4 letter word starting with l

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
liad noun A celebrated Greek epic poem, in twenty-four books, on the destruction of Ilium, the ancient Troy. The Iliad is ascribed to Homer.
laas noun A lace. See Lace.
lakh noun One hundred thousand; also, a vaguely great number; as, a lac of rupees., Same as Lac, one hundred thousand.
lace noun That which binds or holds, especially by being interwoven; a string, cord, or band, usually one passing through eyelet or other holes, and used in drawing and holding together parts of a garment, of a shoe, of a machine belt, etc., A snare or gin, especially one made of interwoven cords; a net., A fabric of fine threads of linen, silk, cotton, etc., often ornamented with figures; a delicate tissue of thread, much worn as an ornament of dress., Spirits added to coffee or some other beverage., To fasten with a lace; to draw together with a lace passed through eyelet holes; to unite with a lace or laces, or, figuratively. with anything resembling laces., To adorn with narrow strips or braids of some decorative material; as, cloth laced with silver., To beat; to lash; to make stripes on., To add spirits to (a beverage)., To be fastened with a lace, or laces; as, these boots lace.
lack noun Blame; cause of blame; fault; crime; offense., Deficiency; want; need; destitution; failure; as, a lack of sufficient food., To blame; to find fault with., To be without or destitute of; to want; to need., To be wanting; often, impersonally, with of, meaning, to be less than, short, not quite, etc., To be in want., Exclamation of regret or surprise.
lade verb t. To load; to put a burden or freight on or in; — generally followed by that which receives the load, as the direct object., To throw in out. with a ladle or dipper; to dip; as, to lade water out of a tub, or into a cistern., To transfer (the molten glass) from the pot to the forming table., To draw water., To admit water by leakage, as a ship, etc., The mouth of a river., A passage for water; a ditch or drain.
lady noun A woman who looks after the domestic affairs of a family; a mistress; the female head of a household., A woman having proprietary rights or authority; mistress; — a feminine correlative of lord., A woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was paid; a woman to whom one is devoted or bound; a sweetheart., A woman of social distinction or position. In England, a title prefixed to the name of any woman whose husband is not of lower rank than a baron, or whose father was a nobleman not lower than an earl. The wife of a baronet or knight has the title of Lady by courtesy, but not by right., A woman of refined or gentle manners; a well-bred woman; — the feminine correlative of gentleman., A wife; — not now in approved usage., The triturating apparatus in the stomach of a lobster; — so called from a fancied resemblance to a seated female figure. It consists of calcareous plates., Belonging or becoming to a lady; ladylike., The day of the annunciation of the Virgin Mary, March 25. See Annunciation.
laft p. p. of Leave.
laic adjective Alt. of Laical, A layman.
laid imp. & past participle of Lay., of Lay
lain past participle of Lie, v. i., of Lie
lair noun A place in which to lie or rest; especially, the bed or couch of a wild beast., A burying place., A pasture; sometimes, food.
lake noun A pigment formed by combining some coloring matter, usually by precipitation, with a metallic oxide or earth, esp. with aluminium hydrate; as, madder lake; Florentine lake; yellow lake, etc., A kind of fine white linen, formerly in use., To play; to sport., A large body of water contained in a depression of the earth’s surface, and supplied from the drainage of a more or less extended area.
laky adjective Pertaining to a lake., Transparent; — said of blood rendered transparent by the action of some solvent agent on the red blood corpuscles.
lalo noun The powdered leaves of the baobab tree, used by the Africans to mix in their soup, as the southern negroes use powdered sassafras. Cf. Couscous.
lama noun See Llama., In Thibet, Mongolia, etc., a priest or monk of the belief called Lamaism.
lamb noun The young of the sheep., Any person who is as innocent or gentle as a lamb., A simple, unsophisticated person; in the cant of the Stock Exchange, one who ignorantly speculates and is victimized., To bring forth a lamb or lambs, as sheep.
lame superl. Moving with pain or difficulty on account of injury, defect, or temporary obstruction of a function; as, a lame leg, arm, or muscle., To some degree disabled by reason of the imperfect action of a limb; crippled; as, a lame man., Hence, hobbling; limping; inefficient; imperfect., To make lame.
lamm verb t. See Lam.
lamp noun A thin plate or lamina., A light-producing vessel, instrument or apparatus; especially, a vessel with a wick used for the combustion of oil or other inflammable liquid, for the purpose of producing artificial light., Figuratively, anything which enlightens intellectually or morally; anything regarded metaphorically a performing the uses of a lamp., A device or mechanism for producing light by electricity. See Incandescent lamp, under Incandescent.
land noun Urine. See Lant., The solid part of the surface of the earth; — opposed to water as constituting a part of such surface, especially to oceans and seas; as, to sight land after a long voyage., Any portion, large or small, of the surface of the earth, considered by itself, or as belonging to an individual or a people, as a country, estate, farm, or tract., Ground, in respect to its nature or quality; soil; as, wet land; good or bad land., The inhabitants of a nation or people., The mainland, in distinction from islands., The ground or floor., The ground left unplowed between furrows; any one of several portions into which a field is divided for convenience in plowing., Any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, etc., and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc., or by the hand of man, as buildings, fences, etc.; real estate., The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat; the lap of plates in an iron vessel; — called also landing., In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, as the level part of a millstone between the furrows, or the surface of the bore of a rifled gun between the grooves., To set or put on shore from a ship or other water craft; to disembark; to debark., To catch and bring to shore; to capture; as, to land a fish., To set down after conveying; to cause to fall, alight, or reach; to bring to the end of a course; as, he landed the quoit near the stake; to be thrown from a horse and landed in the mud; to land one in difficulties or mistakes., To go on shore from a ship or boat; to disembark; to come to the end of a course.
lane adjective Alone., A passageway between fences or hedges which is not traveled as a highroad; an alley between buildings; a narrow way among trees, rocks, and other natural obstructions; hence, in a general sense, a narrow passageway; as, a lane between lines of men, or through a field of ice.
lang adjective & adverb Long.
lank superl. Slender and thin; not well filled out; not plump; shrunken; lean., Languid; drooping., To become lank; to make lank.
lant noun Urine., Any one of several species of small, slender, marine fishes of the genus Ammedytes. The common European species (A. tobianus) and the American species (A. Americanus) live on sandy shores, buried in the sand, and are caught in large quantities for bait. Called also launce, and sand eel., See Lanterloo.
lapp noun Same as Laplander. Cf. Lapps.
lars plural of Lar
lard noun Bacon; the flesh of swine., The fat of swine, esp. the internal fat of the abdomen; also, this fat melted and strained., To stuff with bacon; to dress or enrich with lard; esp., to insert lardons of bacon or pork in the surface of, before roasting; as, to lard poultry., To fatten; to enrich., To smear with lard or fat., To mix or garnish with something, as by way of improvement; to interlard., To grow fat.
lare noun Lore; learning., Pasture; feed. See Lair., To feed; to fatten.
lark verb i. A frolic; a jolly time., To sport; to frolic., Any one numerous species of singing birds of the genus Alauda and allied genera (family Alaudidae). They mostly belong to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. In America they are represented by the shore larks, or horned by the shore larks, or horned larks, of the genus Otocoris. The true larks have holaspidean tarsi, very long hind claws, and usually, dull, sandy brown colors., To catch larks; as, to go larking.
lary noun A guillemot; — called also lavy.
