4 letter word starting with we

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
went imp. of Go, of Wend, imp. & p. p. of Wend; — now obsolete except as the imperfect of go, with which it has no etymological connection. See Go., Course; way; path; journey; direction.
weak verb i. Wanting physical strength., Deficient in strength of body; feeble; infirm; sickly; debilitated; enfeebled; exhausted., Not able to sustain a great weight, pressure, or strain; as, a weak timber; a weak rope., Not firmly united or adhesive; easily broken or separated into pieces; not compact; as, a weak ship., Not stiff; pliant; frail; soft; as, the weak stalk of a plant., Not able to resist external force or onset; easily subdued or overcome; as, a weak barrier; as, a weak fortress., Lacking force of utterance or sound; not sonorous; low; small; feeble; faint., Not thoroughly or abundantly impregnated with the usual or required ingredients, or with stimulating and nourishing substances; of less than the usual strength; as, weak tea, broth, or liquor; a weak decoction or solution; a weak dose of medicine., Lacking ability for an appropriate function or office; as, weak eyes; a weak stomach; a weak magistrate; a weak regiment, or army., Not possessing or manifesting intellectual, logical, moral, or political strength, vigor, etc., Feeble of mind; wanting discernment; lacking vigor; spiritless; as, a weak king or magistrate., Resulting from, or indicating, lack of judgment, discernment, or firmness; unwise; hence, foolish., Not having full confidence or conviction; not decided or confirmed; vacillating; wavering., Not able to withstand temptation, urgency, persuasion, etc.; easily impressed, moved, or overcome; accessible; vulnerable; as, weak resolutions; weak virtue., Wanting in power to influence or bind; as, weak ties; a weak sense of honor of duty., Not having power to convince; not supported by force of reason or truth; unsustained; as, a weak argument or case., Wanting in point or vigor of expression; as, a weak sentence; a weak style., Not prevalent or effective, or not felt to be prevalent; not potent; feeble., Lacking in elements of political strength; not wielding or having authority or energy; deficient in the resources that are essential to a ruler or nation; as, a weak monarch; a weak government or state., Tending towards lower prices; as, a weak market., Pertaining to, or designating, a verb which forms its preterit (imperfect) and past participle by adding to the present the suffix -ed, -d, or the variant form -t; as in the verbs abash, abashed; abate, abated; deny, denied; feel, felt. See Strong, 19 (a)., Pertaining to, or designating, a noun in Anglo-Saxon, etc., the stem of which ends in -n. See Strong, 19 (b)., To make or become weak; to weaken.
weal noun The mark of a stripe. See Wale., To mark with stripes. See Wale., A sound, healthy, or prosperous state of a person or thing; prosperity; happiness; welfare., The body politic; the state; common wealth., To promote the weal of; to cause to be prosperous.
wean adjective To accustom and reconcile, as a child or other young animal, to a want or deprivation of mother’s milk; to take from the breast or udder; to cause to cease to depend on the mother nourishment., Hence, to detach or alienate the affections of, from any object of desire; to reconcile to the want or loss of anything., A weanling; a young child.
wear noun Same as Weir., To cause to go about, as a vessel, by putting the helm up, instead of alee as in tacking, so that the vessel’s bow is turned away from, and her stern is presented to, the wind, and, as she turns still farther, her sails fill on the other side; to veer., To carry or bear upon the person; to bear upon one’s self, as an article of clothing, decoration, warfare, bondage, etc.; to have appendant to one’s body; to have on; as, to wear a coat; to wear a shackle., To have or exhibit an appearance of, as an aspect or manner; to bear; as, she wears a smile on her countenance., To use up by carrying or having upon one’s self; hence, to consume by use; to waste; to use up; as, to wear clothes rapidly., To impair, waste, or diminish, by continual attrition, scraping, percussion, on the like; to consume gradually; to cause to lower or disappear; to spend., To cause or make by friction or wasting; as, to wear a channel; to wear a hole., To form or shape by, or as by, attrition., To endure or suffer use; to last under employment; to bear the consequences of use, as waste, consumption, or attrition; as, a coat wears well or ill; — hence, sometimes applied to character, qualifications, etc.; as, a man wears well as an acquaintance., To be wasted, consumed, or diminished, by being used; to suffer injury, loss, or extinction by use or time; to decay, or be spent, gradually., The act of wearing, or the state of being worn; consumption by use; diminution by friction; as, the wear of a garment., The thing worn; style of dress; the fashion., A dam in a river to stop and raise the water, for the purpose of conducting it to a mill, forming a fish pond, or the like., A fence of stakes, brushwood, or the like, set in a stream, tideway, or inlet of the sea, for taking fish., A long notch with a horizontal edge, as in the top of a vertical plate or plank, through which water flows, — used in measuring the quantity of flowing water.
