4 letter word starting with s

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
salt Sulphate of magnesia having cathartic qualities; — originally prepared by boiling down the mineral waters at Epsom, England, — whence the name; afterwards prepared from sea water; but now from certain minerals, as from siliceous hydrate of magnesia., The chloride of sodium, a substance used for seasoning food, for the preservation of meat, etc. It is found native in the earth, and is also produced, by evaporation and crystallization, from sea water and other water impregnated with saline particles., Hence, flavor; taste; savor; smack; seasoning., Hence, also, piquancy; wit; sense; as, Attic salt., A dish for salt at table; a saltcellar., A sailor; — usually qualified by old., The neutral compound formed by the union of an acid and a base; thus, sulphuric acid and iron form the salt sulphate of iron or green vitriol., Fig.: That which preserves from corruption or error; that which purifies; a corrective; an antiseptic; also, an allowance or deduction; as, his statements must be taken with a grain of salt., Any mineral salt used as an aperient or cathartic, especially Epsom salts, Rochelle salt, or Glauber’s salt., Marshes flooded by the tide., Of or relating to salt; abounding in, or containing, salt; prepared or preserved with, or tasting of, salt; salted; as, salt beef; salt water., Overflowed with, or growing in, salt water; as, a salt marsh; salt grass., Fig.: Bitter; sharp; pungent., Fig.: Salacious; lecherous; lustful., To sprinkle, impregnate, or season with salt; to preserve with salt or in brine; to supply with salt; as, to salt fish, beef, or pork; to salt cattle., To fill with salt between the timbers and planks, as a ship, for the preservation of the timber., To deposit salt as a saline solution; as, the brine begins to salt., The act of leaping or jumping; a leap.
saan noun pl. Same as Bushmen.
sack noun A name formerly given to various dry Spanish wines., A bag for holding and carrying goods of any kind; a receptacle made of some kind of pliable material, as cloth, leather, and the like; a large pouch., A measure of varying capacity, according to local usage and the substance. The American sack of salt is 215 pounds; the sack of wheat, two bushels., Originally, a loosely hanging garment for women, worn like a cloak about the shoulders, and serving as a decorative appendage to the gown; now, an outer garment with sleeves, worn by women; as, a dressing sack., A sack coat; a kind of coat worn by men, and extending from top to bottom without a cross seam., See 2d Sac, 2., Bed., To put in a sack; to bag; as, to sack corn., To bear or carry in a sack upon the back or the shoulders., The pillage or plunder, as of a town or city; the storm and plunder of a town; devastation; ravage., To plunder or pillage, as a town or city; to devastate; to ravage.
sacs noun pl. A tribe of Indians, which, together with the Foxes, formerly occupied the region about Green Bay, Wisconsin.
sadh noun A member of a monotheistic sect of Hindoos. Sadhs resemble the Quakers in many respects.
sadr noun A plant of the genus Ziziphus (Z. lotus); — so called by the Arabs of Barbary, who use its berries for food. See Lotus (b).
safe superl. Free from harm, injury, or risk; untouched or unthreatened by danger or injury; unharmed; unhurt; secure; whole; as, safe from disease; safe from storms; safe from foes., Conferring safety; securing from harm; not exposing to danger; confining securely; to be relied upon; not dangerous; as, a safe harbor; a safe bridge, etc., Incapable of doing harm; no longer dangerous; in secure care or custody; as, the prisoner is safe., A place for keeping things in safety., A strong and fireproof receptacle (as a movable chest of steel, etc., or a closet or vault of brickwork) for containing money, valuable papers, or the like., A ventilated or refrigerated chest or closet for securing provisions from noxious animals or insects., To render safe; to make right.
saga noun A Scandinavian legend, or heroic or mythic tradition, among the Norsemen and kindred people; a northern European popular historical or religious tale of olden time., of Sagum
sage noun A suffruticose labiate plant (Salvia officinalis) with grayish green foliage, much used in flavoring meats, etc. The name is often extended to the whole genus, of which many species are cultivated for ornament, as the scarlet sage, and Mexican red and blue sage., The sagebrush., Having nice discernment and powers of judging; prudent; grave; sagacious., Proceeding from wisdom; well judged; shrewd; well adapted to the purpose., Grave; serious; solemn., A wise man; a man of gravity and wisdom; especially, a man venerable for years, and of sound judgment and prudence; a grave philosopher.
sago noun A dry granulated starch imported from the East Indies, much used for making puddings and as an article of diet for the sick; also, as starch, for stiffening textile fabrics. It is prepared from the stems of several East Indian and Malayan palm trees, but chiefly from the Metroxylon Sagu; also from several cycadaceous plants (Cycas revoluta, Zamia integrifolia, etc.).
sagy adjective Full of sage; seasoned with sage.
saic noun A kind of ketch very common in the Levant, which has neither topgallant sail nor mizzen topsail.
said imp. & p. p. of Say., Before-mentioned; already spoken of or specified; aforesaid; — used chiefly in legal style., of Say
sail noun An extent of canvas or other fabric by means of which the wind is made serviceable as a power for propelling vessels through the water., Anything resembling a sail, or regarded as a sail., A wing; a van., The extended surface of the arm of a windmill., A sailing vessel; a vessel of any kind; a craft., A passage by a sailing vessel; a journey or excursion upon the water., To be impelled or driven forward by the action of wind upon sails, as a ship on water; to be impelled on a body of water by the action of steam or other power., To move through or on the water; to swim, as a fish or a water fowl., To be conveyed in a vessel on water; to pass by water; as, they sailed from London to Canton., To set sail; to begin a voyage., To move smoothly through the air; to glide through the air without apparent exertion, as a bird., To pass or move upon, as in a ship, by means of sails; hence, to move or journey upon (the water) by means of steam or other force., To fly through; to glide or move smoothly through., To direct or manage the motion of, as a vessel; as, to sail one’s own ship.
saim noun Lard; grease.
sain past participle Said., To sanctify; to bless so as to protect from evil influence.
sake noun Final cause; end; purpose of obtaining; cause; motive; reason; interest; concern; account; regard or respect; — used chiefly in such phrases as, for the sake of, for his sake, for man’s sake, for mercy’s sake, and the like; as, to commit crime for the sake of gain; to go abroad for the sake of one’s health.
saki noun Any one of several species of South American monkeys of the genus Pithecia. They have large ears, and a long hairy tail which is not prehensile., The alcoholic drink of Japan. It is made from rice.
sale noun See 1st Sallow., The act of selling; the transfer of property, or a contract to transfer the ownership of property, from one person to another for a valuable consideration, or for a price in money., Opportunity of selling; demand; market., Public disposal to the highest bidder, or exposure of goods in market; auction.
salm noun Psalm.
salp noun Any species of Salpa, or of the family Salpidae.
same verb i. Not different or other; not another or others; identical; unchanged., Of like kind, species, sort, dimensions, or the like; not differing in character or in the quality or qualities compared; corresponding; not discordant; similar; like., Just mentioned, or just about to be mentioned.
samp noun An article of food consisting of maize broken or bruised, which is cooked by boiling, and usually eaten with milk; coarse hominy.
sand noun Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose grains, which are not coherent when wet., A single particle of such stone., The sand in the hourglass; hence, a moment or interval of time; the term or extent of one’s life., Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of Arabia and Africa; also, extensive tracts of sand exposed by the ebb of the tide., Courage; pluck; grit., To sprinkle or cover with sand., To drive upon the sand., To bury (oysters) beneath drifting sand or mud., To mix with sand for purposes of fraud; as, to sand sugar.
sane adjective Being in a healthy condition; not deranged; acting rationally; — said of the mind., Mentally sound; possessing a rational mind; having the mental faculties in such condition as to be able to anticipate and judge of the effect of one’s actions in an ordinary maner; — said of persons.
sang imp. of Sing., of Sing
sank imp. of Sink., of Sink
sans preposition Without; deprived or destitute of. Rarely used as an English word.
sard noun A variety of carnelian, of a rich reddish yellow or brownish red color. See the Note under Chalcedony.
sari noun Same as Saree.
sark noun A shirt., To cover with sarking, or thin boards.
sarn noun A pavement or stepping-stone.
sart noun An assart, or clearing.
sash noun A scarf or band worn about the waist, over the shoulder, or otherwise; a belt; a girdle, — worn by women and children as an ornament; also worn as a badge of distinction by military officers, members of societies, etc., To adorn with a sash or scarf., The framing in which the panes of glass are set in a glazed window or door, including the narrow bars between the panes., In a sawmill, the rectangular frame in which the saw is strained and by which it is carried up and down with a reciprocating motion; — also called gate., To furnish with a sash or sashes; as, to sash a door or a window.
sate verb t. To satisfy the desire or appetite of; to satiate; to glut; to surfeit., imp. of Sit., of Sit
sauf adjective Safe., Save; except.
sauh imp. sing. of See.
saul noun Soul., Same as Sal, the tree.
saur noun Soil; dirt; dirty water; urine from a cowhouse.
saut noun Alt. of Saute
save noun The herb sage, or salvia., To make safe; to procure the safety of; to preserve from injury, destruction, or evil of any kind; to rescue from impending danger; as, to save a house from the flames., Specifically, to deliver from sin and its penalty; to rescue from a state of condemnation and spiritual death, and bring into a state of spiritual life., To keep from being spent or lost; to secure from waste or expenditure; to lay up; to reserve., To rescue from something undesirable or hurtful; to prevent from doing something; to spare., To hinder from doing, suffering, or happening; to obviate the necessity of; to prevent; to spare., To hold possession or use of; to escape loss of., To avoid unnecessary expense or expenditure; to prevent waste; to be economical., Except; excepting; not including; leaving out; deducting; reserving; saving., Except; unless.
sawn of Saw
scab noun An incrustation over a sore, wound, vesicle, or pustule, formed by the drying up of the discharge from the diseased part., The itch in man; also, the scurvy., The mange, esp. when it appears on sheep., A disease of potatoes producing pits in their surface, caused by a minute fungus (Tiburcinia Scabies)., A slight irregular protuberance which defaces the surface of a casting, caused by the breaking away of a part of the mold., A mean, dirty, paltry fellow., A nickname for a workman who engages for lower wages than are fixed by the trades unions; also, for one who takes the place of a workman on a strike., To become covered with a scab; as, the wound scabbed over.
scad noun A small carangoid fish (Trachurus saurus) abundant on the European coast, and less common on the American. The name is applied also to several allied species., The goggler; — called also big-eyed scad. See Goggler., The friar skate., The cigar fish, or round robin.
scan verb t. To mount by steps; to go through with step by step.
scar noun A mark in the skin or flesh of an animal, made by a wound or ulcer, and remaining after the wound or ulcer is healed; a cicatrix; a mark left by a previous injury; a blemish; a disfigurement., A mark left upon a stem or branch by the fall of a leaf, leaflet, or frond, or upon a seed by the separation of its support. See Illust.. under Axillary., To mark with a scar or scars., To form a scar., An isolated or protruding rock; a steep, rocky eminence; a bare place on the side of a mountain or steep bank of earth., A marine food fish, the scarus, or parrot fish.
scat interj. Go away; begone; away; — chiefly used in driving off a cat., Alt. of Scatt, A shower of rain.
scot noun A name for a horse., A native or inhabitant of Scotland; a Scotsman, or Scotchman., A portion of money assessed or paid; a tax or contribution; a mulct; a fine; a shot.
scow noun A large flat-bottomed boat, having broad, square ends., To transport in a scow.
scry verb t. To descry., A flock of wild fowl., A cry or shout.
scud verb i. To move swiftly; especially, to move as if driven forward by something., To be driven swiftly, or to run, before a gale, with little or no sail spread., To pass over quickly., The act of scudding; a driving along; a rushing with precipitation., Loose, vapory clouds driven swiftly by the wind., A slight, sudden shower., A small flight of larks, or other birds, less than a flock., Any swimming amphipod crustacean.
scug verb i. To hide., A place of shelter; the declivity of a hill.
scum verb The extraneous matter or impurities which rise to the surface of liquids in boiling or fermentation, or which form on the surface by other means; also, the scoria of metals in a molten state; dross., refuse; recrement; anything vile or worthless., To take the scum from; to clear off the impure matter from the surface of; to skim., To sweep or range over the surface of., To form a scum; to become covered with scum. Also used figuratively.
scup noun A swing., A marine sparoid food fish (Stenotomus chrysops, or S. argyrops), common on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It appears bright silvery when swimming in the daytime, but shows broad blackish transverse bands at night and when dead. Called also porgee, paugy, porgy, scuppaug.
scur verb i. To move hastily; to scour.
scut noun The tail of a hare, or of a deer, or other animal whose tail is short, sp. when carried erect; hence, sometimes, the animal itself.
scye noun Arm scye, a cutter’s term for the armhole or part of the armhole of the waist of a garnment.
