5 letter word starting with aug

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
auger noun A carpenter’s tool for boring holes larger than those bored by a gimlet. It has a handle placed crosswise by which it is turned with both hands. A pod auger is one with a straight channel or groove, like the half of a bean pod. A screw auger has a twisted blade, by the spiral groove of which the chips are discharge., An instrument for boring or perforating soils or rocks, for determining the quality of soils, or the nature of the rocks or strata upon which they lie, and for obtaining water.
auget noun A priming tube connecting the charge chamber with the gallery, or place where the slow match is applied.
aught noun Alt. of Aucht, Anything; any part., At all; in any degree.
augur noun An official diviner who foretold events by the singing, chattering, flight, and feeding of birds, or by signs or omens derived from celestial phenomena, certain appearances of quadrupeds, or unusual occurrences., One who foretells events by omens; a soothsayer; a diviner; a prophet., To conjecture from signs or omens; to prognosticate; to foreshow., To anticipate, to foretell, or to indicate a favorable or an unfavorable issue; as, to augur well or ill., To predict or foretell, as from signs or omens; to betoken; to presage; to infer.