4 letter word starting with se

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
seah noun A Jewish dry measure containing one third of an an ephah.
seak noun Soap prepared for use in milling cloth.
seal noun Any aquatic carnivorous mammal of the families Phocidae and Otariidae., An engraved or inscribed stamp, used for marking an impression in wax or other soft substance, to be attached to a document, or otherwise used by way of authentication or security., Wax, wafer, or other tenacious substance, set to an instrument, and impressed or stamped with a seal; as, to give a deed under hand and seal., That which seals or fastens; esp., the wax or wafer placed on a letter or other closed paper, etc., to fasten it., That which confirms, ratifies, or makes stable; that which authenticates; that which secures; assurance., An arrangement for preventing the entrance or return of gas or air into a pipe, by which the open end of the pipe dips beneath the surface of water or other liquid, or a deep bend or sag in the pipe is filled with the liquid; a draintrap., To set or affix a seal to; hence, to authenticate; to confirm; to ratify; to establish; as, to seal a deed., To mark with a stamp, as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, or merchantable quality; as, to seal weights and measures; to seal silverware., To fasten with a seal; to attach together with a wafer, wax, or other substance causing adhesion; as, to seal a letter., Hence, to shut close; to keep close; to make fast; to keep secure or secret., To fix, as a piece of iron in a wall, with cement, plaster, or the like., To close by means of a seal; as, to seal a drainpipe with water. See 2d Seal, 5., Among the Mormons, to confirm or set apart as a second or additional wife., To affix one’s seal, or a seal.
seam noun Grease; tallow; lard., The fold or line formed by sewing together two pieces of cloth or leather., Hence, a line of junction; a joint; a suture, as on a ship, a floor, or other structure; the line of union, or joint, of two boards, planks, metal plates, etc., A thin layer or stratum; a narrow vein between two thicker strata; as, a seam of coal., A line or depression left by a cut or wound; a scar; a cicatrix., To form a seam upon or of; to join by sewing together; to unite., To mark with something resembling a seam; to line; to scar., To make the appearance of a seam in, as in knitting a stocking; hence, to knit with a certain stitch, like that in such knitting., To become ridgy; to crack open., A denomination of weight or measure., The quantity of eight bushels of grain., The quantity of 120 pounds of glass.
sean noun A seine. See Seine.
sear adjective Alt. of Sere, To wither; to dry up., To burn (the surface of) to dryness and hardness; to cauterize; to expose to a degree of heat such as changes the color or the hardness and texture of the surface; to scorch; to make callous; as, to sear the skin or flesh. Also used figuratively., The catch in a gunlock by which the hammer is held cocked or half cocked.
sere adjective [OE. seer, AS. sear (assumed) fr. searian to wither; akin to D. zoor dry, LG. soor, OHG. sor/n to to wither, Gr. a”y`ein to parch, to dry, Skr. /ush (for sush) to dry, to wither, Zend hush to dry. Ã152. Cf. Austere, Sorrel, a.] Dry; withered; no longer green; — applied to leaves., Dry; withered. Same as Sear., Claw; talon.
seat noun The place or thing upon which one sits; hence; anything made to be sat in or upon, as a chair, bench, stool, saddle, or the like., The place occupied by anything, or where any person or thing is situated, resides, or abides; a site; an abode, a station; a post; a situation., That part of a thing on which a person sits; as, the seat of a chair or saddle; the seat of a pair of pantaloons., A sitting; a right to sit; regular or appropriate place of sitting; as, a seat in a church; a seat for the season in the opera house., Posture, or way of sitting, on horseback., A part or surface on which another part or surface rests; as, a valve seat., To place on a seat; to cause to sit down; as, to seat one’s self., To cause to occupy a post, site, situation, or the like; to station; to establish; to fix; to settle., To assign a seat to, or the seats of; to give a sitting to; as, to seat a church, or persons in a church., To fix; to set firm., To settle; to plant with inhabitants; as to seat a country., To put a seat or bottom in; as, to seat a chair., To rest; to lie down.
seck adjective Barren; unprofitable. See Rent seck, under Rent.
sect noun A cutting; a scion., Those following a particular leader or authority, or attached to a certain opinion; a company or set having a common belief or allegiance distinct from others; in religion, the believers in a particular creed, or upholders of a particular practice; especially, in modern times, a party dissenting from an established church; a denomination; in philosophy, the disciples of a particular master; a school; in society and the state, an order, rank, class, or party.
seen past participle of See, p. p. of See., Versed; skilled; accomplished.
