4 letter word starting with lo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
load verb A burden; that which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance; that which is borne or sustained; a weight; as, a heavy load., The quantity which can be carried or drawn in some specified way; the contents of a cart, barrow, or vessel; that which will constitute a cargo; lading., That which burdens, oppresses, or grieves the mind or spirits; as, a load of care., A particular measure for certain articles, being as much as may be carried at one time by the conveyance commonly used for the article measured; as, a load of wood; a load of hay; specifically, five quarters., The charge of a firearm; as, a load of powder., Weight or violence of blows., The work done by a steam engine or other prime mover when working., To lay a load or burden on or in, as on a horse or in a cart; to charge with a load, as a gun; to furnish with a lading or cargo, as a ship; hence, to add weight to, so as to oppress or embarrass; to heap upon., To adulterate or drug; as, to load wine., To magnetize.
loaf noun Any thick lump, mass, or cake; especially, a large regularly shaped or molded mass, as of bread, sugar, or cake., To spend time in idleness; to lounge or loiter about., To spend in idleness; — with away; as, to loaf time away.
loam noun A kind of soil; an earthy mixture of clay and sand, with organic matter to which its fertility is chiefly due., A mixture of sand, clay, and other materials, used in making molds for large castings, often without a pattern., To cover, smear, or fill with loam.
loan noun A loanin., The act of lending; a lending; permission to use; as, the loan of a book, money, services., That which one lends or borrows, esp. a sum of money lent at interest; as, he repaid the loan., To lend; — sometimes with out.
lobe noun Any projection or division, especially one of a somewhat rounded form, A rounded projection or division of a leaf., A membranous flap on the sides of the toes of certain birds, as the coot., A round projecting part of an organ, as of the liver, lungs, brain, etc. See Illust. of Brain., The projecting part of a cam wheel or of a non-circular gear wheel.
loch noun A lake; a bay or arm of the sea., A kind of medicine to be taken by licking with the tongue; a lambative; a lincture.
lock noun A tuft of hair; a flock or small quantity of wool, hay, or other like substance; a tress or ringlet of hair., Anything that fastens; specifically, a fastening, as for a door, a lid, a trunk, a drawer, and the like, in which a bolt is moved by a key so as to hold or to release the thing fastened., A fastening together or interlacing; a closing of one thing upon another; a state of being fixed or immovable., A place from which egress is prevented, as by a lock., The barrier or works which confine the water of a stream or canal., An inclosure in a canal with gates at each end, used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from one level to another; — called also lift lock., That part or apparatus of a firearm by which the charge is exploded; as, a matchlock, flintlock, percussion lock, etc., A device for keeping a wheel from turning., A grapple in wrestling., To fasten with a lock, or as with a lock; to make fast; to prevent free movement of; as, to lock a door, a carriage wheel, a river, etc., To prevent ingress or access to, or exit from, by fastening the lock or locks of; — often with up; as, to lock or lock up, a house, jail, room, trunk. etc., To fasten in or out, or to make secure by means of, or as with, locks; to confine, or to shut in or out — often with up; as, to lock one’s self in a room; to lock up the prisoners; to lock up one’s silver; to lock intruders out of the house; to lock money into a vault; to lock a child in one’s arms; to lock a secret in one’s breast., To link together; to clasp closely; as, to lock arms., To furnish with locks; also, to raise or lower (a boat) in a lock., To seize, as the sword arm of an antagonist, by turning the left arm around it, to disarm him., To become fast, as by means of a lock or by interlacing; as, the door locks close.
loco adverb A direction in written or printed music to return to the proper pitch after having played an octave higher., A plant (Astragalus Hornii) growing in the Southwestern United States, which is said to poison horses and cattle, first making them insane. The name is also given vaguely to several other species of the same genus. Called also loco weed.
loci plural of Locus
loca plural of Locus
lode noun A water course or way; a reach of water., A metallic vein; any regular vein or course, whether metallic or not.
loft noun That which is lifted up; an elevation., The room or space under a roof and above the ceiling of the uppermost story., A gallery or raised apartment in a church, hall, etc.; as, an organ loft., A floor or room placed above another; a story., Lofty; proud.