lash noun The thong or braided cord of a whip, with which the blow is given., A leash in which an animal is caught or held; hence, a snare., A stroke with a whip, or anything pliant and tough; as, the culprit received thirty-nine lashes., A stroke of satire or sarcasm; an expression or retort that cuts or gives pain; a cut., A hair growing from the edge of the eyelid; an eyelash., In carpet weaving, a group of strings for lifting simultaneously certain yarns, to form the figure., To strike with a lash ; to whip or scourge with a lash, or with something like one., To strike forcibly and quickly, as with a lash; to beat, or beat upon, with a motion like that of a lash; as, a whale lashes the sea with his tail., To throw out with a jerk or quickly., To scold; to berate; to satirize; to censure with severity; as, to lash vice., To ply the whip; to strike; to utter censure or sarcastic language., To bind with a rope, cord, thong, or chain, so as to fasten; as, to lash something to a spar; to lash a pack on a horse’s back.
lask noun A diarrhea or flux.
lass noun A youth woman; a girl; a sweetheart.
last 3d pers. sing. pres. of Last, to endure, contracted from lasteth., Being after all the others, similarly classed or considered, in time, place, or order of succession; following all the rest; final; hindmost; farthest; as, the last year of a century; the last man in a line of soldiers; the last page in a book; his last chance., Next before the present; as, I saw him last week., Supreme; highest in degree; utmost., Lowest in rank or degree; as, the last prize., Farthest of all from a given quality, character, or condition; most unlikely; having least fitness; as, he is the last person to be accused of theft., At a time or on an occasion which is the latest of all those spoken of or which have occurred; the last time; as, I saw him last in New York., In conclusion; finally., At a time next preceding the present time., To continue in time; to endure; to remain in existence., To endure use, or continue in existence, without impairment or exhaustion; as, this cloth lasts better than that; the fuel will last through the winter., A wooden block shaped like the human foot, on which boots and shoes are formed., To shape with a last; to fasten or fit to a last; to place smoothly on a last; as, to last a boot., A load; a heavy burden; hence, a certain weight or measure, generally estimated at 4,000 lbs., but varying for different articles and in different countries. In England, a last of codfish, white herrings, meal, or ashes, is twelve barrels; a last of corn, ten quarters, or eighty bushels, in some parts of England, twenty-one quarters; of gunpowder, twenty-four barrels, each containing 100 lbs; of red herrings, twenty cades, or 20,000; of hides, twelve dozen; of leather, twenty dickers; of pitch and tar, fourteen barrels; of wool, twelve sacks; of flax or feathers, 1,700 lbs., The burden of a ship; a cargo.
late verb Coming after the time when due, or after the usual or proper time; not early; slow; tardy; long delayed; as, a late spring., Far advanced toward the end or close; as, a late hour of the day; a late period of life., Existing or holding some position not long ago, but not now; lately deceased, departed, or gone out of office; as, the late bishop of London; the late administration., Not long past; happening not long ago; recent; as, the late rains; we have received late intelligence., Continuing or doing until an advanced hour of the night; as, late revels; a late watcher., After the usual or proper time, or the time appointed; after delay; as, he arrived late; — opposed to early., Not long ago; lately., Far in the night, day, week, or other particular period; as, to lie abed late; to sit up late at night.
lath noun A thin, narrow strip of wood, nailed to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of a building, for the purpose of supporting the tiles, plastering, etc. A corrugated metallic strip or plate is sometimes used., To cover or line with laths.
laud verb i. High commendation; praise; honor; exaltation; glory., A part of divine worship, consisting chiefly of praise; — usually in the pl., Music or singing in honor of any one., To praise in words alone, or with words and singing; to celebrate; to extol.
laus adjective Loose.
lava noun The melted rock ejected by a volcano from its top or fissured sides. It flows out in streams sometimes miles in length. It also issues from fissures in the earth’s surface, and forms beds covering many square miles, as in the Northwestern United States.
lave verb t. To wash; to bathe; as, to lave a bruise., To bathe; to wash one’s self., To lade, dip, or pour out., The remainder; others.
lawe verb t. To cut off the claws and balls of, as of a dog’s fore feet.
lawn noun An open space between woods., Ground (generally in front of or around a house) covered with grass kept closely mown.
lawm noun A very fine linen (or sometimes cotton) fabric with a rather open texture. Lawn is used for the sleeves of a bishop’s official dress in the English Church, and, figuratively, stands for the office itself.
laze verb i. To be lazy or idle., To waste in sloth; to spend, as time, in idleness; as, to laze away whole days.
lazy superl. Disinclined to action or exertion; averse to labor; idle; shirking work., Inactive; slothful; slow; sluggish; as, a lazy stream., Wicked; vicious.
lead noun One of the elements, a heavy, pliable, inelastic metal, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished. It is both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity, and is used for tubes, sheets, bullets, etc. Its specific gravity is 11.37. It is easily fusible, forms alloys with other metals, and is an ingredient of solder and type metal. Atomic weight, 206.4. Symbol Pb (L. Plumbum). It is chiefly obtained from the mineral galena, lead sulphide., An article made of lead or an alloy of lead, A plummet or mass of lead, used in sounding at sea., A thin strip of type metal, used to separate lines of type in printing., Sheets or plates of lead used as a covering for roofs; hence, pl., a roof covered with lead sheets or terne plates., A small cylinder of black lead or plumbago, used in pencils., To cover, fill, or affect with lead; as, continuous firing leads the grooves of a rifle., To place leads between the lines of; as, to lead a page; leaded matter., To guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection; as, a father leads a child; a jockey leads a horse with a halter; a dog leads a blind man., To guide or conduct in a certain course, or to a certain place or end, by making the way known; to show the way, esp. by going with or going in advance of. Hence, figuratively: To direct; to counsel; to instruct; as, to lead a traveler; to lead a pupil., To conduct or direct with authority; to have direction or charge of; as, to lead an army, an exploring party, or a search; to lead a political party., To go or to be in advance of; to precede; hence, to be foremost or chief among; as, the big sloop led the fleet of yachts; the Guards led the attack; Demosthenes leads the orators of all ages., To draw or direct by influence, whether good or bad; to prevail on; to induce; to entice; to allure; as, to lead one to espouse a righteous cause., To guide or conduct one’s self in, through, or along (a certain course); hence, to proceed in the way of; to follow the path or course of; to pass; to spend. Also, to cause (one) to proceed or follow in (a certain course)., To begin a game, round, or trick, with; as, to lead trumps; the double five was led., To guide or conduct, as by accompanying, going before, showing, influencing, directing with authority, etc.; to have precedence or preeminence; to be first or chief; — used in most of the senses of lead, v. t., To tend or reach in a certain direction, or to a certain place; as, the path leads to the mill; gambling leads to other vices., The act of leading or conducting; guidance; direction; as, to take the lead; to be under the lead of another., precedence; advance position; also, the measure of precedence; as, the white horse had the lead; a lead of a boat’s length, or of half a second., The act or right of playing first in a game or round; the card suit, or piece, so played; as, your partner has the lead., An open way in an ice field., A lode., The course of a rope from end to end., The width of port opening which is uncovered by the valve, for the admission or release of steam, at the instant when the piston is at end of its stroke., the distance of haul, as from a cutting to an embankment., The action of a tooth, as a tooth of a wheel, in impelling another tooth or a pallet.
