4 letter word starting with fu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
fuar noun Same as Feuar.
fubs noun A plump young person or child.
fuci plural of Fucus
fuel noun Any matter used to produce heat by burning; that which feeds fire; combustible matter used for fires, as wood, coal, peat, etc., Anything that serves to feed or increase passion or excitement., To feed with fuel., To store or furnish with fuel or firing.
fuff verb t. & i. To puff.
fuga noun A fugue.
fugh interj. An exclamation of disgust; foh; faugh.
full compar. Filled up, having within its limits all that it can contain; supplied; not empty or vacant; — said primarily of hollow vessels, and hence of anything else; as, a cup full of water; a house full of people., Abundantly furnished or provided; sufficient in. quantity, quality, or degree; copious; plenteous; ample; adequate; as, a full meal; a full supply; a full voice; a full compensation; a house full of furniture., Not wanting in any essential quality; complete, entire; perfect; adequate; as, a full narrative; a person of full age; a full stop; a full face; the full moon., Sated; surfeited., Having the mind filled with ideas; stocked with knowledge; stored with information., Having the attention, thoughts, etc., absorbed in any matter, and the feelings more or less excited by it, as, to be full of some project., Filled with emotions., Impregnated; made pregnant., Complete measure; utmost extent; the highest state or degree., Quite; to the same degree; without abatement or diminution; with the whole force or effect; thoroughly; completely; exactly; entirely., To become full or wholly illuminated; as, the moon fulls at midnight., To thicken by moistening, heating, and pressing, as cloth; to mill; to make compact; to scour, cleanse, and thicken in a mill., To become fulled or thickened; as, this material fulls well.
fume noun Exhalation; volatile matter (esp. noxious vapor or smoke) ascending in a dense body; smoke; vapor; reek; as, the fumes of tobacco., Rage or excitement which deprives the mind of self-control; as, the fumes of passion., Anything vaporlike, unsubstantial, or airy; idle conceit; vain imagination., The incense of praise; inordinate flattery., To smoke; to throw off fumes, as in combustion or chemical action; to rise up, as vapor., To be as in a mist; to be dulled and stupefied., To pass off in fumes or vapors., To be in a rage; to be hot with anger., To expose to the action of fumes; to treat with vapors, smoke, etc.; as, to bleach straw by fuming it with sulphur; to fill with fumes, vapors, odors, etc., as a room., To praise inordinately; to flatter., To throw off in vapor, or as in the form of vapor.
fumy adjective Producing fumes; fumous.
fund noun An aggregation or deposit of resources from which supplies are or may be drawn for carrying on any work, or for maintaining existence., A stock or capital; a sum of money appropriated as the foundation of some commercial or other operation undertaken with a view to profit; that reserve by means of which expenses and credit are supported; as, the fund of a bank, commercial house, manufacturing corporation, etc., The stock of a national debt; public securities; evidences (stocks or bonds) of money lent to government, for which interest is paid at prescribed intervals; — called also public funds., An invested sum, whose income is devoted to a specific object; as, the fund of an ecclesiastical society; a fund for the maintenance of lectures or poor students; also, money systematically collected to meet the expenses of some permanent object., A store laid up, from which one may draw at pleasure; a supply; a full provision of resources; as, a fund of wisdom or good sense., To provide and appropriate a fund or permanent revenue for the payment of the interest of; to make permanent provision of resources (as by a pledge of revenue from customs) for discharging the interest of or principal of; as, to fund government notes., To place in a fund, as money., To put into the form of bonds or stocks bearing regular interest; as, to fund the floating debt.
funk noun An offensive smell; a stench., To envelop with an offensive smell or smoke., To emit an offensive smell; to stink., To be frightened, and shrink back; to flinch; as, to funk at the edge of a precipice., Alt. of Funking
furl verb t. To draw up or gather into close compass; to wrap or roll, as a sail, close to the yard, stay, or mast, or, as a flag, close to or around its staff, securing it there by a gasket or line. Totten.
fury noun A thief., Violent or extreme excitement; overmastering agitation or enthusiasm., Violent anger; extreme wrath; rage; — sometimes applied to inanimate things, as the wind or storms; impetuosity; violence., pl. (Greek Myth.) The avenging deities, Tisiphone, Alecto, and Megaera; the Erinyes or Eumenides., One of the Parcae, or Fates, esp. Atropos., A stormy, turbulent violent woman; a hag; a vixen; a virago; a termagant.
fuse verb t. To liquefy by heat; to render fiuid; to dissolve; to melt., To unite or blend, as if melted together., To be reduced from a solid to a Quid state by heat; to be melted; to melt., To be blended, as if melted together., A tube or casing filled with combustible matter, by means of which a charge of powder is ignited, as in blasting; — called also fuzee. See Fuze.
fuss noun A tumult; a bustle; unnecessary or annoying ado about trifles., One who is unduly anxious about trifles., To be overbusy or unduly anxious about trifles; to make a bustle or ado.
fust noun A strong, musty smell; mustiness., To become moldy; to smell ill.
fuze noun A tube, filled with combustible matter, for exploding a shell, etc. See Fuse, n.
fuzz verb t. To make drunk., Fine, light particles or fibers; loose, volatile matter., To fly off in minute particles.