5 letter word starting with bou

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bound imp. of Bind, of Bind, The external or limiting line, either real or imaginary, of any object or space; that which limits or restrains, or within which something is limited or restrained; limit; confine; extent; boundary., To limit; to terminate; to fix the furthest point of extension of; — said of natural or of moral objects; to lie along, or form, a boundary of; to inclose; to circumscribe; to restrain; to confine., To name the boundaries of; as, to bound France., To move with a sudden spring or leap, or with a succession of springs or leaps; as the beast bounded from his den; the herd bounded across the plain., To rebound, as an elastic ball., To make to bound or leap; as, to bound a horse., To cause to rebound; to throw so that it will rebound; as, to bound a ball on the floor., A leap; an elastic spring; a jump., Rebound; as, the bound of a ball., Spring from one foot to the other., imp. & p. p. of Bind., Restrained by a hand, rope, chain, fetters, or the like., Inclosed in a binding or cover; as, a bound volume., Under legal or moral restraint or obligation., Constrained or compelled; destined; certain; — followed by the infinitive; as, he is bound to succeed; he is bound to fail., Resolved; as, I am bound to do it., Constipated; costive., Ready or intending to go; on the way toward; going; — with to or for, or with an adverb of motion; as, a ship is bound to Cadiz, or for Cadiz.
bouch noun A mouth., An allowance of meat and drink for the tables of inferior officers or servants in a nobleman’s palace or at court.
bouge verb i. To swell out., To bilge., To stave in; to bilge., Bouche (see Bouche, 2); food and drink; provisions., To scoop out with a gouge., To scoop out, as an eye, with the thumb nail; to force out the eye of (a person) with the thumb., To cheat in a bargain; to chouse.
bough noun An arm or branch of a tree, esp. a large arm or main branch., A gallows.
boule noun Alt. of Boulework
bourd noun A jest., To jest.
bouri noun A mullet (Mugil capito) found in the rivers of Southern Europe and in Africa.
bourn verb Alt. of Bourne, Alt. of Bourne
bouse verb i. To drink immoderately; to carouse; to booze. See Booze., Drink, esp. alcoholic drink; also, a carouse; a booze.
bousy adjective Drunken; sotted; boozy.