4 letter word starting with he

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
head noun The anterior or superior part of an animal, containing the brain, or chief ganglia of the nervous system, the mouth, and in the higher animals, the chief sensory organs; poll; cephalon., The uppermost, foremost, or most important part of an inanimate object; such a part as may be considered to resemble the head of an animal; often, also, the larger, thicker, or heavier part or extremity, in distinction from the smaller or thinner part, or from the point or edge; as, the head of a cane, a nail, a spear, an ax, a mast, a sail, a ship; that which covers and closes the top or the end of a hollow vessel; as, the head of a cask or a steam boiler., The place where the head should go; as, the head of a bed, of a grave, etc.; the head of a carriage, that is, the hood which covers the head., The most prominent or important member of any organized body; the chief; the leader; as, the head of a college, a school, a church, a state, and the like., The place or honor, or of command; the most important or foremost position; the front; as, the head of the table; the head of a column of soldiers., Each one among many; an individual; — often used in a plural sense; as, a thousand head of cattle., The seat of the intellect; the brain; the understanding; the mental faculties; as, a good head, that is, a good mind; it never entered his head, it did not occur to him; of his own head, of his own thought or will., The source, fountain, spring, or beginning, as of a stream or river; as, the head of the Nile; hence, the altitude of the source, or the height of the surface, as of water, above a given place, as above an orifice at which it issues, and the pressure resulting from the height or from motion; sometimes also, the quantity in reserve; as, a mill or reservoir has a good head of water, or ten feet head; also, that part of a gulf or bay most remote from the outlet or the sea., A headland; a promontory; as, Gay Head., A separate part, or topic, of a discourse; a theme to be expanded; a subdivision; as, the heads of a sermon., Culminating point or crisis; hence, strength; force; height., Power; armed force., A headdress; a covering of the head; as, a laced head; a head of hair., An ear of wheat, barley, or of one of the other small cereals., A dense cluster of flowers, as in clover, daisies, thistles; a capitulum., A dense, compact mass of leaves, as in a cabbage or a lettuce plant., The antlers of a deer., A rounded mass of foam which rises on a pot of beer or other effervescing liquor., Tiles laid at the eaves of a house., Principal; chief; leading; first; as, the head master of a school; the head man of a tribe; a head chorister; a head cook., To be at the head of; to put one’s self at the head of; to lead; to direct; to act as leader to; as, to head an army, an expedition, or a riot., To form a head to; to fit or furnish with a head; as, to head a nail., To behead; to decapitate., To cut off the top of; to lop off; as, to head trees., To go in front of; to get in the front of, so as to hinder or stop; to oppose; hence, to check or restrain; as, to head a drove of cattle; to head a person; the wind heads a ship., To set on the head; as, to head a cask., To originate; to spring; to have its source, as a river., To go or point in a certain direction; to tend; as, how does the ship head?, To form a head; as, this kind of cabbage heads early.
heal verb t. To cover, as a roof, with tiles, slate, lead, or the like., To make hale, sound, or whole; to cure of a disease, wound, or other derangement; to restore to soundness or health., To remove or subdue; to cause to pass away; to cure; — said of a disease or a wound., To restore to original purity or integrity., To reconcile, as a breach or difference; to make whole; to free from guilt; as, to heal dissensions., To grow sound; to return to a sound state; as, the limb heals, or the wound heals; — sometimes with up or over; as, it will heal up, or over., Health.
heam noun The afterbirth or secundines of a beast.
heap noun A crowd; a throng; a multitude or great number of persons., A great number or large quantity of things not placed in a pile., A pile or mass; a collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form an elevation; as, a heap of earth or stones., To collect in great quantity; to amass; to lay up; to accumulate; — usually with up; as, to heap up treasures., To throw or lay in a heap; to make a heap of; to pile; as, to heap stones; — often with up; as, to heap up earth; or with on; as, to heap on wood or coal., To form or round into a heap, as in measuring; to fill (a measure) more than even full.
hear verb t. To perceive by the ear; to apprehend or take cognizance of by the ear; as, to hear sounds; to hear a voice; to hear one call., To give audience or attention to; to listen to; to heed; to accept the doctrines or advice of; to obey; to examine; to try in a judicial court; as, to hear a recitation; to hear a class; the case will be heard to-morrow., To attend, or be present at, as hearer or worshiper; as, to hear a concert; to hear Mass., To give attention to as a teacher or judge., To accede to the demand or wishes of; to listen to and answer favorably; to favor., To have the sense or faculty of perceiving sound., To use the power of perceiving sound; to perceive or apprehend by the ear; to attend; to listen., To be informed by oral communication; to be told; to receive information by report or by letter.
