4 letter word starting with wa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
waag noun The grivet.
wadd noun An earthy oxide of manganese, or mixture of different oxides and water, with some oxide of iron, and often silica, alumina, lime, or baryta; black ocher. There are several varieties., Plumbago, or black lead.
wade noun Woad., To go; to move forward., To walk in a substance that yields to the feet; to move, sinking at each step, as in water, mud, sand, etc., Hence, to move with difficulty or labor; to proceed /lowly among objects or circumstances that constantly /inder or embarrass; as, to wade through a dull book., To pass or cross by wading; as, he waded /he rivers and swamps., The act of wading.
wady noun A ravine through which a brook flows; the channel of a water course, which is dry except in the rainy season.
waeg noun The kittiwake.
waft verb t. To give notice to by waving something; to wave the hand to; to beckon., To cause to move or go in a wavy manner, or by the impulse of waves, as of water or air; to bear along on a buoyant medium; as, a balloon was wafted over the channel., To cause to float; to keep from sinking; to buoy., To be moved, or to pass, on a buoyant medium; to float., A wave or current of wind., A signal made by waving something, as a flag, in the air., An unpleasant flavor., A knot, or stop, in the middle of a flag.
wage verb t. To pledge; to hazard on the event of a contest; to stake; to bet, to lay; to wager; as, to wage a dollar., To expose one’s self to, as a risk; to incur, as a danger; to venture; to hazard., To engage in, as a contest, as if by previous gage or pledge; to carry on, as a war., To adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; to hire out., To put upon wages; to hire; to employ; to pay wages to., To give security for the performance of., To bind one’s self; to engage., That which is staked or ventured; that for which one incurs risk or danger; prize; gage., That for which one labors; meed; reward; stipulated payment for service performed; hire; pay; compensation; — at present generally used in the plural. See Wages.
waid adjective Oppressed with weight; crushed; weighed down.
waif noun Goods found of which the owner is not known; originally, such goods as a pursued thief threw away to prevent being apprehended, which belonged to the king unless the owner made pursuit of the felon, took him, and brought him to justice., Hence, anything found, or without an owner; that which comes along, as it were, by chance., A wanderer; a castaway; a stray; a homeless child.
wail verb t. To choose; to select., To lament; to bewail; to grieve over; as, to wail one’s death., To express sorrow audibly; to make mournful outcry; to weep., Loud weeping; violent lamentation; wailing.
wain noun A four-wheeled vehicle for the transportation of goods, produce, etc.; a wagon., A chariot.
wair noun A piece of plank two yard/ long and a foot broad.
wait verb i. To watch; to observe; to take notice., To stay or rest in expectation; to stop or remain stationary till the arrival of some person or event; to rest in patience; to stay; not to depart., To stay for; to rest or remain stationary in expectation of; to await; as, to wait orders., To attend as a consequence; to follow upon; to accompany; to await., To attend on; to accompany; especially, to attend with ceremony or respect., To cause to wait; to defer; to postpone; — said of a meal; as, to wait dinner., The act of waiting; a delay; a halt., Ambush., One who watches; a watchman., Hautboys, or oboes, played by town musicians; not used in the singular., Musicians who sing or play at night or in the early morning, especially at Christmas time; serenaders; musical watchmen.
wake noun The track left by a vessel in the water; by extension, any track; as, the wake of an army., To be or to continue awake; to watch; not to sleep., To sit up late festive purposes; to hold a night revel., To be excited or roused from sleep; to awake; to be awakened; to cease to sleep; — often with up., To be exited or roused up; to be stirred up from a dormant, torpid, or inactive state; to be active., To rouse from sleep; to awake., To put in motion or action; to arouse; to excite., To bring to life again, as if from the sleep of death; to reanimate; to revive., To watch, or sit up with, at night, as a dead body., The act of waking, or being awaked; also, the state of being awake., The state of forbearing sleep, especially for solemn or festive purposes; a vigil., An annual parish festival formerly held in commemoration of the dedication of a church. Originally, prayers were said on the evening preceding, and hymns were sung during the night, in the church; subsequently, these vigils were discontinued, and the day itself, often with succeeding days, was occupied in rural pastimes and exercises, attended by eating and drinking, often to excess., The sitting up of persons with a dead body, often attended with a degree of festivity, chiefly among the Irish.
wald noun A forest; — used as a termination of names. See Weald.
