4 letter word starting with ho

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
hove of Heave, of Heave, imp. & p. p. of Heave., To rise; to swell; to heave; to cause to swell., To hover around; to loiter; to lurk.
holp imp. of Help, Alt. of Holpen
hote of Hight, of Hote, To command; to enjoin., To promise., To be called; to be named.
hoar adjective White, or grayish white; as, hoar frost; hoar cliffs., Gray or white with age; hoary., Musty; moldy; stale., Hoariness; antiquity., To become moldy or musty.
hoax noun A deception for mockery or mischief; a deceptive trick or story; a practical joke., To deceive by a story or a trick, for sport or mischief; to impose upon sportively.
hock noun A Rhenish wine, of a light yellow color, either sparkling or still. The name is also given indiscriminately to all Rhenish wines., Alt. of Hough, To disable by cutting the tendons of the hock; to hamstring; to hough.
hoed imp. & past participle of Hoe
hogh noun A hill; a cliff.
hogo noun High flavor; strong scent.
hoit verb i. To leap; to caper; to romp noisily.
hold noun The whole interior portion of a vessel below the lower deck, in which the cargo is stowed., To cause to remain in a given situation, position, or relation, within certain limits, or the like; to prevent from falling or escaping; to sustain; to restrain; to keep in the grasp; to retain., To retain in one’s keeping; to maintain possession of, or authority over; not to give up or relinquish; to keep; to defend., To have; to possess; to be in possession of; to occupy; to derive title to; as, to hold office., To impose restraint upon; to limit in motion or action; to bind legally or morally; to confine; to restrain., To maintain in being or action; to carry on; to prosecute, as a course of conduct or an argument; to continue; to sustain., To prosecute, have, take, or join in, as something which is the result of united action; as to, hold a meeting, a festival, a session, etc.; hence, to direct and bring about officially; to conduct or preside at; as, the general held a council of war; a judge holds a court; a clergyman holds a service., To receive and retain; to contain as a vessel; as, this pail holds milk; hence, to be able to receive and retain; to have capacity or containing power for., To accept, as an opinion; to be the adherent of, openly or privately; to persist in, as a purpose; to maintain; to sustain., To consider; to regard; to esteem; to account; to think; to judge., To bear, carry, or manage; as he holds himself erect; he holds his head high., In general, to keep one’s self in a given position or condition; to remain fixed. Hence:, Not to more; to halt; to stop;-mostly in the imperative., Not to give way; not to part or become separated; to remain unbroken or unsubdued., Not to fail or be found wanting; to continue; to last; to endure a test or trial; to abide; to persist., Not to fall away, desert, or prove recreant; to remain attached; to cleave;-often with with, to, or for., To restrain one’s self; to refrain., To derive right or title; — generally with of., The act of holding, as in or with the hands or arms; the manner of holding, whether firm or loose; seizure; grasp; clasp; gripe; possession; — often used with the verbs take and lay., The authority or ground to take or keep; claim., Binding power and influence., Something that may be grasped; means of support., A place of confinement; a prison; confinement; custody; guard., A place of security; a fortified place; a fort; a castle; — often called a stronghold., A character [thus /] placed over or under a note or rest, and indicating that it is to be prolonged; — called also pause, and corona.
hole adjective Whole., A hollow place or cavity; an excavation; a pit; an opening in or through a solid body, a fabric, etc.; a perforation; a rent; a fissure., An excavation in the ground, made by an animal to live in, or a natural cavity inhabited by an animal; hence, a low, narrow, or dark lodging or place; a mean habitation., To cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes in; as, to hole a post for the insertion of rails or bars., To drive into a hole, as an animal, or a billiard ball., To go or get into a hole.
holm noun A common evergreen oak, of Europe (Quercus Ilex); — called also ilex, and holly., An islet in a river., Low, flat land.
holt 3d pers. sing. pres. of Hold, contr. from holdeth., A piece of woodland; especially, a woody hill., A deep hole in a river where there is protection for fish; also, a cover, a hole, or hiding place.
holy superl. Set apart to the service or worship of God; hallowed; sacred; reserved from profane or common use; holy vessels; a holy priesthood., Spiritually whole or sound; of unimpaired innocence and virtue; free from sinful affections; pure in heart; godly; pious; irreproachable; guiltless; acceptable to God.
