4 letter word starting with an

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ana- A prefix in words from the Greek, denoting up, upward, throughout, backward, back, again, anew.
anal adjective Pertaining to, or situated near, the anus; as, the anal fin or glands.
anan interj. An expression equivalent to What did you say? Sir? Eh?
anas noun A genus of water fowls, of the order Anseres, including certain species of fresh-water ducks.
anes adverb Once.
anet noun The herb dill, or dillseed.
anew adverb Over again; another time; in a new form; afresh; as, to arm anew; to create anew.
anil noun A West Indian plant (Indigofera anil), one of the original sources of indigo; also, the indigo dye.
anna noun An East Indian money of account, the sixteenth of a rupee, or about 2/ cents.
anoa noun A small wild ox of Celebes (Anoa depressicornis), allied to the buffalo, but having long nearly straight horns.
anon adverb Straightway; at once., Soon; in a little while., At another time; then; again.
ansa noun A name given to either of the projecting ends of Saturn’s ring.
an’t A contraction for are and am not; also used for is not; — now usually written ain’t.
ant- See Anti-, prefix.
anta noun A species of pier produced by thickening a wall at its termination, treated architecturally as a pilaster, with capital and base.
ante noun Each player’s stake, which is put into the pool before (ante) the game begins., To put up (an ante).
anti A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of; — used in composition in many English words. It is often shortened to ant-; as, antacid, antarctic.
anus noun The posterior opening of the alimentary canal, through which the excrements are expelled.