4 letter word starting with ta

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
taas noun A heap. See Tas.
tabu noun & verb See Taboo.
tace noun The cross, or church, of St. Antony. See Illust. (6), under Cross, n., See Tasse.
tack noun A stain; a tache., A peculiar flavor or taint; as, a musty tack., A small, short, sharp-pointed nail, usually having a broad, flat head., That which is attached; a supplement; an appendix. See Tack, v. t., 3., A rope used to hold in place the foremost lower corners of the courses when the vessel is closehauled (see Illust. of Ship); also, a rope employed to pull the lower corner of a studding sail to the boom., The part of a sail to which the tack is usually fastened; the foremost lower corner of fore-and-aft sails, as of schooners (see Illust. of Sail)., The direction of a vessel in regard to the trim of her sails; as, the starboard tack, or port tack; — the former when she is closehauled with the wind on her starboard side; hence, the run of a vessel on one tack; also, a change of direction., A contract by which the use of a thing is set, or let, for hire; a lease., Confidence; reliance., To fasten or attach., Especially, to attach or secure in a slight or hasty manner, as by stitching or nailing; as, to tack together the sheets of a book; to tack one piece of cloth to another; to tack on a board or shingle; to tack one piece of metal to another by drops of solder., In parliamentary usage, to add (a supplement) to a bill; to append; — often with on or to., To change the direction of (a vessel) when sailing closehauled, by putting the helm alee and shifting the tacks and sails so that she will proceed to windward nearly at right angles to her former course., To change the direction of a vessel by shifting the position of the helm and sails; also (as said of a vessel), to have her direction changed through the shifting of the helm and sails. See Tack, v. t., 4.
tact noun The sense of touch; feeling., The stroke in beating time., Sensitive mental touch; peculiar skill or faculty; nice perception or discernment; ready power of appreciating and doing what is required by circumstances.
tael noun A denomination of money, in China, worth nearly six shillings sterling, or about a dollar and forty cents; also, a weight of one ounce and a third.
taen Alt. of Ta’en
taha noun The African rufous-necked weaver bird (Hyphantornis texor).
tahr noun Same as Thar.
tail noun Limitation; abridgment., Limited; abridged; reduced; curtailed; as, estate tail., The terminal, and usually flexible, posterior appendage of an animal., Any long, flexible terminal appendage; whatever resembles, in shape or position, the tail of an animal, as a catkin., Hence, the back, last, lower, or inferior part of anything, — as opposed to the head, or the superior part., A train or company of attendants; a retinue., The side of a coin opposite to that which bears the head, effigy, or date; the reverse; — rarely used except in the expression “heads or tails,” employed when a coin is thrown up for the purpose of deciding some point by its fall., The distal tendon of a muscle., A downy or feathery appendage to certain achenes. It is formed of the permanent elongated style., A portion of an incision, at its beginning or end, which does not go through the whole thickness of the skin, and is more painful than a complete incision; — called also tailing., One of the strips at the end of a bandage formed by splitting the bandage one or more times., A rope spliced to the strap of a block, by which it may be lashed to anything., The part of a note which runs perpendicularly upward or downward from the head; the stem., Same as Tailing, 4., The bottom or lower portion of a member or part, as a slate or tile., See Tailing, n., 5., To follow or hang to, like a tail; to be attached closely to, as that which can not be evaded., To pull or draw by the tail., To hold by the end; — said of a timber when it rests upon a wall or other support; — with in or into., To swing with the stern in a certain direction; — said of a vessel at anchor; as, this vessel tails down stream.
tain noun Thin tin plate; also, tin foil for mirrors.
tait noun A small nocturnal and arboreal Australian marsupial (Tarsipes rostratus) about the size of a mouse. It has a long muzzle, a long tongue, and very few teeth, and feeds upon honey and insects. Called also noolbenger.