sdan verb & noun Disdain.
seah noun A Jewish dry measure containing one third of an an ephah.
seak noun Soap prepared for use in milling cloth.
seal noun Any aquatic carnivorous mammal of the families Phocidae and Otariidae., An engraved or inscribed stamp, used for marking an impression in wax or other soft substance, to be attached to a document, or otherwise used by way of authentication or security., Wax, wafer, or other tenacious substance, set to an instrument, and impressed or stamped with a seal; as, to give a deed under hand and seal., That which seals or fastens; esp., the wax or wafer placed on a letter or other closed paper, etc., to fasten it., That which confirms, ratifies, or makes stable; that which authenticates; that which secures; assurance., An arrangement for preventing the entrance or return of gas or air into a pipe, by which the open end of the pipe dips beneath the surface of water or other liquid, or a deep bend or sag in the pipe is filled with the liquid; a draintrap., To set or affix a seal to; hence, to authenticate; to confirm; to ratify; to establish; as, to seal a deed., To mark with a stamp, as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, or merchantable quality; as, to seal weights and measures; to seal silverware., To fasten with a seal; to attach together with a wafer, wax, or other substance causing adhesion; as, to seal a letter., Hence, to shut close; to keep close; to make fast; to keep secure or secret., To fix, as a piece of iron in a wall, with cement, plaster, or the like., To close by means of a seal; as, to seal a drainpipe with water. See 2d Seal, 5., Among the Mormons, to confirm or set apart as a second or additional wife., To affix one’s seal, or a seal.
seam noun Grease; tallow; lard., The fold or line formed by sewing together two pieces of cloth or leather., Hence, a line of junction; a joint; a suture, as on a ship, a floor, or other structure; the line of union, or joint, of two boards, planks, metal plates, etc., A thin layer or stratum; a narrow vein between two thicker strata; as, a seam of coal., A line or depression left by a cut or wound; a scar; a cicatrix., To form a seam upon or of; to join by sewing together; to unite., To mark with something resembling a seam; to line; to scar., To make the appearance of a seam in, as in knitting a stocking; hence, to knit with a certain stitch, like that in such knitting., To become ridgy; to crack open., A denomination of weight or measure., The quantity of eight bushels of grain., The quantity of 120 pounds of glass.
sean noun A seine. See Seine.
sear adjective Alt. of Sere, To wither; to dry up., To burn (the surface of) to dryness and hardness; to cauterize; to expose to a degree of heat such as changes the color or the hardness and texture of the surface; to scorch; to make callous; as, to sear the skin or flesh. Also used figuratively., The catch in a gunlock by which the hammer is held cocked or half cocked.
sere adjective [OE. seer, AS. sear (assumed) fr. searian to wither; akin to D. zoor dry, LG. soor, OHG. sor/n to to wither, Gr. a”y`ein to parch, to dry, Skr. /ush (for sush) to dry, to wither, Zend hush to dry. Ã152. Cf. Austere, Sorrel, a.] Dry; withered; no longer green; — applied to leaves., Dry; withered. Same as Sear., Claw; talon.
seat noun The place or thing upon which one sits; hence; anything made to be sat in or upon, as a chair, bench, stool, saddle, or the like., The place occupied by anything, or where any person or thing is situated, resides, or abides; a site; an abode, a station; a post; a situation., That part of a thing on which a person sits; as, the seat of a chair or saddle; the seat of a pair of pantaloons., A sitting; a right to sit; regular or appropriate place of sitting; as, a seat in a church; a seat for the season in the opera house., Posture, or way of sitting, on horseback., A part or surface on which another part or surface rests; as, a valve seat., To place on a seat; to cause to sit down; as, to seat one’s self., To cause to occupy a post, site, situation, or the like; to station; to establish; to fix; to settle., To assign a seat to, or the seats of; to give a sitting to; as, to seat a church, or persons in a church., To fix; to set firm., To settle; to plant with inhabitants; as to seat a country., To put a seat or bottom in; as, to seat a chair., To rest; to lie down.
seck adjective Barren; unprofitable. See Rent seck, under Rent.
sect noun A cutting; a scion., Those following a particular leader or authority, or attached to a certain opinion; a company or set having a common belief or allegiance distinct from others; in religion, the believers in a particular creed, or upholders of a particular practice; especially, in modern times, a party dissenting from an established church; a denomination; in philosophy, the disciples of a particular master; a school; in society and the state, an order, rank, class, or party.
seen past participle of See, p. p. of See., Versed; skilled; accomplished.
seed plural of Seed, A ripened ovule, consisting of an embryo with one or more integuments, or coverings; as, an apple seed; a currant seed. By germination it produces a new plant., Any small seedlike fruit, though it may consist of a pericarp, or even a calyx, as well as the seed proper; as, parsnip seed; thistle seed., The generative fluid of the male; semen; sperm; — not used in the plural., That from which anything springs; first principle; original; source; as, the seeds of virtue or vice., The principle of production., Progeny; offspring; children; descendants; as, the seed of Abraham; the seed of David., Race; generation; birth., To sprinkle with seed; to plant seeds in; to sow; as, to seed a field., To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with seedlike decorations.
seek adjective Sick., To go in search of; to look for; to search for; to try to find., To inquire for; to ask for; to solicit; to bessech., To try to acquire or gain; to strive after; to aim at; as, to seek wealth or fame; to seek one’s life., To try to reach or come to; to go to; to resort to., To make search or inquiry: to endeavor to make discovery.
seel verb t. To close the eyes of (a hawk or other bird) by drawing through the lids threads which were fastened over the head., Hence, to shut or close, as the eyes; to blind., To incline to one side; to lean; to roll, as a ship at sea., Alt. of Seeling, Good fortune; favorable opportunity; prosperity. [Obs.] “So have I seel”., Time; season; as, hay seel.
seem adjective To appear, or to appear to be; to have a show or semblance; to present an appearance; to look; to strike one’s apprehension or fancy as being; to be taken as., To befit; to beseem.
seep verb i. Alt. of Sipe
sipe verb i. To run or soak through fine pores and interstices; to ooze.
sipy adjective Oozy; — applied to land under cultivation that is not well drained.
seer adjective Sore; painful., One who sees., A person who foresees events; a prophet.
seet imp. Sate; sat.
sego noun A liliaceous plant (Calochortus Nuttallii) of Western North America, and its edible bulb; — so called by the Ute Indians and the Mormons.
seid noun A descendant of Mohammed through his daughter Fatima and nephew Ali.
seke adjective Sick., To seek.
seld adjective Rare; uncommon; unusual., Rarely; seldom.
self adjective Same; particular; very; identical., The individual as the object of his own reflective consciousness; the man viewed by his own cognition as the subject of all his mental phenomena, the agent in his own activities, the subject of his own feelings, and the possessor of capacities and character; a person as a distinct individual; a being regarded as having personality., Hence, personal interest, or love of private interest; selfishness; as, self is his whole aim., Personification; embodiment.
sell noun Self., A sill., A cell; a house., A saddle for a horse., A throne or lofty seat., To transfer to another for an equivalent; to give up for a valuable consideration; to dispose of in return for something, especially for money., To make a matter of bargain and sale of; to accept a price or reward for, as for a breach of duty, trust, or the like; to betray., To impose upon; to trick; to deceive; to make a fool of; to cheat., To practice selling commodities., To be sold; as, corn sells at a good price., An imposition; a cheat; a hoax.
sold imp. & past participle of Sell, imp. & p. p. of Sell., Solary; military pay.
sely adjective Silly.
seme adjective Sprinkled or sown; — said of field, or a charge, when strewed or covered with small charges.
sent imp. & past participle of Send, See Scent, v. & n., obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Send, for sendeth., imp. & p. p. of Send.
send verb t. To cause to go in any manner; to dispatch; to commission or direct to go; as, to send a messenger., To give motion to; to cause to be borne or carried; to procure the going, transmission, or delivery of; as, to send a message., To emit; to impel; to cast; to throw; to hurl; as, to send a ball, an arrow, or the like., To cause to be or to happen; to bestow; to inflict; to grant; — sometimes followed by a dependent proposition., To dispatch an agent or messenger to convey a message, or to do an errand., To pitch; as, the ship sends forward so violently as to endanger her masts., The impulse of a wave by which a vessel is carried bodily.
sens adverb Since.
sept noun A clan, tribe, or family, proceeding from a common progenitor; — used especially of the ancient clans in Ireland.
serf verb t. A servant or slave employed in husbandry, and in some countries attached to the soil and transferred with it, as formerly in Russia.
serr verb t. To crowd, press, or drive together.
sess verb t. To lay a tax upon; to assess., A tax; an assessment. See Cess.
seta noun Any slender, more or less rigid, bristlelike organ or part; as the hairs of a caterpillar, the slender spines of a crustacean, the hairlike processes of a protozoan, the bristles or stiff hairs on the leaves of some plants, or the pedicel of the capsule of a moss., One of the movable chitinous spines or hooks of an annelid. They usually arise in clusters from muscular capsules, and are used in locomotion and for defense. They are very diverse in form., One of the spinelike feathers at the base of the bill of certain birds.
sett noun See Set, n., 2 (e) and 3.
sewn of Sew
sewe verb i. To perform the duties of a sewer. See 3d Sewer.
sex- A combining form meaning six; as, sexdigitism; sexennial.
sext noun The office for the sixth canonical hour, being a part of the Breviary., The sixth book of the decretals, added by Pope Boniface VIII.
seyh imp. sing. & 2d pers. pl. of See.
seye Alt. of Seyen
shab noun The itch in animals; also, a scab., To play mean tricks; to act shabbily., To scratch; to rub.
shad noun sing. & pl. Any one of several species of food fishes of the Herring family. The American species (Clupea sapidissima), which is abundant on the Atlantic coast and ascends the larger rivers in spring to spawn, is an important market fish. The European allice shad, or alose (C. alosa), and the twaite shad. (C. finta), are less important species.
shag noun Coarse hair or nap; rough, woolly hair., A kind of cloth having a long, coarse nap., A kind of prepared tobacco cut fine., Any species of cormorant., Hairy; shaggy., To make hairy or shaggy; hence, to make rough.
shah noun The title of the supreme ruler in certain Eastern countries, especially Persia.
sham noun That which deceives expectation; any trick, fraud, or device that deludes and disappoint; a make-believe; delusion; imposture, humbug., A false front, or removable ornamental covering., False; counterfeit; pretended; feigned; unreal; as, a sham fight., To trick; to cheat; to deceive or delude with false pretenses., To obtrude by fraud or imposition., To assume the manner and character of; to imitate; to ape; to feign., To make false pretenses; to deceive; to feign; to impose.
shaw noun A thicket; a small wood or grove., The leaves and tops of vegetables, as of potatoes, turnips, etc.
shay noun A chaise.
shed noun A slight or temporary structure built to shade or shelter something; a structure usually open in front; an outbuilding; a hut; as, a wagon shed; a wood shed., of Shed, To separate; to divide., To part with; to throw off or give forth from one’s self; to emit; to diffuse; to cause to emanate or flow; to pour forth or out; to spill; as, the sun sheds light; she shed tears; the clouds shed rain., To let fall; to throw off, as a natural covering of hair, feathers, shell; to cast; as, fowls shed their feathers; serpents shed their skins; trees shed leaves., To cause to flow off without penetrating; as, a tight roof, or covering of oiled cloth, sheeds water., To sprinkle; to intersperse; to cover., To divide, as the warp threads, so as to form a shed, or passageway, for the shuttle., To fall in drops; to pour., To let fall the parts, as seeds or fruit; to throw off a covering or envelope., A parting; a separation; a division., The act of shedding or spilling; — used only in composition, as in bloodshed., That which parts, divides, or sheds; — used in composition, as in watershed., The passageway between the threads of the warp through which the shuttle is thrown, having a sloping top and bottom made by raising and lowering the alternate threads.
shet imp. of Shet, of Shet, To shut.
shew verb t. & i. See Show., Show.
shie verb t. See Shy, to throw.
shim noun A kind of shallow plow used in tillage to break the ground, and clear it of weeds., A thin piece of metal placed between two parts to make a fit.
shin noun The front part of the leg below the knee; the front edge of the shin bone; the lower part of the leg; the shank., A fish plate for rails., To climb a mast, tree, rope, or the like, by embracing it alternately with the arms and legs, without help of steps, spurs, or the like; — used with up; as, to shin up a mast., To run about borrowing money hastily and temporarily, as for the payment of one’s notes at the bank., To climb (a pole, etc.) by shinning up.
