4 letter word starting with au

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
aube noun An alb.
auld adjective Old; as, Auld Reekie (old smoky), i. e., Edinburgh.
auln noun An ell. [Obs.] See Aune.
aune noun A French cloth measure, of different parts of the country (at Paris, 0.95 of an English ell); — now superseded by the meter.
aunt noun The sister of one’s father or mother; — correlative to nephew or niece. Also applied to an uncle’s wife., An old woman; and old gossip., A bawd, or a prostitute.
aura noun Any subtile, invisible emanation, effluvium, or exhalation from a substance, as the aroma of flowers, the odor of the blood, a supposed fertilizing emanation from the pollen of flowers, etc., The peculiar sensation, as of a light vapor, or cold air, rising from the trunk or limbs towards the head, a premonitory symptom of epilepsy or hysterics.