4 letter word starting with sa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
salt Sulphate of magnesia having cathartic qualities; — originally prepared by boiling down the mineral waters at Epsom, England, — whence the name; afterwards prepared from sea water; but now from certain minerals, as from siliceous hydrate of magnesia., The chloride of sodium, a substance used for seasoning food, for the preservation of meat, etc. It is found native in the earth, and is also produced, by evaporation and crystallization, from sea water and other water impregnated with saline particles., Hence, flavor; taste; savor; smack; seasoning., Hence, also, piquancy; wit; sense; as, Attic salt., A dish for salt at table; a saltcellar., A sailor; — usually qualified by old., The neutral compound formed by the union of an acid and a base; thus, sulphuric acid and iron form the salt sulphate of iron or green vitriol., Fig.: That which preserves from corruption or error; that which purifies; a corrective; an antiseptic; also, an allowance or deduction; as, his statements must be taken with a grain of salt., Any mineral salt used as an aperient or cathartic, especially Epsom salts, Rochelle salt, or Glauber’s salt., Marshes flooded by the tide., Of or relating to salt; abounding in, or containing, salt; prepared or preserved with, or tasting of, salt; salted; as, salt beef; salt water., Overflowed with, or growing in, salt water; as, a salt marsh; salt grass., Fig.: Bitter; sharp; pungent., Fig.: Salacious; lecherous; lustful., To sprinkle, impregnate, or season with salt; to preserve with salt or in brine; to supply with salt; as, to salt fish, beef, or pork; to salt cattle., To fill with salt between the timbers and planks, as a ship, for the preservation of the timber., To deposit salt as a saline solution; as, the brine begins to salt., The act of leaping or jumping; a leap.
saan noun pl. Same as Bushmen.
sack noun A name formerly given to various dry Spanish wines., A bag for holding and carrying goods of any kind; a receptacle made of some kind of pliable material, as cloth, leather, and the like; a large pouch., A measure of varying capacity, according to local usage and the substance. The American sack of salt is 215 pounds; the sack of wheat, two bushels., Originally, a loosely hanging garment for women, worn like a cloak about the shoulders, and serving as a decorative appendage to the gown; now, an outer garment with sleeves, worn by women; as, a dressing sack., A sack coat; a kind of coat worn by men, and extending from top to bottom without a cross seam., See 2d Sac, 2., Bed., To put in a sack; to bag; as, to sack corn., To bear or carry in a sack upon the back or the shoulders., The pillage or plunder, as of a town or city; the storm and plunder of a town; devastation; ravage., To plunder or pillage, as a town or city; to devastate; to ravage.
sacs noun pl. A tribe of Indians, which, together with the Foxes, formerly occupied the region about Green Bay, Wisconsin.
sadh noun A member of a monotheistic sect of Hindoos. Sadhs resemble the Quakers in many respects.
sadr noun A plant of the genus Ziziphus (Z. lotus); — so called by the Arabs of Barbary, who use its berries for food. See Lotus (b).
safe superl. Free from harm, injury, or risk; untouched or unthreatened by danger or injury; unharmed; unhurt; secure; whole; as, safe from disease; safe from storms; safe from foes., Conferring safety; securing from harm; not exposing to danger; confining securely; to be relied upon; not dangerous; as, a safe harbor; a safe bridge, etc., Incapable of doing harm; no longer dangerous; in secure care or custody; as, the prisoner is safe., A place for keeping things in safety., A strong and fireproof receptacle (as a movable chest of steel, etc., or a closet or vault of brickwork) for containing money, valuable papers, or the like., A ventilated or refrigerated chest or closet for securing provisions from noxious animals or insects., To render safe; to make right.
saga noun A Scandinavian legend, or heroic or mythic tradition, among the Norsemen and kindred people; a northern European popular historical or religious tale of olden time., of Sagum
sage noun A suffruticose labiate plant (Salvia officinalis) with grayish green foliage, much used in flavoring meats, etc. The name is often extended to the whole genus, of which many species are cultivated for ornament, as the scarlet sage, and Mexican red and blue sage., The sagebrush., Having nice discernment and powers of judging; prudent; grave; sagacious., Proceeding from wisdom; well judged; shrewd; well adapted to the purpose., Grave; serious; solemn., A wise man; a man of gravity and wisdom; especially, a man venerable for years, and of sound judgment and prudence; a grave philosopher.
sago noun A dry granulated starch imported from the East Indies, much used for making puddings and as an article of diet for the sick; also, as starch, for stiffening textile fabrics. It is prepared from the stems of several East Indian and Malayan palm trees, but chiefly from the Metroxylon Sagu; also from several cycadaceous plants (Cycas revoluta, Zamia integrifolia, etc.).
sagy adjective Full of sage; seasoned with sage.
saic noun A kind of ketch very common in the Levant, which has neither topgallant sail nor mizzen topsail.