ship noun Pay; reward., Any large seagoing vessel., Specifically, a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts (a mainmast, a foremast, and a mizzenmast), each of which is composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast, and square-rigged on all masts. See Illustation in Appendix., A dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense., To put on board of a ship, or vessel of any kind, for transportation; to send by water., By extension, in commercial usage, to commit to any conveyance for transportation to a distance; as, to ship freight by railroad., Hence, to send away; to get rid of., To engage or secure for service on board of a ship; as, to ship seamen., To receive on board ship; as, to ship a sea., To put in its place; as, to ship the tiller or rudder., To engage to serve on board of a vessel; as, to ship on a man-of-war., To embark on a ship.
shod imp. & past participle f Shoe., of Shoe
shoe noun A covering for the human foot, usually made of leather, having a thick and somewhat stiff sole and a lighter top. It differs from a boot on not extending so far up the leg., Anything resembling a shoe in form, position, or use., A plate or rim of iron nailed to the hoof of an animal to defend it from injury., A band of iron or steel, or a ship of wood, fastened to the bottom of the runner of a sleigh, or any vehicle which slides on the snow., A drag, or sliding piece of wood or iron, placed under the wheel of a loaded vehicle, to retard its motion in going down a hill., The part of a railroad car brake which presses upon the wheel to retard its motion., A trough-shaped or spout-shaped member, put at the bottom of the water leader coming from the eaves gutter, so as to throw the water off from the building., The trough or spout for conveying the grain from the hopper to the eye of the millstone., An inclined trough in an ore-crushing mill., An iron socket or plate to take the thrust of a strut or rafter., An iron socket to protect the point of a wooden pile., A plate, or notched piece, interposed between a moving part and the stationary part on which it bears, to take the wear and afford means of adjustment; — called also slipper, and gib., To furnish with a shoe or shoes; to put a shoe or shoes on; as, to shoe a horse, a sled, an anchor., To protect or ornament with something which serves the purpose of a shoe; to tip.
shog noun A shock; a jog; a violent concussion or impulse., To shake; to shock., To jog; to move on.
shoo interj. Begone; away; — an expression used in frightening away animals, especially fowls.
shot imp. & past participle of Shoot, imp. & p. p. of Shoot., Woven in such a way as to produce an effect of variegation, of changeable tints, or of being figured; as, shot silks. See Shoot, v. t., 8., A share or proportion; a reckoning; a scot., of Shot, The act of shooting; discharge of a firearm or other weapon which throws a missile., A missile weapon, particularly a ball or bullet; specifically, whatever is discharged as a projectile from firearms or cannon by the force of an explosive., Small globular masses of lead, of various sizes, — used chiefly for killing game; as, bird shot; buckshot., The flight of a missile, or the distance which it is, or can be, thrown; as, the vessel was distant more than a cannon shot., A marksman; one who practices shooting; as, an exellent shot., To load with shot, as a gun.
shop imp. of Shape. Shaped., A building or an apartment in which goods, wares, drugs, etc., are sold by retail., A building in which mechanics or artisans work; as, a shoe shop; a car shop., To visit shops for the purpose of purchasing goods.
show verb t. To exhibit or present to view; to place in sight; to display; — the thing exhibited being the object, and often with an indirect object denoting the person or thing seeing or beholding; as, to show a house; show your colors; shopkeepers show customers goods (show goods to customers)., To exhibit to the mental view; to tell; to disclose; to reveal; to make known; as, to show one’s designs., Specifically, to make known the way to (a person); hence, to direct; to guide; to asher; to conduct; as, to show a person into a parlor; to show one to the door., To make apparent or clear, as by evidence, testimony, or reasoning; to prove; to explain; also, to manifest; to evince; as, to show the truth of a statement; to show the causes of an event., To bestow; to confer; to afford; as, to show favor., To exhibit or manifest one’s self or itself; to appear; to look; to be in appearance; to seem., To have a certain appearance, as well or ill, fit or unfit; to become or suit; to appear., The act of showing, or bringing to view; exposure to sight; exhibition., That which os shown, or brought to view; that which is arranged to be seen; a spectacle; an exhibition; as, a traveling show; a cattle show., Proud or ostentatious display; parade; pomp., Semblance; likeness; appearance., False semblance; deceitful appearance; pretense., A discharge, from the vagina, of mucus streaked with blood, occuring a short time before labor., A pale blue flame, at the top of a candle flame, indicating the presence of fire damp.
shug verb i. To writhe the body so as to produce friction against one’s clothes, as do those who have the itch., Hence, to crawl; to sneak.
shun verb t. To avoid; to keep clear of; to get out of the way of; to escape from; to eschew; as, to shun rocks, shoals, vice.
shut imp. & past participle of Shut, To close so as to hinder ingress or egress; as, to shut a door or a gate; to shut one’s eyes or mouth., To forbid entrance into; to prohibit; to bar; as, to shut the ports of a country by a blockade., To preclude; to exclude; to bar out., To fold together; to close over, as the fingers; to close by bringing the parts together; as, to shut the hand; to shut a book., To close itself; to become closed; as, the door shuts; it shuts hard., Closed or fastened; as, a shut door., Rid; clear; free; as, to get shut of a person., Formed by complete closure of the mouth passage, and with the nose passage remaining closed; stopped, as are the mute consonants, p, t, k, b, d, and hard g., Cut off sharply and abruptly by a following consonant in the same syllable, as the English short vowels, /, /, /, /, /, always are., The act or time of shutting; close; as, the shut of a door., A door or cover; a shutter., The line or place where two pieces of metal are united by welding.
sice noun The number six at dice.
sich adjective Such.
sick superl. Affected with disease of any kind; ill; indisposed; not in health. See the Synonym under Illness., Affected with, or attended by, nausea; inclined to vomit; as, sick at the stomach; a sick headache., Having a strong dislike; disgusted; surfeited; — with of; as, to be sick of flattery., Corrupted; imperfect; impaired; weakned., Sickness., To fall sick; to sicken.
sida noun A genus of malvaceous plants common in the tropics. All the species are mucilaginous, and some have tough ligneous fibers which are used as a substitute for hemp and flax.
side noun The margin, edge, verge, or border of a surface; especially (when the thing spoken of is somewhat oblong in shape), one of the longer edges as distinguished from the shorter edges, called ends; a bounding line of a geometrical figure; as, the side of a field, of a square or triangle, of a river, of a road, etc., Any outer portion of a thing considered apart from, and yet in relation to, the rest; as, the upper side of a sphere; also, any part or position viewed as opposite to or contrasted with another; as, this or that side., One of the halves of the body, of an animals or man, on either side of the mesial plane; or that which pertains to such a half; as, a side of beef; a side of sole leather., The right or left part of the wall or trunk of the body; as, a pain in the side., A slope or declivity, as of a hill, considered as opposed to another slope over the ridge., The position of a person or party regarded as opposed to another person or party, whether as a rival or a foe; a body of advocates or partisans; a party; hence, the interest or cause which one maintains against another; a doctrine or view opposed to another., A line of descent traced through one parent as distinguished from that traced through another., Fig.: Aspect or part regarded as contrasted with some other; as, the bright side of poverty., Of or pertaining to a side, or the sides; being on the side, or toward the side; lateral., Hence, indirect; oblique; collateral; incidental; as, a side issue; a side view or remark., Long; large; extensive., To lean on one side., To embrace the opinions of one party, or engage in its interest, in opposition to another party; to take sides; as, to side with the ministerial party., To be or stand at the side of; to be on the side toward., To suit; to pair; to match., To work (a timber or rib) to a certain thickness by trimming the sides., To furnish with a siding; as, to side a house.
sift verb t. To separate with a sieve, as the fine part of a substance from the coarse; as, to sift meal or flour; to sift powder; to sift sand or lime., To separate or part as if with a sieve., To examine critically or minutely; to scrutinize.
sigh verb i. To inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it; to make a deep single audible respiration, especially as the result or involuntary expression of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow, or the like., Hence, to lament; to grieve., To make a sound like sighing., To exhale (the breath) in sighs., To utter sighs over; to lament or mourn over., To express by sighs; to utter in or with sighs., A deep and prolonged audible inspiration or respiration of air, as when fatigued or grieved; the act of sighing., Figuratively, a manifestation of grief; a lan/ent.
sign noun That by which anything is made known or represented; that which furnishes evidence; a mark; a token; an indication; a proof., A remarkable event, considered by the ancients as indicating the will of some deity; a prodigy; an omen., An event considered by the Jews as indicating the divine will, or as manifesting an interposition of the divine power for some special end; a miracle; a wonder., Something serving to indicate the existence, or preserve the memory, of a thing; a token; a memorial; a monument., Any symbol or emblem which prefigures, typifles, or represents, an idea; a type; hence, sometimes, a picture., A word or a character regarded as the outward manifestation of thought; as, words are the sign of ideas., A motion, an action, or a gesture by which a thought is expressed, or a command or a wish made known., Hence, one of the gestures of pantomime, or of a language of a signs such as those used by the North American Indians, or those used by the deaf and dumb., A military emblem carried on a banner or a standard., A lettered board, or other conspicuous notice, placed upon or before a building, room, shop, or office to advertise the business there transacted, or the name of the person or firm carrying it on; a publicly displayed token or notice., The twelfth part of the ecliptic or zodiac., A character indicating the relation of quantities, or an operation performed upon them; as, the sign + (plus); the sign — (minus); the sign of division Ö, and the like., An objective evidence of disease; that is, one appreciable by some one other than the patient., Any character, as a flat, sharp, dot, etc., That which, being external, stands for, or signifies, something internal or spiritual; — a term used in the Church of England in speaking of an ordinance considered with reference to that which it represents., To represent by a sign; to make known in a typical or emblematic manner, in distinction from speech; to signify., To make a sign upon; to mark with a sign., To affix a signature to; to ratify by hand or seal; to subscribe in one’s own handwriting., To assign or convey formally; — used with away., To mark; to make distinguishable., To be a sign or omen., To make a sign or signal; to communicate directions or intelligence by signs., To write one’s name, esp. as a token of assent, responsibility, or obligation.
sike adjective Such. See Such., A gutter; a stream, such as is usually dry in summer., A sick person., To sigh., A sigh.
sile verb t. To strain, as fresh milk., To drop; to flow; to fall., A sieve with fine meshes., Filth; sediment., A young or small herring.
silk noun The fine, soft thread produced by various species of caterpillars in forming the cocoons within which the worm is inclosed during the pupa state, especially that produced by the larvae of Bombyx mori., Hence, thread spun, or cloth woven, from the above-named material., That which resembles silk, as the filiform styles of the female flower of maize.
sill noun The basis or foundation of a thing; especially, a horizontal piece, as a timber, which forms the lower member of a frame, or supports a structure; as, the sills of a house, of a bridge, of a loom, and the like., The timber or stone at the foot of a door; the threshold., The timber or stone on which a window frame stands; or, the lowest piece in a window frame., The floor of a gallery or passage in a mine., A piece of timber across the bottom of a canal lock for the gates to shut against., The shaft or thill of a carriage., A young herring.
silo noun A pit or vat for packing away green fodder for winter use so as to exclude air and outside moisture. See Ensilage.
silt noun Mud or fine earth deposited from running or standing water., To choke, fill, or obstruct with silt or mud., To flow through crevices; to percolate.
sima noun A cyma.
sine noun The length of a perpendicular drawn from one extremity of an arc of a circle to the diameter drawn through the other extremity., The perpendicular itself. See Sine of angle, below., Without.
sung imp. of Sing, of Sing, imp. & p. p. of Sing.
sing verb i. To utter sounds with musical inflections or melodious modulations of voice, as fancy may dictate, or according to the notes of a song or tune, or of a given part (as alto, tenor, etc.) in a chorus or concerted piece., To utter sweet melodious sounds, as birds do., To make a small, shrill sound; as, the air sings in passing through a crevice., To tell or relate something in numbers or verse; to celebrate something in poetry., Ti cry out; to complain., To utter with musical infections or modulations of voice., To celebrate is song; to give praises to in verse; to relate or rehearse in numbers, verse, or poetry., To influence by singing; to lull by singing; as, to sing a child to sleep., To accompany, or attend on, with singing.
sunk imp. of Sink, of Sink, imp. & p. p. of Sink.
sink verb i. To fall by, or as by, the force of gravity; to descend lower and lower; to decline gradually; to subside; as, a stone sinks in water; waves rise and sink; the sun sinks in the west., To enter deeply; to fall or retire beneath or below the surface; to penetrate., Hence, to enter so as to make an abiding impression; to enter completely., To be overwhelmed or depressed; to fall slowly, as so the ground, from weakness or from an overburden; to fail in strength; to decline; to decay; to decrease., To decrease in volume, as a river; to subside; to become diminished in volume or in apparent height., To cause to sink; to put under water; to immerse or submerge in a fluid; as, to sink a ship., Figuratively: To cause to decline; to depress; to degrade; hence, to ruin irretrievably; to destroy, as by drowping; as, to sink one’s reputation., To make (a depression) by digging, delving, or cutting, etc.; as, to sink a pit or a well; to sink a die., To bring low; to reduce in quantity; to waste., To conseal and appropriate., To keep out of sight; to suppress; to ignore., To reduce or extinguish by payment; as, to sink the national debt., A drain to carry off filthy water; a jakes., A shallow box or vessel of wood, stone, iron, or other material, connected with a drain, and used for receiving filthy water, etc., as in a kitchen., A hole or low place in land or rock, where waters sink and are lost; — called also sink hole.