take past participle Taken., In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the hands, or otherwise; to grasp; to get into one’s hold or possession; to procure; to seize and carry away; to convey., To obtain possession of by force or artifice; to get the custody or control of; to reduce into subjection to one’s power or will; to capture; to seize; to make prisoner; as, to take am army, a city, or a ship; also, to come upon or befall; to fasten on; to attack; to seize; — said of a disease, misfortune, or the like., To gain or secure the interest or affection of; to captivate; to engage; to interest; to charm., To make selection of; to choose; also, to turn to; to have recourse to; as, to take the road to the right., To employ; to use; to occupy; hence, to demand; to require; as, it takes so much cloth to make a coat., To form a likeness of; to copy; to delineate; to picture; as, to take picture of a person., To draw; to deduce; to derive., To assume; to adopt; to acquire, as shape; to permit to one’s self; to indulge or engage in; to yield to; to have or feel; to enjoy or experience, as rest, revenge, delight, shame; to form and adopt, as a resolution; — used in general senses, limited by a following complement, in many idiomatic phrases; as, to take a resolution; I take the liberty to say., To lead; to conduct; as, to take a child to church., To carry; to convey; to deliver to another; to hand over; as, he took the book to the bindery., To remove; to withdraw; to deduct; — with from; as, to take the breath from one; to take two from four., In a somewhat passive sense, to receive; to bear; to endure; to acknowledge; to accept., To accept, as something offered; to receive; not to refuse or reject; to admit., To receive as something to be eaten or dronk; to partake of; to swallow; as, to take food or wine., Not to refuse or balk at; to undertake readily; to clear; as, to take a hedge or fence., To bear without ill humor or resentment; to submit to; to tolerate; to endure; as, to take a joke; he will take an affront from no man., To admit, as, something presented to the mind; not to dispute; to allow; to accept; to receive in thought; to entertain in opinion; to understand; to interpret; to regard or look upon; to consider; to suppose; as, to take a thing for granted; this I take to be man’s motive; to take men for spies., To accept the word or offer of; to receive and accept; to bear; to submit to; to enter into agreement with; — used in general senses; as, to take a form or shape., To take hold; to fix upon anything; to have the natural or intended effect; to accomplish a purpose; as, he was inoculated, but the virus did not take., To please; to gain reception; to succeed., To move or direct the course; to resort; to betake one’s self; to proceed; to go; — usually with to; as, the fox, being hard pressed, took to the hedge., To admit of being pictured, as in a photograph; as, his face does not take well., That which is taken; especially, the quantity of fish captured at one haul or catch., The quantity or copy given to a compositor at one time.
talc noun A soft mineral of a soapy feel and a greenish, whitish, or grayish color, usually occurring in foliated masses. It is hydrous silicate of magnesia. Steatite, or soapstone, is a compact granular variety.
tale noun See Tael., That which is told; an oral relation or recital; any rehearsal of what has occured; narrative; discourse; statement; history; story., A number told or counted off; a reckoning by count; an enumeration; a count, in distinction from measure or weight; a number reckoned or stated., A count or declaration., To tell stories.
talk noun To utter words; esp., to converse familiarly; to speak, as in familiar discourse, when two or more persons interchange thoughts., To confer; to reason; to consult., To prate; to speak impertinently., To speak freely; to use for conversing or communicating; as, to talk French., To deliver in talking; to speak; to utter; to make a subject of conversation; as, to talk nonsense; to talk politics., To consume or spend in talking; — often followed by away; as, to talk away an evening., To cause to be or become by talking., The act of talking; especially, familiar converse; mutual discourse; that which is uttered, especially in familiar conversation, or the mutual converse of two or more., Report; rumor; as, to hear talk of war., Subject of discourse; as, his achievment is the talk of the town.
tall superl. High in stature; having a considerable, or an unusual, extension upward; long and comparatively slender; having the diameter or lateral extent small in proportion to the height; as, a tall person, tree, or mast., Brave; bold; courageous., Fine; splendid; excellent; also, extravagant; excessive.
