4 letter word starting with ce

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cede verb t. To yield or surrender; to give up; to resign; as, to cede a fortress, a province, or country, to another nation, by treaty.
ceil verb t. To overlay or cover the inner side of the roof of; to furnish with a ceiling; as, to ceil a room., To line or finish a surface, as of a wall, with plaster, stucco, thin boards, or the like.
cell noun A very small and close apartment, as in a prison or in a monastery or convent; the hut of a hermit., A small religious house attached to a monastery or convent., Any small cavity, or hollow place., The space between the ribs of a vaulted roof., Same as Cella., A jar of vessel, or a division of a compound vessel, for holding the exciting fluid of a battery., One of the minute elementary structures, of which the greater part of the various tissues and organs of animals and plants are composed., To place or inclose in a cell.
celt noun One of an ancient race of people, who formerly inhabited a great part of Central and Western Europe, and whose descendants at the present day occupy Ireland, Wales, the Highlands of Scotland, and the northern shores of France., A weapon or implement of stone or metal, found in the tumuli, or barrows, of the early Celtic nations.
cent noun A hundred; as, ten per cent, the proportion of ten parts in a hundred., A United States coin, the hundredth part of a dollar, formerly made of copper, now of copper, tin, and zinc., An old game at cards, supposed to be like piquet; — so called because 100 points won the game.
cere noun The soft naked sheath at the base of the beak of birds of prey, parrots, and some other birds. See Beak., To wax; to cover or close with wax.
cero noun A large and valuable fish of the Mackerel family, of the genus Scomberomorus. Two species are found in the West Indies and less commonly on the Atlantic coast of the United States, — the common cero (Scomberomorus caballa), called also kingfish, and spotted, or king, cero (S. regalis).
cess noun A rate or tax., Bound; measure., To rate; to tax; to assess., To cease; to neglect.
cest noun A woman’s girdle; a cestus.
cete noun One of the Cetacea, or collectively, the Cetacea.