said imp. & p. p. of Say., Before-mentioned; already spoken of or specified; aforesaid; — used chiefly in legal style., of Say
sail noun An extent of canvas or other fabric by means of which the wind is made serviceable as a power for propelling vessels through the water., Anything resembling a sail, or regarded as a sail., A wing; a van., The extended surface of the arm of a windmill., A sailing vessel; a vessel of any kind; a craft., A passage by a sailing vessel; a journey or excursion upon the water., To be impelled or driven forward by the action of wind upon sails, as a ship on water; to be impelled on a body of water by the action of steam or other power., To move through or on the water; to swim, as a fish or a water fowl., To be conveyed in a vessel on water; to pass by water; as, they sailed from London to Canton., To set sail; to begin a voyage., To move smoothly through the air; to glide through the air without apparent exertion, as a bird., To pass or move upon, as in a ship, by means of sails; hence, to move or journey upon (the water) by means of steam or other force., To fly through; to glide or move smoothly through., To direct or manage the motion of, as a vessel; as, to sail one’s own ship.
saim noun Lard; grease.
sain past participle Said., To sanctify; to bless so as to protect from evil influence.
sake noun Final cause; end; purpose of obtaining; cause; motive; reason; interest; concern; account; regard or respect; — used chiefly in such phrases as, for the sake of, for his sake, for man’s sake, for mercy’s sake, and the like; as, to commit crime for the sake of gain; to go abroad for the sake of one’s health.
saki noun Any one of several species of South American monkeys of the genus Pithecia. They have large ears, and a long hairy tail which is not prehensile., The alcoholic drink of Japan. It is made from rice.
sale noun See 1st Sallow., The act of selling; the transfer of property, or a contract to transfer the ownership of property, from one person to another for a valuable consideration, or for a price in money., Opportunity of selling; demand; market., Public disposal to the highest bidder, or exposure of goods in market; auction.
salm noun Psalm.
salp noun Any species of Salpa, or of the family Salpidae.
same verb i. Not different or other; not another or others; identical; unchanged., Of like kind, species, sort, dimensions, or the like; not differing in character or in the quality or qualities compared; corresponding; not discordant; similar; like., Just mentioned, or just about to be mentioned.
samp noun An article of food consisting of maize broken or bruised, which is cooked by boiling, and usually eaten with milk; coarse hominy.
sand noun Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose grains, which are not coherent when wet., A single particle of such stone., The sand in the hourglass; hence, a moment or interval of time; the term or extent of one’s life., Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of Arabia and Africa; also, extensive tracts of sand exposed by the ebb of the tide., Courage; pluck; grit., To sprinkle or cover with sand., To drive upon the sand., To bury (oysters) beneath drifting sand or mud., To mix with sand for purposes of fraud; as, to sand sugar.
sane adjective Being in a healthy condition; not deranged; acting rationally; — said of the mind., Mentally sound; possessing a rational mind; having the mental faculties in such condition as to be able to anticipate and judge of the effect of one’s actions in an ordinary maner; — said of persons.
sang imp. of Sing., of Sing
sank imp. of Sink., of Sink
sans preposition Without; deprived or destitute of. Rarely used as an English word.
sard noun A variety of carnelian, of a rich reddish yellow or brownish red color. See the Note under Chalcedony.
sari noun Same as Saree.
sark noun A shirt., To cover with sarking, or thin boards.
sarn noun A pavement or stepping-stone.
sart noun An assart, or clearing.
sash noun A scarf or band worn about the waist, over the shoulder, or otherwise; a belt; a girdle, — worn by women and children as an ornament; also worn as a badge of distinction by military officers, members of societies, etc., To adorn with a sash or scarf., The framing in which the panes of glass are set in a glazed window or door, including the narrow bars between the panes., In a sawmill, the rectangular frame in which the saw is strained and by which it is carried up and down with a reciprocating motion; — also called gate., To furnish with a sash or sashes; as, to sash a door or a window.
sate verb t. To satisfy the desire or appetite of; to satiate; to glut; to surfeit., imp. of Sit., of Sit
sauf adjective Safe., Save; except.
sauh imp. sing. of See.
saul noun Soul., Same as Sal, the tree.
saur noun Soil; dirt; dirty water; urine from a cowhouse.
saut noun Alt. of Saute
save noun The herb sage, or salvia., To make safe; to procure the safety of; to preserve from injury, destruction, or evil of any kind; to rescue from impending danger; as, to save a house from the flames., Specifically, to deliver from sin and its penalty; to rescue from a state of condemnation and spiritual death, and bring into a state of spiritual life., To keep from being spent or lost; to secure from waste or expenditure; to lay up; to reserve., To rescue from something undesirable or hurtful; to prevent from doing something; to spare., To hinder from doing, suffering, or happening; to obviate the necessity of; to prevent; to spare., To hold possession or use of; to escape loss of., To avoid unnecessary expense or expenditure; to prevent waste; to be economical., Except; excepting; not including; leaving out; deducting; reserving; saving., Except; unless.
sawn of Saw