weed noun A garment; clothing; especially, an upper or outer garment., An article of dress worn in token of grief; a mourning garment or badge; as, he wore a weed on his hat; especially, in the plural, mourning garb, as of a woman; as, a widow’s weeds., A sudden illness or relapse, often attended with fever, which attacks women in childbed., Underbrush; low shrubs., Any plant growing in cultivated ground to the injury of the crop or desired vegetation, or to the disfigurement of the place; an unsightly, useless, or injurious plant., Fig.: Something unprofitable or troublesome; anything useless., An animal unfit to breed from., Tobacco, or a cigar., To free from noxious plants; to clear of weeds; as, to weed corn or onions; to weed a garden., To take away, as noxious plants; to remove, as something hurtful; to extirpate., To free from anything hurtful or offensive., To reject as unfit for breeding purposes.
week noun A period of seven days, usually that reckoned from one Sabbath or Sunday to the next.
weel adjective & adverb Well., A whirlpool., Alt. of Weely
ween verb i. To think; to imagine; to fancy.
weep noun The lapwing; the wipe; — so called from its cry., imp. of Weep, for wept., Formerly, to express sorrow, grief, or anguish, by outcry, or by other manifest signs; in modern use, to show grief or other passions by shedding tears; to shed tears; to cry., To lament; to complain., To flow in drops; to run in drops., To drop water, or the like; to drip; to be soaked., To hang the branches, as if in sorrow; to be pendent; to droop; — said of a plant or its branches., To lament; to bewail; to bemoan., To shed, or pour forth, as tears; to shed drop by drop, as if tears; as, to weep tears of joy.
wept imp. & past participle of Weep, imp. & p. p. of Weep.
weet adjective & noun Wet., To know; to wit.
weft imp. & p. p. of Wave., A thing waved, waived, or cast away; a waif., The woof of cloth; the threads that cross the warp from selvage to selvage; the thread carried by the shuttle in weaving., A web; a thing woven.
weir noun Alt. of Wear
weka noun A New Zealand rail (Ocydromus australis) which has wings so short as to be incapable of flight.
weld verb t. To wield., An herb (Reseda luteola) related to mignonette, growing in Europe, and to some extent in America; dyer’s broom; dyer’s rocket; dyer’s weed; wild woad. It is used by dyers to give a yellow color., Coloring matter or dye extracted from this plant., To press or beat into intimate and permanent union, as two pieces of iron when heated almost to fusion., Fig.: To unite closely or intimately., The state of being welded; the joint made by welding.
wele noun Prosperity; happiness; well-being; weal.
welk verb i. To wither; to fade; also, to decay; to decline; to wane., To cause to wither; to wilt., To contract; to shorten., To soak; also, to beat severely., A pustule. See 2d Whelk., A whelk.