leaf noun A colored, usually green, expansion growing from the side of a stem or rootstock, in which the sap for the use of the plant is elaborated under the influence of light; one of the parts of a plant which collectively constitute its foliage., A special organ of vegetation in the form of a lateral outgrowth from the stem, whether appearing as a part of the foliage, or as a cotyledon, a scale, a bract, a spine, or a tendril., Something which is like a leaf in being wide and thin and having a flat surface, or in being attached to a larger body by one edge or end; as : (a) A part of a book or folded sheet containing two pages upon its opposite sides. (b) A side, division, or part, that slides or is hinged, as of window shutters, folding doors, etc. (c) The movable side of a table. (d) A very thin plate; as, gold leaf. (e) A portion of fat lying in a separate fold or layer. (f) One of the teeth of a pinion, especially when small., To shoot out leaves; to produce leaves; to leave; as, the trees leaf in May.
leak verb A crack, crevice, fissure, or hole which admits water or other fluid, or lets it escape; as, a leak in a roof; a leak in a boat; a leak in a gas pipe., The entrance or escape of a fluid through a crack, fissure, or other aperture; as, the leak gained on the ship’s pumps., Leaky., To let water or other fluid in or out through a hole, crevice, etc.; as, the cask leaks; the roof leaks; the boat leaks., To enter or escape, as a fluid, through a hole, crevice, etc. ; to pass gradually into, or out of, something; — usually with in or out.
leal adjective Faithful; loyal; true.
leam noun & verb i. See Leme., A cord or strap for leading a dog.
lean verb t. To conceal., To incline, deviate, or bend, from a vertical position; to be in a position thus inclining or deviating; as, she leaned out at the window; a leaning column., To incline in opinion or desire; to conform in conduct; — with to, toward, etc., To rest or rely, for support, comfort, and the like; — with on, upon, or against., To cause to lean; to incline; to support or rest., Wanting flesh; destitute of or deficient in fat; not plump; meager; thin; lank; as, a lean body; a lean cattle., Wanting fullness, richness, sufficiency, or productiveness; deficient in quality or contents; slender; scant; barren; bare; mean; — used literally and figuratively; as, the lean harvest; a lean purse; a lean discourse; lean wages., Of a character which prevents the compositor from earning the usual wages; — opposed to fat; as, lean copy, matter, or type., That part of flesh which consist principally of muscle without the fat., Unremunerative copy or work.
leap noun A basket., A weel or wicker trap for fish., To spring clear of the ground, with the feet; to jump; to vault; as, a man leaps over a fence, or leaps upon a horse., To spring or move suddenly, as by a jump or by jumps; to bound; to move swiftly. Also Fig., To pass over by a leap or jump; as, to leap a wall, or a ditch., To copulate with (a female beast); to cover., To cause to leap; as, to leap a horse across a ditch., The act of leaping, or the space passed by leaping; a jump; a spring; a bound., Copulation with, or coverture of, a female beast., A fault., A passing from one note to another by an interval, especially by a long one, or by one including several other and intermediate intervals.
lear verb t. To learn. See Lere, to learn., Lore; lesson., See Leer, a., An annealing oven. See Leer, n.
leat noun An artificial water trench, esp. one to or from a mill.
left imp. & past participle of Leave, of Leave., Of or pertaining to that side of the body in man on which the muscular action of the limbs is usually weaker than on the other side; — opposed to right, when used in reference to a part of the body; as, the left hand, or arm; the left ear. Also said of the corresponding side of the lower animals., That part of surrounding space toward which the left side of one’s body is turned; as, the house is on the left when you face North., Those members of a legislative assembly (as in France) who are in the opposition; the advanced republicans and extreme radicals. They have their seats at the left-hand side of the presiding officer. See Center, and Right.
lech verb t. To lick.
lees plural of Lee, Dregs. See 2d Lee., A leash.
leed noun Alt. of Leede
leef adjective & adverb See Lief.
leek noun A plant of the genus Allium (A. Porrum), having broadly linear succulent leaves rising from a loose oblong cylindrical bulb. The flavor is stronger than that of the common onion.
leep strong imp. Leaped.
leer verb t. To learn., Empty; destitute; wanting, Empty of contents., Destitute of a rider; and hence, led, not ridden; as, a leer horse., Wanting sense or seriousness; trifling; trivolous; as, leer words., An oven in which glassware is annealed., The cheek., Complexion; aspect; appearance., A distorted expression of the face, or an indirect glance of the eye, conveying a sinister or immodest suggestion., To look with a leer; to look askance with a suggestive expression, as of hatred, contempt, lust, etc. ; to cast a sidelong lustful or malign look., To entice with a leer, or leers; as, to leer a man to ruin.
leet obs. imp. of Let, to allow., A portion; a list, esp. a list of candidates for an office., A court-leet; the district within the jurisdiction of a court-leet; the day on which a court-leet is held., The European pollock.
lege verb t. To allege; to assert.
leme noun A ray or glimmer of light; a gleam., To shine.
lena noun A procuress.
lent imp. & past participle of Lend, imp. & p. p. of Lend., A fast of forty days, beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing till Easter, observed by some Christian churches as commemorative of the fast of our Savior., Slow; mild; gentle; as, lenter heats., See Lento.
lend verb t. To allow the custody and use of, on condition of the return of the same; to grant the temporary use of; as, to lend a book; — opposed to borrow., To allow the possession and use of, on condition of the return of an equivalent in kind; as, to lend money or some article of food., To afford; to grant or furnish in general; as, to lend assistance; to lend one’s name or influence., To let for hire or compensation; as, to lend a horse or gig.
lene verb t. To lend; to grant; to permit., Smooth; as, the lene breathing., Applied to certain mute consonants, as p, k, and t (or Gr. /, /, /)., The smooth breathing (spiritus lenis)., Any one of the lene consonants, as p, k, or t (or Gr. /, /, /).
leno noun A light open cotton fabric used for window curtains.
lens noun A piece of glass, or other transparent substance, ground with two opposite regular surfaces, either both curved, or one curved and the other plane, and commonly used, either singly or combined, in optical instruments, for changing the direction of rays of light, and thus magnifying objects, or otherwise modifying vision. In practice, the curved surfaces are usually spherical, though rarely cylindrical, or of some other figure.
leod noun People; a nation; a man.
leon noun A lion.
lere noun Learning; lesson; lore., To learn; to teach., Empty., Flesh; skin.
lese verb t. To lose.
less conj. Unless., Smaller; not so large or great; not so much; shorter; inferior; as, a less quantity or number; a horse of less size or value; in less time than before., Not so much; in a smaller or lower degree; as, less bright or loud; less beautiful., A smaller portion or quantity., The inferior, younger, or smaller., To make less; to lessen.
lest verb i. To listen., Lust; desire; pleasure., Last; least., For fear that; that . . . not; in order that . . . not., That (without the negative particle); — after certain expressions denoting fear or apprehension.
lete verb t. To let; to leave.
leve adjective Dear. See Lief., Same as 3d & 4th Leave., To live., To believe., To grant; — used esp. in exclamations or prayers followed by a dependent clause.
levy noun A name formerly given in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia to the Spanish real of one eighth of a dollar (or 12/ cents), valued at eleven pence when the dollar was rated at 7s. 6d., The act of levying or collecting by authority; as, the levy of troops, taxes, etc., That which is levied, as an army, force, tribute, etc., The taking or seizure of property on executions to satisfy judgments, or on warrants for the collection of taxes; a collecting by execution., To raise, as a siege., To raise; to collect; said of troops, to form into an army by enrollment, conscription, etc., To raise or collect by assessment; to exact by authority; as, to levy taxes, toll, tribute, or contributions., To gather or exact; as, to levy money., To erect, build, or set up; to make or construct; to raise or cast up; as, to levy a mill, dike, ditch, a nuisance, etc., To take or seize on execution; to collect by execution., To seize property, real or personal, or subject it to the operation of an execution; to make a levy; as, to levy on property; the usual mode of levying, in England, is by seizing the goods.
