4 letter word starting with o

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ours plural of I, See Note under Our.
oaky noun Resembling oak; strong.
oary adjective Having the form or the use of an oar; as, the swan’s oary feet.
oast noun A kiln to dry hops or malt; a cockle.
oats plural of Oat
oath noun A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with a reverent appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed., A solemn affirmation, connected with a sacred object, or one regarded as sacred, as the temple, the altar, the blood of Abel, the Bible, the Koran, etc., An appeal (in verification of a statement made) to a superior sanction, in such a form as exposes the party making the appeal to an indictment for perjury if the statement be false., A careless and blasphemous use of the name of the divine Being, or anything divine or sacred, by way of appeal or as a profane exclamation or ejaculation; an expression of profane swearing.
obbe noun See Obi.
obey verb t. To give ear to; to execute the commands of; to yield submission to; to comply with the orders of., To submit to the authority of; to be ruled by., To yield to the impulse, power, or operation of; as, a ship obeys her helm., To give obedience.
obit noun Death; decease; the date of one’s death., A funeral solemnity or office; obsequies., A service for the soul of a deceased person on the anniversary of the day of his death.
oboe noun One of the higher wind instruments in the modern orchestra, yet of great antiquity, having a penetrating pastoral quality of tone, somewhat like the clarinet in form, but more slender, and sounded by means of a double reed; a hautboy.
ocra noun See Okra.
odds adjective Difference in favor of one and against another; excess of one of two things or numbers over the other; inequality; advantage; superiority; hence, excess of chances; probability., Quarrel; dispute; debate; strife; — chiefly in the phrase at odds.
odic adjective Of or pertaining to od. See Od.
odin noun The supreme deity of the Scandinavians; — the same as Woden, of the German tribes.
odor noun Any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume.
odyl noun Alt. of Odyle
o’er preposition & adverb A contr. of Over.
ogam noun Same as Ogham.
ogee noun A molding, the section of which is the form of the letter S, with the convex part above; cyma reversa. See Illust. under Cyma., Hence, any similar figure used for any purpose.
ogle verb t. To view or look at with side glances, as in fondness, or with a design to attract notice., An amorous side glance or look.
ogre noun An imaginary monster, or hideous giant of fairy tales, who lived on human beings; hence, any frightful giant; a cruel monster.
oily superl. Consisting of oil; containing oil; having the nature or qualities of oil; unctuous; oleaginous; as, oily matter or substance., Covered with oil; greasy; hence, resembling oil; as, an oily appearance., Smoothly subservient; supple; compliant; plausible; insinuating.
oint verb t. To anoint.
oker noun See Ocher.
okra noun An annual plant (Abelmoschus, / Hibiscus, esculentus), whose green pods, abounding in nutritious mucilage, are much used for soups, stews, or pickles; gumbo.
olay noun pl. Palm leaves, prepared for being written upon with a style pointed with steel.
olea noun A genus of trees including the olive.
olid adjective Alt. of Olidous
olio noun A dish of stewed meat of different kinds., A mixture; a medley., A collection of miscellaneous pieces.
olla noun A pot or jar having a wide mouth; a cinerary urn, especially one of baked clay., A dish of stewed meat; an olio; an olla-podrida.
olpe noun Originally, a leather flask or vessel for oils or liquids; afterward, an earthenware vase or pitcher without a spout.
omen noun An occurrence supposed to portend, or show the character of, some future event; any indication or action regarded as a foreshowing; a foreboding; a presage; an augury., To divine or to foreshow by signs or portents; to have omens or premonitions regarding; to predict; to augur; as, to omen ill of an enterprise.
omer noun A Hebrew measure, the tenth of an ephah. See Ephah.
omit verb t. To let go; to leave unmentioned; not to insert or name; to drop., To pass by; to forbear or fail to perform or to make use of; to leave undone; to neglect.
omo- A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the shoulder or the scapula.
once adverb By limitation to the number one; for one time; not twice nor any number of times more than one., At some one period of time; — used indefinitely., At any one time; — often nearly equivalent to ever, if ever, or whenever; as, once kindled, it may not be quenched.
onde noun Hatred; fury; envy.
ones adverb Once.