loge noun A lodge; a habitation.
logy adjective Heavy or dull in respect to motion or thought; as, a logy horse.
loin noun That part of a human being or quadruped, which extends on either side of the spinal column between the hip bone and the false ribs. In human beings the loins are also called the reins. See Illust. of Beef.
loir noun A large European dormouse (Myoxus glis).
loki noun The evil deity, the author of all calamities and mischief, answering to the African of the Persians.
loke noun A private path or road; also, the wicket or hatch of a door.
loll verb i. To act lazily or indolently; to recline; to lean; to throw one’s self down; to lie at ease., To hand extended from the mouth, as the tongue of an ox or a log when heated with labor or exertion., To let the tongue hang from the mouth, as an ox, dog, or other animal, when heated by labor; as, the ox stood lolling in the furrow., To let hang from the mouth, as the tongue.
loma noun A lobe; a membranous fringe or flap.
lond noun Land.
lone noun A lane. See Loanin., Being without a companion; being by one’s self; also, sad from lack of companionship; lonely; as, a lone traveler or watcher., Single; unmarried, or in widowhood., Being apart from other things of the kind; being by itself; also, apart from human dwellings and resort; as, a lone house., Unfrequented by human beings; solitary.
long superl. Drawn out in a line, or in the direction of length; protracted; extended; as, a long line; — opposed to short, and distinguished from broad or wide., Drawn out or extended in time; continued through a considerable tine, or to a great length; as, a long series of events; a long debate; a long drama; a long history; a long book., Slow in passing; causing weariness by length or duration; lingering; as, long hours of watching., Occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away., Extended to any specified measure; of a specified length; as, a span long; a yard long; a mile long, that is, extended to the measure of a mile, etc., Far-reaching; extensive., Prolonged, or relatively more prolonged, in utterance; — said of vowels and syllables. See Short, a., 13, and Guide to Pronunciation, // 22, 30., A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve., A long sound, syllable, or vowel., The longest dimension; the greatest extent; — in the phrase, the long and the short of it, that is, the sum and substance of it., To a great extent in apace; as, a long drawn out line., To a great extent in time; during a long time., At a point of duration far distant, either prior or posterior; as, not long before; not long after; long before the foundation of Rome; long after the Conquest., Through the whole extent or duration., Through an extent of time, more or less; — only in question; as, how long will you be gone?, By means of; by the fault of; because of., To feel a strong or morbid desire or craving; to wish for something with eagerness; — followed by an infinitive, or by after or for., To belong; — used with to, unto, or for.
loob noun The clay or slimes washed from tin ore in dressing.
loof noun The spongelike fibers of the fruit of a cucurbitaceous plant (Luffa Aegyptiaca); called also vegetable sponge., Formerly, some appurtenance of a vessel which was used in changing her course; — probably a large paddle put over the lee bow to help bring her head nearer to the wind., The part of a ship’s side where the planking begins to curve toward bow and stern., See Luff.
look verb i. To direct the eyes for the purpose of seeing something; to direct the eyes toward an object; to observe with the eyes while keeping them directed; — with various prepositions, often in a special or figurative sense. See Phrases below., To direct the attention (to something); to consider; to examine; as, to look at an action., To seem; to appear; to have a particular appearance; as, the patient looks better; the clouds look rainy., To have a particular direction or situation; to face; to front., In the imperative: see; behold; take notice; take care; observe; — used to call attention., To show one’s self in looking, as by leaning out of a window; as, look out of the window while I speak to you. Sometimes used figuratively., To await the appearance of anything; to expect; to anticipate., To look at; to turn the eyes toward., To seek; to search for., To expect., To influence, overawe, or subdue by looks or presence as, to look down opposition., To express or manifest by a look., The act of looking; a glance; a sight; a view; — often in certain phrases; as, to have, get, take, throw, or cast, a look., Expression of the eyes and face; manner; as, a proud or defiant look., Hence; Appearance; aspect; as, the house has a gloomy look; the affair has a bad look.
lool noun A vessel used to receive the washings of ores of metals.
