4 letter word starting with av

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
avel verb t. To pull away.
aver noun A work horse, or working ox., To assert, or prove, the truth of., To avouch or verify; to offer to verify; to prove or justify. See Averment., To affirm with confidence; to declare in a positive manner, as in confidence of asserting the truth.
aves noun pl. The class of Vertebrata that includes the birds.
avid adjective Longing eagerly for; eager; greedy.
avie adverb Emulously.
avis noun Advice; opinion; deliberation.
avow verb t. To declare openly, as something believed to be right; to own or acknowledge frankly; as, a man avows his principles or his crimes., To acknowledge and justify, as an act done. See Avowry., Avowal., To bind, or to devote, by a vow., A vow or determination.