only adjective One alone; single; as, the only man present; his only occupation., Alone in its class; by itself; not associated with others of the same class or kind; as, an only child., Hence, figuratively: Alone, by reason of superiority; preeminent; chief., In one manner or degree; for one purpose alone; simply; merely; barely., So and no otherwise; no other than; exclusively; solely; wholly., Singly; without more; as, only-begotten., Above all others; particularly., Save or except (that); — an adversative used elliptically with or without that, and properly introducing a single fact or consideration.
onto preposition On the top of; upon; on. See On to, under On, prep.
onus noun A burden; an obligation.
onyx noun Chalcedony in parallel layers of different shades of color. It is used for making cameos, the figure being cut in one layer with the next as a ground.
ooze noun Soft mud or slime; earth so wet as to flow gently, or easily yield to pressure., Soft flow; spring., The liquor of a tan vat., To flow gently; to percolate, as a liquid through the pores of a substance or through small openings., Fig.: To leak (out) or escape slowly; as, the secret oozed out; his courage oozed out., To cause to ooze.
oozy adjective Miry; containing soft mud; resembling ooze; as, the oozy bed of a river.
opah noun A large oceanic fish (Lampris quttatus), inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean. It is remarkable for its brilliant colors, which are red, green, and blue, with tints of purple and gold, covered with round silvery spots. Called also king of the herrings.
opal noun A mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity.
open adjective Free of access; not shut up; not closed; affording unobstructed ingress or egress; not impeding or preventing passage; not locked up or covered over; — applied to passageways; as, an open door, window, road, etc.; also, to inclosed structures or objects; as, open houses, boxes, baskets, bottles, etc.; also, to means of communication or approach by water or land; as, an open harbor or roadstead., Free to be used, enjoyed, visited, or the like; not private; public; unrestricted in use; as, an open library, museum, court, or other assembly; liable to the approach, trespass, or attack of any one; unprotected; exposed., Free or cleared of obstruction to progress or to view; accessible; as, an open tract; the open sea., Not drawn together, closed, or contracted; extended; expanded; as, an open hand; open arms; an open flower; an open prospect., Without reserve or false pretense; sincere; characterized by sincerity; unfeigned; frank; also, generous; liberal; bounteous; — applied to personal appearance, or character, and to the expression of thought and feeling, etc., Not concealed or secret; not hidden or disguised; exposed to view or to knowledge; revealed; apparent; as, open schemes or plans; open shame or guilt., Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing water ways, blocking roads, etc.; hence, not frosty or inclement; mild; — used of the weather or the climate; as, an open season; an open winter., Not settled or adjusted; not decided or determined; not closed or withdrawn from consideration; as, an open account; an open question; to keep an offer or opportunity open., Free; disengaged; unappropriated; as, to keep a day open for any purpose; to be open for an engagement., Uttered with a relatively wide opening of the articulating organs; — said of vowels; as, the an far is open as compared with the a in say., Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply narrowed without closure, as in uttering s., Not closed or stopped with the finger; — said of the string of an instrument, as of a violin, when it is allowed to vibrate throughout its whole length., Produced by an open string; as, an open tone., Open or unobstructed space; clear land, without trees or obstructions; open ocean; open water., To make or set open; to render free of access; to unclose; to unbar; to unlock; to remove any fastening or covering from; as, to open a door; to open a box; to open a room; to open a letter., To spread; to expand; as, to open the hand., To disclose; to reveal; to interpret; to explain., To make known; to discover; also, to render available or accessible for settlements, trade, etc., To enter upon; to begin; as, to open a discussion; to open fire upon an enemy; to open trade, or correspondence; to open a case in court, or a meeting., To loosen or make less compact; as, to open matted cotton by separating the fibers., To unclose; to form a hole, breach, or gap; to be unclosed; to be parted., To expand; to spread out; to be disclosed; as, the harbor opened to our view., To begin; to commence; as, the stock opened at par; the battery opened upon the enemy., To bark on scent or view of the game.
opie noun Opium.
opus noun A work; specif. (Mus.), a musical composition.
opye noun Opium.
oral adjective Uttered by the mouth, or in words; spoken, not written; verbal; as, oral traditions; oral testimony; oral law., Of or pertaining to the mouth; surrounding or lining the mouth; as, oral cilia or cirri.
orby adjective Orblike; having the course of an orb; revolving.
orfe noun A bright-colored domesticated variety of the id. See Id.
orgy noun A frantic revel; drunken revelry. See Orgies
orle noun A bearing, in the form of a fillet, round the shield, within, but at some distance from, the border., The wreath, or chaplet, surmounting or encircling the helmet of a knight and bearing the crest.
