5 letter word starting with cad

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
caddy noun A small box, can, or chest to keep tea in.
cader noun See Cadre.
cadet noun The younger of two brothers; a younger brother or son; the youngest son., A gentleman who carries arms in a regiment, as a volunteer, with a view of acquiring military skill and obtaining a commission., A young man in training for military or naval service; esp. a pupil in a military or naval school, as at West Point, Annapolis, or Woolwich.
cadew noun Alt. of Cadeworm
cadge verb t. & i. To carry, as a burden., To hawk or peddle, as fish, poultry, etc., To intrude or live on another meanly; to beg., A circular frame on which cadgers carry hawks for sale.
cadgy adjective Cheerful or mirthful, as after good eating or drinking; also, wanton.
cadie noun Alt. of Caddie
cadis noun A kind of coarse serge.
cadre noun The framework or skeleton upon which a regiment is to be formed; the officers of a regiment forming the staff.