sire noun A lord, master, or other person in authority. See Sir., A tittle of respect formerly used in speaking to elders and superiors, but now only in addressing a sovereign., A father; the head of a family; the husband., A creator; a maker; an author; an originator., The male parent of a beast; — applied especially to horses; as, the horse had a good sire., To beget; to procreate; — used of beasts, and especially of stallions.
sirt noun A quicksand.
sise noun An assize., Six; the highest number on a die; the cast of six in throwing dice.
siss verb i. To make a hissing sound; as, a flatiron hot enough to siss when touched with a wet finger., A hissing noise.
sist verb t. To stay, as judicial proceedings; to delay or suspend; to stop., To cause to take a place, as at the bar of a court; hence, to cite; to summon; to bring into court., A stay or suspension of proceedings; an order for a stay of proceedings.
site noun The place where anything is fixed; situation; local position; as, the site of a city or of a house., A place fitted or chosen for any certain permanent use or occupation; as, a site for a church., The posture or position of a thing.
sith preposition, adverb, & conj. Since; afterwards; seeing that., Alt. of Sithe
siva noun One of the triad of Hindoo gods. He is the avenger or destroyer, and in modern worship symbolizes the reproductive power of nature.
size noun Six., A thin, weak glue used in various trades, as in painting, bookbinding, paper making, etc., Any viscous substance, as gilder’s varnish., To cover with size; to prepare with size., A settled quantity or allowance. See Assize., An allowance of food and drink from the buttery, aside from the regular dinner at commons; — corresponding to battel at Oxford., Extent of superficies or volume; bulk; bigness; magnitude; as, the size of a tree or of a mast; the size of a ship or of a rock., Figurative bulk; condition as to rank, ability, character, etc.; as, the office demands a man of larger size., A conventional relative measure of dimension, as for shoes, gloves, and other articles made up for sale., An instrument consisting of a number of perforated gauges fastened together at one end by a rivet, — used for ascertaining the size of pearls., To fix the standard of., To adjust or arrange according to size or bulk., To take the height of men, in order to place them in the ranks according to their stature., To sift, as pieces of ore or metal, in order to separate the finer from the coarser parts., To swell; to increase the bulk of., To bring or adjust anything exactly to a required dimension, as by cutting., To take greater size; to increase in size., To order food or drink from the buttery; hence, to enter a score, as upon the buttery book.
sizy adjective Sizelike; viscous; glutinous; as, sizy blood.
skag noun An additional piece fastened to the keel of a boat to prevent lateral motion. See Skeg.
skar adjective Alt. of Skare
skee noun A long strip of wood, curved upwards in front, used on the foot for sliding.
skeg noun A sort of wild plum., A kind of oats., The after part of the keel of a vessel, to which the rudder is attached.
sken verb i. To squint.
skep noun A coarse round farm basket., A beehive.
skew adverb Awry; obliquely; askew., Turned or twisted to one side; situated obliquely; skewed; — chiefly used in technical phrases., A stone at the foot of the slope of a gable, the offset of a buttress, or the like, cut with a sloping surface and with a check to receive the coping stones and retain them in place., To walk obliquely; to go sidling; to lie or move obliquely., To start aside; to shy, as a horse., To look obliquely; to squint; hence, to look slightingly or suspiciously., To shape or form in an oblique way; to cause to take an oblique position., To throw or hurl obliquely.
skid noun A shoe or clog, as of iron, attached to a chain, and placed under the wheel of a wagon to prevent its turning when descending a steep hill; a drag; a skidpan; also, by extension, a hook attached to a chain, and used for the same purpose., A piece of timber used as a support, or to receive pressure., Large fenders hung over a vessel’s side to protect it in handling a cargo., One of a pair of timbers or bars, usually arranged so as to form an inclined plane, as form a wagon to a door, along which anything is moved by sliding or rolling., One of a pair of horizontal rails or timbers for supporting anything, as a boat, a barrel, etc., To protect or support with a skid or skids; also, to cause to move on skids., To check with a skid, as wagon wheels.
skim verb t. To clear (a liquid) from scum or substance floating or lying thereon, by means of a utensil that passes just beneath the surface; as, to skim milk; to skim broth., To take off by skimming; as, to skim cream., To pass near the surface of; to brush the surface of; to glide swiftly along the surface of., Fig.: To read or examine superficially and rapidly, in order to cull the principal facts or thoughts; as, to skim a book or a newspaper., To pass lightly; to glide along in an even, smooth course; to glide along near the surface., To hasten along with superficial attention., To put on the finishing coat of plaster., Contraction of Skimming and Skimmed.
skin noun The external membranous integument of an animal., The hide of an animal, separated from the body, whether green, dry, or tanned; especially, that of a small animal, as a calf, sheep, or goat., A vessel made of skin, used for holding liquids. See Bottle, 1., The bark or husk of a plant or fruit; the exterior coat of fruits and plants., That part of a sail, when furled, which remains on the outside and covers the whole., The covering, as of planking or iron plates, outside the framing, forming the sides and bottom of a vessel; the shell; also, a lining inside the framing., To strip off the skin or hide of; to flay; to peel; as, to skin an animal., To cover with skin, or as with skin; hence, to cover superficially., To strip of money or property; to cheat., To become covered with skin; as, a wound skins over., To produce, in recitation, examination, etc., the work of another for one’s own, or to use in such exercise cribs, memeoranda, etc., which are prohibited.
skip noun A basket. See Skep., A basket on wheels, used in cotton factories., An iron bucket, which slides between guides, for hoisting mineral and rock., A charge of sirup in the pans., A beehive; a skep., To leap lightly; to move in leaps and hounds; — commonly implying a sportive spirit., Fig.: To leave matters unnoticed, as in reading, speaking, or writing; to pass by, or overlook, portions of a thing; — often followed by over., To leap lightly over; as, to skip the rope., To pass over or by without notice; to omit; to miss; as, to skip a line in reading; to skip a lesson., To cause to skip; as, to skip a stone., A light leap or bound., The act of passing over an interval from one thing to another; an omission of a part., A passage from one sound to another by more than a degree at once.
skit verb t. To cast reflections on; to asperse., A reflection; a jeer or gibe; a sally; a brief satire; a squib., A wanton girl; a light wench.
skua noun Any jager gull; especially, the Megalestris skua; — called also boatswain.
skue adjective & noun See Skew.
skun noun & verb See Scum.
slab noun A thin piece of anything, especially of marble or other stone, having plane surfaces., An outside piece taken from a log or timber in sawing it into boards, planks, etc., The wryneck., The slack part of a sail., Thick; viscous., That which is slimy or viscous; moist earth; mud; also, a puddle.
slag verb t. The dross, or recrement, of a metal; also, vitrified cinders., The scoria of a volcano.
slam verb t. To shut with force and a loud noise; to bang; as, he slammed the door., To put in or on some place with force and loud noise; — usually with down; as, to slam a trunk down on the pavement., To strike with some implement with force; hence, to beat or cuff., To strike down; to slaughter., To defeat (opponents at cards) by winning all the tricks of a deal or a hand., To come or swing against something, or to shut, with sudden force so as to produce a shock and noise; as, a door or shutter slams., The act of one who, or that which, slams., The shock and noise produced in slamming., Winning all the tricks of a deal., The refuse of alum works.
slap noun A blow, esp. one given with the open hand, or with something broad., To strike with the open hand, or with something broad., With a sudden and violent blow; hence, quickly; instantly; directly.
slat noun A thin, narrow strip or bar of wood or metal; as, the slats of a window blind., To slap; to strike; to beat; to throw down violently., To split; to crack., To set on; to incite. See 3d Slate.
slav noun One of a race of people occupying a large part of Eastern and Northern Europe, including the Russians, Bulgarians, Roumanians, Servo-Croats, Slovenes, Poles, Czechs, Wends or Sorbs, Slovaks, etc.
slaw noun Sliced cabbage served as a salad, cooked or uncooked., Alt. of Slawen
slew imp. of Slay, imp. of Slay., See Slue.
slay verb t. To put to death with a weapon, or by violence; hence, to kill; to put an end to; to destroy.
sled noun A vehicle on runners, used for conveying loads over the snow or ice; — in England called sledge., A small, light vehicle with runners, used, mostly by young persons, for sliding on snow or ice., To convey or transport on a sled; as, to sled wood or timber.
slee verb t. To slay.
slep imp. of Sleep. Slept.
sley verb t. A weaver’s reed., A guideway in a knitting machine., To separate or part the threads of, and arrange them in a reed; — a term used by weavers. See Sleave, and Sleid.
slid imp. & p. p. of Slide., of Slide, of Slide
slik adjective Such.
slim superl. Worthless; bad., Weak; slight; unsubstantial; poor; as, a slim argument., Of small diameter or thickness in proportion to the height or length; slender; as, a slim person; a slim tree.
slip noun To move along the surface of a thing without bounding, rolling, or stepping; to slide; to glide., To slide; to lose one’s footing or one’s hold; not to tread firmly; as, it is necessary to walk carefully lest the foot should slip., To move or fly (out of place); to shoot; — often with out, off, etc.; as, a bone may slip out of its place., To depart, withdraw, enter, appear, intrude, or escape as if by sliding; to go or come in a quiet, furtive manner; as, some errors slipped into the work., To err; to fall into error or fault., To cause to move smoothly and quickly; to slide; to convey gently or secretly., To omit; to loose by negligence., To cut slips from; to cut; to take off; to make a slip or slips of; as, to slip a piece of cloth or paper., To let loose in pursuit of game, as a greyhound., To cause to slip or slide off, or out of place; as, a horse slips his bridle; a dog slips his collar., To bring forth (young) prematurely; to slink., The act of slipping; as, a slip on the ice., An unintentional error or fault; a false step., A twig separated from the main stock; a cutting; a scion; hence, a descendant; as, a slip from a vine., A slender piece; a strip; as, a slip of paper., A leash or string by which a dog is held; — so called from its being made in such a manner as to slip, or become loose, by relaxation of the hand., An escape; a secret or unexpected desertion; as, to give one the slip., A portion of the columns of a newspaper or other work struck off by itself; a proof from a column of type when set up and in the galley., Any covering easily slipped on., A loose garment worn by a woman., A child’s pinafore., An outside covering or case; as, a pillow slip., The slip or sheath of a sword, and the like., A counterfeit piece of money, being brass covered with silver., Matter found in troughs of grindstones after the grinding of edge tools., Potter’s clay in a very liquid state, used for the decoration of ceramic ware, and also as a cement for handles and other applied parts., A particular quantity of yarn., An inclined plane on which a vessel is built, or upon which it is hauled for repair., An opening or space for vessels to lie in, between wharves or in a dock; as, Peck slip., A narrow passage between buildings., A long seat or narrow pew in churches, often without a door., A dislocation of a lead, destroying continuity., The motion of the center of resistance of the float of a paddle wheel, or the blade of an oar, through the water horozontally, or the difference between a vessel’s actual speed and the speed which she would have if the propelling instrument acted upon a solid; also, the velocity, relatively to still water, of the backward current of water produced by the propeller., A fish, the sole., A fielder stationed on the off side and to the rear of the batsman. There are usually two of them, called respectively short slip, and long slip.
slit 3d. pers. sing. pres. of Slide., of Slit, To cut lengthwise; to cut into long pieces or strips; as, to slit iron bars into nail rods; to slit leather into straps., To cut or make a long fissure in or upon; as, to slit the ear or the nose., To cut; to sever; to divide., A long cut; a narrow opening; as, a slit in the ear.
sloe noun A small, bitter, wild European plum, the fruit of the blackthorn (Prunus spinosa); also, the tree itself.
sloo noun Alt. of Slue
slue noun A slough; a run or wet place. See 2d Slough, 2., To turn about a fixed point, usually the center or axis, as a spar or piece of timber; to turn; — used also of any heavy body., In general, to turn about; to twist; — often used reflexively and followed by round., To turn about; to turn from the course; to slip or slide and turn from an expected or desired course; — often followed by round., See Sloough, 2.
slop noun Water or other liquid carelessly spilled or thrown aboyt, as upon a table or a floor; a puddle; a soiled spot., Mean and weak drink or liquid food; — usually in the plural., Dirty water; water in which anything has been washed or rinsed; water from wash-bowls, etc., To cause to overflow, as a liquid, by the motion of the vessel containing it; to spill., To spill liquid upon; to soil with a liquid spilled., To overflow or be spilled as a liquid, by the motion of the vessel containing it; — often with over., Any kind of outer garment made of linen or cotton, as a night dress, or a smock frock., A loose lower garment; loose breeches; chiefly used in the plural., Ready-made clothes; also, among seamen, clothing, bedding, and other furnishings.
