4 letter word starting with ve

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
veal noun The flesh of a calf when killed and used for food.
veda noun The ancient sacred literature of the Hindus; also, one of the four collections, called Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda, and Atharva-Veda, constituting the most ancient portions of that literature.
veer verb i. To change direction; to turn; to shift; as, wind veers to the west or north., To direct to a different course; to turn; to wear; as, to veer, or wear, a vessel.
vega noun A brilliant star of the first magnitude, the brightest of those constituting the constellation Lyra.
veil noun Something hung up, or spread out, to intercept the view, and hide an object; a cover; a curtain; esp., a screen, usually of gauze, crape, or similar diaphnous material, to hide or protect the face., A cover; disguise; a mask; a pretense., The calyptra of mosses., A membrane connecting the margin of the pileus of a mushroom with the stalk; — called also velum., A covering for a person or thing; as, a nun’s veil; a paten veil; an altar veil., Same as Velum, 3., To throw a veil over; to cover with a veil., Fig.: To invest; to cover; to hide; to conceal.
vein noun One of the vessels which carry blood, either venous or arterial, to the heart. See Artery, 2., One of the similar branches of the framework of a leaf., One of the ribs or nervures of the wings of insects. See Venation., A narrow mass of rock intersecting other rocks, and filling inclined or vertical fissures not corresponding with the stratification; a lode; a dike; — often limited, in the language of miners, to a mineral vein or lode, that is, to a vein which contains useful minerals or ores., A fissure, cleft, or cavity, as in the earth or other substance., A streak or wave of different color, appearing in wood, and in marble and other stones; variegation., A train of association, thoughts, emotions, or the like; a current; a course., Peculiar temper or temperament; tendency or turn of mind; a particular disposition or cast of genius; humor; strain; quality; also, manner of speech or action; as, a rich vein of humor; a satirical vein., To form or mark with veins; to fill or cover with veins.
vele noun A veil.
vell noun The salted stomach of a calf, used in making cheese; a rennet bag., To cut the turf from, as for burning.
vela plural of Velum
vena noun A vein.
vend verb t. To transfer to another person for a pecuniary equivalent; to make an object of trade; to dispose of by sale; to sell; as, to vend goods; to vend vegetables., The act of vending or selling; a sale., The total sales of coal from a colliery.
vent noun Sale; opportunity to sell; market., To sell; to vend., A baiting place; an inn., To snuff; to breathe or puff out; to snort., A small aperture; a hole or passage for air or any fluid to escape; as, the vent of a cask; the vent of a mold; a volcanic vent., The anal opening of certain invertebrates and fishes; also, the external cloacal opening of reptiles, birds, amphibians, and many fishes., The opening at the breech of a firearm, through which fire is communicated to the powder of the charge; touchhole., Sectional area of the passage for gases divided by the length of the same passage in feet., Fig.: Opportunity of escape or passage from confinement or privacy; outlet., Emission; escape; passage to notice or expression; publication; utterance., To let out at a vent, or small aperture; to give passage or outlet to., To suffer to escape from confinement; to let out; to utter; to pour forth; as, to vent passion or complaint., To utter; to report; to publish., To scent, as a hound., To furnish with a vent; to make a vent in; as, to vent. a mold.
verb noun A word; a vocable., A word which affirms or predicates something of some person or thing; a part of speech expressing being, action, or the suffering of action.
verd noun The privilege of cutting green wood within a forest for fuel., The right of pasturing animals in a forest., Greenness; freshness.
vers noun sing. & pl. A verse or verses. See Verse.
vert noun Everything that grows, and bears a green leaf, within the forest; as, to preserve vert and venison is the duty of the verderer., The right or privilege of cutting growing wood., The color green, represented in a drawing or engraving by parallel lines sloping downward toward the right.
very verb t. True; real; actual; veritable., In a high degree; to no small extent; exceedingly; excessively; extremely; as, a very great mountain; a very bright sum; a very cold day; the river flows very rapidly; he was very much hurt.
vese noun Onset; rush; violent draught or wind.
vest noun An article of clothing covering the person; an outer garment; a vestment; a dress; a vesture; a robe., Any outer covering; array; garb., Specifically, a waistcoat, or sleeveless body garment, for men, worn under the coat., To clothe with, or as with, a vestment, or garment; to dress; to robe; to cover, surround, or encompass closely., To clothe with authority, power, or the like; to put in possession; to invest; to furnish; to endow; — followed by with before the thing conferred; as, to vest a court with power to try cases of life and death., To place or give into the possession or discretion of some person or authority; to commit to another; — with in before the possessor; as, the power of life and death is vested in the king, or in the courts., To invest; to put; as, to vest money in goods, land, or houses., To clothe with possession; as, to vest a person with an estate; also, to give a person an immediate fixed right of present or future enjoyment of; as, an estate is vested in possession., To come or descend; to be fixed; to take effect, as a title or right; — followed by in; as, upon the death of the ancestor, the estate, or the right to the estate, vests in the heir at law.
veto noun An authoritative prohibition or negative; a forbidding; an interdiction., A power or right possessed by one department of government to forbid or prohibit the carrying out of projects attempted by another department; especially, in a constitutional government, a power vested in the chief executive to prevent the enactment of measures passed by the legislature. Such a power may be absolute, as in the case of the Tribunes of the People in ancient Rome, or limited, as in the case of the President of the United States. Called also the veto power., The exercise of such authority; an act of prohibition or prevention; as, a veto is probable if the bill passes., A document or message communicating the reasons of the executive for not officially approving a proposed law; — called also veto message., To prohibit; to negative; also, to refuse assent to, as a legislative bill, and thus prevent its enactment; as, to veto an appropriation bill.