5 letter word starting with cr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
crack verb t. To break or burst, with or without entire separation of the parts; as, to crack glass; to crack nuts., To rend with grief or pain; to affect deeply with sorrow; hence, to disorder; to distract; to craze., To cause to sound suddenly and sharply; to snap; as, to crack a whip., To utter smartly and sententiously; as, to crack a joke., To cry up; to extol; — followed by up., To burst or open in chinks; to break, with or without quite separating into parts., To be ruined or impaired; to fail., To utter a loud or sharp, sudden sound., To utter vain, pompous words; to brag; to boast; — with of., A partial separation of parts, with or without a perceptible opening; a chink or fissure; a narrow breach; a crevice; as, a crack in timber, or in a wall, or in glass., Rupture; flaw; breach, in a moral sense., A sharp, sudden sound or report; the sound of anything suddenly burst or broken; as, the crack of a falling house; the crack of thunder; the crack of a whip., The tone of voice when changed at puberty., Mental flaw; a touch of craziness; partial insanity; as, he has a crack., A crazy or crack-brained person., A boast; boasting., Breach of chastity., A boy, generally a pert, lively boy., A brief time; an instant; as, to be with one in a crack., Free conversation; friendly chat., Of superior excellence; having qualities to be boasted of.
craft noun Strength; might; secret power., Art or skill; dexterity in particular manual employment; hence, the occupation or employment itself; manual art; a trade., Those engaged in any trade, taken collectively; a guild; as, the craft of ironmongers., Cunning, art, or skill, in a bad sense, or applied to bad purposes; artifice; guile; skill or dexterity employed to effect purposes by deceit or shrewd devices., A vessel; vessels of any kind; — generally used in a collective sense., To play tricks; to practice artifice.
craie noun See Crare.
crail noun A creel or osier basket.
crake verb t. & i. To cry out harshly and loudly, like the bird called crake., To boast; to speak loudly and boastfully., A boast. See Crack, n., Any species or rail of the genera Crex and Porzana; — so called from its singular cry. See Corncrake.
cramp noun That which confines or contracts; a restraint; a shackle; a hindrance., A device, usually of iron bent at the ends, used to hold together blocks of stone, timbers, etc.; a cramp iron., A rectangular frame, with a tightening screw, used for compressing the joints of framework, etc., A piece of wood having a curve corresponding to that of the upper part of the instep, on which the upper leather of a boot is stretched to give it the requisite shape., A spasmodic and painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, as of the leg., To compress; to restrain from free action; to confine and contract; to hinder., To fasten or hold with, or as with, a cramp., to bind together; to unite., To form on a cramp; as, to cramp boot legs., To afflict with cramp., Knotty; difficult.
crane noun A measure for fresh herrings, — as many as will fill a barrel., A wading bird of the genus Grus, and allied genera, of various species, having a long, straight bill, and long legs and neck., A machine for raising and lowering heavy weights, and, while holding them suspended, transporting them through a limited lateral distance. In one form it consists of a projecting arm or jib of timber or iron, a rotating post or base, and the necessary tackle, windlass, etc.; — so called from a fancied similarity between its arm and the neck of a crane See Illust. of Derrick., An iron arm with horizontal motion, attached to the side or back of a fireplace, for supporting kettles, etc., over a fire., A siphon, or bent pipe, for drawing liquors out of a cask., A forked post or projecting bracket to support spars, etc., — generally used in pairs. See Crotch, 2., To cause to rise; to raise or lift, as by a crane; — with up., To stretch, as a crane stretches its neck; as, to crane the neck disdainfully., to reach forward with head and neck, in order to see better; as, a hunter cranes forward before taking a leap.
crang noun See Krang.
crank noun A bent portion of an axle, or shaft, or an arm keyed at right angles to the end of a shaft, by which motion is imparted to or received from it; also used to change circular into reciprocating motion, or reciprocating into circular motion. See Bell crank., Any bend, turn, or winding, as of a passage., A twist or turn in speech; a conceit consisting in a change of the form or meaning of a word., A twist or turn of the mind; caprice; whim; crotchet; also, a fit of temper or passion., A person full of crotchets; one given to fantastic or impracticable projects; one whose judgment is perverted in respect to a particular matter., A sick person; an invalid., Sick; infirm., Liable to careen or be overset, as a ship when she is too narrow, or has not sufficient ballast, or is loaded too high, to carry full sail., Full of spirit; brisk; lively; sprightly; overconfident; opinionated., To run with a winding course; to double; to crook; to wind and turn.