slot noun A broad, flat, wooden bar; a slat or sloat., A bolt or bar for fastening a door., A narrow depression, perforation, or aperture; esp., one for the reception of a piece fitting or sliding in it., To shut with violence; to slam; as, to slot a door., The track of a deer; hence, a track of any kind.
slow imp. of Slee, to slay. Slew., Moving a short space in a relatively long time; not swift; not quick in motion; not rapid; moderate; deliberate; as, a slow stream; a slow motion., Not happening in a short time; gradual; late., Not ready; not prompt or quick; dilatory; sluggish; as, slow of speech, and slow of tongue., Not hasty; not precipitate; acting with deliberation; tardy; inactive., Behind in time; indicating a time earlier than the true time; as, the clock or watch is slow., Not advancing or improving rapidly; as, the slow growth of arts and sciences., Heavy in wit; not alert, prompt, or spirited; wearisome; dull., Slowly., To render slow; to slacken the speed of; to retard; to delay; as, to slow a steamer., To go slower; — often with up; as, the train slowed up before crossing the bridge., A moth.
slub noun A roll of wool slightly twisted; a rove; — called also slubbing., To draw out and twist slightly; — said of slivers of wool.
slug noun A drone; a slow, lazy fellow; a sluggard., A hindrance; an obstruction., Any one of numerous species of terrestrial pulmonate mollusks belonging to Limax and several related genera, in which the shell is either small and concealed in the mantle, or altogether wanting. They are closely allied to the land snails., Any smooth, soft larva of a sawfly or moth which creeps like a mollusk; as, the pear slug; rose slug., A ship that sails slowly., An irregularly shaped piece of metal, used as a missile for a gun., A thick strip of metal less than type high, and as long as the width of a column or a page, — used in spacing out pages and to separate display lines, etc., To move slowly; to lie idle., To make sluggish., To load with a slug or slugs; as, to slug a gun., To strike heavily., To become reduced in diameter, or changed in shape, by passing from a larger to a smaller part of the bore of the barrel; — said of a bullet when fired from a gun, pistol, or other firearm.
slum noun A foul back street of a city, especially one filled with a poor, dirty, degraded, and often vicious population; any low neighborhood or dark retreat; — usually in the plural; as, Westminster slums are haunts for theives., Same as Slimes.
slur verb t. To soil; to sully; to contaminate; to disgrace., To disparage; to traduce., To cover over; to disguise; to conceal; to pass over lightly or with little notice., To cheat, as by sliding a die; to trick., To pronounce indistinctly; as, to slur syllables., To sing or perform in a smooth, gliding style; to connect smoothly in performing, as several notes or tones., To blur or double, as an impression from type; to mackle., A mark or stain; hence, a slight reproach or disgrace; a stigma; a reproachful intimation; an innuendo., A trick played upon a person; an imposition., A mark, thus [/ or /], connecting notes that are to be sung to the same syllable, or made in one continued breath of a wind instrument, or with one stroke of a bow; a tie; a sign of legato., In knitting machines, a contrivance for depressing the sinkers successively by passing over them.
slut noun An untidy woman; a slattern., A servant girl; a drudge., A female dog; a bitch.
smee noun The pintail duck., The widgeon., The poachard., The smew.
smew noun small European merganser (Mergus albellus) which has a white crest; — called also smee, smee duck, white merganser, and white nun., The hooded merganser.
smit imp. & p. p. of Smite., 3d. pers. sing. pres. of Smite., of Smite, of Smite
smug adjective Studiously neat or nice, especially in dress; spruce; affectedly precise; smooth and prim., To make smug, or spruce.
smut verb t. Foul matter, like soot or coal dust; also, a spot or soil made by such matter., Bad, soft coal, containing much earthy matter, found in the immediate locality of faults., An affection of cereal grains producing a swelling which is at length resolved into a powdery sooty mass. It is caused by parasitic fungi of the genus Ustilago. Ustilago segetum, or U. Carbo, is the commonest kind; that of Indian corn is Ustilago maydis., Obscene language; ribaldry; obscenity., To stain or mark with smut; to blacken with coal, soot, or other dirty substance., To taint with mildew, as grain., To blacken; to sully or taint; to tarnish., To clear of smut; as, to smut grain for the mill., To gather smut; to be converted into smut; to become smutted., To give off smut; to crock.
snag noun A stump or base of a branch that has been lopped off; a short branch, or a sharp or rough branch; a knot; a protuberance., A tooth projecting beyond the rest; contemptuously, a broken or decayed tooth., A tree, or a branch of a tree, fixed in the bottom of a river or other navigable water, and rising nearly or quite to the surface, by which boats are sometimes pierced and sunk., One of the secondary branches of an antler., To cut the snags or branches from, as the stem of a tree; to hew roughly., To injure or destroy, as a steamboat or other vessel, by a snag, or projecting part of a sunken tree.
snap noun To break at once; to break short, as substances that are brittle., To strike, to hit, or to shut, with a sharp sound., To bite or seize suddenly, especially with the teeth., To break upon suddenly with sharp, angry words; to treat snappishly; — usually with up., To crack; to cause to make a sharp, cracking noise; as, to snap a whip., To project with a snap., To break short, or at once; to part asunder suddenly; as, a mast snaps; a needle snaps., To give forth, or produce, a sharp, cracking noise; to crack; as, blazing firewood snaps., To make an effort to bite; to aim to seize with the teeth; to catch eagerly (at anything); — often with at; as, a dog snapsat a passenger; a fish snaps at the bait., To utter sharp, harsh, angry words; — often with at; as, to snap at a child., To miss fire; as, the gun snapped., A sudden breaking or rupture of any substance., A sudden, eager bite; a sudden seizing, or effort to seize, as with the teeth., A sudden, sharp motion or blow, as with the finger sprung from the thumb, or the thumb from the finger., A sharp, abrupt sound, as that made by the crack of a whip; as, the snap of the trigger of a gun., A greedy fellow., That which is, or may be, snapped up; something bitten off, seized, or obtained by a single quick movement; hence, a bite, morsel, or fragment; a scrap., A sudden severe interval or spell; — applied to the weather; as, a cold snap., A small catch or fastening held or closed by means of a spring, or one which closes with a snapping sound, as the catch of a bracelet, necklace, clasp of a book, etc., A snap beetle., A thin, crisp cake, usually small, and flavored with ginger; — used chiefly in the plural., Briskness; vigor; energy; decision., Any circumstance out of which money may be made or an advantage gained.
snar verb i. To snarl.
snaw noun Snow.
sneb verb t. To reprimand; to sneap.
sned verb t. To lop; to snathe., Alt. of Sneed
snet noun The fat of a deer., The clear of mucus; to blow.
snew verb i. To snow; to abound.
snib verb t. To check; to sneap; to sneb., A reprimand; a snub.
snig verb t. To chop off; to cut., To sneak., Alt. of Snigg
snip verb t. To cut off the nip or neb of, or to cut off at once with shears or scissors; to clip off suddenly; to nip; hence, to break off; to snatch away., A single cut, as with shears or scissors; a clip., A small shred; a bit cut off., A share; a snack., A tailor., Small hand shears for cutting sheet metal.
snob noun A vulgar person who affects to be better, richer, or more fashionable, than he really is; a vulgar upstart; one who apes his superiors., A townsman., A journeyman shoemaker., A workman who accepts lower than the usual wages, or who refuses to strike when his fellows do; a rat; a knobstick.
snod noun A fillet; a headband; a snood., Trimmed; smooth; neat; trim; sly; cunning; demure.
snot noun Mucus secreted in, or discharged from, the nose., A mean, insignificant fellow., To blow, wipe, or clear, as the nose.
snow noun A square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig only in that she has a trysail mast close abaft the mainmast, on which a large trysail is hoisted., Watery particles congealed into white or transparent crystals or flakes in the air, and falling to the earth, exhibiting a great variety of very beautiful and perfect forms., Fig.: Something white like snow, as the white color (argent) in heraldry; something which falls in, or as in, flakes., To fall in or as snow; — chiefly used impersonally; as, it snows; it snowed yesterday., To scatter like snow; to cover with, or as with, snow.
snub verb i. To sob with convulsions., To clip or break off the end of; to check or stunt the growth of; to nop., To check, stop, or rebuke, with a tart, sarcastic reply or remark; to reprimand; to check., To treat with contempt or neglect, as a forward or pretentious person; to slight designedly., A knot; a protuberance; a song., A check or rebuke; an intended slight.
snug superl. Close and warm; as, an infant lies snug., Close; concealed; not exposed to notice., Compact, convenient, and comfortable; as, a snug farm, house, or property., Same as Lug, n., 3., To lie close; to snuggle; to snudge; — often with up, or together; as, a child snugs up to its mother., To place snugly., To rub, as twine or rope, so as to make it smooth and improve the finish.
soak verb t. To cause or suffer to lie in a fluid till the substance has imbibed what it can contain; to macerate in water or other liquid; to steep, as for the purpose of softening or freshening; as, to soak cloth; to soak bread; to soak salt meat, salt fish, or the like., To drench; to wet thoroughly., To draw in by the pores, or through small passages; as, a sponge soaks up water; the skin soaks in moisture., To make (its way) by entering pores or interstices; — often with through., Fig.: To absorb; to drain., To lie steeping in water or other liquid; to become sturated; as, let the cloth lie and soak., To enter (into something) by pores or interstices; as, water soaks into the earth or other porous matter., To drink intemperately or gluttonously.
soal noun The sole of a shoe., See Sole, the fish., A dirty pond.
soam noun A chain by which a leading horse draws a plow.
soap noun A substance which dissolves in water, thus forming a lather, and is used as a cleansing agent. Soap is produced by combining fats or oils with alkalies or alkaline earths, usually by boiling, and consists of salts of sodium, potassium, etc., with the fatty acids (oleic, stearic, palmitic, etc.). See the Note below, and cf. Saponification. By extension, any compound of similar composition or properties, whether used as a cleaning agent or not., To rub or wash over with soap., To flatter; to wheedle.
soar verb i. To fly aloft, as a bird; to mount upward on wings, or as on wings., Fig.: To rise in thought, spirits, or imagination; to be exalted in mood., The act of soaring; upward flight., See 3d Sore., See Sore, reddish brown.
sock noun A plowshare., The shoe worn by actors of comedy in ancient Greece and Rome, — used as a symbol of comedy, or of the comic drama, as distinguished from tragedy, which is symbolized by the buskin., A knit or woven covering for the foot and lower leg; a stocking with a short leg., A warm inner sole for a shoe.
soda noun Sodium oxide or hydroxide., Popularly, sodium carbonate or bicarbonate.
sofa noun A long seat, usually with a cushioned bottom, back, and ends; — much used as a comfortable piece of furniture.
sofi noun Same as Sufi.
soft superl. Easily yielding to pressure; easily impressed, molded, or cut; not firm in resisting; impressible; yielding; also, malleable; — opposed to hard; as, a soft bed; a soft peach; soft earth; soft wood or metal., Not rough, rugged, or harsh to the touch; smooth; delicate; fine; as, soft silk; a soft skin., Hence, agreeable to feel, taste, or inhale; not irritating to the tissues; as, a soft liniment; soft wines., Not harsh or offensive to the sight; not glaring; pleasing to the eye; not exciting by intensity of color or violent contrast; as, soft hues or tints., Not harsh or rough in sound; gentle and pleasing to the ear; flowing; as, soft whispers of music., Easily yielding; susceptible to influence; flexible; gentle; kind., Expressing gentleness, tenderness, or the like; mild; conciliatory; courteous; kind; as, soft eyes., Effeminate; not courageous or manly, weak., Gentle in action or motion; easy., Weak in character; impressible., Somewhat weak in intellect., Quiet; undisturbed; paceful; as, soft slumbers., Having, or consisting of, a gentle curve or curves; not angular or abrupt; as, soft outlines., Not tinged with mineral salts; adapted to decompose soap; as, soft water is the best for washing., Applied to a palatal, a sibilant, or a dental consonant (as g in gem, c in cent, etc.) as distinguished from a guttural mute (as g in go, c in cone, etc.); — opposed to hard., Belonging to the class of sonant elements as distinguished from the surd, and considered as involving less force in utterance; as, b, d, g, z, v, etc., in contrast with p, t, k, s, f, etc., A soft or foolish person; an idiot., Softly; without roughness or harshness; gently; quietly., Be quiet; hold; stop; not so fast.
soho interj.
