4 letter word starting with ga

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
gaby noun A simpleton; a dunce; a lout.
gade noun A small British fish (Motella argenteola) of the Cod family., A pike, so called at Moray Firth; — called also gead.
gael nounsing. & pl. A Celt or the Celts of the Scotch Highlands or of Ireland; now esp., a Scotch Highlander of Celtic origin.
gaff noun A barbed spear or a hook with a handle, used by fishermen in securing heavy fish., The spar upon which the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail is extended., Same as Gaffle, 1., To strike with a gaff or barbed spear; to secure by means of a gaff; as, to gaff a salmon.
gage noun A pledge or pawn; something laid down or given as a security for the performance of some act by the person depositing it, and forfeited by nonperformance; security., A glove, cap, or the like, cast on the ground as a challenge to combat, and to be taken up by the accepter of the challenge; a challenge; a defiance., A variety of plum; as, the greengage; also, the blue gage, frost gage, golden gage, etc., having more or less likeness to the greengage. See Greengage., To give or deposit as a pledge or security for some act; to wage or wager; to pawn or pledge., To bind by pledge, or security; to engage., A measure or standard. See Gauge, n., To measure. See Gauge, v. t.
gain noun A square or beveled notch cut out of a girder, binding joist, or other timber which supports a floor beam, so as to receive the end of the floor beam., Convenient; suitable; direct; near; handy; dexterous; easy; profitable; cheap; respectable., That which is gained, obtained, or acquired, as increase, profit, advantage, or benefit; — opposed to loss., The obtaining or amassing of profit or valuable possessions; acquisition; accumulation., To get, as profit or advantage; to obtain or acquire by effort or labor; as, to gain a good living., To come off winner or victor in; to be successful in; to obtain by competition; as, to gain a battle; to gain a case at law; to gain a prize., To draw into any interest or party; to win to one’s side; to conciliate., To reach; to attain to; to arrive at; as, to gain the top of a mountain; to gain a good harbor., To get, incur, or receive, as loss, harm, or damage., To have or receive advantage or profit; to acquire gain; to grow rich; to advance in interest, health, or happiness; to make progress; as, the sick man gains daily.
gait noun A going; a walk; a march; a way., Manner of walking or stepping; bearing or carriage while moving.
gala noun Pomp, show, or festivity.
gale noun A strong current of air; a wind between a stiff breeze and a hurricane. The most violent gales are called tempests., A moderate current of air; a breeze., A state of excitement, passion, or hilarity., To sale, or sail fast., A song or story., To sing., A plant of the genus Myrica, growing in wet places, and strongly resembling the bayberry. The sweet gale (Myrica Gale) is found both in Europe and in America., The payment of a rent or annuity.
gall noun The bitter, alkaline, viscid fluid found in the gall bladder, beneath the liver. It consists of the secretion of the liver, or bile, mixed with that of the mucous membrane of the gall bladder., The gall bladder., Anything extremely bitter; bitterness; rancor., Impudence; brazen assurance., An excrescence of any form produced on any part of a plant by insects or their larvae. They are most commonly caused by small Hymenoptera and Diptera which puncture the bark and lay their eggs in the wounds. The larvae live within the galls. Some galls are due to aphids, mites, etc. See Gallnut., To impregnate with a decoction of gallnuts., To fret and wear away by friction; to hurt or break the skin of by rubbing; to chafe; to injure the surface of by attrition; as, a saddle galls the back of a horse; to gall a mast or a cable., To fret; to vex; as, to be galled by sarcasm., To injure; to harass; to annoy; as, the troops were galled by the shot of the enemy., To scoff; to jeer., A wound in the skin made by rubbing.
galt noun Same as Gault.
game noun Crooked; lame; as, a game leg., Sport of any kind; jest, frolic., A contest, physical or mental, according to certain rules, for amusement, recreation, or for winning a stake; as, a game of chance; games of skill; field games, etc., The use or practice of such a game; a single match at play; a single contest; as, a game at cards., That which is gained, as the stake in a game; also, the number of points necessary to be scored in order to win a game; as, in short whist five points are game., In some games, a point credited on the score to the player whose cards counts up the highest., A scheme or art employed in the pursuit of an object or purpose; method of procedure; projected line of operations; plan; project., Animals pursued and taken by sportsmen; wild meats designed for, or served at, table., Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock; ready to fight to the last; plucky., Of or pertaining to such animals as are hunted for game, or to the act or practice of hunting., To rejoice; to be pleased; — often used, in Old English, impersonally with dative., To play at any sport or diversion., To play for a stake or prize; to use cards, dice, billiards, or other instruments, according to certain rules, with a view to win money or other thing waged upon the issue of the contest; to gamble.
