4 letter word starting with re

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
read noun Rennet. See 3d Reed., of Read, To advise; to counsel., To interpret; to explain; as, to read a riddle., To tell; to declare; to recite., To go over, as characters or words, and utter aloud, or recite to one’s self inaudibly; to take in the sense of, as of language, by interpreting the characters with which it is expressed; to peruse; as, to read a discourse; to read the letters of an alphabet; to read figures; to read the notes of music, or to read music; to read a book., Hence, to know fully; to comprehend., To discover or understand by characters, marks, features, etc.; to learn by observation., To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks; as, to read theology or law., To give advice or counsel., To tell; to declare., To perform the act of reading; to peruse, or to go over and utter aloud, the words of a book or other like document., To study by reading; as, he read for the bar., To learn by reading., To appear in writing or print; to be expressed by, or consist of, certain words or characters; as, the passage reads thus in the early manuscripts., To produce a certain effect when read; as, that sentence reads queerly., Saying; sentence; maxim; hence, word; advice; counsel. See Rede., Reading., imp. & p. p. of Read, v. t. & i., Instructed or knowing by reading; versed in books; learned.
reak noun A rush., A prank.
real noun A small Spanish silver coin; also, a denomination of money of account, formerly the unit of the Spanish monetary system., Royal; regal; kingly., Actually being or existing; not fictitious or imaginary; as, a description of real life., True; genuine; not artificial, counterfeit, or factitious; often opposed to ostensible; as, the real reason; real Madeira wine; real ginger., Relating to things, not to persons., Having an assignable arithmetical or numerical value or meaning; not imaginary., Pertaining to things fixed, permanent, or immovable, as to lands and tenements; as, real property, in distinction from personal or movable property., A realist.
ream noun Cream; also, the cream or froth on ale., To cream; to mantle., To stretch out; to draw out into thongs, threads, or filaments., A bundle, package, or quantity of paper, usually consisting of twenty quires or 480 sheets., To bevel out, as the mouth of a hole in wood or metal; in modern usage, to enlarge or dress out, as a hole, with a reamer.
reap verb t. To cut with a sickle, scythe, or reaping machine, as grain; to gather, as a harvest, by cutting., To gather; to obtain; to receive as a reward or harvest, or as the fruit of labor or of works; — in a good or a bad sense; as, to reap a benefit from exertions., To clear of a crop by reaping; as, to reap a field., To deprive of the beard; to shave., To perform the act or operation of reaping; to gather a harvest., A bundle of grain; a handful of grain laid down by the reaper as it is cut.
rear adverb Early; soon., The back or hindmost part; that which is behind, or last in order; — opposed to front., Specifically, the part of an army or fleet which comes last, or is stationed behind the rest., Being behind, or in the hindmost part; hindmost; as, the rear rank of a company., To place in the rear; to secure the rear of., To raise; to lift up; to cause to rise, become erect, etc.; to elevate; as, to rear a monolith., To erect by building; to set up; to construct; as, to rear defenses or houses; to rear one government on the ruins of another., To lift and take up., To bring up to maturity, as young; to educate; to instruct; to foster; as, to rear offspring., To breed and raise; as, to rear cattle., To rouse; to stir up., To rise up on the hind legs, as a horse; to become erect.
reft of Reave, Bereft., A chink; a rift. See Rift.
reck verb t. To make account of; to care for; to heed; to regard., To concern; — used impersonally., To make account; to take heed; to care; to mind; — often followed by of.
rede verb t. To advise or counsel., To interpret; to explain., Advice; counsel; suggestion., A word or phrase; a motto; a proverb; a wise saw.
reed adjective Red., Same as Rede., The fourth stomach of a ruminant; rennet., A name given to many tall and coarse grasses or grasslike plants, and their slender, often jointed, stems, such as the various kinds of bamboo, and especially the common reed of Europe and North America (Phragmites communis)., A musical instrument made of the hollow joint of some plant; a rustic or pastoral pipe., An arrow, as made of a reed., Straw prepared for thatching a roof., A small piece of cane or wood attached to the mouthpiece of certain instruments, and set in vibration by the breath. In the clarinet it is a single fiat reed; in the oboe and bassoon it is double, forming a compressed tube., One of the thin pieces of metal, the vibration of which produce the tones of a melodeon, accordeon, harmonium, or seraphine; also attached to certain sets or registers of pipes in an organ., A frame having parallel flat stripe of metal or reed, between which the warp threads pass, set in the swinging lathe or batten of a loom for beating up the weft; a sley. See Batten., A tube containing the train of powder for igniting the charge in blasting., Same as Reeding.
reef noun A chain or range of rocks lying at or near the surface of the water. See Coral reefs, under Coral., A large vein of auriferous quartz; — so called in Australia. Hence, any body of rock yielding valuable ore., That part of a sail which is taken in or let out by means of the reef points, in order to adapt the size of the sail to the force of the wind., To reduce the extent of (as a sail) by roiling or folding a certain portion of it and making it fast to the yard or spar.