soil verb t. To feed, as cattle or horses, in the barn or an inclosure, with fresh grass or green food cut for them, instead of sending them out to pasture; hence (such food having the effect of purging them), to purge by feeding on green food; as, to soil a horse., The upper stratum of the earth; the mold, or that compound substance which furnishes nutriment to plants, or which is particularly adapted to support and nourish them., Land; country., Dung; faeces; compost; manure; as, night soil., To enrich with soil or muck; to manure., A marshy or miry place to which a hunted boar resorts for refuge; hence, a wet place, stream, or tract of water, sought for by other game, as deer., To make dirty or unclean on the surface; to foul; to dirty; to defile; as, to soil a garment with dust., To stain or mar, as with infamy or disgrace; to tarnish; to sully., To become soiled; as, light colors soil sooner than dark ones., That which soils or pollutes; a soiled place; spot; stain.
soja noun An Asiatic leguminous herb (Glycine Soja) the seeds of which are used in preparing the sauce called soy.
soke noun See Soc., One of the small territorial divisions into which Lincolnshire, England, is divided.
soko noun An African anthropoid ape, supposed to be a variety of the chimpanzee.
sola adjective See Solus., A leguminous plant (Aeschynomene aspera) growing in moist places in Southern India and the East Indies. Its pithlike stem is used for making hats, swimming-jackets, etc., Alone; — chiefly used in stage directions, and the like.
sole noun Any one of several species of flatfishes of the genus Solea and allied genera of the family Soleidae, especially the common European species (Solea vulgaris), which is a valuable food fish., Any one of several American flounders somewhat resembling the true sole in form or quality, as the California sole (Lepidopsetta bilineata), the long-finned sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus), and other species., The bottom of the foot; hence, also, rarely, the foot itself., The bottom of a shoe or boot, or the piece of leather which constitutes the bottom., The bottom or lower part of anything, or that on which anything rests in standing., The bottom of the body of a plow; — called also slade; also, the bottom of a furrow., The horny substance under a horse’s foot, which protects the more tender parts., The bottom of an embrasure., A piece of timber attached to the lower part of the rudder, to make it even with the false keel., The seat or bottom of a mine; — applied to horizontal veins or lodes., To furnish with a sole; as, to sole a shoe., Being or acting without another; single; individual; only., Single; unmarried; as, a feme sole.
soli noun pl. of Solo., of Solo
solo adjective A tune, air, strain, or a whole piece, played by a single person on an instrument, or sung by a single voice.
soly adverb Solely.
soma noun The whole axial portion of an animal, including the head, neck, trunk, and tail.
some adjective Consisting of a greater or less portion or sum; composed of a quantity or number which is not stated; — used to express an indefinite quantity or number; as, some wine; some water; some persons. Used also pronominally; as, I have some., A certain; one; — indicating a person, thing, event, etc., as not known individually, or designated more specifically; as, some man, that is, some one man., Not much; a little; moderate; as, the censure was to some extent just., About; near; more or less; — used commonly with numerals, but formerly also with a singular substantive of time or distance; as, a village of some eighty houses; some two or three persons; some hour hence., Considerable in number or quality., Certain; those of one part or portion; — in distinct from other or others; as, some men believe one thing, and others another., A part; a portion; — used pronominally, and followed sometimes by of; as, some of our provisions.
sond verb t. Alt. of Sonde
song noun That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect, etc., A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music; a ballad., More generally, any poetical strain; a poem., Poetical composition; poetry; verse., An object of derision; a laughingstock., A trifle.
soon adverb In a short time; shortly after any time specified or supposed; as, soon after sunrise., Without the usual delay; before any time supposed; early., Promptly; quickly; easily., Readily; willingly; — in this sense used with would, or some other word expressing will., Speedy; quick.
soot noun A black substance formed by combustion, or disengaged from fuel in the process of combustion, which rises in fine particles, and adheres to the sides of the chimney or pipe conveying the smoke; strictly, the fine powder, consisting chiefly of carbon, which colors smoke, and which is the result of imperfect combustion. See Smoke., To cover or dress with soot; to smut with, or as with, soot; as, to soot land., Alt. of Soote
sope noun See Soap.
soph noun A contraction of Soph ister., A contraction of Sophomore.
sora noun A North American rail (Porzana Carolina) common in the Eastern United States. Its back is golden brown, varied with black and white, the front of the head and throat black, the breast and sides of the head and neck slate-colored. Called also American rail, Carolina rail, Carolina crake, common rail, sora rail, soree, meadow chicken, and orto.
sorb noun The wild service tree (Pyrus torminalis) of Europe; also, the rowan tree., The fruit of these trees.
sord noun See Sward.
sore noun Reddish brown; sorrel., A young hawk or falcon in the first year., A young buck in the fourth year. See the Note under Buck., Tender to the touch; susceptible of pain from pressure; inflamed; painful; — said of the body or its parts; as, a sore hand., Fig.: Sensitive; tender; easily pained, grieved, or vexed; very susceptible of irritation., Severe; afflictive; distressing; as, a sore disease; sore evil or calamity., Criminal; wrong; evil., A place in an animal body where the skin and flesh are ruptured or bruised, so as to be tender or painful; a painful or diseased place, such as an ulcer or a boil., Fig.: Grief; affliction; trouble; difficulty., In a sore manner; with pain; grievously., Greatly; violently; deeply.
sori noun pl. of Sorus., of Sorus
sorn verb i. To obtrude one’s self on another for bed and board.
sors noun A lot; also, a kind of divination by means of lots.
sort noun Chance; lot; destiny., A kind or species; any number or collection of individual persons or things characterized by the same or like qualities; a class or order; as, a sort of men; a sort of horses; a sort of trees; a sort of poems., Manner; form of being or acting., Condition above the vulgar; rank., A chance group; a company of persons who happen to be together; a troop; also, an assemblage of animals., A pair; a set; a suit., Letters, figures, points, marks, spaces, or quadrats, belonging to a case, separately considered., To separate, and place in distinct classes or divisions, as things having different qualities; as, to sort cloths according to their colors; to sort wool or thread according to its fineness., To reduce to order from a confused state., To conjoin; to put together in distribution; to class., To choose from a number; to select; to cull., To conform; to adapt; to accommodate., To join or associate with others, esp. with others of the same kind or species; to agree., To suit; to fit; to be in accord; to harmonize.
sory noun Green vitriol, or some earth imregnated with it.
soss verb i. To fall at once into a chair or seat; to sit lazily., To throw in a negligent or careless manner; to toss., A lazy fellow., A heavy fall., Anything dirty or muddy; a dirty puddle.
sote adjective Sweet.
sous plural of Sou, Alt. of Souse
soul adjective Sole., Sole., To afford suitable sustenance., The spiritual, rational, and immortal part in man; that part of man which enables him to think, and which renders him a subject of moral government; — sometimes, in distinction from the higher nature, or spirit, of man, the so-called animal soul, that is, the seat of life, the sensitive affections and phantasy, exclusive of the voluntary and rational powers; — sometimes, in distinction from the mind, the moral and emotional part of man’s nature, the seat of feeling, in distinction from intellect; — sometimes, the intellect only; the understanding; the seat of knowledge, as distinguished from feeling. In a more general sense, “an animating, separable, surviving entity, the vehicle of individual personal existence.”, The seat of real life or vitality; the source of action; the animating or essential part., The leader; the inspirer; the moving spirit; the heart; as, the soul of an enterprise; an able general is the soul of his army., Energy; courage; spirit; fervor; affection, or any other noble manifestation of the heart or moral nature; inherent power or goodness., A human being; a person; — a familiar appellation, usually with a qualifying epithet; as, poor soul., A pure or disembodied spirit., To indue with a soul; to furnish with a soul or mind.
soun noun & verb Sound.
soup noun A liquid food of many kinds, usually made by boiling meat and vegetables, or either of them, in water, — commonly seasoned or flavored; strong broth., To sup or swallow., To breathe out., To sweep. See Sweep, and Swoop.
sour superl. Having an acid or sharp, biting taste, like vinegar, and the juices of most unripe fruits; acid; tart., Changed, as by keeping, so as to be acid, rancid, or musty, turned., Disagreeable; unpleasant; hence; cross; crabbed; peevish; morose; as, a man of a sour temper; a sour reply., Afflictive; painful., Cold and unproductive; as, sour land; a sour marsh., A sour or acid substance; whatever produces a painful effect., To cause to become sour; to cause to turn from sweet to sour; as, exposure to the air sours many substances., To make cold and unproductive, as soil., To make unhappy, uneasy, or less agreeable., To cause or permit to become harsh or unkindly., To macerate, and render fit for plaster or mortar; as, to sour lime for business purposes., To become sour; to turn from sweet to sour; as, milk soon sours in hot weather; a kind temper sometimes sours in adversity.
sout noun Soot.
sown past participle of Sow, p. p. of Sow.
sowl verb t. Alt. of Sowle, See Soul, v. i.
spae verb i. To foretell; to divine.
span imp. & p. p. of Spin., The space from the thumb to the end of the little finger when extended; nine inches; eighth of a fathom., Hence, a small space or a brief portion of time., The spread or extent of an arch between its abutments, or of a beam, girder, truss, roof, bridge, or the like, between its supports., A rope having its ends made fast so that a purchase can be hooked to the bight; also, a rope made fast in the center so that both ends can be used., A pair of horses or other animals driven together; usually, such a pair of horses when similar in color, form, and action., To measure by the span of the hand with the fingers extended, or with the fingers encompassing the object; as, to span a space or distance; to span a cylinder., To reach from one side of to the order; to stretch over as an arch., To fetter, as a horse; to hobble., To be matched, as horses., of Spin
spar noun An old name for a nonmetallic mineral, usually cleavable and somewhat lustrous; as, calc spar, or calcite, fluor spar, etc. It was especially used in the case of the gangue minerals of a metalliferous vein., A general term any round piece of timber used as a mast, yard, boom, or gaff., Formerly, a piece of timber, in a general sense; — still applied locally to rafters., The bar of a gate or door., To bolt; to bar., To To supply or equip with spars, as a vessel., To strike with the feet or spurs, as cocks do., To use the fists and arms scientifically in attack or defense; to contend or combat with the fists, as for exercise or amusement; to box., To contest in words; to wrangle., A contest at sparring or boxing., A movement of offense or defense in boxing.
spat imp. of Spit., A young oyster or other bivalve mollusk, both before and after it first becomes adherent, or such young, collectively., To emit spawn; to emit, as spawn., A light blow with something flat., Hence, a petty combat, esp. a verbal one; a little quarrel, dispute, or dissension., To dispute., To slap, as with the open hand; to clap together; as the hands., of Spit
spaw noun See Spa.
spay verb t. To remove or extirpate the ovaries of, as a sow or a bitch; to castrate (a female animal)., The male of the red deer in his third year; a spade.
sped imp. & p. p. of Speed., of Speed
sper verb t. Alt. of Sperre
spet verb t. To spit; to throw out., Spittle.
spew verb t. To eject from the stomach; to vomit., To cast forth with abhorrence or disgust; to eject., To vomit., To eject seed, as wet land swollen with frost., That which is vomited; vomit.
spun imp. & past participle of Spin, imp. & p. p. of Spin.
spin verb t. To draw out, and twist into threads, either by the hand or machinery; as, to spin wool, cotton, or flax; to spin goat’s hair; to produce by drawing out and twisting a fibrous material., To draw out tediously; to form by a slow process, or by degrees; to extend to a great length; — with out; as, to spin out large volumes on a subject., To protract; to spend by delays; as, to spin out the day in idleness., To cause to turn round rapidly; to whirl; to twirl; as, to spin a top., To form (a web, a cocoon, silk, or the like) from threads produced by the extrusion of a viscid, transparent liquid, which hardens on coming into contact with the air; — said of the spider, the silkworm, etc., To shape, as malleable sheet metal, into a hollow form, by bending or buckling it by pressing against it with a smooth hand tool or roller while the metal revolves, as in a lathe., To practice spinning; to work at drawing and twisting threads; to make yarn or thread from fiber; as, the woman knows how to spin; a machine or jenny spins with great exactness., To move round rapidly; to whirl; to revolve, as a top or a spindle, about its axis., To stream or issue in a thread or a small current or jet; as, blood spinsfrom a vein., To move swifty; as, to spin along the road in a carriage, on a bicycle, etc., The act of spinning; as, the spin of a top; a spin a bicycle., Velocity of rotation about some specified axis.
spit noun A long, slender, pointed rod, usually of iron, for holding meat while roasting., A small point of land running into the sea, or a long, narrow shoal extending from the shore into the sea; as, a spit of sand., The depth to which a spade goes in digging; a spade; a spadeful., To thrust a spit through; to fix upon a spit; hence, to thrust through or impale; as, to spit a loin of veal., To spade; to dig., To attend to a spit; to use a spit., of Spit, To eject from the mouth; to throw out, as saliva or other matter, from the mouth., To eject; to throw out; to belch., The secretion formed by the glands of the mouth; spitle; saliva; sputum., To throw out saliva from the mouth., To rain or snow slightly, or with sprinkles.