crape noun A thin, crimped stuff, made of raw silk gummed and twisted on the mill. Black crape is much used for mourning garments, also for the dress of some clergymen., To form into ringlets; to curl; to crimp; to friz; as, to crape the hair; to crape silk.
craps noun A gambling game with dice.
crapy adjective Resembling crape.
crare noun A slow unwieldy trading vessel.
crase verb t. To break in pieces; to crack.
crash verb t. To break in pieces violently; to dash together with noise and violence., To make a loud, clattering sound, as of many things falling and breaking at once; to break in pieces with a harsh noise., To break with violence and noise; as, the chimney in falling crashed through the roof., A loud, sudden, confused sound, as of many things falling and breaking at once., Ruin; failure; sudden breaking down, as of a business house or a commercial enterprise., Coarse, heavy, narrow linen cloth, used esp. for towels.
crass adjective Gross; thick; dense; coarse; not elaborated or refined.
crate noun A large basket or hamper of wickerwork, used for the transportation of china, crockery, and similar wares., A box or case whose sides are of wooden slats with interspaces, — used especially for transporting fruit., To pack in a crate or case for transportation; as, to crate a sewing machine; to crate peaches.
crave verb t. To ask with earnestness or importunity; to ask with submission or humility; to beg; to entreat; to beseech; to implore., To call for, as a gratification; to long for; hence, to require or demand; as, the stomach craves food., To desire strongly; to feel an insatiable longing; as, a craving appetite.
crawl verb i. To move slowly by drawing the body along the ground, as a worm; to move slowly on hands and knees; to creep., to move or advance in a feeble, slow, or timorous manner., To advance slowly and furtively; to insinuate one’s self; to advance or gain influence by servile or obsequious conduct., To have a sensation as of insect creeping over the body; as, the flesh crawls. See Creep, v. i., 7., The act or motion of crawling; slow motion, as of a creeping animal., A pen or inclosure of stakes and hurdles on the seacoast, for holding fish.
craze verb t. To break into pieces; to crush; to grind to powder. See Crase., To weaken; to impair; to render decrepit., To derange the intellect of; to render insane., To be crazed, or to act or appear as one that is crazed; to rave; to become insane., To crack, as the glazing of porcelain or pottery., Craziness; insanity., A strong habitual desire or fancy; a crotchet., A temporary passion or infatuation, as for same new amusement, pursuit, or fashion; as, the bric-a-brac craze; the aesthetic craze.
crazy adjective Characterized by weakness or feebleness; decrepit; broken; falling to decay; shaky; unsafe., Broken, weakened, or dissordered in intellect; shattered; demented; deranged., Inordinately desirous; foolishly eager.
creak verb i. To make a prolonged sharp grating or squeaking sound, as by the friction of hard substances; as, shoes creak., To produce a creaking sound with., The sound produced by anything that creaks; a creaking.
cream noun The rich, oily, and yellowish part of milk, which, when the milk stands unagitated, rises, and collects on the surface. It is the part of milk from which butter is obtained., The part of any liquor that rises, and collects on the surface., A delicacy of several kinds prepared for the table from cream, etc., or so as to resemble cream., A cosmetic; a creamlike medicinal preparation., The best or choicest part of a thing; the quintessence; as, the cream of a jest or story; the cream of a collection of books or pictures., To skim, or take off by skimming, as cream., To take off the best or choicest part of., To furnish with, or as with, cream., To form or become covered with cream; to become thick like cream; to assume the appearance of cream; hence, to grow stiff or formal; to mantle.
creat noun An usher to a riding master.
credo noun The creed, as sung or read in the Roman Catholic church.
creed verb t. A definite summary of what is believed; esp., a summary of the articles of Christian faith; a confession of faith for public use; esp., one which is brief and comprehensive., Any summary of principles or opinions professed or adhered to., To believe; to credit.