reek noun A rick., Vapor; steam; smoke; fume., To emit vapor, usually that which is warm and moist; to be full of fumes; to steam; to smoke; to exhale.
reel noun A lively dance of the Highlanders of Scotland; also, the music to the dance; — often called Scotch reel., A frame with radial arms, or a kind of spool, turning on an axis, on which yarn, threads, lines, or the like, are wound; as, a log reel, used by seamen; an angler’s reel; a garden reel., A machine on which yarn is wound and measured into lays and hanks, — for cotton or linen it is fifty-four inches in circuit; for worsted, thirty inches., A device consisting of radial arms with horizontal stats, connected with a harvesting machine, for holding the stalks of grain in position to be cut by the knives., To roll., To wind upon a reel, as yarn or thread., To incline, in walking, from one side to the other; to stagger., To have a whirling sensation; to be giddy., The act or motion of reeling or staggering; as, a drunken reel.
reem noun The Hebrew name of a horned wild animal, probably the Urus., To open (the seams of a vessel’s planking) for the purpose of calking them.
reis plural of Rei, The word is used as a Portuguese designation of money of account, one hundred reis being about equal in value to eleven cents., A common title in the East for a person in authority, especially the captain of a ship.
reif noun Robbery; spoil.
reim noun A strip of oxhide, deprived of hair, and rendered pliable, — used for twisting into ropes, etc.
rein noun The strap of a bridle, fastened to the curb or snaffle on each side, by which the rider or driver governs the horse., Hence, an instrument or means of curbing, restraining, or governing; government; restraint., To govern or direct with the reins; as, to rein a horse one way or another., To restrain; to control; to check., To be guided by reins.
reit noun Sedge; seaweed.
rely verb i. To rest with confidence, as when fully satisfied of the veracity, integrity, or ability of persons, or of the certainty of facts or of evidence; to have confidence; to trust; to depend; — with on, formerly also with in.
reme noun Realm.
rent imp. & past participle of Rend, To rant., imp. & p. p. of Rend., An opening made by rending; a break or breach made by force; a tear., Figuratively, a schism; a rupture of harmony; a separation; as, a rent in the church., To tear. See Rend., Income; revenue. See Catel., Pay; reward; share; toll., A certain periodical profit, whether in money, provisions, chattels, or labor, issuing out of lands and tenements in payment for the use; commonly, a certain pecuniary sum agreed upon between a tenant and his landlord, paid at fixed intervals by the lessee to the lessor, for the use of land or its appendages; as, rent for a farm, a house, a park, etc., To grant the possession and enjoyment of, for a rent; to lease; as, the owwner of an estate or house rents it., To take and hold under an agreement to pay rent; as, the tennant rents an estate of the owner., To be leased, or let for rent; as, an estate rents for five hundred dollars a year.
rend verb t. To separate into parts with force or sudden violence; to tear asunder; to split; to burst; as, powder rends a rock in blasting; lightning rends an oak., To part or tear off forcibly; to take away by force., To be rent or torn; to become parted; to separate; to split.
reng noun A rank; a row., A rung or round of a ladder.
rese verb i. To shake; to quake; to tremble.
rest verb t. To arrest., A state of quiet or repose; a cessation from motion or labor; tranquillity; as, rest from mental exertion; rest of body or mind., Hence, freedom from everything which wearies or disturbs; peace; security., Sleep; slumber; hence, poetically, death., That on which anything rests or leans for support; as, a rest in a lathe, for supporting the cutting tool or steadying the work., A projection from the right side of the cuirass, serving to support the lance., A place where one may rest, either temporarily, as in an inn, or permanently, as, in an abode., A short pause in reading verse; a c/sura., The striking of a balance at regular intervals in a running account., A set or game at tennis., Silence in music or in one of its parts; the name of the character that stands for such silence. They are named as notes are, whole, half, quarter,etc., To cease from action or motion, especially from action which has caused weariness; to desist from labor or exertion., To be free from whanever wearies or disturbs; to be quiet or still., To lie; to repose; to recline; to lan; as, to rest on a couch., To stand firm; to be fixed; to be supported; as, a column rests on its pedestal., To sleep; to slumber; hence, poetically, to be dead., To lean in confidence; to trust; to rely; to repose without anxiety; as, to rest on a man’s promise., To be satisfied; to acquiesce., To lay or place at rest; to quiet., To place, as on a support; to cause to lean., That which is left, or which remains after the separation of a part, either in fact or in contemplation; remainder; residue., Those not included in a proposition or description; the remainder; others., A surplus held as a reserved fund by a bank to equalize its dividends, etc.; in the Bank of England, the balance of assets above liabilities., To be left; to remain; to continue to be.
rete noun A net or network; a plexus; particularly, a network of blood vessels or nerves, or a part resembling a network.
reve verb t. To reave., An officer, steward, or governor.
rewe verb t. & i. To rue.
reyn noun Rain or rein.