spot noun A mark on a substance or body made by foreign matter; a blot; a place discolored., A stain on character or reputation; something that soils purity; disgrace; reproach; fault; blemish., A small part of a different color from the main part, or from the ground upon which it is; as, the spots of a leopard; the spots on a playing card., A small extent of space; a place; any particular place., A variety of the common domestic pigeon, so called from a spot on its head just above its beak., A sciaenoid food fish (Liostomus xanthurus) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. It has a black spot behind the shoulders and fifteen oblique dark bars on the sides. Called also goody, Lafayette, masooka, and old wife., The southern redfish, or red horse, which has a spot on each side at the base of the tail. See Redfish., Commodities, as merchandise and cotton, sold for immediate delivery., To make visible marks upon with some foreign matter; to discolor in or with spots; to stain; to cover with spots or figures; as, to spot a garnment; to spot paper., To mark or note so as to insure recognition; to recognize; to detect; as, to spot a criminal., To stain; to blemish; to taint; to disgrace; to tarnish, as reputation; to asperse., To become stained with spots.
spry superl. Having great power of leaping or running; nimble; active.
spud noun A sharp, narrow spade, usually with a long handle, used by farmers for digging up large-rooted weeds; a similarly shaped implement used for various purposes., A dagger., Anything short and thick; specifically, a piece of dough boiled in fat.
spue verb t. & i. See Spew.
spur noun A sparrow., A tern., An implement secured to the heel, or above the heel, of a horseman, to urge the horse by its pressure. Modern spurs have a small wheel, or rowel, with short points. Spurs were the badge of knighthood., That which goads to action; an incitement., Something that projects; a snag., One of the large or principal roots of a tree., Any stiff, sharp spine, as on the wings and legs of certain burds, on the legs of insects, etc.; especially, the spine on a cock’s leg., A mountain that shoots from any other mountain, or range of mountains, and extends to some distance in a lateral direction, or at right angles., A spiked iron worn by seamen upon the bottom of the boot, to enable them to stand upon the carcass of a whale, to strip off the blubber., A brace strengthening a post and some connected part, as a rafter or crossbeam; a strut., The short wooden buttress of a post., A projection from the round base of a column, occupying the angle of a square plinth upon which the base rests, or bringing the bottom bed of the base to a nearly square form. It is generally carved in leafage., Any projecting appendage of a flower looking like a spur., Ergotized rye or other grain., A wall that crosses a part of a rampart and joins to an inner wall., A piece of timber fixed on the bilge ways before launching, having the upper ends bolted to the vessel’s side., A curved piece of timber serving as a half to support the deck where a whole beam can not be placed., To prick with spurs; to incite to a more hasty pace; to urge or goad; as, to spur a horse., To urge or encourage to action, or to a more vigorous pursuit of an object; to incite; to stimulate; to instigate; to impel; to drive., To put spurs on; as, a spurred boot., To spur on one’ horse; to travel with great expedition; to hasten; hence, to press forward in any pursuit.
sput noun An annular reenforce, to strengthen a place where a hole is made.
stab verb t. To pierce with a pointed weapon; to wound or kill by the thrust of a pointed instrument; as, to stab a man with a dagger; also, to thrust; as, to stab a dagger into a person., Fig.: To injure secretly or by malicious falsehood or slander; as, to stab a person’s reputation., To give a wound with a pointed weapon; to pierce; to thrust with a pointed weapon., To wound or pain, as if with a pointed weapon., The thrust of a pointed weapon., A wound with a sharp-pointed weapon; as, to fall by the stab an assassin., Fig.: An injury inflicted covertly or suddenly; as, a stab given to character.
stag noun The adult male of the red deer (Cervus elaphus), a large European species closely related to the American elk, or wapiti., The male of certain other species of large deer., A colt, or filly; also, a romping girl., A castrated bull; — called also bull stag, and bull seg. See the Note under Ox., An outside irregular dealer in stocks, who is not a member of the exchange., One who applies for the allotment of shares in new projects, with a view to sell immediately at a premium, and not to hold the stock., The European wren., To act as a “stag”, or irregular dealer in stocks., To watch; to dog, or keep track of.
stal imp. Stole.
star noun One of the innumerable luminous bodies seen in the heavens; any heavenly body other than the sun, moon, comets, and nebulae., The polestar; the north star., A planet supposed to influence one’s destiny; (usually pl.) a configuration of the planets, supposed to influence fortune., That which resembles the figure of a star, as an ornament worn on the breast to indicate rank or honor., Specifically, a radiated mark in writing or printing; an asterisk [thus, *]; — used as a reference to a note, or to fill a blank where something is omitted, etc., A composition of combustible matter used in the heading of rockets, in mines, etc., which, exploding in the air, presents a starlike appearance., A person of brilliant and attractive qualities, especially on public occasions, as a distinguished orator, a leading theatrical performer, etc., To set or adorn with stars, or bright, radiating bodies; to bespangle; as, a robe starred with gems., To be bright, or attract attention, as a star; to shine like a star; to be brilliant or prominent; to play a part as a theatrical star.
staw verb i. To be fixed or set; to stay.
stay noun A large, strong rope, employed to support a mast, by being extended from the head of one mast down to some other, or to some part of the vessel. Those which lead forward are called fore-and-aft stays; those which lead to the vessel’s side are called backstays. See Illust. of Ship., To stop from motion or falling; to prop; to fix firmly; to hold up; to support., To support from sinking; to sustain with strength; to satisfy in part or for the time., To bear up under; to endure; to support; to resist successfully., To hold from proceeding; to withhold; to restrain; to stop; to hold., To hinde/; to delay; to detain; to keep back., To remain for the purpose of; to wait for., To cause to cease; to put an end to., To fasten or secure with stays; as, to stay a flat sheet in a steam boiler., To tack, as a vessel, so that the other side of the vessel shall be presented to the wind., To remain; to continue in a place; to abide fixed for a space of time; to stop; to stand still., To continue in a state., To wait; to attend; to forbear to act., To dwell; to tarry; to linger., To rest; to depend; to rely; to stand; to insist., To come to an end; to cease; as, that day the storm stayed., To hold out in a race or other contest; as, a horse stays well., To change tack; as a ship., That which serves as a prop; a support., A corset stiffened with whalebone or other material, worn by women, and rarely by men., Continuance in a place; abode for a space of time; sojourn; as, you make a short stay in this city., Cessation of motion or progression; stand; stop., Hindrance; let; check., Restraint of passion; moderation; caution; steadiness; sobriety., Strictly, a part in tension to hold the parts together, or stiffen them.
sted adverb Alt. of Stedfastly
stee noun A ladder.
steg noun A gander.
stem verb i. Alt. of Steem, Alt. of Steem, The principal body of a tree, shrub, or plant, of any kind; the main stock; the part which supports the branches or the head or top., A little branch which connects a fruit, flower, or leaf with a main branch; a peduncle, pedicel, or petiole; as, the stem of an apple or a cherry., The stock of a family; a race or generation of progenitors., A branch of a family., A curved piece of timber to which the two sides of a ship are united at the fore end. The lower end of it is scarfed to the keel, and the bowsprit rests upon its upper end. Hence, the forward part of a vessel; the bow., Fig.: An advanced or leading position; the lookout., Anything resembling a stem or stalk; as, the stem of a tobacco pipe; the stem of a watch case, or that part to which the ring, by which it is suspended, is attached., That part of a plant which bears leaves, or rudiments of leaves, whether rising above ground or wholly subterranean., The entire central axis of a feather., The basal portion of the body of one of the Pennatulacea, or of a gorgonian., The short perpendicular line added to the body of a note; the tail of a crotchet, quaver, semiquaver, etc., The part of an inflected word which remains unchanged (except by euphonic variations) throughout a given inflection; theme; base., To remove the stem or stems from; as, to stem cherries; to remove the stem and its appendages (ribs and veins) from; as, to stem tobacco leaves., To ram, as clay, into a blasting hole., To oppose or cut with, or as with, the stem of a vessel; to resist, or make progress against; to stop or check the flow of, as a current., To move forward against an obstacle, as a vessel against a current.
step adjective To move the foot in walking; to advance or recede by raising and moving one of the feet to another resting place, or by moving both feet in succession., To walk; to go on foot; esp., to walk a little distance; as, to step to one of the neighbors., To walk slowly, gravely, or resolutely., Fig.: To move mentally; to go in imagination., To set, as the foot., To fix the foot of (a mast) in its step; to erect., An advance or movement made by one removal of the foot; a pace., A rest, or one of a set of rests, for the foot in ascending or descending, as a stair, or a round of a ladder., The space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running; as, one step is generally about three feet, but may be more or less. Used also figuratively of any kind of progress; as, he improved step by step, or by steps., A small space or distance; as, it is but a step., A print of the foot; a footstep; a footprint; track., Gait; manner of walking; as, the approach of a man is often known by his step., Proceeding; measure; action; an act., Walk; passage., A portable framework of stairs, much used indoors in reaching to a high position., In general, a framing in wood or iron which is intended to receive an upright shaft; specif., a block of wood, or a solid platform upon the keelson, supporting the heel of the mast., One of a series of offsets, or parts, resembling the steps of stairs, as one of the series of parts of a cone pulley on which the belt runs., A bearing in which the lower extremity of a spindle or a vertical shaft revolves., The intervak between two contiguous degrees of the csale., A change of position effected by a motion of translation.
stet subj. 3d pers. sing. Let it stand; — a word used by proof readers to signify that something once erased, or marked for omission, is to remain., To cause or direct to remain after having been marked for omission; to mark with the word stet, or with a series of dots below or beside the matter; as, the proof reader stetted a deled footnote.
stew noun A small pond or pool where fish are kept for the table; a vivarium., An artificial bed of oysters., To boil slowly, or with the simmering or moderate heat; to seethe; to cook in a little liquid, over a gentle fire, without boiling; as, to stew meat; to stew oysters; to stew apples., To be seethed or cooked in a slow, gentle manner, or in heat and moisture., A place of stewing or seething; a place where hot bathes are furnished; a hothouse., A brothel; — usually in the plural., A prostitute., A dish prepared by stewing; as, a stewof pigeons., A state of agitating excitement; a state of worry; confusion; as, to be in a stew.
stey noun See Stee.
stir verb t. To change the place of in any manner; to move., To disturb the relative position of the particles of, as of a liquid, by passing something through it; to agitate; as, to stir a pudding with a spoon., To bring into debate; to agitate; to moot., To incite to action; to arouse; to instigate; to prompt; to excite., To move; to change one’s position., To be in motion; to be active or bustling; to exert or busy one’s self., To become the object of notice; to be on foot., To rise, or be up, in the morning., The act or result of stirring; agitation; tumult; bustle; noise or various movements., Public disturbance or commotion; tumultuous disorder; seditious uproar., Agitation of thoughts; conflicting passions.
stor adjective Strong; powerful; hardy; bold; audacious., See Stoor.
stop verb t. To close, as an aperture, by filling or by obstructing; as, to stop the ears; hence, to stanch, as a wound., To obstruct; to render impassable; as, to stop a way, road, or passage., To arrest the progress of; to hinder; to impede; to shut in; as, to stop a traveler; to stop the course of a stream, or a flow of blood., To hinder from acting or moving; to prevent the effect or efficiency of; to cause to cease; to repress; to restrain; to suppress; to interrupt; to suspend; as, to stop the execution of a decree, the progress of vice, the approaches of old age or infirmity., To regulate the sounds of, as musical strings, by pressing them against the finger board with the finger, or by shortening in any way the vibrating part., To point, as a composition; to punctuate., To make fast; to stopper., To cease to go on; to halt, or stand still; to come to a stop., To cease from any motion, or course of action., To spend a short time; to reside temporarily; to stay; to tarry; as, to stop with a friend., The act of stopping, or the state of being stopped; hindrance of progress or of action; cessation; repression; interruption; check; obstruction., That which stops, impedes, or obstructs; as obstacle; an impediment; an obstruction., A device, or piece, as a pin, block, pawl, etc., for arresting or limiting motion, or for determining the position to which another part shall be brought., The closing of an aperture in the air passage, or pressure of the finger upon the string, of an instrument of music, so as to modify the tone; hence, any contrivance by which the sounds of a musical instrument are regulated., In the organ, one of the knobs or handles at each side of the organist, by which he can draw on or shut off any register or row of pipes; the register itself; as, the vox humana stop., A member, plain or molded, formed of a separate piece and fixed to a jamb, against which a door or window shuts. This takes the place, or answers the purpose, of a rebate. Also, a pin or block to prevent a drawer from sliding too far., A point or mark in writing or printing intended to distinguish the sentences, parts of a sentence, or clauses; a mark of punctuation. See Punctuation., The diaphragm used in optical instruments to cut off the marginal portions of a beam of light passing through lenses., The depression in the face of a dog between the skull and the nasal bones. It is conspicuous in the bulldog, pug, and some other breeds., Some part of the articulating organs, as the lips, or the tongue and palate, closed (a) so as to cut off the passage of breath or voice through the mouth and the nose (distinguished as a lip-stop, or a front-stop, etc., as in p, t, d, etc.), or (b) so as to obstruct, but not entirely cut off, the passage, as in l, n, etc.; also, any of the consonants so formed.