lewd superl. Not clerical; laic; laical; hence, unlearned; simple., Belonging to the lower classes, or the rabble; idle and lawless; bad; vicious., Given to the promiscuous indulgence of lust; dissolute; lustful; libidinous., Suiting, or proceeding from, lustfulness; involving unlawful sexual desire; as, lewd thoughts, conduct, or language.
liar noun A person who knowingly utters falsehood; one who lies.
lias noun The lowest of the three divisions of the Jurassic period; a name given in England and Europe to a series of marine limestones underlying the Oolite. See the Chart of Geology.
lice noun pl. of Louse., of Louse
lich adjective Like., A dead body; a corpse.
lick verb t. To draw or pass the tongue over; as, a dog licks his master’s hand., To lap; to take in with the tongue; as, a dog or cat licks milk., A stroke of the tongue in licking., A quick and careless application of anything, as if by a stroke of the tongue, or of something which acts like a tongue; as, to put on colors with a lick of the brush. Also, a small quantity of any substance so applied., A place where salt is found on the surface of the earth, to which wild animals resort to lick it up; — often, but not always, near salt springs., To strike with repeated blows for punishment; to flog; to whip or conquer, as in a pugilistic encounter., A slap; a quick stroke.
lied imp. & past participle of Lie, A lay; a German song. It differs from the French chanson, and the Italian canzone, all three being national.
lien of Lie, of Lie. See Lain., A legal claim; a charge upon real or personal property for the satisfaction of some debt or duty; a right in one to control or hold and retain the property of another until some claim of the former is paid or satisfied.
lief noun Same as Lif., Dear; beloved., Pleasing; agreeable; acceptable; preferable., Willing; disposed., A dear one; a sweetheart., Gladly; willingly; freely; — now used only in the phrases, had as lief, and would as lief; as, I had, or would, as lief go as not.
lier noun One who lies down; one who rests or remains, as in concealment.
lieu noun Place; room; stead; — used only in the phrase in lieu of, that is, instead of.
life noun The state of being which begins with generation, birth, or germination, and ends with death; also, the time during which this state continues; that state of an animal or plant in which all or any of its organs are capable of performing all or any of their functions; — used of all animal and vegetable organisms., Of human beings: The union of the soul and body; also, the duration of their union; sometimes, the deathless quality or existence of the soul; as, man is a creature having an immortal life., The potential principle, or force, by which the organs of animals and plants are started and continued in the performance of their several and cooperative functions; the vital force, whether regarded as physical or spiritual., Figuratively: The potential or animating principle, also, the period of duration, of anything that is conceived of as resembling a natural organism in structure or functions; as, the life of a state, a machine, or a book; authority is the life of government., A certain way or manner of living with respect to conditions, circumstances, character, conduct, occupation, etc.; hence, human affairs; also, lives, considered collectively, as a distinct class or type; as, low life; a good or evil life; the life of Indians, or of miners., Animation; spirit; vivacity; vigor; energy., That which imparts or excites spirit or vigor; that upon which enjoyment or success depends; as, he was the life of the company, or of the enterprise., The living or actual form, person, thing, or state; as, a picture or a description from the life., A person; a living being, usually a human being; as, many lives were sacrificed., The system of animal nature; animals in general, or considered collectively., An essential constituent of life, esp. the blood., A history of the acts and events of a life; a biography; as, Johnson wrote the life of Milton., Enjoyment in the right use of the powers; especially, a spiritual existence; happiness in the favor of God; heavenly felicity., Something dear to one as one’s existence; a darling; — used as a term of endearment.
lift noun The sky; the atmosphere; the firmament., To move in a direction opposite to that of gravitation; to raise; to elevate; to bring up from a lower place to a higher; to upheave; sometimes implying a continued support or holding in the higher place; — said of material things; as, to lift the foot or the hand; to lift a chair or a burden., To raise, elevate, exalt, improve, in rank, condition, estimation, character, etc.; — often with up., To bear; to support., To collect, as moneys due; to raise., To steal; to carry off by theft (esp. cattle); as, to lift a drove of cattle., To try to raise something; to exert the strength for raising or bearing., To rise; to become or appear raised or elevated; as, the fog lifts; the land lifts to a ship approaching it., To live by theft., Act of lifting; also, that which is lifted., The space or distance through which anything is lifted; as, a long lift., Help; assistance, as by lifting; as, to give one a lift in a wagon., That by means of which a person or thing lifts or is lifted, A hoisting machine; an elevator; a dumb waiter., A handle., An exercising machine., A rise; a degree of elevation; as, the lift of a lock in canals., A lift gate. See Lift gate, below., A rope leading from the masthead to the extremity of a yard below; — used for raising or supporting the end of the yard., One of the steps of a cone pulley., A layer of leather in the heel., That portion of the vibration of a balance during which the impulse is given.
lige verb t. & i. To lie; to tell lies.
like superl. Having the same, or nearly the same, appearance, qualities, or characteristics; resembling; similar to; similar; alike; — often with in and the particulars of the resemblance; as, they are like each other in features, complexion, and many traits of character., Equal, or nearly equal; as, fields of like extent., Having probability; affording probability; probable; likely., Inclined toward; disposed to; as, to feel like taking a walk., That which is equal or similar to another; the counterpart; an exact resemblance; a copy., A liking; a preference; inclination; — usually in pl.; as, we all have likes and dislikes., In a manner like that of; in a manner similar to; as, do not act like him., In a like or similar manner., Likely; probably., To suit; to please; to be agreeable to., To be pleased with in a moderate degree; to approve; to take satisfaction in; to enjoy., To liken; to compare., To be pleased; to choose., To have an appearance or expression; to look; to seem to be (in a specified condition)., To come near; to avoid with difficulty; to escape narrowly; as, he liked to have been too late. Cf. Had like, under Like, a.
lill verb i. To loll.
lilt verb i. To do anything with animation and quickness, as to skip, fly, or hop., To sing cheerfully., To utter with spirit, animation, or gayety; to sing with spirit and liveliness., Animated, brisk motion; spirited rhythm; sprightliness., A lively song or dance; a cheerful tune.
lily noun A plant and flower of the genus Lilium, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six colored pieces, six stamens, and a superior three-celled ovary., A name given to handsome flowering plants of several genera, having some resemblance in color or form to a true lily, as Pancratium, Crinum, Amaryllis, Nerine, etc., That end of a compass needle which should point to the north; — so called as often ornamented with the figure of a lily or fleur-de-lis.
lima noun The capital city of Peru, in South America.
limb noun A part of a tree which extends from the trunk and separates into branches and twigs; a large branch., An arm or a leg of a human being; a leg, arm, or wing of an animal., A thing or person regarded as a part or member of, or attachment to, something else., An elementary piece of the mechanism of a lock., To supply with limbs., To dismember; to tear off the limbs of., A border or edge, in certain special uses., The border or upper spreading part of a monopetalous corolla, or of a petal, or sepal; blade., The border or edge of the disk of a heavenly body, especially of the sun and moon., The graduated margin of an arc or circle, in an instrument for measuring angles.
lime noun A thong by which a dog is led; a leash., The linden tree. See Linden., A fruit allied to the lemon, but much smaller; also, the tree which bears it. There are two kinds; Citrus Medica, var. acida which is intensely sour, and the sweet lime (C. Medica, var. Limetta) which is only slightly sour., Birdlime., Oxide of calcium; the white or gray, caustic substance, usually called quicklime, obtained by calcining limestone or shells, the heat driving off carbon dioxide and leaving lime. It develops great heat when treated with water, forming slacked lime, and is an essential ingredient of cement, plastering, mortar, etc., To smear with a viscous substance, as birdlime., To entangle; to insnare., To treat with lime, or oxide or hydrate of calcium; to manure with lime; as, to lime hides for removing the hair; to lime sails in order to whiten them., To cement.