home noun See Homelyn., One’s own dwelling place; the house in which one lives; esp., the house in which one lives with his family; the habitual abode of one’s family; also, one’s birthplace., One’s native land; the place or country in which one dwells; the place where one’s ancestors dwell or dwelt., The abiding place of the affections, especially of the domestic affections., The locality where a thing is usually found, or was first found, or where it is naturally abundant; habitat; seat; as, the home of the pine., A place of refuge and rest; an asylum; as, a home for outcasts; a home for the blind; hence, esp., the grave; the final rest; also, the native and eternal dwelling place of the soul., The home base; he started for home., Of or pertaining to one’s dwelling or country; domestic; not foreign; as home manufactures; home comforts., Close; personal; pointed; as, a home thrust., To one’s home or country; as in the phrases, go home, come home, carry home., Close; closely., To the place where it belongs; to the end of a course; to the full length; as, to drive a nail home; to ram a cartridge home.
hond noun Hand.
hone verb i. To pine; to lament; to long., A kind of swelling in the cheek., A stone of a fine grit, or a slab, as of metal, covered with an abrading substance or powder, used for sharpening cutting instruments, and especially for setting razors; an oilstone., To sharpen on, or with, a hone; to rub on a hone in order to sharpen; as, to hone a razor.
hong noun A mercantile establishment or factory for foreign trade in China, as formerly at Canton; a succession of offices connected by a common passage and used for business or storage., To hang.
honk noun The cry of a wild goose.
hont noun & verb See under Hunt.
hood noun State; condition., A covering or garment for the head or the head and shoulders, often attached to the body garment, A soft covering for the head, worn by women, which leaves only the face exposed., A part of a monk’s outer garment, with which he covers his head; a cowl., A like appendage to a cloak or loose overcoat, that may be drawn up over the head at pleasure., An ornamental fold at the back of an academic gown or ecclesiastical vestment; as, a master’s hood., A covering for a horse’s head., A covering for a hawk’s head and eyes. See Illust. of Falcon., Anything resembling a hood in form or use, The top or head of a carriage., A chimney top, often contrived to secure a constant draught by turning with the wind., A projecting cover above a hearth, forming the upper part of the fireplace, and confining the smoke to the flue., The top of a pump., A covering for a mortar., The hood-shaped upper petal of some flowers, as of monkshood; — called also helmet., A covering or porch for a companion hatch., The endmost plank of a strake which reaches the stem or stern., To cover with a hood; to furnish with a hood or hood-shaped appendage., To cover; to hide; to blind.
hoof noun The horny substance or case that covers or terminates the feet of certain animals, as horses, oxen, etc., A hoofed animal; a beast., See Ungula., To walk as cattle., To be on a tramp; to foot.
hook noun A piece of metal, or other hard material, formed or bent into a curve or at an angle, for catching, holding, or sustaining anything; as, a hook for catching fish; a hook for fastening a gate; a boat hook, etc., That part of a hinge which is fixed to a post, and on which a door or gate hangs and turns., An implement for cutting grass or grain; a sickle; an instrument for cutting or lopping; a billhook., See Eccentric, and V-hook., A snare; a trap., A field sown two years in succession., The projecting points of the thigh bones of cattle; — called also hook bones., To catch or fasten with a hook or hooks; to seize, capture, or hold, as with a hook, esp. with a disguised or baited hook; hence, to secure by allurement or artifice; to entrap; to catch; as, to hook a dress; to hook a trout., To seize or pierce with the points of the horns, as cattle in attacking enemies; to gore., To steal., To bend; to curve as a hook.
hool adjective Whole.
hoom noun Home.
hoop noun A pliant strip of wood or metal bent in a circular form, and united at the ends, for holding together the staves of casks, tubs, etc., A ring; a circular band; anything resembling a hoop, as the cylinder (cheese hoop) in which the curd is pressed in making cheese., A circle, or combination of circles, of thin whalebone, metal, or other elastic material, used for expanding the skirts of ladies’ dresses; crinoline; — used chiefly in the plural., A quart pot; — so called because originally bound with hoops, like a barrel. Also, a portion of the contents measured by the distance between the hoops., An old measure of capacity, variously estimated at from one to four pecks., To bind or fasten with hoops; as, to hoop a barrel or puncheon., To clasp; to encircle; to surround., To utter a loud cry, or a sound imitative of the word, by way of call or pursuit; to shout., To whoop, as in whooping cough. See Whoop., To drive or follow with a shout., To call by a shout or peculiar cry., A shout; a whoop, as in whooping cough., The hoopoe. See Hoopoe.
