4 letter word starting with ed

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
edda noun The religious or mythological book of the old Scandinavian tribes of German origin, containing two collections of Sagas (legends, myths) of the old northern gods and heroes.
eddy noun A current of air or water running back, or in a direction contrary to the main current., A current of water or air moving in a circular direction; a whirlpool., To move as an eddy, or as in an eddy; to move in a circle., To collect as into an eddy.
eden noun The garden where Adam and Eve first dwelt; hence, a delightful region or residence.
edge verb t. The thin cutting side of the blade of an instrument; as, the edge of an ax, knife, sword, or scythe. Hence, figuratively, that which cuts as an edge does, or wounds deeply, etc., Any sharp terminating border; a margin; a brink; extreme verge; as, the edge of a table, a precipice., Sharpness; readiness of fitness to cut; keenness; intenseness of desire., The border or part adjacent to the line of division; the beginning or early part; as, in the edge of evening., To furnish with an edge as a tool or weapon; to sharpen., To shape or dress the edge of, as with a tool., To furnish with a fringe or border; as, to edge a dress; to edge a garden with box., To make sharp or keen, figuratively; to incite; to exasperate; to goad; to urge or egg on., To move by little and little or cautiously, as by pressing forward edgewise; as, edging their chairs forwards., To move sideways; to move gradually; as, edge along this way., To sail close to the wind.
edgy adjective Easily irritated; sharp; as, an edgy temper., Having some of the forms, such as drapery or the like, too sharply defined.
edit verb t. To superintend the publication of; to revise and prepare for publication; to select, correct, arrange, etc., the matter of, for publication; as, to edit a newspaper.