4 letter word starting with on

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
once adverb By limitation to the number one; for one time; not twice nor any number of times more than one., At some one period of time; — used indefinitely., At any one time; — often nearly equivalent to ever, if ever, or whenever; as, once kindled, it may not be quenched.
onde noun Hatred; fury; envy.
ones adverb Once.
only adjective One alone; single; as, the only man present; his only occupation., Alone in its class; by itself; not associated with others of the same class or kind; as, an only child., Hence, figuratively: Alone, by reason of superiority; preeminent; chief., In one manner or degree; for one purpose alone; simply; merely; barely., So and no otherwise; no other than; exclusively; solely; wholly., Singly; without more; as, only-begotten., Above all others; particularly., Save or except (that); — an adversative used elliptically with or without that, and properly introducing a single fact or consideration.
onto preposition On the top of; upon; on. See On to, under On, prep.
onus noun A burden; an obligation.
onyx noun Chalcedony in parallel layers of different shades of color. It is used for making cameos, the figure being cut in one layer with the next as a ground.