4 letter word starting with y

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
yama noun The king of the infernal regions, corresponding to the Greek Pluto, and also the judge of departed souls. In later times he is more exclusively considered the dire judge of all, and the tormentor of the wicked. He is represented as of a green color, with red garments, having a crown on his head, his eyes inflamed, and sitting on a buffalo, with a club and noose in his hands.
yamp noun An umbelliferous plant (Carum Gairdneri); also, its small fleshy roots, which are eaten by the Indians from Idaho to California.
yang noun The cry of the wild goose; a honk., To make the cry of the wild goose.
yank noun A jerk or twitch., To twitch; to jerk., An abbreviation of Yankee.
yard verb i. A rod; a stick; a staff., A branch; a twig., A long piece of timber, as a rafter, etc., A measure of length, equaling three feet, or thirty-six inches, being the standard of English and American measure., The penis., A long piece of timber, nearly cylindrical, tapering toward the ends, and designed to support and extend a square sail. A yard is usually hung by the center to the mast. See Illust. of Ship., An inclosure; usually, a small inclosed place in front of, or around, a house or barn; as, a courtyard; a cowyard; a barnyard., An inclosure within which any work or business is carried on; as, a dockyard; a shipyard., To confine (cattle) to the yard; to shut up, or keep, in a yard; as, to yard cows.
yare noun Ready; dexterous; eager; lively; quick to move., Soon.
yark verb t. & i. To yerk.
yarn noun Spun wool; woolen thread; also, thread of other material, as of cotton, flax, hemp, or silk; material spun and prepared for use in weaving, knitting, manufacturing sewing thread, or the like., One of the threads of which the strands of a rope are composed., A story told by a sailor for the amusement of his companions; a story or tale; as, to spin a yarn.
yarr verb i. To growl or snarl as a dog.
yate noun A gate. See 1st Gate.
yaud noun See Yawd.
yaul noun See Yawl.
yaup verb i. To cry out like a child; to yelp., A cry of distress, rage, or the like, as the cry of a sickly bird, or of a child in pain., The blue titmouse.
yawd noun A jade; an old horse or mare.
yawl noun A small ship’s boat, usually rowed by four or six oars., To cry out like a dog or cat; to howl; to yell.
yawn verb i. To open the mouth involuntarily through drowsiness, dullness, or fatigue; to gape; to oscitate., To open wide; to gape, as if to allow the entrance or exit of anything., To open the mouth, or to gape, through surprise or bewilderment., To be eager; to desire to swallow anything; to express desire by yawning; as, to yawn for fat livings., An involuntary act, excited by drowsiness, etc., consisting of a deep and long inspiration following several successive attempts at inspiration, the mouth, fauces, etc., being wide open., The act of opening wide, or of gaping., A chasm, mouth, or passageway.
yawp verb & noun See Yaup.
yaws noun A disease, occurring in the Antilles and in Africa, characterized by yellowish or reddish tumors, of a contagious character, which, in shape and appearance, often resemble currants, strawberries, or raspberries. There are several varieties of this disease, variously known as framboesia, pian, verrugas, and crab-yaws.
yead verb i. Properly, a variant of the defective imperfect yode, but sometimes mistaken for a present. See the Note under Yede.
yean verb t. & i. To bring forth young, as a goat or a sheep; to ean.
year noun The time of the apparent revolution of the sun trough the ecliptic; the period occupied by the earth in making its revolution around the sun, called the astronomical year; also, a period more or less nearly agreeing with this, adopted by various nations as a measure of time, and called the civil year; as, the common lunar year of 354 days, still in use among the Mohammedans; the year of 360 days, etc. In common usage, the year consists of 365 days, and every fourth year (called bissextile, or leap year) of 366 days, a day being added to February on that year, on account of the excess above 365 days (see Bissextile)., The time in which any planet completes a revolution about the sun; as, the year of Jupiter or of Saturn., Age, or old age; as, a man in years.
yede imp. Went. See Yode.
yeel noun An eel.
yelk noun Same as Yolk.
yell verb i. To cry out, or shriek, with a hideous noise; to cry or scream as with agony or horror., To utter or declare with a yell; to proclaim in a loud tone., A sharp, loud, hideous outcry.