limn verb t. To draw or paint; especially, to represent in an artistic way with pencil or brush., To illumine, as books or parchments, with ornamental figures, letters, or borders.
limp verb i. To halt; to walk lamely. Also used figuratively., A halt; the act of limping., A scraper for removing poor ore or refuse from the sieve., Flaccid; flabby, as flesh., Lacking stiffness; flimsy; as, a limp cravat.
limu noun The Hawaiian name for seaweeds. Over sixty kinds are used as food, and have species names, as Limu Lipoa, Limu palawai, etc.
limy adjective Smeared with, or consisting of, lime; viscous., Containing lime; as, a limy soil., Resembling lime; having the qualities of lime.
lind noun The linden. See Linden.
line noun Flax; linen., The longer and finer fiber of flax., To cover the inner surface of; as, to line a cloak with silk or fur; to line a box with paper or tin., To put something in the inside of; to fill; to supply, as a purse with money., To place persons or things along the side of for security or defense; to strengthen by adding anything; to fortify; as, to line works with soldiers., To impregnate; — applied to brute animals., A linen thread or string; a slender, strong cord; also, a cord of any thickness; a rope; a hawser; as, a fishing line; a line for snaring birds; a clothesline; a towline., A more or less threadlike mark of pen, pencil, or graver; any long mark; as, a chalk line., The course followed by anything in motion; hence, a road or route; as, the arrow descended in a curved line; the place is remote from lines of travel., Direction; as, the line of sight or vision., A row of letters, words, etc., written or printed; esp., a row of words extending across a page or column., A short letter; a note; as, a line from a friend., A verse, or the words which form a certain number of feet, according to the measure., Course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy; method of argument; department of industry, trade, or intellectual activity., That which has length, but not breadth or thickness., The exterior limit of a figure, plat, or territory; boundary; contour; outline., A threadlike crease marking the face or the hand; hence, characteristic mark., Lineament; feature; figure., A straight row; a continued series or rank; as, a line of houses, or of soldiers; a line of barriers., A series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person; a family or race; as, the ascending or descending line; the line of descent; the male line; a line of kings., A connected series of public conveyances, and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.; as, a line of stages; an express line., A circle of latitude or of longitude, as represented on a map., The equator; — usually called the line, or equinoctial line; as, to cross the line., A long tape, or a narrow ribbon of steel, etc., marked with subdivisions, as feet and inches, for measuring; a tapeline., A measuring line or cord., That which was measured by a line, as a field or any piece of land set apart; hence, allotted place of abode., Instruction; doctrine., The proper relative position or adjustment of parts, not as to design or proportion, but with reference to smooth working; as, the engine is in line or out of line., The track and roadbed of a railway; railroad., A row of men who are abreast of one another, whether side by side or some distance apart; — opposed to column., The regular infantry of an army, as distinguished from militia, guards, volunteer corps, cavalry, artillery, etc., A trench or rampart., Dispositions made to cover extended positions, and presenting a front in but one direction to an enemy., Form of a vessel as shown by the outlines of vertical, horizontal, and oblique sections., One of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed., A number of shares taken by a jobber., A series of various qualities and values of the same general class of articles; as, a full line of hosiery; a line of merinos, etc., The wire connecting one telegraphic station with another, or the whole of a system of telegraph wires under one management and name., The reins with which a horse is guided by his driver., A measure of length; one twelfth of an inch., To mark with a line or lines; to cover with lines; as, to line a copy book., To represent by lines; to delineate; to portray., To read or repeat line by line; as, to line out a hymn., To form into a line; to align; as, to line troops.
ling adjective A large, marine, gadoid fish (Molva vulgaris) of Northern Europe and Greenland. It is valued as a food fish and is largely salted and dried. Called also drizzle., The burbot of Lake Ontario., An American hake of the genus Phycis., A New Zealand food fish of the genus Genypterus. The name is also locally applied to other fishes, as the cultus cod, the mutton fish, and the cobia., Heather (Calluna vulgaris).
link noun A torch made of tow and pitch, or the like., A single ring or division of a chain., Hence: Anything, whether material or not, which binds together, or connects, separate things; a part of a connected series; a tie; a bond., Anything doubled and closed like a link; as, a link of horsehair., Any one of the several elementary pieces of a mechanism, as the fixed frame, or a rod, wheel, mass of confined liquid, etc., by which relative motion of other parts is produced and constrained., Any intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion, especially a short connecting rod with a bearing at each end; specifically (Steam Engine), the slotted bar, or connecting piece, to the opposite ends of which the eccentric rods are jointed, and by means of which the movement of the valve is varied, in a link motion., The length of one joint of Gunter’s chain, being the hundredth part of it, or 7.92 inches, the chain being 66 feet in length. Cf. Chain, n., 4., A bond of affinity, or a unit of valence between atoms; — applied to a unit of chemical force or attraction., Sausages; — because linked together., To connect or unite with a link or as with a link; to join; to attach; to unite; to couple., To be connected.
lint noun Flax., Linen scraped or otherwise made into a soft, downy or fleecy substance for dressing wounds and sores; also, fine ravelings, down, fluff, or loose short fibers from yarn or fabrics.
lion noun A large carnivorous feline mammal (Felis leo), found in Southern Asia and in most parts of Africa, distinct varieties occurring in the different countries. The adult male, in most varieties, has a thick mane of long shaggy hair that adds to his apparent size, which is less than that of the largest tigers. The length, however, is sometimes eleven feet to the base of the tail. The color is a tawny yellow or yellowish brown; the mane is darker, and the terminal tuft of the tail is black. In one variety, called the maneless lion, the male has only a slight mane., A sign and a constellation; Leo., An object of interest and curiosity, especially a person who is so regarded; as, he was quite a lion in London at that time.
lire plural of Lira
lira noun An Italian coin equivalent in value to the French franc.
lisp verb i. To pronounce the sibilant letter s imperfectly; to give s and z the sound of th; — a defect common among children., To speak with imperfect articulation; to mispronounce, as a child learning to talk., To speak hesitatingly with a low voice, as if afraid., To pronounce with a lisp., To utter with imperfect articulation; to express with words pronounced imperfectly or indistinctly, as a child speaks; hence, to express by the use of simple, childlike language., To speak with reserve or concealment; to utter timidly or confidentially; as, to lisp treason., The habit or act of lisping. See Lisp, v. i., 1.
liss noun Release; remission; ease; relief., To free, as from care or pain; to relieve.
list noun A line inclosing or forming the extremity of a piece of ground, or field of combat; hence, in the plural (lists), the ground or field inclosed for a race or combat., To inclose for combat; as, to list a field., To hearken; to attend; to listen., To listen or hearken to., To desire or choose; to please., To lean; to incline; as, the ship lists to port., Inclination; desire., An inclination to one side; as, the ship has a list to starboard., A strip forming the woven border or selvedge of cloth, particularly of broadcloth, and serving to strengthen it; hence, a strip of cloth; a fillet., A limit or boundary; a border., The lobe of the ear; the ear itself., A stripe., A roll or catalogue, that is row or line; a record of names; as, a list of names, books, articles; a list of ratable estate., A little square molding; a fillet; — called also listel., A narrow strip of wood, esp. sapwood, cut from the edge of a plank or board., A piece of woolen cloth with which the yarns are grasped by a workman., The first thin coat of tin., A wirelike rim of tin left on an edge of the plate after it is coated., To sew together, as strips of cloth, so as to make a show of colors, or form a border., To cover with list, or with strips of cloth; to put list on; as, to list a door; to stripe as if with list., To enroll; to place or register in a list., To engage, as a soldier; to enlist., To cut away a narrow strip, as of sapwood, from the edge of; as, to list a board., To engage in public service by enrolling one’s name; to enlist.