creek noun A small inlet or bay, narrower and extending further into the land than a cove; a recess in the shore of the sea, or of a river., A stream of water smaller than a river and larger than a brook., Any turn or winding.
creel noun An osier basket, such as anglers use., A bar or set of bars with skewers for holding paying-off bobbins, as in the roving machine, throstle, and mule.
crept imp. of Creep, of Creep, imp. & p. p. of Creep.
crope of Creep
creep verb t. To move along the ground, or on any other surface, on the belly, as a worm or reptile; to move as a child on the hands and knees; to crawl., To move slowly, feebly, or timorously, as from unwillingness, fear, or weakness., To move in a stealthy or secret manner; to move imperceptibly or clandestinely; to steal in; to insinuate itself or one’s self; as, age creeps upon us., To slip, or to become slightly displaced; as, the collodion on a negative, or a coat of varnish, may creep in drying; the quicksilver on a mirror may creep., To move or behave with servility or exaggerated humility; to fawn; as, a creeping sycophant., To grow, as a vine, clinging to the ground or to some other support by means of roots or rootlets, or by tendrils, along its length., To have a sensation as of insects creeping on the skin of the body; to crawl; as, the sight made my flesh creep. See Crawl, v. i., 4., To drag in deep water with creepers, as for recovering a submarine cable., The act or process of creeping., A distressing sensation, or sound, like that occasioned by the creeping of insects., A slow rising of the floor of a gallery, occasioned by the pressure of incumbent strata upon the pillars or sides; a gradual movement of mining ground.
crees noun pl. An Algonquin tribe of Indians, inhabiting a large part of British America east of the Rocky Mountains and south of Hudson’s Bay.
crems noun See Krems.
crepe noun Same as Crape.
cress noun A plant of various species, chiefly cruciferous. The leaves have a moderately pungent taste, and are used as a salad and antiscorbutic.
crest noun A tuft, or other excrescence or natural ornament, growing on an animal’s head; the comb of a cock; the swelling on the head of a serpent; the lengthened feathers of the crown or nape of bird, etc., The plume of feathers, or other decoration, worn on a helmet; the distinctive ornament of a helmet, indicating the rank of the wearer; hence, also, the helmet., A bearing worn, not upon the shield, but usually above it, or separately as an ornament for plate, liveries, and the like. It is a relic of the ancient cognizance. See Cognizance, 4., The upper curve of a horse’s neck., The ridge or top of a wave., The summit of a hill or mountain ridge., The helm or head, as typical of a high spirit; pride; courage., The ornamental finishing which surmounts the ridge of a roof, canopy, etc., The top line of a slope or embankment., To furnish with, or surmount as, a crest; to serve as a crest for., To mark with lines or streaks, like, or regarded as like, waving plumes., To form a crest.
crete noun A Cretan
creux noun Used in English only in the expression en creux. Thus, engraving en creux is engraving in intaglio, or by sinking or hollowing out the design.
crick noun The creaking of a door, or a noise resembling it., A painful, spasmodic affection of the muscles of some part of the body, as of the neck or back, rendering it difficult to move the part., A small jackscrew.
cried imp. & p. p. of Cry., of Cry
crier noun One who cries; one who makes proclamation., an officer who proclaims the orders or directions of a court, or who gives public notice by loud proclamation; as, a town-crier.
crime noun Any violation of law, either divine or human; an omission of a duty commanded, or the commission of an act forbidden by law., Gross violation of human law, in distinction from a misdemeanor or trespass, or other slight offense. Hence, also, any aggravated offense against morality or the public welfare; any outrage or great wrong., Any great wickedness or sin; iniquity., That which occasion crime.
crimp verb t. To fold or plait in regular undulation in such a way that the material will retain the shape intended; to give a wavy appearance to; as, to crimp the border of a cap; to crimp a ruffle. Cf. Crisp., To pinch and hold; to seize., to entrap into the military or naval service; as, to crimp seamen., To cause to contract, or to render more crisp, as the flesh of a fish, by gashing it, when living, with a knife; as, to crimp skate, etc., Easily crumbled; friable; brittle., Weak; inconsistent; contradictory., A coal broker., One who decoys or entraps men into the military or naval service., A keeper of a low lodging house where sailors and emigrants are entrapped and fleeced., Hair which has been crimped; — usually in pl., A game at cards.