orlo noun A wind instrument of music in use among the Spaniards.
orts plural of Ort
oryx noun A genus of African antelopes which includes the gemsbok, the leucoryx, the bisa antelope (O. beisa), and the beatrix antelope (O. beatrix) of Arabia.
ossa plural of Os
osar plural of Os, See 3d Os.
osse noun A prophetic or ominous utterance.
otic adjective Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the ear; auricular; auditory.
otis noun A genus of birds including the bustards.
oto- A combining form denoting relation to, or situation near or in, the ear.
otto noun See Attar.
ouch noun A socket or bezel holding a precious stone; hence, a jewel or ornament worn on the person.
ouse noun & verb See Ooze.
oust noun See Oast., To take away; to remove., To eject; to turn out.
ouze noun & verb See Ooze.
oval adjective Of or pertaining to eggs; done in the egg, or inception; as, oval conceptions., Having the figure of an egg; oblong and curvilinear, with one end broader than the other, or with both ends of about the same breadth; in popular usage, elliptical., Broadly elliptical., A body or figure in the shape of an egg, or popularly, of an ellipse.
oven noun A place arched over with brick or stonework, and used for baking, heating, or drying; hence, any structure, whether fixed or portable, which may be heated for baking, drying, etc.; esp., now, a chamber in a stove, used for baking or roasting.
over preposition Above, or higher than, in place or position, with the idea of covering; — opposed to under; as, clouds are over our heads; the smoke rises over the city., Across; from side to side of; — implying a passing or moving, either above the substance or thing, or on the surface of it; as, a dog leaps over a stream or a table., Upon the surface of, or the whole surface of; hither and thither upon; throughout the whole extent of; as, to wander over the earth; to walk over a field, or over a city., Above; — implying superiority in excellence, dignity, condition, or value; as, the advantages which the Christian world has over the heathen., Above in authority or station; — implying government, direction, care, attention, guard, responsibility, etc.; — opposed to under., Across or during the time of; from beginning to end of; as, to keep anything over night; to keep corn over winter., Above the perpendicular height or length of, with an idea of measurement; as, the water, or the depth of water, was over his head, over his shoes., Beyond; in excess of; in addition to; more than; as, it cost over five dollars., Above, implying superiority after a contest; in spite of; notwithstanding; as, he triumphed over difficulties; the bill was passed over the veto., From one side to another; from side to side; across; crosswise; as, a board, or a tree, a foot over, i. e., a foot in diameter., From one person or place to another regarded as on the opposite side of a space or barrier; — used with verbs of motion; as, to sail over to England; to hand over the money; to go over to the enemy., Also, with verbs of being: At, or on, the opposite side; as, the boat is over., From beginning to end; throughout the course, extent, or expanse of anything; as, to look over accounts, or a stock of goods; a dress covered over with jewels., From inside to outside, above or across the brim., Beyond a limit; hence, in excessive degree or quantity; superfluously; with repetition; as, to do the whole work over., In a manner to bring the under side to or towards the top; as, to turn (one’s self) over; to roll a stone over; to turn over the leaves; to tip over a cart., At an end; beyond the limit of continuance; completed; finished., Upper; covering; higher; superior; also, excessive; too much or too great; — chiefly used in composition; as, overshoes, overcoat, over-garment, overlord, overwork, overhaste., A certain number of balls (usually four) delivered successively from behind one wicket, after which the ball is bowled from behind the other wicket as many times, the fielders changing places.
ovum noun A more or less spherical and transparent mass of granular protoplasm, which by a process of multiplication and growth develops into a mass of cells, constituting a new individual like the parent; an egg, spore, germ, or germ cell. See Illust. of Mycropyle., One of the series of egg-shaped ornaments into which the ovolo is often carved.
owch noun See Ouch.
owed imp. & past participle of Owe
owel adjective Equal.
owen adjective Own.
owre noun The aurochs.
owse noun Alt. of Owser
oxen plural of Ox
oxid noun See Oxide.
oxy- A prefix, also used adjectively, A compound containing oxygen., A compound containing the hydroxyl group, more properly designated by hydroxy-. See Hydroxy-.
oyer noun A hearing or an inspection, as of a deed, bond, etc., as when a defendant in court prays oyer of a writing.
oyez interj. Hear; attend; — a term used by criers of courts to secure silence before making a proclamation. It is repeated three times.