seed plural of Seed, A ripened ovule, consisting of an embryo with one or more integuments, or coverings; as, an apple seed; a currant seed. By germination it produces a new plant., Any small seedlike fruit, though it may consist of a pericarp, or even a calyx, as well as the seed proper; as, parsnip seed; thistle seed., The generative fluid of the male; semen; sperm; — not used in the plural., That from which anything springs; first principle; original; source; as, the seeds of virtue or vice., The principle of production., Progeny; offspring; children; descendants; as, the seed of Abraham; the seed of David., Race; generation; birth., To sprinkle with seed; to plant seeds in; to sow; as, to seed a field., To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with seedlike decorations.
seek adjective Sick., To go in search of; to look for; to search for; to try to find., To inquire for; to ask for; to solicit; to bessech., To try to acquire or gain; to strive after; to aim at; as, to seek wealth or fame; to seek one’s life., To try to reach or come to; to go to; to resort to., To make search or inquiry: to endeavor to make discovery.
seel verb t. To close the eyes of (a hawk or other bird) by drawing through the lids threads which were fastened over the head., Hence, to shut or close, as the eyes; to blind., To incline to one side; to lean; to roll, as a ship at sea., Alt. of Seeling, Good fortune; favorable opportunity; prosperity. [Obs.] “So have I seel”., Time; season; as, hay seel.
seem adjective To appear, or to appear to be; to have a show or semblance; to present an appearance; to look; to strike one’s apprehension or fancy as being; to be taken as., To befit; to beseem.
seep verb i. Alt. of Sipe
seer adjective Sore; painful., One who sees., A person who foresees events; a prophet.
seet imp. Sate; sat.
sego noun A liliaceous plant (Calochortus Nuttallii) of Western North America, and its edible bulb; — so called by the Ute Indians and the Mormons.
seid noun A descendant of Mohammed through his daughter Fatima and nephew Ali.
seke adjective Sick., To seek.
seld adjective Rare; uncommon; unusual., Rarely; seldom.
self adjective Same; particular; very; identical., The individual as the object of his own reflective consciousness; the man viewed by his own cognition as the subject of all his mental phenomena, the agent in his own activities, the subject of his own feelings, and the possessor of capacities and character; a person as a distinct individual; a being regarded as having personality., Hence, personal interest, or love of private interest; selfishness; as, self is his whole aim., Personification; embodiment.
sell noun Self., A sill., A cell; a house., A saddle for a horse., A throne or lofty seat., To transfer to another for an equivalent; to give up for a valuable consideration; to dispose of in return for something, especially for money., To make a matter of bargain and sale of; to accept a price or reward for, as for a breach of duty, trust, or the like; to betray., To impose upon; to trick; to deceive; to make a fool of; to cheat., To practice selling commodities., To be sold; as, corn sells at a good price., An imposition; a cheat; a hoax.
sely adjective Silly.
seme adjective Sprinkled or sown; — said of field, or a charge, when strewed or covered with small charges.
sent imp. & past participle of Send, See Scent, v. & n., obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Send, for sendeth., imp. & p. p. of Send.
send verb t. To cause to go in any manner; to dispatch; to commission or direct to go; as, to send a messenger., To give motion to; to cause to be borne or carried; to procure the going, transmission, or delivery of; as, to send a message., To emit; to impel; to cast; to throw; to hurl; as, to send a ball, an arrow, or the like., To cause to be or to happen; to bestow; to inflict; to grant; — sometimes followed by a dependent proposition., To dispatch an agent or messenger to convey a message, or to do an errand., To pitch; as, the ship sends forward so violently as to endanger her masts., The impulse of a wave by which a vessel is carried bodily.
sens adverb Since.
sept noun A clan, tribe, or family, proceeding from a common progenitor; — used especially of the ancient clans in Ireland.
serf verb t. A servant or slave employed in husbandry, and in some countries attached to the soil and transferred with it, as formerly in Russia.
serr verb t. To crowd, press, or drive together.
sess verb t. To lay a tax upon; to assess., A tax; an assessment. See Cess.
seta noun Any slender, more or less rigid, bristlelike organ or part; as the hairs of a caterpillar, the slender spines of a crustacean, the hairlike processes of a protozoan, the bristles or stiff hairs on the leaves of some plants, or the pedicel of the capsule of a moss., One of the movable chitinous spines or hooks of an annelid. They usually arise in clusters from muscular capsules, and are used in locomotion and for defense. They are very diverse in form., One of the spinelike feathers at the base of the bill of certain birds.
sett noun See Set, n., 2 (e) and 3.
sewn of Sew
sewe verb i. To perform the duties of a sewer. See 3d Sewer.
sex- A combining form meaning six; as, sexdigitism; sexennial.
sext noun The office for the sixth canonical hour, being a part of the Breviary., The sixth book of the decretals, added by Pope Boniface VIII.
seyh imp. sing. & 2d pers. pl. of See.
seye Alt. of Seyen