crisp adjective Curling in stiff curls or ringlets; as, crisp hair., Curled with the ripple of the water., Brittle; friable; in a condition to break with a short, sharp fracture; as, crisp snow., Possessing a certain degree of firmness and freshness; in a fresh, unwilted condition., Lively; sparking; effervescing., Brisk; crackling; cheerful; lively., To curl; to form into ringlets, as hair, or the nap of cloth; to interweave, as the branches of trees., To cause to undulate irregularly, as crape or water; to wrinkle; to cause to ripple. Cf. Crimp., To make crisp or brittle, as in cooking., To undulate or ripple. Cf. Crisp, v. t., That which is crisp or brittle; the state of being crisp or brittle; as, burned to a crisp; specifically, the rind of roasted pork; crackling.
crith noun The unit for estimating the weight of a/riform substances; — the weight of a liter of hydrogen at 0/ centigrade, and with a tension of 76 centimeters of mercury. It is 0.0896 of a gram, or 1.38274 grains.
croak verb i. To make a low, hoarse noise in the throat, as a frog, a raven, or a crow; hence, to make any hoarse, dismal sound., To complain; especially, to grumble; to forebode evil; to utter complaints or forebodings habitually., To utter in a low, hoarse voice; to announce by croaking; to forebode; as, to croak disaster., The coarse, harsh sound uttered by a frog or a raven, or a like sound.
croat noun A native of Croatia, in Austria; esp., one of the native Slavic race., An irregular soldier, generally from Croatia.
crock noun The loose black particles collected from combustion, as on pots and kettles, or in a chimney; soot; smut; also, coloring matter which rubs off from cloth., To soil by contact, as with soot, or with the coloring matter of badly dyed cloth., To give off crock or smut., A low stool., Any piece of crockery, especially of coarse earthenware; an earthen pot or pitcher., To lay up in a crock; as, to crock butter.
croft noun A small, inclosed field, adjoining a house; a small farm.
crois noun See Cross, n.
croma noun A quaver.
crone noun An old ewe., An old woman; — usually in contempt., An old man; especially, a man who talks and acts like an old woman.
crony noun A crone., An intimate companion; a familiar frend
crook noun A bend, turn, or curve; curvature; flexure., Any implement having a bent or crooked end., The staff used by a shepherd, the hook of which serves to hold a runaway sheep., A bishop’s staff of office. Cf. Pastoral staff., A pothook., An artifice; trick; tricky device; subterfuge., A small tube, usually curved, applied to a trumpet, horn, etc., to change its pitch or key., A person given to fraudulent practices; an accomplice of thieves, forgers, etc., To turn from a straight line; to bend; to curve., To turn from the path of rectitude; to pervert; to misapply; to twist., To bend; to curve; to wind; to have a curvature.
croon verb i. To make a continuous hollow moan, as cattle do when in pain., To hum or sing in a low tone; to murmur softly., To sing in a low tone, as if to one’s self; to hum., To soothe by singing softly., A low, continued moan; a murmur., A low singing; a plain, artless melody.
crore noun Ten millions; as, a crore of rupees (which is nearly $5,000,000).
