a cross on it., A hassock.
tuz noun A lock or tuft of hair.