heat noun A force in nature which is recognized in various effects, but especially in the phenomena of fusion and evaporation, and which, as manifested in fire, the sun’s rays, mechanical action, chemical combination, etc., becomes directly known to us through the sense of feeling. In its nature heat is a mode if motion, being in general a form of molecular disturbance or vibration. It was formerly supposed to be a subtile, imponderable fluid, to which was given the name caloric., The sensation caused by the force or influence of heat when excessive, or above that which is normal to the human body; the bodily feeling experienced on exposure to fire, the sun’s rays, etc.; the reverse of cold., High temperature, as distinguished from low temperature, or cold; as, the heat of summer and the cold of winter; heat of the skin or body in fever, etc., Indication of high temperature; appearance, condition, or color of a body, as indicating its temperature; redness; high color; flush; degree of temperature to which something is heated, as indicated by appearance, condition, or otherwise., A single complete operation of heating, as at a forge or in a furnace; as, to make a horseshoe in a certain number of heats., A violent action unintermitted; a single effort; a single course in a race that consists of two or more courses; as, he won two heats out of three., Utmost violence; rage; vehemence; as, the heat of battle or party., Agitation of mind; inflammation or excitement; exasperation., Animation, as in discourse; ardor; fervency., Sexual excitement in animals., Fermentation., To make hot; to communicate heat to, or cause to grow warm; as, to heat an oven or furnace, an iron, or the like., To excite or make hot by action or emotion; to make feverish., To excite ardor in; to rouse to action; to excite to excess; to inflame, as the passions., To grow warm or hot by the action of fire or friction, etc., or the communication of heat; as, the iron or the water heats slowly., To grow warm or hot by fermentation, or the development of heat by chemical action; as, green hay heats in a mow, and manure in the dunghill., Heated; as, the iron though heat red-hot.
hebe noun The goddess of youth, daughter of Jupiter and Juno. She was believed to have the power of restoring youth and beauty to those who had lost them., An African ape; the hamadryas.
heck noun The bolt or latch of a door., A rack for cattle to feed at., A door, especially one partly of latticework; — called also heck door., A latticework contrivance for catching fish., An apparatus for separating the threads of warps into sets, as they are wound upon the reel from the bobbins, in a warping machine., A bend or winding of a stream.
heed verb t. To mind; to regard with care; to take notice of; to attend to; to observe., To mind; to consider., Attention; notice; observation; regard; — often with give or take., Careful consideration; obedient regard., A look or expression of heading.
heel verb i. To lean or tip to one side, as a ship; as, the ship heels aport; the boat heeled over when the squall struck it., The hinder part of the foot; sometimes, the whole foot; — in man or quadrupeds., The hinder part of any covering for the foot, as of a shoe, sock, etc.; specif., a solid part projecting downward from the hinder part of the sole of a boot or shoe., The latter or remaining part of anything; the closing or concluding part., Anything regarded as like a human heel in shape; a protuberance; a knob., The part of a thing corresponding in position to the human heel; the lower part, or part on which a thing rests, The after end of a ship’s keel., The lower end of a mast, a boom, the bowsprit, the sternpost, etc., In a small arm, the corner of the but which is upwards in the firing position., The uppermost part of the blade of a sword, next to the hilt., The part of any tool next the tang or handle; as, the heel of a scythe., Management by the heel, especially the spurred heel; as, the horse understands the heel well., The lower end of a timber in a frame, as a post or rafter. In the United States, specif., the obtuse angle of the lower end of a rafter set sloping., A cyma reversa; — so called by workmen., To perform by the use of the heels, as in dancing, running, and the like., To add a heel to; as, to heel a shoe., To arm with a gaff, as a cock for fighting.
heep noun The hip of the dog-rose.
heer noun A yarn measure of six hundred yards or / of a spindle. See Spindle., Hair.
heft noun Same as Haft, n., The act or effort of heaving/ violent strain or exertion., Weight; ponderousness., The greater part or bulk of anything; as, the heft of the crop was spoiled., of Heft, To heave up; to raise aloft., To prove or try the weight of by raising.
heir noun One who inherits, or is entitled to succeed to the possession of, any property after the death of its owner; one on whom the law bestows the title or property of another at the death of the latter., One who receives any endowment from an ancestor or relation; as, the heir of one’s reputation or virtues., To inherit; to succeed to.