well verb i. An issue of water from the earth; a spring; a fountain., A pit or hole sunk into the earth to such a depth as to reach a supply of water, generally of a cylindrical form, and often walled with stone or bricks to prevent the earth from caving in., A shaft made in the earth to obtain oil or brine., Fig.: A source of supply; fountain; wellspring., An inclosure in the middle of a vessel’s hold, around the pumps, from the bottom to the lower deck, to preserve the pumps from damage and facilitate their inspection., A compartment in the middle of the hold of a fishing vessel, made tight at the sides, but having holes perforated in the bottom to let in water for the preservation of fish alive while they are transported to market., A vertical passage in the stern into which an auxiliary screw propeller may be drawn up out of water., A depressed space in the after part of the deck; — often called the cockpit., A hole or excavation in the earth, in mining, from which run branches or galleries., An opening through the floors of a building, as for a staircase or an elevator; a wellhole., The lower part of a furnace, into which the metal falls., To issue forth, as water from the earth; to flow; to spring., To pour forth, as from a well., In a good or proper manner; justly; rightly; not ill or wickedly., Suitably to one’s condition, to the occasion, or to a proposed end or use; suitably; abundantly; fully; adequately; thoroughly., Fully or about; — used with numbers., In such manner as is desirable; so as one could wish; satisfactorily; favorably; advantageously; conveniently., Considerably; not a little; far., Good in condition or circumstances; desirable, either in a natural or moral sense; fortunate; convenient; advantageous; happy; as, it is well for the country that the crops did not fail; it is well that the mistake was discovered., Being in health; sound in body; not ailing, diseased, or sick; healthy; as, a well man; the patient is perfectly well., Being in favor; favored; fortunate., Safe; as, a chip warranted well at a certain day and place.
wels noun The sheatfish; — called also waller.
welt noun That which, being sewed or otherwise fastened to an edge or border, serves to guard, strengthen, or adorn it, A small cord covered with cloth and sewed on a seam or border to strengthen it; an edge of cloth folded on itself, usually over a cord, and sewed down., A hem, border, or fringe., In shoemaking, a narrow strip of leather around a shoe, between the upper leather and sole., In steam boilers and sheet-iron work, a strip riveted upon the edges of plates that form a butt joint., In carpentry, a strip of wood fastened over a flush seam or joint, or an angle, to strengthen it., In machine-made stockings, a strip, or flap, of which the heel is formed., A narrow border, as of an ordinary, but not extending around the ends., To furnish with a welt; to sew or fasten a welt on; as, to welt a boot or a shoe; to welt a sleeve., To wilt.
wend p. p. of Wene., To go; to pass; to betake one’s self., To turn round., To direct; to betake; — used chiefly in the phrase to wend one’s way. Also used reflexively., A large extent of ground; a perambulation; a circuit.
wene verb i. To ween.
were verb t. & i. To wear. See 3d Wear., A weir. See Weir., To guard; to protect., The imperfect indicative plural, and imperfect subjunctive singular and plural, of the verb be. See Be., A man., A fine for slaying a man; the money value set upon a man’s life; weregild.
werk verb Alt. of Werke
wern verb t. To refuse.
wert The second person singular, indicative and subjunctive moods, imperfect tense, of the verb be. It is formed from were, with the ending -t, after the analogy of wast. Now used only in solemn or poetic style., A wart.
wesh imp. Washed.
west noun The point in the heavens where the sun is seen to set at the equinox; or, the corresponding point on the earth; that one of the four cardinal points of the compass which is in a direction at right angles to that of north and south, and on the left hand of a person facing north; the point directly opposite to east., A country, or region of country, which, with regard to some other country or region, is situated in the direction toward the west., The Westen hemisphere, or the New World so called, it having been discovered by sailing westward from Europe; the Occident., Formerly, that part of the United States west of the Alleghany mountains; now, commonly, the whole region west of the Mississippi river; esp., that part which is north of the Indian Territory, New Mexico, etc. Usually with the definite article., Lying toward the west; situated at the west, or in a western direction from the point of observation or reckoning; proceeding toward the west, or coming from the west; as, a west course is one toward the west; an east and west line; a west wind blows from the west., Westward., To pass to the west; to set, as the sun., To turn or move toward the west; to veer from the north or south toward the west.