lite adverb, & noun Little.
lith 3d pers. sing. pres. of Lie, to recline, for lieth., A joint or limb; a division; a member; a part formed by growth, and articulated to, or symmetrical with, other parts.
live verb i. To be alive; to have life; to have, as an animal or a plant, the capacity of assimilating matter as food, and to be dependent on such assimilation for a continuance of existence; as, animals and plants that live to a great age are long in reaching maturity., To pass one’s time; to pass life or time in a certain manner, as to habits, conduct, or circumstances; as, to live in ease or affluence; to live happily or usefully., To make one’s abiding place or home; to abide; to dwell; to reside., To be or continue in existence; to exist; to remain; to be permanent; to last; — said of inanimate objects, ideas, etc., To enjoy or make the most of life; to be in a state of happiness., To feed; to subsist; to be nourished or supported; — with on; as, horses live on grass and grain., To have a spiritual existence; to be quickened, nourished, and actuated by divine influence or faith., To be maintained in life; to acquire a livelihood; to subsist; — with on or by; as, to live on spoils., To outlast danger; to float; — said of a ship, boat, etc.; as, no ship could live in such a storm., To spend, as one’s life; to pass; to maintain; to continue in, constantly or habitually; as, to live an idle or a useful life., To act habitually in conformity with; to practice., Having life; alive; living; not dead., Being in a state of ignition; burning; having active properties; as, a live coal; live embers., Full of earnestness; active; wide awake; glowing; as, a live man, or orator., Vivid; bright., Imparting power; having motion; as, the live spindle of a lathe., Life.
lixt 2d pers. sing. pres. of Lige, to lie, to tell lies, — contracted for ligest.
liza noun The American white mullet (Mugil curema).
load verb A burden; that which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance; that which is borne or sustained; a weight; as, a heavy load., The quantity which can be carried or drawn in some specified way; the contents of a cart, barrow, or vessel; that which will constitute a cargo; lading., That which burdens, oppresses, or grieves the mind or spirits; as, a load of care., A particular measure for certain articles, being as much as may be carried at one time by the conveyance commonly used for the article measured; as, a load of wood; a load of hay; specifically, five quarters., The charge of a firearm; as, a load of powder., Weight or violence of blows., The work done by a steam engine or other prime mover when working., To lay a load or burden on or in, as on a horse or in a cart; to charge with a load, as a gun; to furnish with a lading or cargo, as a ship; hence, to add weight to, so as to oppress or embarrass; to heap upon., To adulterate or drug; as, to load wine., To magnetize.
loaf noun Any thick lump, mass, or cake; especially, a large regularly shaped or molded mass, as of bread, sugar, or cake., To spend time in idleness; to lounge or loiter about., To spend in idleness; — with away; as, to loaf time away.
loam noun A kind of soil; an earthy mixture of clay and sand, with organic matter to which its fertility is chiefly due., A mixture of sand, clay, and other materials, used in making molds for large castings, often without a pattern., To cover, smear, or fill with loam.
loan noun A loanin., The act of lending; a lending; permission to use; as, the loan of a book, money, services., That which one lends or borrows, esp. a sum of money lent at interest; as, he repaid the loan., To lend; — sometimes with out.
lobe noun Any projection or division, especially one of a somewhat rounded form, A rounded projection or division of a leaf., A membranous flap on the sides of the toes of certain birds, as the coot., A round projecting part of an organ, as of the liver, lungs, brain, etc. See Illust. of Brain., The projecting part of a cam wheel or of a non-circular gear wheel.
loch noun A lake; a bay or arm of the sea., A kind of medicine to be taken by licking with the tongue; a lambative; a lincture.
lock noun A tuft of hair; a flock or small quantity of wool, hay, or other like substance; a tress or ringlet of hair., Anything that fastens; specifically, a fastening, as for a door, a lid, a trunk, a drawer, and the like, in which a bolt is moved by a key so as to hold or to release the thing fastened., A fastening together or interlacing; a closing of one thing upon another; a state of being fixed or immovable., A place from which egress is prevented, as by a lock., The barrier or works which confine the water of a stream or canal., An inclosure in a canal with gates at each end, used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from one level to another; — called also lift lock., That part or apparatus of a firearm by which the charge is exploded; as, a matchlock, flintlock, percussion lock, etc., A device for keeping a wheel from turning., A grapple in wrestling., To fasten with a lock, or as with a lock; to make fast; to prevent free movement of; as, to lock a door, a carriage wheel, a river, etc., To prevent ingress or access to, or exit from, by fastening the lock or locks of; — often with up; as, to lock or lock up, a house, jail, room, trunk. etc., To fasten in or out, or to make secure by means of, or as with, locks; to confine, or to shut in or out — often with up; as, to lock one’s self in a room; to lock up the prisoners; to lock up one’s silver; to lock intruders out of the house; to lock money into a vault; to lock a child in one’s arms; to lock a secret in one’s breast., To link together; to clasp closely; as, to lock arms., To furnish with locks; also, to raise or lower (a boat) in a lock., To seize, as the sword arm of an antagonist, by turning the left arm around it, to disarm him., To become fast, as by means of a lock or by interlacing; as, the door locks close.
loco adverb A direction in written or printed music to return to the proper pitch after having played an octave higher., A plant (Astragalus Hornii) growing in the Southwestern United States, which is said to poison horses and cattle, first making them insane. The name is also given vaguely to several other species of the same genus. Called also loco weed.
loci plural of Locus
loca plural of Locus
lode noun A water course or way; a reach of water., A metallic vein; any regular vein or course, whether metallic or not.
loft noun That which is lifted up; an elevation., The room or space under a roof and above the ceiling of the uppermost story., A gallery or raised apartment in a church, hall, etc.; as, an organ loft., A floor or room placed above another; a story., Lofty; proud.
loge noun A lodge; a habitation.
logy adjective Heavy or dull in respect to motion or thought; as, a logy horse.
loin noun That part of a human being or quadruped, which extends on either side of the spinal column between the hip bone and the false ribs. In human beings the loins are also called the reins. See Illust. of Beef.
loir noun A large European dormouse (Myoxus glis).
loki noun The evil deity, the author of all calamities and mischief, answering to the African of the Persians.
loke noun A private path or road; also, the wicket or hatch of a door.
loll verb i. To act lazily or indolently; to recline; to lean; to throw one’s self down; to lie at ease., To hand extended from the mouth, as the tongue of an ox or a log when heated with labor or exertion., To let the tongue hang from the mouth, as an ox, dog, or other animal, when heated by labor; as, the ox stood lolling in the furrow., To let hang from the mouth, as the tongue.
loma noun A lobe; a membranous fringe or flap.
lond noun Land.
lone noun A lane. See Loanin., Being without a companion; being by one’s self; also, sad from lack of companionship; lonely; as, a lone traveler or watcher., Single; unmarried, or in widowhood., Being apart from other things of the kind; being by itself; also, apart from human dwellings and resort; as, a lone house., Unfrequented by human beings; solitary.