wale noun A streak or mark made on the skin by a rod or whip; a stripe; a wheal. See Wheal., A ridge or streak rising above the surface, as of cloth; hence, the texture of cloth., A timber bolted to a row of piles to secure them together and in position., Certain sets or strakes of the outside planking of a vessel; as, the main wales, or the strakes of planking under the port sills of the gun deck; channel wales, or those along the spar deck, etc., A wale knot, or wall knot., To mark with wales, or stripes., To choose; to select; specifically (Mining), to pick out the refuse of (coal) by hand, in order to clean it.
walk verb i. To move along on foot; to advance by steps; to go on at a moderate pace; specifically, of two-legged creatures, to proceed at a slower or faster rate, but without running, or lifting one foot entirely before the other touches the ground., To move or go on the feet for exercise or amusement; to take one’s exercise; to ramble., To be stirring; to be abroad; to go restlessly about; — said of things or persons expected to remain quiet, as a sleeping person, or the spirit of a dead person; to go about as a somnambulist or a specter., To be in motion; to act; to move; to wag., To behave; to pursue a course of life; to conduct one’s self., To move off; to depart., To pass through, over, or upon; to traverse; to perambulate; as, to walk the streets., To cause to walk; to lead, drive, or ride with a slow pace; as to walk one’s horses., To subject, as cloth or yarn, to the fulling process; to full., The act of walking, or moving on the feet with a slow pace; advance without running or leaping., The act of walking for recreation or exercise; as, a morning walk; an evening walk., Manner of walking; gait; step; as, we often know a person at a distance by his walk., That in or through which one walks; place or distance walked over; a place for walking; a path or avenue prepared for foot passengers, or for taking air and exercise; way; road; hence, a place or region in which animals may graze; place of wandering; range; as, a sheep walk., A frequented track; habitual place of action; sphere; as, the walk of the historian., Conduct; course of action; behavior., The route or district regularly served by a vender; as, a milkman’s walk.
wall noun A kind of knot often used at the end of a rope; a wall knot; a wale., A work or structure of stone, brick, or other materials, raised to some height, and intended for defense or security, solid and permanent inclosing fence, as around a field, a park, a town, etc., also, one of the upright inclosing parts of a building or a room., A defense; a rampart; a means of protection; in the plural, fortifications, in general; works for defense., An inclosing part of a receptacle or vessel; as, the walls of a steam-engine cylinder., The side of a level or drift., The country rock bounding a vein laterally., To inclose with a wall, or as with a wall., To defend by walls, or as if by walls; to fortify., To close or fill with a wall, as a doorway.
walm verb i. To roll; to spout; to boil up.
waly interj. An exclamation of grief.
wamp noun The common American eider.
wand noun A small stick; a rod; a verge., A staff of authority., A rod used by conjurers, diviners, magicians, etc.
wane verb i. To be diminished; to decrease; — contrasted with wax, and especially applied to the illuminated part of the moon., To decline; to fail; to sink., To cause to decrease., The decrease of the illuminated part of the moon to the eye of a spectator., Decline; failure; diminution; decrease; declension., An inequality in a board.
wang noun The jaw, jawbone, or cheek bone., A slap; a blow., See Whang.
want verb i. The state of not having; the condition of being without anything; absence or scarcity of what is needed or desired; deficiency; lack; as, a want of power or knowledge for any purpose; want of food and clothing., Specifically, absence or lack of necessaries; destitution; poverty; penury; indigence; need., That which is needed or desired; a thing of which the loss is felt; what is not possessed, and is necessary for use or pleasure., A depression in coal strata, hollowed out before the subsequent deposition took place., To be without; to be destitute of, or deficient in; not to have; to lack; as, to want knowledge; to want judgment; to want learning; to want food and clothing., To have occasion for, as useful, proper, or requisite; to require; to need; as, in winter we want a fire; in summer we want cooling breezes., To feel need of; to wish or long for; to desire; to crave., To be absent; to be deficient or lacking; to fail; not to be sufficient; to fall or come short; to lack; — often used impersonally with of; as, it wants ten minutes of four., To be in a state of destitution; to be needy; to lack.
wany verb i. To wane., Waning or diminished in some parts; not of uniform size throughout; — said especially of sawed boards or timber when tapering or uneven, from being cut too near the outside of the log., Spoiled by wet; — said of timber.
wapp noun A fair-leader., A rope with wall knots in it with which the shrouds are set taut.
