4 letter word starting with pe

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
peas plural of Pea
peak noun A point; the sharp end or top of anything that terminates in a point; as, the peak, or front, of a cap., The top, or one of the tops, of a hill, mountain, or range, ending in a point; often, the whole hill or mountain, esp. when isolated; as, the Peak of Teneriffe., The upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail; — used in many combinations; as, peak-halyards, peak-brails, etc., The narrow part of a vessel’s bow, or the hold within it., The extremity of an anchor fluke; the bill., To rise or extend into a peak or point; to form, or appear as, a peak., To acquire sharpness of figure or features; hence, to look thin or sicky., To pry; to peep slyly., To raise to a position perpendicular, or more nearly so; as, to peak oars, to hold them upright; to peak a gaff or yard, to set it nearer the perpendicular.
peal noun A small salmon; a grilse; a sewin., To appeal., A loud sound, or a succession of loud sounds, as of bells, thunder, cannon, shouts, of a multitude, etc., A set of bells tuned to each other according to the diatonic scale; also, the changes rung on a set of bells., To utter or give out loud sounds., To resound; to echo., To utter or give forth loudly; to cause to give out loud sounds; to noise abroad., To assail with noise or loud sounds., To pour out.
pean noun One of the furs, the ground being sable, and the spots or tufts or., A song of praise and triumph. See Paean.
pear noun The fleshy pome, or fruit, of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus communis), cultivated in many varieties in temperate climates; also, the tree which bears this fruit. See Pear family, below.
peat noun A small person; a pet; — sometimes used contemptuously., A substance of vegetable origin, consisting of roots and fibers, moss, etc., in various stages of decomposition, and found, as a kind of turf or bog, usually in low situations, where it is always more or less saturated with water. It is often dried and used for fuel.
peba noun An armadillo (Tatusia novemcincta) which is found from Texas to Paraguay; — called also tatouhou.
peck noun The fourth part of a bushel; a dry measure of eight quarts; as, a peck of wheat., A great deal; a large or excessive quantity., To strike with the beak; to thrust the beak into; as, a bird pecks a tree., Hence: To strike, pick, thrust against, or dig into, with a pointed instrument; especially, to strike, pick, etc., with repeated quick movements., To seize and pick up with the beak, or as with the beak; to bite; to eat; — often with up., To make, by striking with the beak or a pointed instrument; as, to peck a hole in a tree., To make strokes with the beak, or with a pointed instrument., To pick up food with the beak; hence, to eat., A quick, sharp stroke, as with the beak of a bird or a pointed instrument.
peek verb i. To look slyly, or with the eyes half closed, or through a crevice; to peep.
peel noun A small tower, fort, or castle; a keep., A spadelike implement, variously used, as for removing loaves of bread from a baker’s oven; also, a T-shaped implement used by printers and bookbinders for hanging wet sheets of paper on lines or poles to dry. Also, the blade of an oar., To plunder; to pillage; to rob., To strip off the skin, bark, or rind of; to strip by drawing or tearing off the skin, bark, husks, etc.; to flay; to decorticate; as, to peel an orange., To strip or tear off; to remove by stripping, as the skin of an animal, the bark of a tree, etc., To lose the skin, bark, or rind; to come off, as the skin, bark, or rind does; — often used with an adverb; as, the bark peels easily or readily., The skin or rind; as, the peel of an orange.
peen noun A round-edged, or hemispherical, end to the head of a hammer or sledge, used to stretch or bend metal by indentation., The sharp-edged end of the head of a mason’s hammer., To draw, bend, or straighten, as metal, by blows with the peen of a hammer or sledge.
peep verb i. To cry, as a chicken hatching or newly hatched; to chirp; to cheep., To begin to appear; to look forth from concealment; to make the first appearance., To look cautiously or slyly; to peer, as through a crevice; to pry., The cry of a young chicken; a chirp., First outlook or appearance., A sly look; a look as through a crevice, or from a place of concealment., Any small sandpiper, as the least sandpiper (Trigna minutilla)., The European meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis).
peer verb i. To come in sight; to appear., To look narrowly or curiously or intently; to peep; as, the peering day., One of the same rank, quality, endowments, character, etc.; an equal; a match; a mate., A comrade; a companion; a fellow; an associate., A nobleman; a member of one of the five degrees of the British nobility, namely, duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron; as, a peer of the realm., To make equal in rank., To be, or to assume to be, equal.
pegm noun A sort of moving machine employed in the old pageants.
pein noun See Peen.
pela noun See Wax insect, under Wax.
pelf noun Money; riches; lucre; gain; — generally conveying the idea of something ill-gotten or worthless. It has no plural.
pell verb t. To pelt; to knock about., A skin or hide; a pelt., A roll of parchment; a parchment record.
pelt noun The skin of a beast with the hair on; a raw or undressed hide; a skin preserved with the hairy or woolly covering on it. See 4th Fell., The human skin., The body of any quarry killed by the hawk., To strike with something thrown or driven; to assail with pellets or missiles, as, to pelt with stones; pelted with hail., To throw; to use as a missile., To throw missiles., To throw out words., A blow or stroke from something thrown.
pent of Pen, Penned or shut up; confined; — often with up.
pend noun Oil cake; penock., To hang; to depend., To be undecided, or in process of adjustment., To pen; to confine.
penk noun A minnow. See Pink, n., 4.
pens noun pl. of Penny.
peon noun See Poon., A foot soldier; a policeman; also, an office attendant; a messenger., A day laborer; a servant; especially, in some of the Spanish American countries, debtor held by his creditor in a form of qualified servitude, to work out a debt., See 2d Pawn.
pepo noun Any fleshy fruit with a firm rind, as a pumpkin, melon, or gourd. See Gourd.
per- A prefix used to signify through, throughout, by, for, or as an intensive as perhaps, by hap or chance; perennial, that lasts throughout the year; perforce, through or by force; perfoliate, perforate; perspicuous, evident throughout or very evident; perplex, literally, to entangle very much., Originally, denoting that the element to the name of which it is prefixed in the respective compounds exercised its highest valence; now, only that the element has a higher valence than in other similar compounds; thus, barium peroxide is the highest oxide of barium; while nitrogen and manganese peroxides, so-called, are not the highest oxides of those elements.
pere noun A peer.
peri noun An imaginary being, male or female, like an elf or fairy, represented as a descendant of fallen angels, excluded from paradise till penance is accomplished.
perk verb t. To make trim or smart; to straighten up; to erect; to make a jaunty or saucy display of; as, to perk the ears; to perk up one’s head., To exalt one’s self; to bear one’s self loftily., Smart; trim; spruce; jaunty; vain., To peer; to look inquisitively.
pern verb t. To take profit of; to make profitable., The honey buzzard.
pers adjective Light blue; grayish blue; — a term applied to different shades at different periods., A cloth of sky-blue color.
pert adjective Open; evident; apert., Lively; brisk; sprightly; smart., Indecorously free, or presuming; saucy; bold; impertinent., To behave with pertness.
pery noun A pear tree. See Pirie.
pese noun A pea.
peso noun A Spanish dollar; also, an Argentine, Chilian, Colombian, etc., coin, equal to from 75 cents to a dollar; also, a pound weight.
pest noun A fatal epidemic disease; a pestilence; specif., the plague., Anything which resembles a pest; one who, or that which, is troublesome, noxious, mischievous, or destructive; a nuisance.