long superl. Drawn out in a line, or in the direction of length; protracted; extended; as, a long line; — opposed to short, and distinguished from broad or wide., Drawn out or extended in time; continued through a considerable tine, or to a great length; as, a long series of events; a long debate; a long drama; a long history; a long book., Slow in passing; causing weariness by length or duration; lingering; as, long hours of watching., Occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away., Extended to any specified measure; of a specified length; as, a span long; a yard long; a mile long, that is, extended to the measure of a mile, etc., Far-reaching; extensive., Prolonged, or relatively more prolonged, in utterance; — said of vowels and syllables. See Short, a., 13, and Guide to Pronunciation, // 22, 30., A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve., A long sound, syllable, or vowel., The longest dimension; the greatest extent; — in the phrase, the long and the short of it, that is, the sum and substance of it., To a great extent in apace; as, a long drawn out line., To a great extent in time; during a long time., At a point of duration far distant, either prior or posterior; as, not long before; not long after; long before the foundation of Rome; long after the Conquest., Through the whole extent or duration., Through an extent of time, more or less; — only in question; as, how long will you be gone?, By means of; by the fault of; because of., To feel a strong or morbid desire or craving; to wish for something with eagerness; — followed by an infinitive, or by after or for., To belong; — used with to, unto, or for.
loob noun The clay or slimes washed from tin ore in dressing.
loof noun The spongelike fibers of the fruit of a cucurbitaceous plant (Luffa Aegyptiaca); called also vegetable sponge., Formerly, some appurtenance of a vessel which was used in changing her course; — probably a large paddle put over the lee bow to help bring her head nearer to the wind., The part of a ship’s side where the planking begins to curve toward bow and stern., See Luff.
look verb i. To direct the eyes for the purpose of seeing something; to direct the eyes toward an object; to observe with the eyes while keeping them directed; — with various prepositions, often in a special or figurative sense. See Phrases below., To direct the attention (to something); to consider; to examine; as, to look at an action., To seem; to appear; to have a particular appearance; as, the patient looks better; the clouds look rainy., To have a particular direction or situation; to face; to front., In the imperative: see; behold; take notice; take care; observe; — used to call attention., To show one’s self in looking, as by leaning out of a window; as, look out of the window while I speak to you. Sometimes used figuratively., To await the appearance of anything; to expect; to anticipate., To look at; to turn the eyes toward., To seek; to search for., To expect., To influence, overawe, or subdue by looks or presence as, to look down opposition., To express or manifest by a look., The act of looking; a glance; a sight; a view; — often in certain phrases; as, to have, get, take, throw, or cast, a look., Expression of the eyes and face; manner; as, a proud or defiant look., Hence; Appearance; aspect; as, the house has a gloomy look; the affair has a bad look.
lool noun A vessel used to receive the washings of ores of metals.
loom noun See Loon, the bird., A frame or machine of wood or other material, in which a weaver forms cloth out of thread; a machine for interweaving yarn or threads into a fabric, as in knitting or lace making., That part of an oar which is near the grip or handle and inboard from the rowlock., To appear above the surface either of sea or land, or to appear enlarged, or distorted and indistinct, as a distant object, a ship at sea, or a mountain, esp. from atmospheric influences; as, the ship looms large; the land looms high., To rise and to be eminent; to be elevated or ennobled, in a moral sense., The state of looming; esp., an unnatural and indistinct appearance of elevation or enlargement of anything, as of land or of a ship, seen by one at sea.
loon noun A sorry fellow; a worthless person; a rogue., Any one of several aquatic, wed-footed, northern birds of the genus Urinator (formerly Colymbus), noted for their expertness in diving and swimming under water. The common loon, or great northern diver (Urinator imber, or Colymbus torquatus), and the red-throated loon or diver (U. septentrionalis), are the best known species. See Diver.
loop noun A mass of iron in a pasty condition gathered into a ball for the tilt hammer or rolls., A fold or doubling of a thread, cord, rope, etc., through which another thread, cord, etc., can be passed, or which a hook can be hooked into; an eye, as of metal; a staple; a noose; a bight., A small, narrow opening; a loophole., A curve of any kind in the form of a loop., A wire forming part of a main circuit and returning to the point from which it starts., The portion of a vibrating string, air column, etc., between two nodes; — called also ventral segment., To make a loop of or in; to fasten with a loop or loops; — often with up; as, to loop a string; to loop up a curtain.
loos noun Praise; fame; reputation.
loot noun The act of plundering., Plunder; booty; especially, the boot taken in a conquered or sacked city., To plunder; to carry off as plunder or a prize lawfully obtained by war.
lope imp. of Leap., To leap; to dance., To move with a lope, as a horse., A leap; a long step., An easy gait, consisting of long running strides or leaps.
lord noun A hump-backed person; — so called sportively., One who has power and authority; a master; a ruler; a governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor., A titled nobleman., whether a peer of the realm or not; a bishop, as a member of the House of Lords; by courtesy; the son of a duke or marquis, or the eldest son of an earl; in a restricted sense, a boron, as opposed to noblemen of higher rank., A title bestowed on the persons above named; and also, for honor, on certain official persons; as, lord advocate, lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice, etc., A husband., One of whom a fee or estate is held; the male owner of feudal land; as, the lord of the soil; the lord of the manor., The Supreme Being; Jehovah., The Savior; Jesus Christ., To invest with the dignity, power, and privileges of a lord., To rule or preside over as a lord., To play the lord; to domineer; to rule with arbitrary or despotic sway; — sometimes with over; and sometimes with it in the manner of a transitive verb.
lore noun The space between the eye and bill, in birds, and the corresponding region in reptiles and fishes., The anterior portion of the cheeks of insects., Lost., That which is or may be learned or known; the knowledge gained from tradition, books, or experience; often, the whole body of knowledge possessed by a people or class of people, or pertaining to a particular subject; as, the lore of the Egyptians; priestly lore; legal lore; folklore., That which is taught; hence, instruction; wisdom; advice; counsel., Workmanship.
lori noun Same as Lory.
lorn adjective Lost; undone; ruined., Forsaken; abandoned; solitary; bereft; as, a lone, lorn woman.
lory noun Any one of many species of small parrots of the family Trichoglossidae, generally having the tongue papillose at the tip, and the mandibles straighter and less toothed than in common parrots. They are found in the East Indies, Australia, New Guinea, and the adjacent islands. They feed mostly on soft fruits and on the honey of flowers.
lose verb t. To part with unintentionally or unwillingly, as by accident, misfortune, negligence, penalty, forfeit, etc.; to be deprived of; as, to lose money from one’s purse or pocket, or in business or gaming; to lose an arm or a leg by amputation; to lose men in battle., To cease to have; to possess no longer; to suffer diminution of; as, to lose one’s relish for anything; to lose one’s health., Not to employ; to employ ineffectually; to throw away; to waste; to squander; as, to lose a day; to lose the benefits of instruction., To wander from; to miss, so as not to be able to and; to go astray from; as, to lose one’s way., To ruin; to destroy; as destroy; as, the ship was lost on the ledge., To be deprived of the view of; to cease to see or know the whereabouts of; as, he lost his companion in the crowd., To fail to obtain or enjoy; to fail to gain or win; hence, to fail to catch with the mind or senses; to miss; as, I lost a part of what he said., To cause to part with; to deprive of., To prevent from gaining or obtaining., To suffer loss, disadvantage, or defeat; to be worse off, esp. as the result of any kind of contest.