ward adjective The act of guarding; watch; guard; guardianship; specifically, a guarding during the day. See the Note under Watch, n., 1., One who, or that which, guards; garrison; defender; protector; means of guarding; defense; protection., The state of being under guard or guardianship; confinement under guard; the condition of a child under a guardian; custody., A guarding or defensive motion or position, as in fencing; guard., One who, or that which, is guarded., A minor or person under the care of a guardian; as, a ward in chancery., A division of a county., A division, district, or quarter of a town or city., A division of a forest., A division of a hospital; as, a fever ward., A projecting ridge of metal in the interior of a lock, to prevent the use of any key which has not a corresponding notch for passing it., A notch or slit in a key corresponding to a ridge in the lock which it fits; a ward notch., To keep in safety; to watch; to guard; formerly, in a specific sense, to guard during the day time., To defend; to protect., To defend by walls, fortifications, etc., To fend off; to repel; to turn aside, as anything mischievous that approaches; — usually followed by off., To be vigilant; to keep guard., To act on the defensive with a weapon.
ware imp. Wore., To wear, or veer. See Wear., Seaweed., Articles of merchandise; the sum of articles of a particular kind or class; style or class of manufactures; especially, in the plural, goods; commodities; merchandise., A ware; taking notice; hence, wary; cautious; on one’s guard. See Beware., The state of being ware or aware; heed., To make ware; to warn; to take heed of; to beware of; to guard against.
wark noun Work; a building.
warm superl. Having heat in a moderate degree; not cold as, warm milk., Having a sensation of heat, esp. of gentle heat; glowing., Subject to heat; having prevalence of heat, or little or no cold weather; as, the warm climate of Egypt., Fig.: Not cool, indifferent, lukewarm, or the like, in spirit or temper; zealous; ardent; fervent; excited; sprightly; irritable; excitable., Violent; vehement; furious; excited; passionate; as, a warm contest; a warm debate., Being well off as to property, or in good circumstances; forehanded; rich., In children’s games, being near the object sought for; hence, being close to the discovery of some person, thing, or fact concealed., Having yellow or red for a basis, or in their composition; — said of colors, and opposed to cold which is of blue and its compounds., To communicate a moderate degree of heat to; to render warm; to supply or furnish heat to; as, a stove warms an apartment., To make engaged or earnest; to interest; to engage; to excite ardor or zeal; to enliven., To become warm, or moderately heated; as, the earth soon warms in a clear day summer., To become ardent or animated; as, the speake/ warms as he proceeds., The act of warming, or the state of being warmed; a warming; a heating.
warn verb t. To refuse., To make ware or aware; to give previous information to; to give notice to; to notify; to admonish; hence, to notify or summon by authority; as, to warn a town meeting; to warn a tenant to quit a house., To give notice to, of approaching or probable danger or evil; to caution against anything that may prove injurious., To ward off.
warp verb t. To throw; hence, to send forth, or throw out, as words; to utter., To turn or twist out of shape; esp., to twist or bend out of a flat plane by contraction or otherwise., To turn aside from the true direction; to cause to bend or incline; to pervert., To weave; to fabricate., To tow or move, as a vessel, with a line, or warp, attached to a buoy, anchor, or other fixed object., To cast prematurely, as young; — said of cattle, sheep, etc., To let the tide or other water in upon (lowlying land), for the purpose of fertilization, by a deposit of warp, or slimy substance., To run off the reel into hauls to be tarred, as yarns., To arrange (yarns) on a warp beam., To turn, twist, or be twisted out of shape; esp., to be twisted or bent out of a flat plane; as, a board warps in seasoning or shrinking., to turn or incline from a straight, true, or proper course; to deviate; to swerve., To fly with a bending or waving motion; to turn and wave, like a flock of birds or insects., To cast the young prematurely; to slink; — said of cattle, sheep, etc., To wind yarn off bobbins for forming the warp of a web; to wind a warp on a warp beam., The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and crossed by the woof., A rope used in hauling or moving a vessel, usually with one end attached to an anchor, a post, or other fixed object; a towing line; a warping hawser., A slimy substance deposited on land by tides, etc., by which a rich alluvial soil is formed., A premature casting of young; — said of cattle, sheep, etc., Four; esp., four herrings; a cast. See Cast, n., 17., The state of being warped or twisted; as, the warp of a board.
wart noun A small, usually hard, tumor on the skin formed by enlargement of its vascular papillae, and thickening of the epidermis which covers them., An excrescence or protuberance more or less resembling a true wart; specifically (Bot.), a glandular excrescence or hardened protuberance on plants.
wary adjective Cautious of danger; carefully watching and guarding against deception, artifices, and dangers; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous; careful., Characterized by caution; guarded; careful.
