4 letter word starting with ag

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
agha noun In Turkey, a commander or chief officer. It is used also as a title of respect.
aged imp. & past participle of Age, Old; having lived long; having lived almost to or beyond the usual time allotted to that species of being; as, an aged man; an aged oak., Belonging to old age., Having a certain age; at the age of; having lived; as, a man aged forty years.
agen adverb & preposition See Again.
agio noun The premium or percentage on a better sort of money when it is given in exchange for an inferior sort. The premium or discount on foreign bills of exchange is sometimes called agio.
agni plural of Agnus
agog adjective & adverb In eager desire; eager; astir.
agon noun A contest for a prize at the public games.
agre adverb Alt. of Agree
ague noun An acute fever., An intermittent fever, attended by alternate cold and hot fits., The cold fit or rigor of the intermittent fever; as, fever and ague., A chill, or state of shaking, as with cold., To strike with an ague, or with a cold fit.