5 letter word starting with che

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cheap noun A bargain; a purchase; cheapness., Having a low price in market; of small cost or price, as compared with the usual price or the real value., Of comparatively small value; common; mean., Cheaply., To buy; to bargain.
chear noun & verb See Cheer.
cheat noun An act of deception or fraud; that which is the means of fraud or deception; a fraud; a trick; imposition; imposture., One who cheats or deceives; an impostor; a deceiver; a cheater., A troublesome grass, growing as a weed in grain fields; — called also chess. See Chess., The obtaining of property from another by an intentional active distortion of the truth., To deceive and defraud; to impose upon; to trick; to swindle., To beguile., To practice fraud or trickery; as, to cheat at cards., Wheat, or bread made from wheat.
check noun A word of warning denoting that the king is in danger; such a menace of a player’s king by an adversary’s move as would, if it were any other piece, expose it to immediate capture. A king so menaced is said to be in check, and must be made safe at the next move., A condition of interrupted or impeded progress; arrest; stop; delay; as, to hold an enemy in check., Whatever arrests progress, or limits action; an obstacle, guard, restraint, or rebuff., A mark, certificate, or token, by which, errors may be prevented, or a thing or person may be identified; as, checks placed against items in an account; a check given for baggage; a return check on a railroad., A written order directing a bank or banker to pay money as therein stated. See Bank check, below., A woven or painted design in squares resembling the patten of a checkerboard; one of the squares of such a design; also, cloth having such a figure., The forsaking by a hawk of its proper game to follow other birds., Small chick or crack., To make a move which puts an adversary’s piece, esp. his king, in check; to put in check., To put a sudden restraint upon; to stop temporarily; to hinder; to repress; to curb., To verify, to guard, to make secure, by means of a mark, token, or other check; to distinguish by a check; to put a mark against (an item) after comparing with an original or a counterpart in order to secure accuracy; as, to check an account; to check baggage., To chide, rebuke, or reprove., To slack or ease off, as a brace which is too stiffly extended., To make checks or chinks in; to cause to crack; as, the sun checks timber., To make a stop; to pause; — with at., To clash or interfere., To act as a curb or restraint., To crack or gape open, as wood in drying; or to crack in small checks, as varnish, paint, etc., To turn, when in pursuit of proper game, and fly after other birds., Checkered; designed in checks.
cheek noun The side of the face below the eye., The cheek bone., Those pieces of a machine, or of any timber, or stone work, which form corresponding sides, or which are similar and in pair; as, the cheeks (jaws) of a vise; the cheeks of a gun carriage, etc., The branches of a bridle bit., A section of a flask, so made that it can be moved laterally, to permit the removal of the pattern from the mold; the middle part of a flask., Cool confidence; assurance; impudence., To be impudent or saucy to.
cheep verb i. To chirp, as a young bird., To give expression to in a chirping tone., A chirp, peep, or squeak, as of a young bird or mouse.
cheer noun The face; the countenance or its expression., Feeling; spirit; state of mind or heart., Gayety; mirth; cheerfulness; animation., That which promotes good spirits or cheerfulness; provisions prepared for a feast; entertainment; as, a table loaded with good cheer., A shout, hurrah, or acclamation, expressing joy enthusiasm, applause, favor, etc., To cause to rejoice; to gladden; to make cheerful; — often with up., To infuse life, courage, animation, or hope, into; to inspirit; to solace or comfort., To salute or applaud with cheers; to urge on by cheers; as, to cheer hounds in a chase., To grow cheerful; to become gladsome or joyous; — usually with up., To be in any state or temper of mind., To utter a shout or shouts of applause, triumph, etc.
chela noun The pincherlike claw of Crustacea and Arachnida.
chely noun A claw. See Chela.
cheng noun A chinese reed instrument, with tubes, blown by the mouth.
chert noun An impure, massive, flintlike quartz or hornstone, of a dull color.
chese verb t. To choose
chess noun A game played on a chessboard, by two persons, with two differently colored sets of men, sixteen in each set. Each player has a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two castles or rooks, and eight pawns., A species of brome grass (Bromus secalinus) which is a troublesome weed in wheat fields, and is often erroneously regarded as degenerate or changed wheat; it bears a very slight resemblance to oats, and if reaped and ground up with wheat, so as to be used for food, is said to produce narcotic effects; — called also cheat and Willard’s bromus.
chest noun A large box of wood, or other material, having, like a trunk, a lid, but no covering of skin, leather, or cloth., A coffin., The part of the body inclosed by the ribs and breastbone; the thorax., A case in which certain goods, as tea, opium, etc., are transported; hence, the quantity which such a case contains., A tight receptacle or box, usually for holding gas, steam, liquids, etc.; as, the steam chest of an engine; the wind chest of an organ., To deposit in a chest; to hoard., To place in a coffin., Strife; contention; controversy.
cheve verb i. To come to an issue; to turn out; to succeed; as, to cheve well in a enterprise.
chevy verb t. See Chivy, v. t.