gamy adjective Having the flavor of game, esp. of game kept uncooked till near the condition of tainting; high-flavored., Showing an unyielding spirit to the last; plucky; furnishing sport; as, a gamy trout.
gane verb i. To yawn; to gape.
gang verb i. To go; to walk., A going; a course., A number going in company; hence, a company, or a number of persons associated for a particular purpose; a group of laborers under one foreman; a squad; as, a gang of sailors; a chain gang; a gang of thieves., A combination of similar implements arranged so as, by acting together, to save time or labor; a set; as, a gang of saws, or of plows., A set; all required for an outfit; as, a new gang of stays., The mineral substance which incloses a vein; a matrix; a gangue.
gaol noun A place of confinement, especially for minor offenses or provisional imprisonment; a jail.
gape verb i. To open the mouth wide, Expressing a desire for food; as, young birds gape., Indicating sleepiness or indifference; to yawn., To pen or part widely; to exhibit a gap, fissure, or hiatus., To long, wait eagerly, or cry aloud for something; — with for, after, or at., The act of gaping; a yawn., The width of the mouth when opened, as of birds, fishes, etc.
garb noun Clothing in general., The whole dress or suit of clothes worn by any person, especially when indicating rank or office; as, the garb of a clergyman or a judge., Costume; fashion; as, the garb of a gentleman in the 16th century., External appearance, as expressive of the feelings or character; looks; fashion or manner, as of speech., A sheaf of grain (wheat, unless otherwise specified)., To clothe; array; deck.
gard noun Garden., See Guard.
gare noun Coarse wool on the legs of sheep.
gash verb t. To make a gash, or long, deep incision in; — applied chiefly to incisions in flesh., A deep and long cut; an incision of considerable length and depth, particularly in flesh.
gasp verb i. To open the mouth wide in catching the breath, or in laborious respiration; to labor for breath; to respire convulsively; to pant violently., To pant with eagerness; to show vehement desire., To emit or utter with gasps; — with forth, out, away, etc., The act of opening the mouth convulsively to catch the breath; a labored respiration; a painful catching of the breath.
gast verb t. To make aghast; to frighten; to terrify. See Aghast.
gate noun A large door or passageway in the wall of a city, of an inclosed field or place, or of a grand edifice, etc.; also, the movable structure of timber, metal, etc., by which the passage can be closed., An opening for passage in any inclosing wall, fence, or barrier; or the suspended framework which closes or opens a passage. Also, figuratively, a means or way of entrance or of exit., A door, valve, or other device, for stopping the passage of water through a dam, lock, pipe, etc., The places which command the entrances or access; hence, place of vantage; power; might., In a lock tumbler, the opening for the stump of the bolt to pass through or into., The channel or opening through which metal is poured into the mold; the ingate., The waste piece of metal cast in the opening; a sprue or sullage piece., To supply with a gate., To punish by requiring to be within the gates at an earlier hour than usual., A way; a path; a road; a street (as in Highgate)., Manner; gait.
gaud noun Trick; jest; sport., Deceit; fraud; artifice; device., An ornament; a piece of worthless finery; a trinket., To sport or keep festival., To bedeck gaudily; to decorate with gauds or showy trinkets or colors; to paint.
gaul noun The Anglicized form of Gallia, which in the time of the Romans included France and Upper Italy (Transalpine and Cisalpine Gaul)., A native or inhabitant of Gaul.
gaur noun An East Indian species of wild cattle (Bibos gauris), of large size and an untamable disposition.
gave imp. of Give., of Give
gawk noun A cuckoo., A simpleton; a booby; a gawky., To act like a gawky.
gawn noun A small tub or lading vessel.
gaze verb i. To fixx the eyes in a steady and earnest look; to look with eagerness or curiosity, as in admiration, astonishment, or with studious attention., To view with attention; to gaze on ., A fixed look; a look of eagerness, wonder, or admiration; a continued look of attention., The object gazed on.