loom noun See Loon, the bird., A frame or machine of wood or other material, in which a weaver forms cloth out of thread; a machine for interweaving yarn or threads into a fabric, as in knitting or lace making., That part of an oar which is near the grip or handle and inboard from the rowlock., To appear above the surface either of sea or land, or to appear enlarged, or distorted and indistinct, as a distant object, a ship at sea, or a mountain, esp. from atmospheric influences; as, the ship looms large; the land looms high., To rise and to be eminent; to be elevated or ennobled, in a moral sense., The state of looming; esp., an unnatural and indistinct appearance of elevation or enlargement of anything, as of land or of a ship, seen by one at sea.
loon noun A sorry fellow; a worthless person; a rogue., Any one of several aquatic, wed-footed, northern birds of the genus Urinator (formerly Colymbus), noted for their expertness in diving and swimming under water. The common loon, or great northern diver (Urinator imber, or Colymbus torquatus), and the red-throated loon or diver (U. septentrionalis), are the best known species. See Diver.
loop noun A mass of iron in a pasty condition gathered into a ball for the tilt hammer or rolls., A fold or doubling of a thread, cord, rope, etc., through which another thread, cord, etc., can be passed, or which a hook can be hooked into; an eye, as of metal; a staple; a noose; a bight., A small, narrow opening; a loophole., A curve of any kind in the form of a loop., A wire forming part of a main circuit and returning to the point from which it starts., The portion of a vibrating string, air column, etc., between two nodes; — called also ventral segment., To make a loop of or in; to fasten with a loop or loops; — often with up; as, to loop a string; to loop up a curtain.
loos noun Praise; fame; reputation.
loot noun The act of plundering., Plunder; booty; especially, the boot taken in a conquered or sacked city., To plunder; to carry off as plunder or a prize lawfully obtained by war.
lope imp. of Leap., To leap; to dance., To move with a lope, as a horse., A leap; a long step., An easy gait, consisting of long running strides or leaps.
lord noun A hump-backed person; — so called sportively., One who has power and authority; a master; a ruler; a governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor., A titled nobleman., whether a peer of the realm or not; a bishop, as a member of the House of Lords; by courtesy; the son of a duke or marquis, or the eldest son of an earl; in a restricted sense, a boron, as opposed to noblemen of higher rank., A title bestowed on the persons above named; and also, for honor, on certain official persons; as, lord advocate, lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice, etc., A husband., One of whom a fee or estate is held; the male owner of feudal land; as, the lord of the soil; the lord of the manor., The Supreme Being; Jehovah., The Savior; Jesus Christ., To invest with the dignity, power, and privileges of a lord., To rule or preside over as a lord., To play the lord; to domineer; to rule with arbitrary or despotic sway; — sometimes with over; and sometimes with it in the manner of a transitive verb.
lore noun The space between the eye and bill, in birds, and the corresponding region in reptiles and fishes., The anterior portion of the cheeks of insects., Lost., That which is or may be learned or known; the knowledge gained from tradition, books, or experience; often, the whole body of knowledge possessed by a people or class of people, or pertaining to a particular subject; as, the lore of the Egyptians; priestly lore; legal lore; folklore., That which is taught; hence, instruction; wisdom; advice; counsel., Workmanship.
lori noun Same as Lory.
lorn adjective Lost; undone; ruined., Forsaken; abandoned; solitary; bereft; as, a lone, lorn woman.
lory noun Any one of many species of small parrots of the family Trichoglossidae, generally having the tongue papillose at the tip, and the mandibles straighter and less toothed than in common parrots. They are found in the East Indies, Australia, New Guinea, and the adjacent islands. They feed mostly on soft fruits and on the honey of flowers.