loss verb t. The act of losing; failure; destruction; privation; as, the loss of property; loss of money by gaming; loss of health or reputation., The state of losing or having lost; the privation, defect, misfortune, harm, etc., which ensues from losing., That which is lost or from which one has parted; waste; — opposed to gain or increase; as, the loss of liquor by leakage was considerable., The state of being lost or destroyed; especially, the wreck or foundering of a ship or other vessel., Failure to gain or win; as, loss of a race or battle., Failure to use advantageously; as, loss of time., Killed, wounded, and captured persons, or captured property., Destruction or diminution of value, if brought about in a manner provided for in the insurance contract (as destruction by fire or wreck, damage by water or smoke), or the death or injury of an insured person; also, the sum paid or payable therefor; as, the losses of the company this year amount to a million of dollars.
lost verb t. Parted with unwillingly or unintentionally; not to be found; missing; as, a lost book or sheep., Parted with; no longer held or possessed; as, a lost limb; lost honor., Not employed or enjoyed; thrown away; employed ineffectually; wasted; squandered; as, a lost day; a lost opportunity or benefit., Having wandered from, or unable to find, the way; bewildered; perplexed; as, a child lost in the woods; a stranger lost in London., Ruined or destroyed, either physically or morally; past help or hope; as, a ship lost at sea; a woman lost to virtue; a lost soul., Hardened beyond sensibility or recovery; alienated; insensible; as, lost to shame; lost to all sense of honor., Not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible; as, an island lost in a fog; a person lost in a crowd., Occupied with, or under the influence of, something, so as to be insensible of external things; as, to be lost in thought.
lote noun A large tree (Celtis australis), found in the south of Europe. It has a hard wood, and bears a cherrylike fruit. Called also nettle tree., The European burbot., To lurk; to lie hid.
loth adjective Alt. of Lothsome
loto noun See Lotto.
loud superl. Having, making, or being a strong or great sound; noisy; striking the ear with great force; as, a loud cry; loud thunder., Clamorous; boisterous., Emphatic; impressive; urgent; as, a loud call for united effort., Ostentatious; likely to attract attention; gaudy; as, a loud style of dress; loud colors., With loudness; loudly.
louk noun An accomplice; a “pal.”
loup noun See 1st Loop.
lour noun An Asiatic sardine (Clupea Neohowii), valued for its oil.
lout verb i. To bend; to box; to stoop., A clownish, awkward fellow; a bumpkin., To treat as a lout or fool; to neglect; to disappoint.
love noun A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as, the love of brothers and sisters., Especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex., Courtship; — chiefly in the phrase to make love, i. e., to court, to woo, to solicit union in marriage., Affection; kind feeling; friendship; strong liking or desire; fondness; good will; — opposed to hate; often with of and an object., Due gratitude and reverence to God., The object of affection; — often employed in endearing address., Cupid, the god of love; sometimes, Venus., A thin silk stuff., A climbing species of Clematis (C. Vitalba)., Nothing; no points scored on one side; — used in counting score at tennis, etc., To have a feeling of love for; to regard with affection or good will; as, to love one’s children and friends; to love one’s country; to love one’s God., To regard with passionate and devoted affection, as that of one sex for the other., To take delight or pleasure in; to have a strong liking or desire for, or interest in; to be pleased with; to like; as, to love books; to love adventures., To have the feeling of love; to be in love.
lowh strong imp. of Laugh.
lowk noun See Louk.
lown noun A low fellow.
luce noun A pike when full grown.
luck noun That which happens to a person; an event, good or ill, affecting one’s interests or happiness, and which is deemed casual; a course or series of such events regarded as occurring by chance; chance; hap; fate; fortune; often, one’s habitual or characteristic fortune; as, good, bad, ill, or hard luck. Luck is often used for good luck; as, luck is better than skill.
lues noun Disease, especially of a contagious kind.
luff noun The side of a ship toward the wind., The act of sailing a ship close to the wind., The roundest part of a ship’s bow., The forward or weather leech of a sail, especially of the jib, spanker, and other fore-and-aft sails., To turn the head of a vessel toward the wind; to sail nearer the wind; to turn the tiller so as to make the vessel sail nearer the wind.
luke adjective Moderately warm; not hot; tepid.
lull verb t. To cause to rest by soothing influences; to compose; to calm; to soothe; to quiet., To become gradually calm; to subside; to cease or abate for a time; as, the storm lulls., The power or quality of soothing; that which soothes; a lullaby., A temporary cessation of storm or confusion.
lump noun A small mass of matter of irregular shape; an irregular or shapeless mass; as, a lump of coal; a lump of iron ore., A mass or aggregation of things., A projection beneath the breech end of a gun barrel., To throw into a mass; to unite in a body or sum without distinction of particulars., To take in the gross; to speak of collectively., To get along with as one can, although displeased; as, if he does n’t like it, he can lump it.
luna noun The moon., Silver.
lune noun Anything in the shape of a half moon., A figure in the form of a crescent, bounded by two intersecting arcs of circles., A fit of lunacy or madness; a period of frenzy; a crazy or unreasonable freak.
lung noun An organ for aerial respiration; — commonly in the plural.
lunt noun The match cord formerly used in firing cannon., A puff of smoke.
luny adjective Crazy; mentally unsound.
lure noun A contrivance somewhat resembling a bird, and often baited with raw meat; — used by falconers in recalling hawks., Any enticement; that which invites by the prospect of advantage or pleasure; a decoy., A velvet smoothing brush., To draw to the lure; hence, to allure or invite by means of anything that promises pleasure or advantage; to entice; to attract., To recall a hawk or other animal.
lurg noun A large marine annelid (Nephthys caeca), inhabiting the sandy shores of Europe and America. It is whitish, with a pearly luster, and grows to the length of eight or ten inches.
lurk verb i. To lie hid; to lie in wait., To keep out of sight.
lush adjective Full of juice or succulence.
lusk adjective Lazy; slothful., A lazy fellow; a lubber., To be idle or unemployed.
lust noun Pleasure., Inclination; desire., Longing desire; eagerness to possess or enjoy; — in a had sense; as, the lust of gain., Licentious craving; sexual appetite., Hence: Virility; vigor; active power., To list; to like., To have an eager, passionate, and especially an inordinate or sinful desire, as for the gratification of the sexual appetite or of covetousness; — often with after.
lute noun A cement of clay or other tenacious infusible substance for sealing joints in apparatus, or the mouths of vessels or tubes, or for coating the bodies of retorts, etc., when exposed to heat; — called also luting., A packing ring, as of rubber, for fruit jars, etc., A straight-edged piece of wood for striking off superfluous clay from mold., To close or seal with lute; as, to lute on the cover of a crucible; to lute a joint., A stringed instrument formerly much in use. It consists of four parts, namely, the table or front, the body, having nine or ten ribs or “sides,” arranged like the divisions of a melon, the neck, which has nine or ten frets or divisions, and the head, or cross, in which the screws for tuning are inserted. The strings are struck with the right hand, and with the left the stops are pressed., To sound, as a lute. Piers Plowman. Keats., To play on a lute, or as on a lute.
luth noun The leatherback.
luxe noun Luxury.
lyam noun A leash.
lyne noun Linen.
lynx noun Any one of several species of feline animals of the genus Felis, and subgenus Lynx. They have a short tail, and usually a pencil of hair on the tip of the ears., One of the northern constellations.
lyra noun A northern constellation, the Harp, containing a white star of the first magnitude, called Alpha Lyrae, or Vega., The middle portion of the ventral surface of the fornix of the brain; — so called from the arrangement of the lines with which it is marked in the human brain.
lyre noun A stringed instrument of music; a kind of harp much used by the ancients, as an accompaniment to poetry., One of the constellations; Lyra. See Lyra.