yelp verb i. To boast., To utter a sharp, quick cry, as a hound; to bark shrilly with eagerness, pain, or fear; to yaup., A sharp, quick cry; a bark.
yend verb t. To throw; to cast.
yerd noun See 1st & 2d Yard.
yerk verb t. To throw or thrust with a sudden, smart movement; to kick or strike suddenly; to jerk., To strike or lash with a whip., To throw out the heels; to kick; to jerk., To move a quick, jerking motion., A sudden or quick thrust or motion; a jerk.
yern verb i. See 3d Yearn., Eager; brisk; quick; active.
yest noun See Yeast.
yeve verb i. To give.
yghe noun Eye.
yold obs. past participle of Yield, Yielded.
yift noun Gift.
yite noun The European yellow-hammer.
yive verb t. & i. To give.
ymel preposition Among.
ynow adjective Enough.
yode imp. Went; walked; proceeded.
yoga noun A species of asceticism among the Hindoos, which consists in a complete abstraction from all worldly objects, by which the votary expects to obtain union with the universal spirit, and to acquire superhuman faculties.
yogi noun A follower of the yoga philosophy; an ascetic.
yoit noun The European yellow-hammer.
yoke noun A bar or frame of wood by which two oxen are joined at the heads or necks for working together., A frame or piece resembling a yoke, as in use or shape., A frame of wood fitted to a person’s shoulders for carrying pails, etc., suspended on each side; as, a milkmaid’s yoke., A frame worn on the neck of an animal, as a cow, a pig, a goose, to prevent passage through a fence., A frame or convex piece by which a bell is hung for ringing it. See Illust. of Bell., A crosspiece upon the head of a boat’s rudder. To its ends lines are attached which lead forward so that the boat can be steered from amidships., A bent crosspiece connecting two other parts., A tie securing two timbers together, not used for part of a regular truss, but serving a temporary purpose, as to provide against unusual strain., A band shaped to fit the shoulders or the hips, and joined to the upper full edge of the waist or the skirt., Fig.: That which connects or binds; a chain; a link; a bond connection., A mark of servitude; hence, servitude; slavery; bondage; service., Two animals yoked together; a couple; a pair that work together., The quantity of land plowed in a day by a yoke of oxen., A portion of the working day; as, to work two yokes, that is, to work both portions of the day, or morning and afternoon., To put a yoke on; to join in or with a yoke; as, to yoke oxen, or pair of oxen., To couple; to join with another., To enslave; to bring into bondage; to restrain; to confine., To be joined or associated; to be intimately connected; to consort closely; to mate.
yolk noun The yellow part of an egg; the vitellus., An oily secretion which naturally covers the wool of sheep.
yoll verb i. To yell.
yond adjective Furious; mad; angry; fierce., Yonder.
yoni noun The symbol under which Sakti, or the personification of the female power in nature, is worshiped. Cf. Lingam.
yore adverb In time long past; in old time; long since.
yote verb t. To pour water on; to soak in, or mix with, water.
youl verb i. To yell; to yowl.
your pronoun & adjective The form of the possessive case of the personal pronoun you.
yowe noun A ewe.
yowl verb i. To utter a loud, long, and mournful cry, as a dog; to howl; to yell., A loud, protracted, and mournful cry, as that of a dog; a howl.
yren noun Iron.
yuck verb i. To itch., To scratch.
yuen noun The crowned gibbon (Hylobates pileatus), native of Siam, Southern China, and the Island of Hainan. It is entirely arboreal in its habits, and has very long arms. the males are dark brown or blackish, with a caplike mass of long dark hair, and usually with a white band around the face. The females are yellowish white, with a dark spot on the breast and another on the crown. Called also wooyen, and wooyen ape.
yuga noun Any one of the four ages, Krita, or Satya, Treta, Dwapara, and Kali, into which the Hindoos divide the duration or existence of the world.
yuke verb i. & t. Same as Yuck.
yule noun Christmas or Christmastide; the feast of the Nativity of our Savior.
yunx noun A genus of birds comprising the wrynecks.
yvel adjective & adverb Evil; ill.
ywar adjective Aware; wary.
ywis adverb Certainly; most likely; truly; probably.