tali plural of Talus
tame verb t. To broach or enter upon; to taste, as a liquor; to divide; to distribute; to deal out., Reduced from a state of native wildness and shyness; accustomed to man; domesticated; domestic; as, a tame deer, a tame bird., Crushed; subdued; depressed; spiritless., Deficient in spirit or animation; spiritless; dull; flat; insipid; as, a tame poem; tame scenery., To reduce from a wild to a domestic state; to make gentle and familiar; to reclaim; to domesticate; as, to tame a wild beast., To subdue; to conquer; to repress; as, to tame the pride or passions of youth.
tamp verb t. In blasting, to plug up with clay, earth, dry sand, sod, or other material, as a hole bored in a rock, in order to prevent the force of the explosion from being misdirected., To drive in or down by frequent gentle strokes; as, to tamp earth so as to make a smooth place.
tana noun Same as Banxring.
tang noun A coarse blackish seaweed (Fuscus nodosus)., A strong or offensive taste; especially, a taste of something extraneous to the thing itself; as, wine or cider has a tang of the cask., Fig.: A sharp, specific flavor or tinge. Cf. Tang a twang., A projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part; anything resembling a tongue in form or position., The part of a knife, fork, file, or other small instrument, which is inserted into the handle., The projecting part of the breech of a musket barrel, by which the barrel is secured to the stock., The part of a sword blade to which the handle is fastened., The tongue of a buckle., A sharp, twanging sound; an unpleasant tone; a twang., To cause to ring or sound loudly; to ring., To make a ringing sound; to ring.
tank noun A small Indian dry measure, averaging 240 grains in weight; also, a Bombay weight of 72 grains, for pearls., A large basin or cistern; an artificial receptacle for liquids.
tant noun A small scarlet arachnid.
tapa noun A kind of cloth prepared by the Polynesians from the inner bark of the paper mulberry; — sometimes called also kapa.
tape noun A narrow fillet or band of cotton or linen; a narrow woven fabric used for strings and the like; as, curtains tied with tape., A tapeline; also, a metallic ribbon so marked as to serve as a tapeline; as, a steel tape.
tare imp. Tore., A weed that grows among wheat and other grain; — alleged by modern naturalists to be the Lolium temulentum, or darnel., A name of several climbing or diffuse leguminous herbs of the genus Vicia; especially, the V. sativa, sometimes grown for fodder., Deficientcy in the weight or quantity of goods by reason of the weight of the cask, bag, or whatever contains the commodity, and is weighed with it; hence, the allowance or abatement of a certain weight or quantity which the seller makes to the buyer on account of the weight of such cask, bag, etc., To ascertain or mark the tare of (goods)., of Tear
tarn noun A mountain lake or pool.
taro noun A name for several aroid plants (Colocasia antiquorum, var. esculenta, Colocasia macrorhiza, etc.), and their rootstocks. They have large ovate-sagittate leaves and large fleshy rootstocks, which are cooked and used for food in tropical countries.
tart verb t. Sharp to the taste; acid; sour; as, a tart apple., Fig.: Sharp; keen; severe; as, a tart reply; tart language; a tart rebuke., A species of small open pie, or piece of pastry, containing jelly or conserve; a sort of fruit pie.
task verb Labor or study imposed by another, often in a definite quantity or amount., Business; employment; undertaking; labor., To impose a task upon; to assign a definite amount of business, labor, or duty to., To oppress with severe or excessive burdens; to tax., To charge; to tax; as with a fault.
tath obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Ta, to take., Dung, or droppings of cattle., The luxuriant grass growing about the droppings of cattle in a pasture., To manure (land) by pasturing cattle on it, or causing them to lie upon it.
tatt verb t. & i. To make (anything) by tatting; to work at tatting; as, tatted edging.
tatu noun Same as Tatou.
taur noun The constellation Taurus.
taut adjective Tight; stretched; not slack; — said esp. of a rope that is tightly strained., Snug; close; firm; secure.
taws noun A leather lash, or other instrument of punishment, used by a schoolmaster.