cross noun A gibbet, consisting of two pieces of timber placed transversely upon one another, in various forms, as a T, or +, with the horizontal piece below the upper end of the upright, or as an X. It was anciently used in the execution of criminals., The sign or mark of the cross, made with the finger, or in ink, etc., or actually represented in some material; the symbol of Christ’s death; the ensign and chosen symbol of Christianity, of a Christian people, and of Christendom., Affiction regarded as a test of patience or virtue; trial; disappointment; opposition; misfortune., A piece of money stamped with the figure of a cross, also, that side of such a piece on which the cross is stamped; hence, money in general., An appendage or ornament or anything in the form of a cross; a badge or ornamental device of the general shape of a cross; hence, such an ornament, even when varying considerably from that form; thus, the Cross of the British Order of St. George and St. Michael consists of a central medallion with seven arms radiating from it., A monument in the form of a cross, or surmounted by a cross, set up in a public place; as, a market cross; a boundary cross; Charing Cross in London., A common heraldic bearing, of which there are many varieties. See the Illustration, above., The crosslike mark or symbol used instead of a signature by those unable to write., Church lands., A line drawn across or through another line., A mixing of breeds or stock, especially in cattle breeding; or the product of such intermixture; a hybrid of any kind., An instrument for laying of offsets perpendicular to the main course., A pipe-fitting with four branches the axes of which usually form’s right angle., Not parallel; lying or falling athwart; transverse; oblique; intersecting., Not accordant with what is wished or expected; interrupting; adverse; contrary; thwarting; perverse., Characterized by, or in a state of, peevishness, fretfulness, or ill humor; as, a cross man or woman., Made in an opposite direction, or an inverse relation; mutually inverse; interchanged; as, cross interrogatories; cross marriages, as when a brother and sister marry persons standing in the same relation to each other., Athwart; across., To put across or athwart; to cause to intersect; as, to cross the arms., To lay or draw something, as a line, across; as, to cross the letter t., To pass from one side to the other of; to pass or move over; to traverse; as, to cross a stream., To pass, as objects going in an opposite direction at the same time., To run counter to; to thwart; to obstruct; to hinder; to clash or interfere with., To interfere and cut off; to debar., To make the sign of the cross upon; — followed by the reflexive pronoun; as, he crossed himself., To cancel by marking crosses on or over, or drawing a line across; to erase; — usually with out, off, or over; as, to cross out a name., To cause to interbreed; — said of different stocks or races; to mix the breed of., To lie or be athwart., To move or pass from one side to the other, or from place to place; to make a transit; as, to cross from New York to Liverpool., To be inconsistent., To interbreed, as races; to mix distinct breeds.
croud noun See Crowd, a violin.
croup noun The hinder part or buttocks of certain quadrupeds, especially of a horse; hence, the place behind the saddle., An inflammatory affection of the larynx or trachea, accompanied by a hoarse, ringing cough and stridulous, difficult breathing; esp., such an affection when associated with the development of a false membrane in the air passages (also called membranous croup). See False croup, under False, and Diphtheria.
crout noun See Sourkrout.
crown of Crow, p. p. of Crow., A wreath or garland, or any ornamental fillet encircling the head, especially as a reward of victory or mark of honorable distinction; hence, anything given on account of, or obtained by, faithful or successful effort; a reward., A royal headdress or cap of sovereignty, worn by emperors, kings, princes, etc., The person entitled to wear a regal or imperial crown; the sovereign; — with the definite article., Imperial or regal power or dominion; sovereignty., Anything which imparts beauty, splendor, honor, dignity, or finish., Highest state; acme; consummation; perfection., The topmost part of anything; the summit., The topmost part of the head (see Illust. of Bird.); that part of the head from which the hair descends toward the sides and back; also, the head or brain., The part of a hat above the brim., The part of a tooth which projects above the gum; also, the top or grinding surface of a tooth., The vertex or top of an arch; — applied generally to about one third of the curve, but in a pointed arch to the apex only., Same as Corona., That part of an anchor where the arms are joined to the shank., The rounding, or rounded part, of the deck from a level line., The bights formed by the several turns of a cable., The upper range of facets in a rose diamond., The dome of a furnace., The area inclosed between two concentric perimeters., A round spot shaved clean on the top of the head, as a mark of the clerical state; the tonsure., A size of writing paper. See under Paper., A coin stamped with the image of a crown; hence,a denomination of money; as, the English crown, a silver coin of the value of five shillings sterling, or a little more than $1.20; the Danish or Norwegian crown, a money of account, etc., worth nearly twenty-seven cents., An ornaments or decoration representing a crown; as, the paper is stamped with a crown., To cover, decorate, or invest with a crown; hence, to invest with royal dignity and power., To bestow something upon as a mark of honor, dignity, or recompense; to adorn; to dignify., To form the topmost or finishing part of; to complete; to consummate; to perfect., To cause to round upward; to make anything higher at the middle than at the edges, as the face of a machine pulley., To effect a lodgment upon, as upon the crest of the glacis, or the summit of the breach.