stot noun A horse., A young bull or ox, especially one three years old.
stow verb t. To place or arrange in a compact mass; to put in its proper place, or in a suitable place; to pack; as, to stowbags, bales, or casks in a ship’s hold; to stow hay in a mow; to stow sheaves., To put away in some place; to hide; to lodge., To arrange anything compactly in; to fill, by packing closely; as, to stow a box, car, or the hold of a ship.
stre noun Straw.
stub noun The stump of a tree; that part of a tree or plant which remains fixed in the earth when the stem is cut down; — applied especially to the stump of a small tree, or shrub., A log; a block; a blockhead., The short blunt part of anything after larger part has been broken off or used up; hence, anything short and thick; as, the stub of a pencil, candle, or cigar., A part of a leaf in a check book, after a check is torn out, on which the number, amount, and destination of the check are usually recorded., A pen with a short, blunt nib., A stub nail; an old horseshoe nail; also, stub iron., To grub up by the roots; to extirpate; as, to stub up edible roots., To remove stubs from; as, to stub land., To strike as the toes, against a stub, stone, or other fixed object.
stud noun A collection of breeding horses and mares, or the place where they are kept; also, a number of horses kept for a racing, riding, etc., A stem; a trunk., An upright scanting, esp. one of the small uprights in the framing for lath and plaster partitions, and furring, and upon which the laths are nailed., A kind of nail with a large head, used chiefly for ornament; an ornamental knob; a boss., An ornamental button of various forms, worn in a shirt front, collar, wristband, or the like, not sewed in place, but inserted through a buttonhole or eyelet, and transferable., A short rod or pin, fixed in and projecting from something, and sometimes forming a journal., A stud bolt., An iron brace across the shorter diameter of the link of a chain cable., To adorn with shining studs, or knobs., To set with detached ornaments or prominent objects; to set thickly, as with studs.
stum noun Unfermented grape juice or wine, often used to raise fermentation in dead or vapid wines; must., Wine revived by new fermentation, reulting from the admixture of must., To renew, as wine, by mixing must with it and raising a new fermentation.
stun verb t. To make senseless or dizzy by violence; to render senseless by a blow, as on the head., To dull or deaden the sensibility of; to overcome; especially, to overpower one’s sense of hearing., To astonish; to overpower; to bewilder., The condition of being stunned.
stut verb i. To stutter.
stye noun See Sty, a boil.
styx noun The principal river of the lower world, which had to be crossed in passing to the regions of the dead.
sub- A prefix signifying under, below, beneath, and hence often, in an inferior position or degree, in an imperfect or partial state, as in subscribe, substruct, subserve, subject, subordinate, subacid, subastringent, subgranular, suborn. Sub- in Latin compounds often becomes sum- before m, sur before r, and regularly becomes suc-, suf-, sug-, and sup- before c, f, g, and p respectively. Before c, p, and t it sometimes takes form sus- (by the dropping of b from a collateral form, subs-)., A prefix denoting that the ingredient (of a compound) signified by the term to which it is prefixed,is present in only a small proportion, or less than the normal amount; as, subsulphide, suboxide, etc. Prefixed to the name of a salt it is equivalent to basic; as, subacetate or basic acetate.
such adjective Of that kind; of the like kind; like; resembling; similar; as, we never saw such a day; — followed by that or as introducing the word or proposition which defines the similarity, or the standard of comparison; as, the books are not such that I can recommend them, or, not such as I can recommend; these apples are not such as those we saw yesterday; give your children such precepts as tend to make them better., Having the particular quality or character specified., The same that; — with as; as, this was the state of the kingdom at such time as the enemy landed., Certain; — representing the object as already particularized in terms which are not mentioned.
suck verb t. To draw, as a liquid, by the action of the mouth and tongue, which tends to produce a vacuum, and causes the liquid to rush in by atmospheric pressure; to draw, or apply force to, by exhausting the air., To draw liquid from by the action of the mouth; as, to suck an orange; specifically, to draw milk from (the mother, the breast, etc.) with the mouth; as, the young of an animal sucks the mother, or dam; an infant sucks the breast., To draw in, or imbibe, by any process resembles sucking; to inhale; to absorb; as, to suck in air; the roots of plants suck water from the ground., To draw or drain., To draw in, as a whirlpool; to swallow up., To draw, or attempt to draw, something by suction, as with the mouth, or through a tube., To draw milk from the breast or udder; as, a child, or the young of an animal, is first nourished by sucking., To draw in; to imbibe; to partake., The act of drawing with the mouth., That which is drawn into the mouth by sucking; specifically, mikl drawn from the breast., A small draught., Juice; succulence.
suds noun pl. Water impregnated with soap, esp. when worked up into bubbles and froth.
sued imp. & past participle of Sue
suer noun One who sues; a suitor.
suet noun The fat and fatty tissues of an animal, especially the harder fat about the kidneys and loins in beef and mutton, which, when melted and freed from the membranes, forms tallow.
suf- A form of the prefix Sub-.
sufi noun A title or surname of the king of Persia., One of a certain order of religious men in Persia.
suit noun The act of following or pursuing, as game; pursuit., The act of suing; the process by which one endeavors to gain an end or an object; an attempt to attain a certain result; pursuit; endeavor., The act of wooing in love; the solicitation of a woman in marriage; courtship., The attempt to gain an end by legal process; an action or process for the recovery of a right or claim; legal application to a court for justice; prosecution of right before any tribunal; as, a civil suit; a criminal suit; a suit in chancery., That which follows as a retinue; a company of attendants or followers; the assembly of persons who attend upon a prince, magistrate, or other person of distinction; — often written suite, and pronounced sw/t., Things that follow in a series or succession; the individual objects, collectively considered, which constitute a series, as of rooms, buildings, compositions, etc.; — often written suite, and pronounced sw/t., A number of things used together, and generally necessary to be united in order to answer their purpose; a number of things ordinarily classed or used together; a set; as, a suit of curtains; a suit of armor; a suit of clothes., One of the four sets of cards which constitute a pack; — each set consisting of thirteen cards bearing a particular emblem, as hearts, spades, cubs, or diamonds., Regular order; succession., To fit; to adapt; to make proper or suitable; as, to suit the action to the word., To be fitted to; to accord with; to become; to befit., To dress; to clothe., To please; to make content; as, he is well suited with his place; to suit one’s taste., To agree; to accord; to be fitted; to correspond; — usually followed by with or to.
suji noun Indian wheat, granulated but not pulverized; a kind of semolina.
sula noun A genus of sea birds including the booby and the common gannet.
sulk noun A furrow., To be silently sullen; to be morose or obstinate.
sull noun A plow.
sump noun A round pit of stone, lined with clay, for receiving the metal on its first fusion., The cistern or reservoir made at the lowest point of a mine, from which is pumped the water which accumulates there., A pond of water for salt works., A puddle or dirty pool.
sunn noun An East Indian leguminous plant (Crotalaria juncea) and its fiber, which is also called sunn hemp.
supe noun A super.
sur- A prefix signifying over, above, beyond, upon.
sura noun One of the sections or chapters of the Koran, which are one hundred and fourteen in number.
surd adjective Net having the sense of hearing; deaf., Unheard., Involving surds; not capable of being expressed in rational numbers; radical; irrational; as, a surd expression or quantity; a surd number., Uttered, as an element of speech, without tone, or proper vocal sound; voiceless; unintonated; nonvocal; atonic; whispered; aspirated; sharp; hard, as f, p, s, etc.; — opposed to sonant. See Guide to Pronunciation, //169, 179, 180., A quantity which can not be expressed by rational numbers; thus, Ã2 is a surd., A surd element of speech. See Surd, a., 4.
sure superl. Certainly knowing and believing; confident beyond doubt; implicity trusting; unquestioning; positive., Certain to find or retain; as, to be sure of game; to be sure of success; to be sure of life or health., Fit or worthy to be depended on; certain not to fail or disappoint expectation; unfailing; strong; permanent; enduring., Betrothed; engaged to marry., Free from danger; safe; secure., In a sure manner; safely; certainly.
surf noun The swell of the sea which breaks upon the shore, esp. upon a sloping beach., The bottom of a drain.
susu noun See Soosoo.
swab noun To clean with a mop or swab; to wipe when very wet, as after washing; as, to swab the desk of a ship., A kind of mop for cleaning floors, the desks of vessels, etc., esp. one made of rope-yarns or threads., A bit of sponge, cloth, or the like, fastened to a handle, for cleansing the mouth of a sick person, applying medicaments to deep-seated parts, etc., An epaulet., A cod, or pod, as of beans or pease., A sponge, or other suitable substance, attached to a long rod or handle, for cleaning the bore of a firearm.
swad noun A cod, or pod, as of beans or pease., A clown; a country bumpkin., A lump of mass; also, a crowd., A thin layer of refuse at the bottom of a seam.
swag verb i. To hang or move, as something loose and heavy; to sway; to swing., To sink down by its weight; to sag., A swaying, irregular motion., A burglar’s or thief’s booty; boodle.
swal imp. Swelled.
swam imp. of Swim., of Swim
swan noun Any one of numerous species of large aquatic birds belonging to Cygnus, Olor, and allied genera of the subfamily Cygninae. They have a large and strong beak and a long neck, and are noted for their graceful movements when swimming. Most of the northern species are white. In literature the swan was fabled to sing a melodious song, especially at the time of its death., Fig.: An appellation for a sweet singer, or a poet noted for grace and melody; as Shakespeare is called the swan of Avon., The constellation Cygnus.
swap verb i. To strike; — with off., To exchange (usually two things of the same kind); to swop., To fall or descend; to rush hastily or violently., To beat the air, or ply the wings, with a sweeping motion or noise; to flap., A blow; a stroke., An exchange; a barter., Hastily.
swat imp. of Sweat., of Sweat
sway verb i. To move or wield with the hand; to swing; to wield; as, to sway the scepter., To influence or direct by power and authority; by persuasion, or by moral force; to rule; to govern; to guide., To cause to incline or swing to one side, or backward and forward; to bias; to turn; to bend; warp; as, reeds swayed by wind; judgment swayed by passion., To hoist; as, to sway up the yards., To be drawn to one side by weight or influence; to lean; to incline., To move or swing from side to side; or backward and forward., To have weight or influence., To bear sway; to rule; to govern., The act of swaying; a swaying motion; the swing or sweep of a weapon., Influence, weight, or authority that inclines to one side; as, the sway of desires., Preponderance; turn or cast of balance., Rule; dominion; control., A switch or rod used by thatchers to bind their work.
swig verb t. To drink in long draughts; to gulp; as, to swig cider., To suck., A long draught., A tackle with ropes which are not parallel., A beverage consisting of warm beer flavored with spices, lemon, etc., To castrate, as a ram, by binding the testicles tightly with a string, so that they mortify and slough off., To pull upon (a tackle) by throwing the weight of the body upon the fall between the block and a cleat.
swum of Swim, of Swim, imp. & p. p. of Swim.
swim verb i. To be supported by water or other fluid; not to sink; to float; as, any substance will swim, whose specific gravity is less than that of the fluid in which it is immersed., To move progressively in water by means of strokes with the hands and feet, or the fins or the tail., To be overflowed or drenched., Fig.: To be as if borne or floating in a fluid., To be filled with swimming animals., To pass or move over or on by swimming; as, to swim a stream., To cause or compel to swim; to make to float; as, to swim a horse across a river., To immerse in water that the lighter parts may float; as, to swim wheat in order to select seed., The act of swimming; a gliding motion, like that of one swimming., The sound, or air bladder, of a fish., A part of a stream much frequented by fish., To be dizzy; to have an unsteady or reeling sensation; as, the head swims.
swob noun & verb See Swab.
swom imp. of Swim.
swop verb & noun Same as Swap.
syce noun A groom.
syke noun & verb See Sike.
syle noun A young herring (Clupea harengus).
sym- See Syn-.
syn- A prefix meaning with, along with, together, at the same time. Syn- becomes sym- before p, b, and m, and syl- before l.
syne adverb Afterwards; since; ago., Late, — as opposed to soon., Since; seeing.
syrt noun A quicksand; a bog.
syth preposition, adverb, conj. & noun Alt. of Sythe