held imp. & p. p. of Hold., of Hold
hele noun Health; welfare., To hide; to cover; to roof.
hell verb t. The place of the dead, or of souls after death; the grave; — called in Hebrew sheol, and by the Greeks hades., The place or state of punishment for the wicked after death; the abode of evil spirits. Hence, any mental torment; anguish., A place where outcast persons or things are gathered, A dungeon or prison; also, in certain running games, a place to which those who are caught are carried for detention., A gambling house., A place into which a tailor throws his shreds, or a printer his broken type., To overwhelm.
helm noun See Haulm, straw., The apparatus by which a ship is steered, comprising rudder, tiller, wheel, etc.; — commonly used of the tiller or wheel alone., The place or office of direction or administration., One at the place of direction or control; a steersman; hence, a guide; a director., A helve., To steer; to guide; to direct., A helmet., A heavy cloud lying on the brow of a mountain., To cover or furnish with a helm or helmet.
help verb t. To furnish with strength or means for the successful performance of any action or the attainment of any object; to aid; to assist; as, to help a man in his work; to help one to remember; — the following infinitive is commonly used without to; as, “Help me scale yon balcony.”, To furnish with the means of deliverance from trouble; as, to help one in distress; to help one out of prison., To furnish with relief, as in pain or disease; to be of avail against; — sometimes with of before a word designating the pain or disease, and sometimes having such a word for the direct object., To change for the better; to remedy., To prevent; to hinder; as, the evil approaches, and who can help it?, To forbear; to avoid., To wait upon, as the guests at table, by carving and passing food., To lend aid or assistance; to contribute strength or means; to avail or be of use; to assist., Strength or means furnished toward promoting an object, or deliverance from difficulty or distress; aid; ^; also, the person or thing furnishing the aid; as, he gave me a help of fifty dollars., Remedy; relief; as, there is no help for it., A helper; one hired to help another; also, thew hole force of hired helpers in any business., Specifically, a domestic servant, man or woman.
hemp noun A plant of the genus Cannabis (C. sativa), the fibrous skin or bark of which is used for making cloth and cordage. The name is also applied to various other plants yielding fiber., The fiber of the skin or rind of the plant, prepared for spinning. The name has also been extended to various fibers resembling the true hemp.
heng imp. Hung.
hent past participle of Hent, To seize; to lay hold on; to catch; to get.
here pronoun pl. Of them; their., Hair., See Her, their., Her; hers. See Her., In this place; in the place where the speaker is; — opposed to there., In the present life or state., To or into this place; hither. [Colloq.] See Thither., At this point of time, or of an argument; now.
herb noun A plant whose stem does not become woody and permanent, but dies, at least down to the ground, after flowering., Grass; herbage.
herd adjective Haired., A number of beasts assembled together; as, a herd of horses, oxen, cattle, camels, elephants, deer, or swine; a particular stock or family of cattle., A crowd of low people; a rabble., One who herds or assembles domestic animals; a herdsman; — much used in composition; as, a shepherd; a goatherd, and the like., To unite or associate in a herd; to feed or run together, or in company; as, sheep herd on many hills., To associate; to ally one’s self with, or place one’s self among, a group or company., To act as a herdsman or a shepherd., To form or put into a herd.
herl noun Same as Harl, 2.
hern noun A heron; esp., the common European heron.
hero noun An illustrious man, supposed to be exalted, after death, to a place among the gods; a demigod, as Hercules., A man of distinguished valor or enterprise in danger, or fortitude in suffering; a prominent or central personage in any remarkable action or event; hence, a great or illustrious person., The principal personage in a poem, story, and the like, or the person who has the principal share in the transactions related; as Achilles in the Iliad, Ulysses in the Odyssey, and Aeneas in the Aeneid.
herr noun A title of respect given to gentlemen in Germany, equivalent to the English Mister.
hers pronoun See the Note under Her, pron.
hert noun A hart.
hery verb t. To worship; to glorify; to praise.
hesp noun A measure of two hanks of linen thread.
hest noun Command; precept; injunction.
hete imp. & past participle of Hete, Variant of Hote.
heuk noun Variant of Huke.
hewn of Hew, Felled, cut, or shaped as with an ax; roughly squared; as, a house built of hewn logs., Roughly dressed as with a hammer; as, hewn stone.
hewe noun A domestic servant; a retainer.
hex- Alt. of Hexa
hexa A prefix or combining form, used to denote six, sixth, etc.; as, hexatomic, hexabasic.
heyh adjective Alt. of Heygh