5 letter word starting with bi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bibbe verb t. To drink; to tipple.
bibbs noun pl. Pieces of timber bolted to certain parts of a mast to support the trestletrees.
bible noun A book., The Book by way of eminence, — that is, the book which is made up of the writings accepted by Christians as of divine origin and authority, whether such writings be in the original language, or translated; the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; — sometimes in a restricted sense, the Old Testament; as, King James’s Bible; Douay Bible; Luther’s Bible. Also, the book which is made up of writings similarly accepted by the Jews; as, a rabbinical Bible., A book containing the sacred writings belonging to any religion; as, the Koran is often called the Mohammedan Bible., A book with an authoritative exposition of some topic, respected by many who are experts in the field.
bicho noun See Jigger.
biddy noun A name used in calling a hen or chicken., An Irish serving woman or girl.
bided imp. & past participle of Bide
bidet noun A small horse formerly allowed to each trooper or dragoon for carrying his baggage., A kind of bath tub for sitting baths; a sitz bath.
bield noun A shelter. Same as Beild., To shelter.
bifid adjective Cleft to the middle or slightly beyond the middle; opening with a cleft; divided by a linear sinus, with straight margins.
bigam noun A bigamist.
bigha noun A measure of land in India, varying from a third of an acre to an acre.
bight verb A corner, bend, or angle; a hollow; as, the bight of a horse’s knee; the bight of an elbow., A bend in a coast forming an open bay; as, the Bight of Benin., The double part of a rope when folded, in distinction from the ends; that is, a round, bend, or coil not including the ends; a loop.
bigly adjective In a tumid, swelling, blustering manner; haughtily; violently.
bigot noun A hypocrite; esp., a superstitious hypocrite., A person who regards his own faith and views in matters of religion as unquestionably right, and any belief or opinion opposed to or differing from them as unreasonable or wicked. In an extended sense, a person who is intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own, as in politics or morals; one obstinately and blindly devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion., Bigoted.
bijou noun A trinket; a jewel; — a word applied to anything small and of elegant workmanship.
bilbo noun A rapier; a sword; so named from Bilbao, in Spain., A long bar or bolt of iron with sliding shackles, and a lock at the end, to confine the feet of prisoners or offenders, esp. on board of ships.
bilge noun The protuberant part of a cask, which is usually in the middle., That part of a ship’s hull or bottom which is broadest and most nearly flat, and on which she would rest if aground., Bilge water., To suffer a fracture in the bilge; to spring a leak by a fracture in the bilge., To bulge., To fracture the bilge of, or stave in the bottom of (a ship or other vessel)., To cause to bulge.
bilgy adjective Having the smell of bilge water.
bilin noun A name applied to the amorphous or crystalline mass obtained from bile by the action of alcohol and ether. It is composed of a mixture of the sodium salts of the bile acids.
billy noun A club; esp., a policeman’s club., A slubbing or roving machine.
binal adjective Twofold; double.
binny noun A large species of barbel (Barbus bynni), found in the Nile, and much esteemed for food.
biped noun A two-footed animal, as man., Having two feet; two-footed.
birch noun A tree of several species, constituting the genus Betula; as, the white or common birch (B. alba) (also called silver birch and lady birch); the dwarf birch (B. glandulosa); the paper or canoe birch (B. papyracea); the yellow birch (B. lutea); the black or cherry birch (B. lenta)., The wood or timber of the birch., A birch twig or birch twigs, used for flogging., A birch-bark canoe., Of or pertaining to the birch; birchen., To whip with a birch rod or twig; to flog.
birse noun A bristle or bristles.
birth noun The act or fact of coming into life, or of being born; — generally applied to human beings; as, the birth of a son., Lineage; extraction; descent; sometimes, high birth; noble extraction., The condition to which a person is born; natural state or position; inherited disposition or tendency., The act of bringing forth; as, she had two children at a birth., That which is born; that which is produced, whether animal or vegetable., Origin; beginning; as, the birth of an empire., See Berth.
bisie verb t. To busy; to employ.
bison noun The aurochs or European bison., The American bison buffalo (Bison Americanus), a large, gregarious bovine quadruped with shaggy mane and short black horns, which formerly roamed in herds over most of the temperate portion of North America, but is now restricted to very limited districts in the region of the Rocky Mountains, and is rapidly decreasing in numbers.
bitch noun The female of the canine kind, as of the dog, wolf, and fox., An opprobrious name for a woman, especially a lewd woman.
biter noun One who, or that which, bites; that which bites often, or is inclined to bite, as a dog or fish., One who cheats; a sharper.
bitts noun pl. A frame of two strong timbers fixed perpendicularly in the fore part of a ship, on which to fasten the cables as the ship rides at anchor, or in warping. Other bitts are used for belaying (belaying bitts), for sustaining the windlass (carrick bitts, winch bitts, or windlass bitts), to hold the pawls of the windlass (pawl bitts) etc.
bizet noun The upper faceted portion of a brilliant-cut diamond, which projects from the setting and occupies the zone between the girdle and the table. See Brilliant, n.