5 letter word starting with can

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
canal noun An artificial channel filled with water and designed for navigation, or for irrigating land, etc., A tube or duct; as, the alimentary canal; the semicircular canals of the ear.
candy verb t. To conserve or boil in sugar; as, to candy fruits; to candy ginger., To make sugar crystals of or in; to form into a mass resembling candy; as, to candy sirup., To incrust with sugar or with candy, or with that which resembles sugar or candy., To have sugar crystals form in or on; as, fruits preserved in sugar candy after a time., To be formed into candy; to solidify in a candylike form or mass., A more or less solid article of confectionery made by boiling sugar or molasses to the desired consistency, and than crystallizing, molding, or working in the required shape. It is often flavored or colored, and sometimes contains fruit, nuts, etc., A weight, at Madras 500 pounds, at Bombay 560 pounds.
caned imp. & past participle of Cane, Filled with white flakes; mothery; — said vinegar when containing mother.
canes plural of Canis
canis noun A genus of carnivorous mammals, of the family Canidae, including the dogs and wolves.
canna noun A measure of length in Italy, varying from six to seven feet. See Cane, 4., A genus of tropical plants, with large leaves and often with showy flowers. The Indian shot (C. Indica) is found in gardens of the northern United States.
canny adjective Alt. of Cannei
canoe noun A boat used by rude nations, formed of trunk of a tree, excavated, by cutting of burning, into a suitable shape. It is propelled by a paddle or paddles, or sometimes by sail, and has no rudder., A boat made of bark or skins, used by savages., A light pleasure boat, especially designed for use by one who goes alone upon long excursions, including portage. It it propelled by a paddle, or by a small sail attached to a temporary mast., To manage a canoe, or voyage in a canoe.
canon noun A law or rule., A law, or rule of doctrine or discipline, enacted by a council and confirmed by the pope or the sovereign; a decision, regulation, code, or constitution made by ecclesiastical authority., The collection of books received as genuine Holy Scriptures, called the sacred canon, or general rule of moral and religious duty, given by inspiration; the Bible; also, any one of the canonical Scriptures. See Canonical books, under Canonical, a., In monasteries, a book containing the rules of a religious order., A catalogue of saints acknowledged and canonized in the Roman Catholic Church., A member of a cathedral chapter; a person who possesses a prebend in a cathedral or collegiate church., A musical composition in which the voices begin one after another, at regular intervals, successively taking up the same subject. It either winds up with a coda (tailpiece), or, as each voice finishes, commences anew, thus forming a perpetual fugue or round. It is the strictest form of imitation. See Imitation., The largest size of type having a specific name; — so called from having been used for printing the canons of the church., The part of a bell by which it is suspended; — called also ear and shank., See Carom.
can’t A colloquial contraction for can not.
canto noun One of the chief divisions of a long poem; a book., The highest vocal part; the air or melody in choral music; anciently the tenor, now the soprano.
canty adjective Cheerful; sprightly; lively; merry.