wase noun A bundle of straw, or other material, to relieve the pressure of burdens carried upon the head.
wash verb t. To cleanse by ablution, or dipping or rubbing in water; to apply water or other liquid to for the purpose of cleansing; to scrub with water, etc., or as with water; as, to wash the hands or body; to wash garments; to wash sheep or wool; to wash the pavement or floor; to wash the bark of trees., To cover with water or any liquid; to wet; to fall on and moisten; hence, to overflow or dash against; as, waves wash the shore., To waste or abrade by the force of water in motion; as, heavy rains wash a road or an embankment., To remove by washing to take away by, or as by, the action of water; to drag or draw off as by the tide; — often with away, off, out, etc.; as, to wash dirt from the hands., To cover with a thin or watery coat of color; to tint lightly and thinly., To overlay with a thin coat of metal; as, steel washed with silver., To perform the act of ablution., To clean anything by rubbing or dipping it in water; to perform the business of cleansing clothes, ore, etc., in water., To bear without injury the operation of being washed; as, some calicoes do not wash., To be wasted or worn away by the action of water, as by a running or overflowing stream, or by the dashing of the sea; — said of road, a beach, etc., The act of washing; an ablution; a cleansing, wetting, or dashing with water; hence, a quantity, as of clothes, washed at once., A piece of ground washed by the action of a sea or river, or sometimes covered and sometimes left dry; the shallowest part of a river, or arm of the sea; also, a bog; a marsh; a fen; as, the washes in Lincolnshire., Substances collected and deposited by the action of water; as, the wash of a sewer, of a river, etc., Waste liquid, the refuse of food, the collection from washed dishes, etc., from a kitchen, often used as food for pigs., The fermented wort before the spirit is extracted., A mixture of dunder, molasses, water, and scummings, used in the West Indies for distillation., That with which anything is washed, or wetted, smeared, tinted, etc., upon the surface., A liquid cosmetic for the complexion., A liquid dentifrice., A liquid preparation for the hair; as, a hair wash., A medical preparation in a liquid form for external application; a lotion., A thin coat of color, esp. water color., A thin coat of metal laid on anything for beauty or preservation., The blade of an oar, or the thin part which enters the water., The backward current or disturbed water caused by the action of oars, or of a steamer’s screw or paddles, etc., The flow, swash, or breaking of a body of water, as a wave; also, the sound of it., Ten strikes, or bushels, of oysters., Washy; weak., Capable of being washed without injury; washable; as, wash goods.
wasp noun Any one of numerous species of stinging hymenopterous insects, esp. any of the numerous species of the genus Vespa, which includes the true, or social, wasps, some of which are called yellow jackets.
wast The second person singular of the verb be, in the indicative mood, imperfect tense; — now used only in solemn or poetical style. See Was.
watt noun A unit of power or activity equal to 107 C.G.S. units of power, or to work done at the rate of one joule a second. An English horse power is approximately equal to 746 watts.
waul verb i. To cry as a cat; to squall; to wail.
waur adjective Worse.
wave verb t. See Waive., To play loosely; to move like a wave, one way and the other; to float; to flutter; to undulate., To be moved to and fro as a signal., To fluctuate; to waver; to be in an unsettled state; to vacillate., To move one way and the other; to brandish., To raise into inequalities of surface; to give an undulating form a surface to., To move like a wave, or by floating; to waft., To call attention to, or give a direction or command to, by a waving motion, as of the hand; to signify by waving; to beckon; to signal; to indicate., An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the oscillatory motion of the particles composing it when disturbed by any force their position of rest; an undulation., A vibration propagated from particle to particle through a body or elastic medium, as in the transmission of sound; an assemblage of vibrating molecules in all phases of a vibration, with no phase repeated; a wave of vibration; an undulation. See Undulation., Water; a body of water., Unevenness; inequality of surface., A waving or undulating motion; a signal made with the hand, a flag, etc., The undulating line or streak of luster on cloth watered, or calendered, or on damask steel., Fig.: A swelling or excitement of thought, feeling, or energy; a tide; as, waves of enthusiasm., Woe.
wavy adjective Rising or swelling in waves; full of waves., Playing to and fro; undulating; as, wavy flames., Undulating on the border or surface; waved.
wawe noun A wave.
wawl verb i. See Waul.
waxy adjective Resembling wax in appearance or consistency; viscid; adhesive; soft; hence, yielding; pliable; impressible.
wayk adjective Weak.