4 letter word starting with pr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
prad noun A horse.
pram noun Alt. of Prame
pray noun & verb See Pry., To make request with earnestness or zeal, as for something desired; to make entreaty or supplication; to offer prayer to a deity or divine being as a religious act; specifically, to address the Supreme Being with adoration, confession, supplication, and thanksgiving., To address earnest request to; to supplicate; to entreat; to implore; to beseech., To ask earnestly for; to seek to obtain by supplication; to entreat for., To effect or accomplish by praying; as, to pray a soul out of purgatory.
pre- A prefix denoting priority (of time, place, or rank); as, precede, to go before; precursor, a forerunner; prefix, to fix or place before; preeminent eminent before or above others. Pre- is sometimes used intensively, as in prepotent, very potent.
prey noun Anything, as goods, etc., taken or got by violence; anything taken by force from an enemy in war; spoil; booty; plunder., That which is or may be seized by animals or birds to be devoured; hence, a person given up as a victim., The act of devouring other creatures; ravage., To take booty; to gather spoil; to ravage; to take food by violence.
prie noun The plant privet., To pry.
prig verb i. To haggle about the price of a commodity; to bargain hard., To cheapen., To filch or steal; as, to prig a handkerchief., A pert, conceited, pragmatical fellow., A thief; a filcher.
prim noun The privet., Formal; precise; affectedly neat or nice; as, prim regularity; a prim person., To deck with great nicety; to arrange with affected preciseness; to prink., To dress or act smartly.
pris noun See Price, and 1st Prize.
pro- A prefix signifying before, in front, forth, for, in behalf of, in place of, according to; as, propose, to place before; proceed, to go before or forward; project, to throw forward; prologue, part spoken before (the main piece); propel, prognathous; provide, to look out for; pronoun, a word instead of a noun; proconsul, a person acting in place of a consul; proportion, arrangement according to parts.
proa noun A sailing canoe of the Ladrone Islands and Malay Archipelago, having its lee side flat and its weather side like that of an ordinary boat. The ends are alike. The canoe is long and narrow, and is kept from overturning by a cigar-shaped log attached to a frame extending several feet to windward. It has been called the flying proa, and is the swiftest sailing craft known.
prod noun A pointed instrument for pricking or puncturing, as a goad, an awl, a skewer, etc., A prick or stab which a pointed instrument., A light kind of crossbow; — in the sense, often spelled prodd., To thrust some pointed instrument into; to prick with something sharp; as, to prod a soldier with a bayonet; to prod oxen; hence, to goad, to incite, to worry; as, to prod a student.
prog verb i. To wander about and beg; to seek food or other supplies by low arts; to seek for advantage by mean shift or tricks., To steal; to rob; to filch., To prick; to goad; to progue., Victuals got by begging, or vagrancy; victuals of any kind; food; supplies., A vagrant beggar; a tramp., A goal; progue.
prop noun A shell, used as a die. See Props., To support, or prevent from falling, by placing something under or against; as, to prop up a fence or an old building; (Fig.) to sustain; to maintain; as, to prop a declining state., That which sustains an incumbent weight; that on which anything rests or leans for support; a support; a stay; as, a prop for a building.
prow noun The fore part of a vessel; the bow; the stem; hence, the vessel itself., See Proa., Valiant; brave; gallant; courageous., Benefit; profit; good; advantage.
prox noun “The ticket or list of candidates at elections, presented to the people for their votes.”