hoot verb i. To cry out or shout in contempt., To make the peculiar cry of an owl., To assail with contemptuous cries or shouts; to follow with derisive shouts., A derisive cry or shout., The cry of an owl.
hope noun A sloping plain between mountain ridges., A small bay; an inlet; a haven., A desire of some good, accompanied with an expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable; an expectation of something which is thought to be desirable; confidence; pleasing expectancy., One who, or that which, gives hope, furnishes ground of expectation, or promises desired good., That which is hoped for; an object of hope., To entertain or indulge hope; to cherish a desire of good, or of something welcome, with expectation of obtaining it or belief that it is obtainable; to expect; — usually followed by for., To place confidence; to trust with confident expectation of good; — usually followed by in., To desire with expectation or with belief in the possibility or prospect of obtaining; to look forward to as a thing desirable, with the expectation of obtaining it; to cherish hopes of., To expect; to fear.
hore adjective Hoar.
horn noun A hard, projecting, and usually pointed organ, growing upon the heads of certain animals, esp. of the ruminants, as cattle, goats, and the like. The hollow horns of the Ox family consist externally of true horn, and are never shed., The antler of a deer, which is of bone throughout, and annually shed and renewed., Any natural projection or excrescence from an animal, resembling or thought to resemble a horn in substance or form; esp.: (a) A projection from the beak of a bird, as in the hornbill. (b) A tuft of feathers on the head of a bird, as in the horned owl. (c) A hornlike projection from the head or thorax of an insect, or the head of a reptile, or fish. (d) A sharp spine in front of the fins of a fish, as in the horned pout., An incurved, tapering and pointed appendage found in the flowers of the milkweed (Asclepias)., Something made of a horn, or in resemblance of a horn, A wind instrument of music; originally, one made of a horn (of an ox or a ram); now applied to various elaborately wrought instruments of brass or other metal, resembling a horn in shape., A drinking cup, or beaker, as having been originally made of the horns of cattle., The cornucopia, or horn of plenty., A vessel made of a horn; esp., one designed for containing powder; anciently, a small vessel for carrying liquids., The pointed beak of an anvil., The high pommel of a saddle; also, either of the projections on a lady’s saddle for supporting the leg., The Ionic volute., The outer end of a crosstree; also, one of the projections forming the jaws of a gaff, boom, etc., A curved projection on the fore part of a plane., One of the projections at the four corners of the Jewish altar of burnt offering., One of the curved ends of a crescent; esp., an extremity or cusp of the moon when crescent-shaped., The curving extremity of the wing of an army or of a squadron drawn up in a crescentlike form., The tough, fibrous material of which true horns are composed, being, in the Ox family, chiefly albuminous, with some phosphate of lime; also, any similar substance, as that which forms the hoof crust of horses, sheep, and cattle; as, a spoon of horn., A symbol of strength, power, glory, exaltation, or pride., An emblem of a cuckold; — used chiefly in the plural., To furnish with horns; to give the shape of a horn to., To cause to wear horns; to cuckold.
hose plural of Hose, Close-fitting trousers or breeches, as formerly worn, reaching to the knee., Covering for the feet and lower part of the legs; a stocking or stockings., A flexible pipe, made of leather, India rubber, or other material, and used for conveying fluids, especially water, from a faucet, hydrant, or fire engine.
host noun The consecrated wafer, believed to be the body of Christ, which in the Mass is offered as a sacrifice; also, the bread before consecration., An army; a number of men gathered for war., Any great number or multitude; a throng., One who receives or entertains another, whether gratuitously or for compensation; one from whom another receives food, lodging, or entertainment; a landlord., To give entertainment to., To lodge at an inn; to take up entertainment.
houp noun See Hoopoe.
hour noun The twenty-fourth part of a day; sixty minutes., The time of the day, as expressed in hours and minutes, and indicated by a timepiece; as, what is the hour? At what hour shall we meet?, Fixed or appointed time; conjuncture; a particular time or occasion; as, the hour of greatest peril; the man for the hour., Certain prayers to be repeated at stated times of the day, as matins and vespers., A measure of distance traveled.
howl verb i. To utter a loud, protraced, mournful sound or cry, as dogs and wolves often do., To utter a sound expressive of distress; to cry aloud and mournfully; to lament; to wail., To make a noise resembling the cry of a wild beast., To utter with outcry., The protracted, mournful cry of a dog or a wolf, or other like sound., A prolonged cry of distress or anguish; a wail.
howp verb i. To cry out; to whoop.