5 letter word starting with clo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
clove of Cleave, Cleft., A cleft; a gap; a ravine; — rarely used except as part of a proper name; as, Kaaterskill Clove; Stone Clove., A very pungent aromatic spice, the unexpanded flower bud of the clove tree (Eugenia, / Caryophullus, aromatica), a native of the Molucca Isles., One of the small bulbs developed in the axils of the scales of a large bulb, as in the case of garlic., A weight. A clove of cheese is about eight pounds, of wool, about seven pounds.
clomb of Climb, Alt. of Clomben
clong of Cling, imp. of Cling.
cloak noun A loose outer garment, extending from the neck downwards, and commonly without sleeves. It is longer than a cape, and is worn both by men and by women., That which conceals; a disguise or pretext; an excuse; a fair pretense; a mask; a cover., To cover with, or as with, a cloak; hence, to hide or conceal.
clock noun A machine for measuring time, indicating the hour and other divisions by means of hands moving on a dial plate. Its works are moved by a weight or a spring, and it is often so constructed as to tell the hour by the stroke of a hammer on a bell. It is not adapted, like the watch, to be carried on the person., A watch, esp. one that strikes., The striking of a clock., A figure or figured work on the ankle or side of a stocking., To ornament with figured work, as the side of a stocking., To call, as a hen. See Cluck., A large beetle, esp. the European dung beetle (Scarabaeus stercorarius).
cloff noun Formerly an allowance of two pounds in every three hundred weight after the tare and tret are subtracted; now used only in a general sense, of small deductions from the original weight.
cloke noun & verb See Cloak.
clomp noun See Clamp.
cloom verb t. To close with glutinous matter.
cloop noun The sound made when a cork is forcibly drawn from a bottle.
close noun To stop, or fill up, as an opening; to shut; as, to close the eyes; to close a door., To bring together the parts of; to consolidate; as, to close the ranks of an army; — often used with up., To bring to an end or period; to conclude; to complete; to finish; to end; to consummate; as, to close a bargain; to close a course of instruction., To come or gather around; to inclose; to encompass; to confine., To come together; to unite or coalesce, as the parts of a wound, or parts separated., To end, terminate, or come to a period; as, the debate closed at six o’clock., To grapple; to engage in hand-to-hand fight., The manner of shutting; the union of parts; junction., Conclusion; cessation; ending; end., A grapple in wrestling., The conclusion of a strain of music; cadence., A double bar marking the end., An inclosed place; especially, a small field or piece of land surrounded by a wall, hedge, or fence of any kind; — specifically, the precinct of a cathedral or abbey., A narrow passage leading from a street to a court, and the houses within., The interest which one may have in a piece of ground, even though it is not inclosed., Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box., Narrow; confined; as, a close alley; close quarters., Oppressive; without motion or ventilation; causing a feeling of lassitude; — said of the air, weather, etc., Strictly confined; carefully quarded; as, a close prisoner., Out of the way observation; secluded; secret; hidden., Disposed to keep secrets; secretive; reticent., Having the parts near each other; dense; solid; compact; as applied to bodies; viscous; tenacious; not volatile, as applied to liquids., Concise; to the point; as, close reasoning., Adjoining; near; either in space; time, or thought; — often followed by to., Short; as, to cut grass or hair close., Intimate; familiar; confidential., Nearly equal; almost evenly balanced; as, a close vote., Difficult to obtain; as, money is close., Parsimonious; stingy., Adhering strictly to a standard or original; exact; strict; as, a close translation., Accurate; careful; precise; also, attentive; undeviating; strict; not wandering; as, a close observer., Uttered with a relatively contracted opening of the mouth, as certain sounds of e and o in French, Italian, and German; — opposed to open., In a close manner., Secretly; darkly.
closh noun A disease in the feet of cattle; laminitis., The game of ninepins.
clote noun The common burdock; the clotbur.
cloth noun A fabric made of fibrous material (or sometimes of wire, as in wire cloth); commonly, a woven fabric of cotton, woolen, or linen, adapted to be made into garments; specifically, woolen fabrics, as distinguished from all others., The dress; raiment. [Obs.] See Clothes., The distinctive dress of any profession, especially of the clergy; hence, the clerical profession.
cloud noun A collection of visible vapor, or watery particles, suspended in the upper atmosphere., A mass or volume of smoke, or flying dust, resembling vapor., A dark vein or spot on a lighter material, as in marble; hence, a blemish or defect; as, a cloud upon one’s reputation; a cloud on a title., That which has a dark, lowering, or threatening aspect; that which temporarily overshadows, obscures, or depresses; as, a cloud of sorrow; a cloud of war; a cloud upon the intellect., A great crowd or multitude; a vast collection., A large, loosely-knitted scarf, worn by women about the head., To overspread or hide with a cloud or clouds; as, the sky is clouded., To darken or obscure, as if by hiding or enveloping with a cloud; hence, to render gloomy or sullen., To blacken; to sully; to stain; to tarnish; to damage; — esp. used of reputation or character., To mark with, or darken in, veins or sports; to variegate with colors; as, to cloud yarn., To grow cloudy; to become obscure with clouds; — often used with up.
clout noun A cloth; a piece of cloth or leather; a patch; a rag., A swadding cloth., A piece; a fragment., The center of the butt at which archers shoot; — probably once a piece of white cloth or a nail head., An iron plate on an axletree or other wood to keep it from wearing; a washer., A blow with the hand., To cover with cloth, leather, or other material; to bandage; patch, or mend, with a clout., To join or patch clumsily., To quard with an iron plate, as an axletree., To give a blow to; to strike., To stud with nails, as a timber, or a boot sole.
clown noun A man of coarse nature and manners; an awkward fellow; an ill-bred person; a boor., One who works upon the soil; a rustic; a churl., The fool or buffoon in a play, circus, etc., To act as a clown; — with it.