lose verb t. To part with unintentionally or unwillingly, as by accident, misfortune, negligence, penalty, forfeit, etc.; to be deprived of; as, to lose money from one’s purse or pocket, or in business or gaming; to lose an arm or a leg by amputation; to lose men in battle., To cease to have; to possess no longer; to suffer diminution of; as, to lose one’s relish for anything; to lose one’s health., Not to employ; to employ ineffectually; to throw away; to waste; to squander; as, to lose a day; to lose the benefits of instruction., To wander from; to miss, so as not to be able to and; to go astray from; as, to lose one’s way., To ruin; to destroy; as destroy; as, the ship was lost on the ledge., To be deprived of the view of; to cease to see or know the whereabouts of; as, he lost his companion in the crowd., To fail to obtain or enjoy; to fail to gain or win; hence, to fail to catch with the mind or senses; to miss; as, I lost a part of what he said., To cause to part with; to deprive of., To prevent from gaining or obtaining., To suffer loss, disadvantage, or defeat; to be worse off, esp. as the result of any kind of contest.
loss verb t. The act of losing; failure; destruction; privation; as, the loss of property; loss of money by gaming; loss of health or reputation., The state of losing or having lost; the privation, defect, misfortune, harm, etc., which ensues from losing., That which is lost or from which one has parted; waste; — opposed to gain or increase; as, the loss of liquor by leakage was considerable., The state of being lost or destroyed; especially, the wreck or foundering of a ship or other vessel., Failure to gain or win; as, loss of a race or battle., Failure to use advantageously; as, loss of time., Killed, wounded, and captured persons, or captured property., Destruction or diminution of value, if brought about in a manner provided for in the insurance contract (as destruction by fire or wreck, damage by water or smoke), or the death or injury of an insured person; also, the sum paid or payable therefor; as, the losses of the company this year amount to a million of dollars.
lost verb t. Parted with unwillingly or unintentionally; not to be found; missing; as, a lost book or sheep., Parted with; no longer held or possessed; as, a lost limb; lost honor., Not employed or enjoyed; thrown away; employed ineffectually; wasted; squandered; as, a lost day; a lost opportunity or benefit., Having wandered from, or unable to find, the way; bewildered; perplexed; as, a child lost in the woods; a stranger lost in London., Ruined or destroyed, either physically or morally; past help or hope; as, a ship lost at sea; a woman lost to virtue; a lost soul., Hardened beyond sensibility or recovery; alienated; insensible; as, lost to shame; lost to all sense of honor., Not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible; as, an island lost in a fog; a person lost in a crowd., Occupied with, or under the influence of, something, so as to be insensible of external things; as, to be lost in thought.
lote noun A large tree (Celtis australis), found in the south of Europe. It has a hard wood, and bears a cherrylike fruit. Called also nettle tree., The European burbot., To lurk; to lie hid.
loth adjective Alt. of Lothsome
loto noun See Lotto.
loud superl. Having, making, or being a strong or great sound; noisy; striking the ear with great force; as, a loud cry; loud thunder., Clamorous; boisterous., Emphatic; impressive; urgent; as, a loud call for united effort., Ostentatious; likely to attract attention; gaudy; as, a loud style of dress; loud colors., With loudness; loudly.
louk noun An accomplice; a “pal.”
loup noun See 1st Loop.
lour noun An Asiatic sardine (Clupea Neohowii), valued for its oil.
lout verb i. To bend; to box; to stoop., A clownish, awkward fellow; a bumpkin., To treat as a lout or fool; to neglect; to disappoint.
love noun A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as, the love of brothers and sisters., Especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex., Courtship; — chiefly in the phrase to make love, i. e., to court, to woo, to solicit union in marriage., Affection; kind feeling; friendship; strong liking or desire; fondness; good will; — opposed to hate; often with of and an object., Due gratitude and reverence to God., The object of affection; — often employed in endearing address., Cupid, the god of love; sometimes, Venus., A thin silk stuff., A climbing species of Clematis (C. Vitalba)., Nothing; no points scored on one side; — used in counting score at tennis, etc., To have a feeling of love for; to regard with affection or good will; as, to love one’s children and friends; to love one’s country; to love one’s God., To regard with passionate and devoted affection, as that of one sex for the other., To take delight or pleasure in; to have a strong liking or desire for, or interest in; to be pleased with; to like; as, to love books; to love adventures., To have the feeling of love; to be in love.
lowh strong imp. of Laugh.
lowk noun See Louk.
lown noun A low fellow.