crowd verb t. To push, to press, to shove., To press or drive together; to mass together., To fill by pressing or thronging together; hence, to encumber by excess of numbers or quantity., To press by solicitation; to urge; to dun; hence, to treat discourteously or unreasonably., To press together or collect in numbers; to swarm; to throng., To urge or press forward; to force one’s self; as, a man crowds into a room., A number of things collected or closely pressed together; also, a number of things adjacent to each other., A number of persons congregated or collected into a close body without order; a throng., The lower orders of people; the populace; the vulgar; the rabble; the mob., An ancient instrument of music with six strings; a kind of violin, being the oldest known stringed instrument played with a bow., To play on a crowd; to fiddle.
crows noun pl. A tribe of Indians of the Dakota stock, living in Montana; — also called Upsarokas.
croys noun See Cross, n.
croze noun A cooper’s tool for making the grooves for the heads of casks, etc.; also, the groove itself.
crude superl. In its natural state; not cooked or prepared by fire or heat; undressed; not altered, refined, or prepared for use by any artificial process; raw; as, crude flesh., Unripe; not mature or perfect; immature., Not reduced to order or form; unfinished; not arranged or prepared; ill-considered; immature., Undigested; unconcocted; not brought into a form to give nourishment., Having, or displaying, superficial and undigested knowledge; without culture or profundity; as, a crude reasoner., Harsh and offensive, as a color; tawdry or in bad taste, as a combination of colors, or any design or work of art.
crudy adjective Coagulated., Characterized by crudeness; raw.
cruel noun See Crewel., Disposed to give pain to others; willing or pleased to hurt, torment, or afflict; destitute of sympathetic kindness and pity; savage; inhuman; hard-hearted; merciless., Causing, or fitted to cause, pain, grief, or misery., Attended with cruetly; painful; harsh.
cruet noun A bottle or vessel; esp., a vial or small glass bottle for holding vinegar, oil, pepper, or the like, for the table; a caster., A vessel used to hold wine, oil, or water for the service of the altar.
crull adjective Curly; curled.
crumb noun A small fragment or piece; especially, a small piece of bread or other food, broken or cut off., Fig.: A little; a bit; as, a crumb of comfort., The soft part of bread., To break into crumbs or small pieces with the fingers; as, to crumb bread.
crump adjective Crooked; bent., Hard or crusty; dry baked; as, a crump loaf.
crunk verb i. Alt. of Crunkle
cruor noun The coloring matter of the blood; the clotted portion of coagulated blood, containing the coloring matter; gore.
crura noun pl. See Crus., of Crus
cruse noun A cup or dish., A bottle for holding water, oil, honey, etc.
crush verb t. To press or bruise between two hard bodies; to squeeze, so as to destroy the natural shape or integrity of the parts, or to force together into a mass; as, to crush grapes., To reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding; to comminute; as, to crush quartz., To overwhelm by pressure or weight; to beat or force down, as by an incumbent weight., To oppress or burden grievously., To overcome completely; to subdue totally., To be or become broken down or in, or pressed into a smaller compass, by external weight or force; as, an eggshell crushes easily., A violent collision or compression; a crash; destruction; ruin., Violent pressure, as of a crowd; a crowd which produced uncomfortable pressure; as, a crush at a peception.
crust noun The hard external coat or covering of anything; the hard exterior surface or outer shell; an incrustation; as, a crust of snow., The hard exterior or surface of bread, in distinction from the soft part or crumb; or a piece of bread grown dry or hard., The cover or case of a pie, in distinction from the soft contents., The dough, or mass of doughy paste, cooked with a potpie; — also called dumpling., The exterior portion of the earth, formerly universally supposed to inclose a molten interior., The shell of crabs, lobsters, etc., A hard mass, made up of dried secretions blood, or pus, occurring upon the surface of the body., An incrustation on the interior of wine bottles, the result of the ripening of the wine; a deposit of tartar, etc. See Beeswing., To cover with a crust; to cover or line with an incrustation; to incrust., To gather or contract into a hard crust; to become incrusted.
cruth noun See 4th Crowd.
crwth noun See 4th Crowd.
cries plural of Cry
cryal noun The heron
cryer noun The female of the hawk; a falcon-gentil.
crypt noun A vault wholly or partly under ground; especially, a vault under a church, whether used for burial purposes or for a subterranean chapel or oratory., A simple gland, glandular cavity, or tube; a follicle; as, the crypts of Lieberk/hn, the simple tubular glands of the small intestines.